Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by AthenaA »

Sneaky_snarky wrote:Not trying to argue or anything as I KNOW Ashley and Tyler are excessive.

But I have 2.5 year olds. They sleep 12 hours at night 8-8. They nap from 1:30 or 2 until 3:30 with no issues. I did have to work hard to get to that stage, but they are happier when they sleep, and it’s ok for them to have that down time. Even if they wake during nap time, they stay in their rooms and read or play with stuffed animals. They need that time to regroup. So, I don’t fault people for their kids sleeping or sleeping until 8.

AGAIN- not arguing. Just providing my experience. I also use room darkening shades. A lot of people do.

But, ashley and tyson are well beyond what is normal, so I’m sure they are pushing it. I know they are. Since their kids aren’t stimulated mentally, they are less likely to even need that much sleep. So, I suspect they are for sure not sleeping that late unless they are up until all hours of the night, which also wouldn’t surprise me.

I just don’t understand how Ashley can never handle them alone. Hell! I have bad days, too. There are days when both of mine are melting down about every little thing. And I might even roll my eyes or pour a glass of wine later. But, I’m home with my kids alone 80% of the time as my husband works a lot. I rarely get a lunch out or time to shop. She gets that all the damn time. Can you imagine how bad she’d be if she really did have them alone all the time? She probably was never capable of that and it seems everyone else knows that.

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Yeah my kids all napped past 2.5 too. They were close to dropping it by three but then they were in preschool a couple of days a week so they would still sometimes sleep on the days home. I am a huge fan of some level of quiet time for young kids in the middle of the day.

And yes it is unfathomable to me that you could count on one hand the number of times she has been alone with her own children. That is so not normal. My husband went overseas to work for a year when my third son was born, I had three kids under six and it was just me. But of course not four two year olds.

If her issue is anxiety and it is so debilitating that she cannot be alone with her children then she should seek some help. But I'm pretty sure her anxiety is more precious princess syndrome.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by donitsandsodas »

donitsandsodas wrote:
AthenaA wrote:
Abbiedownunder wrote:I'm absolutely furious about today's vlog. Do these two honestly have a brain between them. They do not deserve these children and they do not deserve the life they are living. A very dear friend of mine, many years ago, was standing on the kerb waiting to cross the road holding the hand of her little 2 yr old son. A car came speeding down the road and was too close and while turning left (as we do in this crazy country) he missed the corner and caught her son sending him flying through the air and killing him. Look at 8min.35sec. I took in a sharp breath and A$$ley said Oh my gosh and I stupidly thought it was for the same reason. Mine was because the girls crossed the road without even looking for cars and hers was because of how CUTE THEIR SWEATERS WERE!!!!!!!!!

You two are complete imbeciles, no-good grifting assholes who should be asking your KAD to not send any more clothes and get your fucking acts together. Your luck isn't going to last if you keep being so negligent. You're both a few sandwiches short of a picnic and you need a good kick up the arse to make you realise that the house, the makeup, all the trips away are meaningless if you don't have your precious children.

You two fuckers make me sick to my stomach. And how many times have people told you not to put the girls online in diapers because of all the sick fucks out there. Jesus.
I can't watch when they are near roads. Toddlers can bolt so quickly and with four of them it is insanity to not have them holding hands with a parent at all times near cars. This is when they should play the 'we have four two year olds' card. I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends son.
My nephew is 6 and I hold onto him so hard whenever we are in public,that you would think a serial killer was going to pop out of a busy and snatch him.

Dang it, I'm feeling like A$hley and amanda now!!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by CherryBaby »

They don't get to pick their Halloween costumes and they don't get to pick their clothes.

Sure, we did matchy matchy for pictures, special occasions, etc., but on normal days my little boys would want their favorite dinosaur
shirt, or my little girl would want her favorite pink kitty cat jeans, etc. They grew to love certain items, especially if Grandma or Auntie made them or gave them a cute pair of jammies for Christmas. And yes, they always looked adorable.
I think it's borderline cruel to deny them attachments to their own special things. Remember that old worn out pair of tennies that you wouldn't let your mom throw away?
But, nope,for T$A, it's all about the show and money.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

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Another way it's like being in prison - they don't have their own clothes everything is communal property because they have 4 of everything in the same size.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Abbiedownunder »

donitsandsodas wrote:
AthenaA wrote:
Abbiedownunder wrote:I'm absolutely furious about today's vlog. Do these two honestly have a brain between them. They do not deserve these children and they do not deserve the life they are living. A very dear friend of mine, many years ago, was standing on the kerb waiting to cross the road holding the hand of her little 2 yr old son. A car came speeding down the road and was too close and while turning left (as we do in this crazy country) he missed the corner and caught her son sending him flying through the air and killing him. Look at 8min.35sec. I took in a sharp breath and A$$ley said Oh my gosh and I stupidly thought it was for the same reason. Mine was because the girls crossed the road without even looking for cars and hers was because of how CUTE THEIR SWEATERS WERE!!!!!!!!!

