Sammy16 wrote:I find it kind of manipulative when they say things like "those of you who know us know what we're about" and "I hope you all know me well enough by now..." Like she's using that as some sort of personal connection to keep the blind sheep from turning on them. None of the viewers know them any better than the next one because they spew the same garbage to all of us. The only difference is some of us are just smarter than others when it comes to seeing through the bullshit.
I agree, and whenever she says that, I just think, "oh, we know you real well, A$$ley!" It's definitely a manipulation ploy. You can tell that even though she's terribly un-booksmart, her fighting skills are totally at the top of her game.
I'm kind of guessing she has been so unlikable most of her spoiled little life, that people, either consciously or unconsciously, kind of quarrel with her. When you think about it, whether we want to or not, we kind of size people up when we meet them and then treat them according to how much we respect them. Don't get me wrong, I believe everyone should be treated with the same nonjudgmental kindness, but when you're dealing with someone who thought it appropriate to chase their future (extremely repugnant) husband at age 13, you may, without meaning to, kind of talk down to them or not ask them to engage in deep, philosophical conversations.
So she may just have a chip on her shoulder because Daddy always told her she was the prettiest, most precious thing to ever grace the earth, and people are not treating her accordingly (until the KADs came along.)