Spruce wrote:A$$wipe sits on a throne of lies. Who knows what the real story is with anything she says. She and her bison have been caught in multiple lies about many different things over the years. "Handmade items by stay-at-home moms" ring a bell?
Why would anyone believe her at this point? The truth and A$$wipe are not well acquainted. I may be going far out on a limb, but I think it's safe to say those kids will be out of diapers by age 4, and if they're not, the children's pediatrician will certainly be concerned as well as the KADs who think this couple can do no wrong.
I always hesitate posting this when the subject comes up, because I want to spare this child some dignity but since I'm not using any names or photos I will because there is zero chance you will ever know who I mean.
But my nephew is 3 years and 9 months old. He is a freaking genius. And I'm not just saying that because I'm biased. His vocabulary is far beyond that of a normal almost 4 year old. Interestingly, he was evaluated for autism when he was about 2 1/2 because he was almost non verbal. Through a series of tests, the doctor (who is one of the most well respected neuro-developmental psych experts in our large metropolitan area) determined he was definitely not anywhere on the autism spectrum. He was simply not speaking because he didn't need to. His parents anticipated his every need before it arose and gave it to him. They spoke to him, not with him. Etc. Once they realized how to communicate properly, the floodgates opened and that kid wouldn't stop talking!
Anyhow, that's not even what I wanted to say. Just trying to build a picture here.
So, my nephew who is almost 4, is still not potty trained. I think it started because like the GQS, my SIL has addictions to spending money and she refused to stay home with him long enough to do it. Then, I think another part of it is that my SIL just plain old is a brat who refuses to touch bodily fluids such as vomit, diarrhea, etc. Why she is fine to change a diaper and not wipe a butt on a toilet, I have no idea. Then, by the time he hit three, the toddler-tude hit and he just flat out refused to use the toilet. He will tell you straight out that he would rather pee in his diaper than stop playing. And my SIL has anxiety and depression so she doesn't due well when he doesn't do exactly what she says, so she just asks him to do what she knows he will do. By 3 years 3 months, they took him back to the dr again convinced that his lack of potty training meant he has some degree of autism or some other cognitive delay that was causing this lack of ability to train. I already told them it's not his fault, and it is because they're not consistent with trying and if they would just lock themselves in the house for a week and let him run around either with no pants on or just regular underwear that it wouldn't take long before he got so sick of being wet that he'd go to the bathroom when he needed to. I also told them it would mean staying consistent afterward. And of course, this is exactly what the dr said. Again, they confirmed that he shows zero sign of autism or other delays. At 3 1/2, my SIL was away for 4 days, so my brother took the time from work and locked them in the house with enough food/supplies for a few days and forced the training. He hated it at first. Even told him "you can't make me do this, because I refuse to go potty". But by the end of 4 days, he was doing it. Then my SIL came home and refused to keep it up and be sure he got to the toilet every 15-30 minutes for a while to make sure he was really consistently doing it. She put him back in diapers. And he lost all his progress. The only thing that has changed is that she put him in pull-ups. But when your child thinks you use them as a diaper, that does nothing. I keep telling her that she should only use them at night and using real underwear during the day will help. But to be honest, I don't even know if it would at this point. Now they are so upset he won't go to the bathroom that he has yet another appointment with the same dr because they are certain he is on the spectrum. His neurotypical threenager attitude doesn't help with their beliefs either. He is completely normal.
Ok.... I could go on and on. But I won't. That is just my very long winded way of saying pediatricians tend to not be concerned about the kids not being potty trained when it's simply because their parents refuse to do it. A lack of being trained does not automatically mean a cognitive delay. The girls really remind me a lot of my nephew. They don't talk because they have nothing to say. They are handed food and drink all day long and the babysitters only speak AT them, not WITH them. And how can they be potty trained when they aren't actually given an opportunity to?
Since I'm not watching vlogs, I don't know this timing for sure, but it was interesting to read that they "say" they used the potty because I am still watching the Binghams.
Christmas Day, Hazy gets underwear and they all make a big huge deal that she is going to start using the potty like a big girl. Mindy says she knew she was ready to try, because HAZY had been asking for a few days not to wear diapers and to "be a big girl"
Day after Christmas, T$A would see the vlog just like we do.
The day after this, you all start talking about the girls supposedly potty training. Which means it was films the same day T$A would have seen the Binghams vlog. I'm pretty sure someone said they thought they were trying to upstage the bingo. And I agree. With everyone asking about potty training and they know they have the same followers, they HAD to be first and say the girls did it before Hazy or the KAD would start asking questions.
Did they show the pottys at all, without the girlseseses on them? My guess is they were lying. It doesn't take much to get the kids to say what you want at that age. Give them candy and say you are going to go on the big girl potty, and when you start talking about it on camera, they will reply. Ugh. Everyday I dislike them more and more.
Sorry for the book....