DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by MamaJoAnna »

I love how he tagged the Instagram for both kids when you know they're either going to just take Ollie or have to leave the movie early because "Finn was just sooo fussy and cranky guys!"

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RIP Dad - 09/30/2017 :angel:
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by onbreak »

Anyone else think it looks like Fin cried himself to sleep in his instastory? Did he put the camera in the cage?
How do they not realize they treat him like a stepchild? #finderella

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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

Does anyone else think that Missy is just repeating history with Finn and that she was the golden child, with Jimmy the scapegoat? The Hollisters do seem highly dismissive of him given he's actually gone on to educate himself more than his babymaking sister.

Makes me so sad for Finn. Of YTers have no problem showing the world things like this, it truly concerns me what they aren't willing to show
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by cat9480 »

Dinner is hard when you’re cooking for a family of four because you have to find something that everyone likes and is healthy and convenient? Ok, Bryan, ok. When do all four of them ever eat the same meal? When do they ever worry about eating healthy? (Is pulled pork saturated in BBQ sauce even healthy? Lol) When has convenient ever NOT meant eating out for these people?

What was Ollie’s “first prank”? Ollie has done pranks many times before, and he is so far beyond not a toddler. At least if they’re going to use clickbait, they could be creative and use something...not completely stupid?

Missy told them they could have one Skittle...they both ate more than one and Missy laughed...and then in the next sentence she told them they would be in “big trouble” if they touched Fred. They have never been in “big trouble” in their lives, and they get away with the little stuff all the time - they KNOW they can do whatever they want and they do. Plus, in the very next clip, the elf is moved up high, so clearly she didn’t even try to teach them to not touch - she just did what was easiest for her. Yeah, it’s just an elf and it’s just for fun, but if she can’t even begin to get her kids to follow simple directions like eating only one candy or not touching something, how is she ever going to stay in control when it really matters? It’s only going to get harder, Missy.

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DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

queentee20 wrote:
HelloSweetie wrote:Does anyone else think that Missy is just repeating history with Finn and that she was the golden child, with Jimmy the scapegoat? The Hollisters do seem highly dismissive of him given he's actually gone on to educate himself more than his babymaking sister.

Makes me so sad for Finn. Of YTers have no problem showing the world things like this, it truly concerns me what they aren't willing to show Image
What’s crazy to me is that parents usually say when their 2nd child is born they instantly love both kids equally, but it’s almost as if they (mainly missy) doesn’t know how to love two kids. I hope what I’m about to say doesn’t offend anyone so be cautious:

I think what happened is they tried so hard for a child and Ollie is their rainbow baby. So getting pregnant a second time wasn’t as special because it didn’t take as much as Ollie did... Ollie is the baby who saved missy and Bryan, any kids after Ollie will never be as special to them because Ollie was their gift from above.

I noticed this is a pattern with YTs who have rainbow babies, the next child is never loved as much...
I had a rainbow, so I get why some people may feel that way, but I still think it's messed up.

I think Ollie is the favourite though because MISSY takes ownership for saving his life, and that makes her special. Finn's birth I feel was the opposite, and I think mistakes were made on her part and that's why she hates to talk about it. She was also a better mom to Ollie when he was a baby, and Missy just chooses to resent Finn instead of acknowledging her own failures and laziness.

Ollie was also the baby that indebted the Hollisters to Missy and established a need for their constant help and presence. Plus he's always been a kid that's easy to occupy with screen time, and that means Missy doesn't have to parent as much. Finn seems more needy and sensitive and wants to be near someone..... apparently that makes him a difficult pain in the ass.
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

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HelloSweetie wrote:
queentee20 wrote:
HelloSweetie wrote:Does anyone else think that Missy is just repeating history with Finn and that she was the golden child, with Jimmy the scapegoat? The Hollisters do seem highly dismissive of him given he's actually gone on to educate himself more than his babymaking sister.