You two are complete imbeciles, no-good grifting assholes who should be asking your KAD to not send any more clothes and get your fucking acts together. Your luck isn't going to last if you keep being so negligent. You're both a few sandwiches short of a picnic and you need a good kick up the arse to make you realise that the house, the makeup, all the trips away are meaningless if you don't have your precious children.

You two fuckers make me sick to my stomach. And how many times have people told you not to put the girls online in diapers because of all the sick fucks out there. Jesus.
I can't watch when they are near roads. Toddlers can bolt so quickly and with four of them it is insanity to not have them holding hands with a parent at all times near cars. This is when they should play the 'we have four two year olds' card. I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends son.
My nephew is 6 and I hold onto him so hard whenever we are in public,that you would think a serial killer was going to pop out of a busy and snatch him.

My son and I went out for dinner a couple of years ago when he was visiting Australia. We went to cross the road and I was being a bit absent minded. I reached out for his hand and he held it and just pissed himself laughing. I don't know what I was thinking but he thought it was hilarious. He's 36!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Krouton »

I just watched the Binghams latest vlog. Sheer boredom, I guess. They are seriously turning into mini=Greedners. Did you know that they have a PO Box? They love to go to the post office. Receiving toys, clothes and candy from God knows who and letting their kids open it and have it, right then. They do make their kids say thank you, but doesn't there come a point when your kids have enough, and maybe you could tell people to donate to less fortunate children? The youngest has a birthday coming up, he wants a bike, a blue bike. Hazel wants a bike too, a pink bike.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Krouton »

I can't watch when they are near roads. Toddlers can bolt so quickly and with four of them it is insanity to not have them holding hands with a parent at all times near cars. This is when they should play the 'we have four two year olds' card. I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends son.[/quote]

My nephew is 6 and I hold onto him so hard whenever we are in public,that you would think a serial killer was going to pop out of a busy and snatch him.[/quote]

My son and I went out for dinner a couple of years ago when he was visiting Australia. We went to cross the road and I was being a bit absent minded. I reached out for his hand and he held it and just pissed himself laughing. I don't know what I was thinking but he thought it was hilarious. He's 36![/quote]
36, lol that's hilarious!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Snarky33 »

As a pediatric nurse, so much these two fools do with their miracles makes me cringe. Today isn’t the first time Mr. Tubby 2x4 had carried one of the girls on his shoulders without holding them. He could trip or the little miracle on his shoulder could loose her balance and fall straight back head first onto the pavement. This could cause serious injury and possibly even death. Do they get that????

The way they run ahead in parking lots or while on walks in the neighborhood also drives me crazy. On one vlog, the girls were running ahead and someone was backing out of their driveway and Ashface stopped filming. Kids get run over all the time because they can’t be seen or because they run out in the street. They should never be allowed to cross the street without holding one of their parent’s hands. If a car is backing out and they tell them to stop, do you think they will always listen??? The really sad thing is that they can’t claim ignorance because they have been warned but obviously just don’t care.

And one more thing, how would those two intellectually challenged like to eat kneeling at the table?? Maybe they should crowdfund for booster seats.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Stellaboo »

I thought you all might find this picture interesting. Here are 7 two year olds sitting at a table eating a snack.
Notice how civilized they all are? Can you even imagine the FF in a class like this? :-o
This is my nephew's class - my sister in law just sent me this picture. My daughter's class has a similar set up.
(They each know where to sit because there is a placemat with their name and picture on it - clever huh?)

I think the reason the Greedners haven't done any live feeds in a while is because they aren't able to edit out the FF's horrible behavior that way. They probably don't want us to witness the shit show that is their life without the ability to hide how truly awful things are.

God, Trashley is such a fucking child! Who the hell spends that much time rolling their eyes and bitching about their own children?
She really doesn't deserve those girls. They would be so much better off without her and Tubby Tyler.

I enjoyed all the shit they got in the YT comments about the girls "never" eating. Even the KAD are smart enough to realize that feeding a kid chips before a meal will ruin it. And yet Dumb and Dumber STILL don't get it. :roll:

As for naps, my 2.5 year old daughter does still sleep for about 2 hours each afternoon.
My nephew usually does 2 and a half hours, but he gets up earlier to commute to school with his mom.
I am surprised that the FF still take naps - why on earth would they be tired? They never really do anything!
And they are locked in their rooms for what, 14 hours each night? I bet the girls don't actually sleep during the afternoon.
The lazy Greedners probably just needs a break from their "miracles" because they can't stand them any more.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by lovethispage »

utahmom wrote:How many times did the one girl lose her boots in the vlog today? If the damn foot wear keeps falling off -- THEY DO NOT FIT! Those idiots have shit for brains.

