Why does she always crouch down when posing with Bison? Is it to make him appear taller and thinner? See, that diet is working, sissies!
These people crack me up! Father of the year waited sooooo long to be a dad, (almost as long as he waited to marry his child bride.) He worked real hard, too! (Um, explain living with Mimi's and Stage Dad Steve for two years, filing for bankruptcy, partial crowd-sourcing IVF, etc.) Seems to me as though these two have been living off of others for their entire married life.
When Ca$hley was going through the clothes she pointed out how one outfit had a hole in it. They intended on donating that one. How generous! Later, during some rant she said she used HER, not their, hard earned (LOL!) cash to buy those outfits. Never worn velvet pants were up for sale. Um, why not just return them? Didn't she do that with some of their other gifted items?