Makes me so sad for Finn. Of YTers have no problem showing the world things like this, it truly concerns me what they aren't willing to show Image
What’s crazy to me is that parents usually say when their 2nd child is born they instantly love both kids equally, but it’s almost as if they (mainly missy) doesn’t know how to love two kids. I hope what I’m about to say doesn’t offend anyone so be cautious:

I think what happened is they tried so hard for a child and Ollie is their rainbow baby. So getting pregnant a second time wasn’t as special because it didn’t take as much as Ollie did... Ollie is the baby who saved missy and Bryan, any kids after Ollie will never be as special to them because Ollie was their gift from above.

I noticed this is a pattern with YTs who have rainbow babies, the next child is never loved as much...
I had a rainbow, so I get why some people may feel that way, but I still think it's messed up.

I think Ollie is the favourite though because MISSY takes ownership for saving his life, and that makes her special. Finn's birth I feel was the opposite, and I think mistakes were made on her part and that's why she hates to talk about it. She was also a better mom to Ollie when he was a baby, and Missy just chooses to resent Finn instead of acknowledging her own failures and laziness.

Ollie was also the baby that indebted the Hollisters to Missy and established a need for their constant help and presence. Plus he's always been a kid that's easy to occupy with screen time, and that means Missy doesn't have to parent as much. Finn seems more needy and sensitive and wants to be near someone..... apparently that makes him a difficult pain in the ass.
They really just should have stopped after Ollie. You are spot on, Missy saved Ollie, Missy knew better than the doctors and Missy was right with Ollie. That makes him #1 in her book, not bc of who he is, but bc his life was saved bc of Missy. Missy is ALWAYS going to be the most important thing to Missy. She favors Ollie bc if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be here. And exactly like you said with Finn, she made mistakes that made things more difficult for her and Finn, she made bad choices and went against what dr's told her, and this time it backfired and she didn't know what was best. Bc she was wrong, Finn has to to suffer. I don't think she was ever bonded to him like she was Ollie, bc she was wrong and she let that get in the way of their relationship. Bryan follows this pattern bc he just wants to please Missy. He will go along with whatever Missy does just bc he longs for her approval so badly.
What you said about Finn being needy also brings up another situation. Missy was always so upset that Ollie was a quick and efficient nurser, and was not one to comfort nurse. Thats all she ever wanted when Ollie was the baby. Finn on the other hand was exactly the kind of nurser that she desperately wanted Ollie to be, BUT bc it was Finn and not Ollie, it annoyed her and she hated every second of it. We never heard her complain about Ollie nursing, other than her wishing he did it more. She couldn't WAIT to get Finn weaned bc he was the comfort nurser. I just have zero clue how she doesn't see the differences that she shows these boys. hell they have video proof!
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

Lol. They've gotten so boring that there isn't even anything worth talking about in them anymore.
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by coolusername1236 »

Was there even a prank?
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by tintin15 »

They really are boring. I haven't been here in a few days because there's just nothing to talk/read about.

Can they have a baby to love if it's a girl/neglect if it's a boy? Give me some excitement :lol:
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by brownprincess93 »

No Missy - Finn did not fall asleep in his clothes last night....I believe he has a mother who's supposed to take care of him and put him to bed every night in his pajama's...sooooo yeah :? Another day of useless Fred footage and spending money on Christmas decor that will be in the trash by New Years! Ewww BryLard has NO NECK!! As usual he's cooking dinner while his "amazing wife" plays on her phone. He does that tickle noise on Finn that all of you love so much hahaha Sooo I'm confused...now that Ollie is 4 going on 5...does the "toddler" title refer to him or Finn? Also...what was the prank?? Please don't tell me it was them being dressed in matching clothes because that happens every single vlog thanks to Grandma Mithy!
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by Theirmom »

Finn hug-attacking Missy, and then slipping in between her and Ollie and tackling her with another hug was freaking adorable. He loves his Mama so much. It makes yesterdays Santa call so much sadder. He adores his parents and they don’t see anything but neediness.
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by coolusername1236 »

Theirmom wrote:Finn hug-attacking Missy, and then slipping in between her and Ollie and tackling her with another hug was freaking adorable. He loves his Mama so much. It makes yesterdays Santa call so much sadder. He adores his parents and they don’t see anything but neediness.
Yep. He's so innocent, and doesn't know they see him as a burden! He must think the way they treat him is NORMAL! Makes me feel even worse. Poor kid.