Two for sure that I remember. It was Indie pretty sure. I can’t remember if it was today’s vlog or ? ASS told Indie (I think) to put her boots on the other side of the gate. So I’m guessing the boots are all the same size so it makes it easy for the ASSWITS to just grab a left and a right boot for each girl with total disregard to it being proper fitting footwear.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by lovethispage »

skipperpt wrote:Any guesses what they will be for Halloween? A$$ said she was having the costumes made for the girls. My guess is zeebas...

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Maybe her and Fatso still have their matching cow outfits and she is having little cow outfits made for the girls and they are going to be “cash cows” for Halloween.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Stellaboo »

lovethispage wrote:
utahmom wrote:How many times did the one girl lose her boots in the vlog today? If the damn foot wear keeps falling off -- THEY DO NOT FIT! Those idiots have shit for brains.

Two for sure that I remember. It was Indie pretty sure. I can’t remember if it was today’s vlog or ? ASS told Indie (I think) to put her boots on the other side of the gate. So I’m guessing the boots are all the same size so it makes it easy for the ASSWITS to just grab a left and a right boot for each girl with total disregard to it being proper fitting footwear.
Yeah, Indie lost her boot twice while they were walking around the neighborhood.
Not only is it ridiculous that the poor kid never gets anything that fits her, but it's dangerous and makes her prone to falling and getting hurt. Not that Trashley cares - as long as they all look the same right? :roll:
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

Merikat wrote:I haven't watched a vlog in a while, but when I did, the girls had blankets over their windows not blackout curtains. If they still do, that's a big problem for me. It's not like the Greedners don't have enough money to buy real curtains. Four pairs of brown boots but blankets used as curtains? Why?
With curtains you can open them to let sunshine and light in; you can even open a curtain to let fresh air in! Not with blankets, tho; at least not easily.
Their rooms are bare (not decorated), dark, and gloomy. Probably cold, too. They are like jail cells (not even counting the tents on the jail cribs!).
Big difference.

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Yes that is what I was saying. She does it the trashy way. Black out curtains are cheap too!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Abbiedownunder »

Stellaboo wrote:
lovethispage wrote:
utahmom wrote:How many times did the one girl lose her boots in the vlog today? If the damn foot wear keeps falling off -- THEY DO NOT FIT! Those idiots have shit for brains.

Two for sure that I remember. It was Indie pretty sure. I can’t remember if it was today’s vlog or ? ASS told Indie (I think) to put her boots on the other side of the gate. So I’m guessing the boots are all the same size so it makes it easy for the ASSWITS to just grab a left and a right boot for each girl with total disregard to it being proper fitting footwear.
Yeah, Indie lost her boot twice while they were walking around the neighborhood.
Not only is it ridiculous that the poor kid never gets anything that fits her, but it's dangerous and makes her prone to falling and getting hurt. Not that Trashley cares - as long as they all look the same right? :roll:
And won't be helping their gait or their feet to grow the right way. I was always told that they needed firm shoes to help growth. My kids wore thongs and sandals as well but on a regular daily basis it was proper shoes.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Stellaboo »

So I skimmed through the vlog. :?

Not only are those sweaters unflattering and dumb looking on the girls, they looked awful with their hair pulled back so tight.
Poor Esme looks just like Chris Farley with her hair like that!

I really don't understand how these girls are almost 3 years old and no one in the family is concerned about how delayed their speech is! When Bison asked them what flavor smoothie they had, Evie yelled "I have green". (There was nothing green anywhere on the cup) And why do they encourage them to pronounce things incorrectly? Scarlett's version of strawberry smoothie sounded like "shabby snooty". If she were about to turn 2 that might be cute. But at her age it's completely fucked up that she can't say the word strawberry. Or smoothie. They also though it was funny that Indie called it a snoopy.

And again on the playground instead of saying "I am Scarlett" she tells Trashley "I Scahlet".
They can't even put sentences together! And no KAD, "I need blue" is not a full sentence.
Those girls are so far behind where an average child their age should be.
Sadly, they don't have much hope of catching up when their mother can't even use the English language properly either.
They other day she said "You girls talk so good!" to them. :shock:

This morning my own 2 year old told me "Mommy, my pink coat is in the car".
She's younger than the quads and has no trouble communicating what she wants or putting multiple words together.
If she pronounces something wrong, I correct her and ask her to say it again the right way. That's how kids learn Greedners!!
And she's not a genius or anything - every kid in her preschool class has the same ability.

