Maybe they fell into the window wells!!!!!!PollyKrome wrote:
You can just imagine where the mice are hiding. If there is one, there is more.
Could be chewing into the fiberglass - making a nice little nest. Or the crumb filled pantry. Or the "cold storage". Or the mountain of boxes in the basement. Or the diaper pail - I imagine that would draw a lot of mice. Maybe they fell into the window wells? Or inside the family heirloom piano that gets played once a year and deserves a room and a tree of it's own. Is Lipshit edible? Crawling across the table top that the pastry gets to lick. I bet there are a lot out there in the yard where bz goooooo poddddie.
Mostly I would worry about them climbing into the cages at night.
That poor little mouse, probably just looking for his dead wife.