I just want to hug him.
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by cat9480 »


Ahhhahahahaha! Am I evil for being gleeful about this? Image

I see he’s been busy tweeting celebrities, now that he’s a big Grammy Invitee Image Desperate.


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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by pllfan5 »

Personal but I was just babysitting and the kids I look after LOVE DB (ugh) and one of the kids was watching "A Christmas Break In" and he was very excited to watch it at the beginning. After a while, I noticed he started to look sad and he said: "Why does Fred leave tons of decorations for Ollie and Finn and our elf on the shelf leaves us nothing?" I told him that his elf cares for him just as much as Fred cares for Ollie and Finn, and it's the small little things that his elf does that are special. What a horrible message that B&M are sending to their child audience though...
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by onbreak »

pllfan5 wrote:Personal but I was just babysitting and the kids I look after LOVE DB (ugh) and one of the kids was watching "A Christmas Break In" and he was very excited to watch it at the beginning. After a while, I noticed he started to look sad and he said: "Why does Fred leave tons of decorations for Ollie and Finn and our elf on the shelf leaves us nothing?" I told him that his elf cares for him just as much as Fred cares for Ollie and Finn, and it's the small little things that his elf does that are special. What a horrible message that B&M are sending to their child audience though...
Yes! You handled that better than I would have.

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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by coolusername1236 »

pllfan5 wrote:Personal but I was just babysitting and the kids I look after LOVE DB (ugh) and one of the kids was watching "A Christmas Break In" and he was very excited to watch it at the beginning. After a while, I noticed he started to look sad and he said: "Why does Fred leave tons of decorations for Ollie and Finn and our elf on the shelf leaves us nothing?" I told him that his elf cares for him just as much as Fred cares for Ollie and Finn, and it's the small little things that his elf does that are special. What a horrible message that B&M are sending to their child audience though...
That's a great thing to tell him, especially since it's almost Christmas. B&M just make some kids think their parents (or in this case, elves) don't care about them. There are no real values. That's why their kid is jaded, and the mother doesn't show care to anyone. I don't plan on having a HUGE Christmas this year, but I BET it'll be better than theirs. You know why? Because I have family that I love and care for, and they feel the same towards me. Without that, there is nothing.

I went kind of off topic, sorry! But all I'm saying, is that there is no meaning to their Christmases. It's just another time for them to spoil Ollie, brag about their momey, and leave Finn in a crib until he's 20.

Kids that like them should know Christmas is about loving, and giving to, other people. Not seeing how many presents you can open in a minute. What a shame.
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by lmmomSD »

cat9480 wrote:Image

Ahhhahahahaha! Am I evil for being gleeful about this? Image

I see he’s been busy tweeting celebrities, now that he’s a big Grammy Invitee Image Desperate.


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Bahahaha! I am SO glad he can't go!!! He would have milked it for all it was worth. And that tweet to Britney Spears. "Here's our Christmas tree that I had nothing to do with buying, decorating, or putting up". Remember last year how he was so hopeless trying to help lift the Christmas tree?

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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by francis3125 »

[img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201712 ... c9ff96.jpg[/img][img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201712 ... 1d09ce.jpg[/img]

NOOOOOOOO no more music!!!

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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by MamaJoAnna »

You'd think he would learn after his EP and album both flopped within literally DAYS. But I guess when you have money to blow...
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Re: DailyBotoxAndSpeechRoadblocks part #99

Unread post by cat9480 »

francis3125 wrote:[img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201712 ... c9ff96.jpg[/img][img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201712 ... 1d09ce.jpg[/img]

NOOOOOOOO no more music!!!

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Bryan should consider getting into parodies. I would love to hear the following:

-All I Want for Christmas is Views
-Away in a Crib-Tent
-The Sixty Days of Christmas
-Mimi Got Run Over by a Reindeer
-Thpecial Thnowflake
-(Pay Someone to) Deck the Hall
-Corbin Baby
-It’s the Most Profitable Time of the Year
-Let Cash Flow, Let Cash Flow, Let Cash Flow
-Volvo Ride
-Good King Ollie James

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