Plus, there are SO many programs available if a child is struggling with something like speech or motor skills.
It makes me want to punch something to know that there is help available for the quads, but their moronic parents just can't be bothered to accept the fact that they NEED it! :x

I'm telling you again Gardners - showing the girls doing therapy or other educational activities will bring in a LOT more views and subscribers. No one wants to see you eating, shopping, and laying around any more!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

The list of things Asswipe $ Two Ton Waddlin’ Windbag could do to make their lives so much easier is rather lengthy. They are just too stupid to realize it. With all the advice that has been given and basic common sense it could be a easier and actually fun for them AND the girls could be on the right track health and development wise. But no. These two fucktards are more concerned about proving the “haters” wrong. Why are we haters again? Oh yeah because we offer free, helpful advice to try to help their girls and to make their lives easier. We offer it because we either have been through it or are going through it ourselves. I know sometimes people give unwanted advice - a lot. I get that and I get it can be very annoying. But, sometimes you just have to suck it up, go with the flow, smile & nod and say “thanks, I’ll have to give it a try.” Even if you don’t want to or have no intention of ever doing it. It’s called being an adult. You don’t sit there and do the same thing deliberately over & over, as a big fuck you to people trying to help, then turn around and bitch because it’s so hard and your in over your head. Makes no sense to me but I guess I can’t understand because I didn’t have FTYO’s at once but I did have 4 kids under the age of 4 that I took care of by myself because I was a SAHM.

When my kids were young, I made sure that they had activities that would stimulate them. I was wore out because I was actually a mom and took care of them and the house, shopping, etc. You know, mom and adult stuff. I didn’t lounge on the couch, have sleep ins, a revolving door of babysitters, shopping and going out to eat. These two lazy pieces of shits days are just filled, day after day, eating out, laying around, shopping, pictures, dressing the dolls up and a park here and there. No stimulation, no fun. They have no fucking idea what to do with these girls, how to entertain them, or teach them. This age is so fun and they are missing out on so much. It’s a time they never will be able to get back. Maybe instead of spending so much time doing their hair, which looks God awful, play a fun game, play with play-doh, let them be kids. I guarantee the girls couldn’t give two shits about their hair, clothes or those damn boots. I’ve really never seen anyone so consumed with looks especially at the expense of their children’s health & development and so publicly before. The KAD keep feeding their ego & telling them the girls are so smart, well behaved, and talk so well. Umm...No! Are you watching the Greedners or are you watching the Busbys? If you are watching the Busbys then yes but definitely not the Greedners. It’s funny to watch when the girls act up because I’m thinking to myself “haha! You did this. You raised them. Nobody else’s fault but yours.”

Someone mentioned how their bedrooms aren’t decorated. How sad. When my kids were little their rooms were always decorated even when they were babies until they moved out. Obviously it changed through the years as they aged but it was fun for us and them to be a part of how they wanted it decorated. Whatever they were into. I don’t think Asswipe $ WW even hung anything up in the girls nurseries. I know they were renting but they had other things hung up so they could have if they wanted to. I wonder if their new bedrooms will be plain white with no decorations or color. My kids used to have shelves and a toy box in their rooms for toys. Bet the girls won’t be allowed anything whatsoever.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by lovethispage »

DoodleBop wrote:Didn't they say the girls got up from their nap at 5pm? Maybe they sleep in until 830 because they're going to bed after 9-10pm.

That is absolutely what is probably going on, especially since we’ve seen them still napping at 5 and still sleeping till 8:30-9. That’s been confirmed. They just don’t ever show them going to bed at night and/or they don’t say what time it is at bedtime nor do we see a clock at jammie time. For sure they go to bed that late otherwise why would they be napping so late and getting up so late. The Greedners are up late editing so it only makes sense.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by lovethispage »

I just saw on the news that TyASSon was in Alaska...

There was a 450 pound bearded seal found on an Alaskan runway. I wonder how they moved him...probably used donuts...
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Stellaboo »

lovethispage wrote:I just saw on the news that TyASSon was in Alaska...

There was a 450 pound bearded seal found on an Alaskan runway. I wonder how they moved him...probably used donuts...
:lol: :tu:
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - The Freeloaders (Part 10)

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

lovethispage wrote:
DoodleBop wrote:Didn't they say the girls got up from their nap at 5pm? Maybe they sleep in until 830 because they're going to bed after 9-10pm.

That is absolutely what is probably going on, especially since we’ve seen them still napping at 5 and still sleeping till 8:30-9. That’s been confirmed. They just don’t ever show them going to bed at night and/or they don’t say what time it is at bedtime nor do we see a clock at jammie time. For sure they go to bed that late otherwise why would they be napping so late and getting up so late. The Greedners are up late editing so it only makes sense.
On a live feed when they were cooking dinner just recently they were all still napping and it was past 6pm they thought it was funny
They are in those cribs in the afternoon for a long time. They have said they have 4 hour + naps some days

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