Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

procraftinating wrote:In today's vlog Trashley mentions that they have a hidden stash of playdough but they don't get to use it often because Bison hates messes and playdough is too messy for him. Just wow! Because Bison is out on an errand and can't say anything she decides to let them play with playdough, and you can even see how excited the girls are to play with it, and they all sit at the island nicely! That statement seriously pissed me off so much though... your girls need good activities that engage and challenge them, more than just stickers or wandering around kicking toys. And Bison puts his own needs above the girls, not allowing them to ever have playdough because it's too messy in his mind? And again, aside from using Lysol wipes, when have we ever seen that he is soooo clean and organized? He lays on the couch all the time... if anything Trashley is generally the one shown cleaning their house.

That is seriously so selfish and messed up and controlling that they can't play with good things because of Bison's needs! That seriously pisses me off so much! Yeah, four kids can make much more of a mess than 1 or 2 kid, but they really need more challenging activities.

Not to mention the whole problem of playdough being too messy could be solved with better parenting! Put them in older clothes rather than a fancy Gap outfit when they play it. Give them a firm but kind talking to that if they want to play with the playdough they MUST keep it on the table and not carry it away from the table, throw it on the ground, put it in their hair etc. Let them use it anywhere on the surface of the table. Put down a disposable tablecloth that can just be pulled up with all the mess on it at the end. And follow through on the parenting... if the girls break the rules of making a mess with the playdough by throwing it on the ground or trying to take it away from the table or doing anything naughty with it, then there are a few options. You can take the playdough away from them entirely and say "sorry, you didn't follow the rules of keeping the playdough on the table so we can't play with it today. We can try again tomorrow but next time you must keep the playdough off the floor." They will cry and it's not easy to discipline like that but they need consistency to learn. Alternatively to be less harsh you could give them like a 10 minute time out from the playdough, and let the sisters continue with it at that time. Say something like "sorry, you weren't playing with the playdough at the table like I asked. Now you have to take a break from the playdough until you can listen to mom and keep it on the table. You can try again in 10 minutes." That seriously pisses me off so much! Yeah, four kids can make much more of a mess than 1 or 2 kid, bu

He is ticking me off so much more than her. I think the older and more “independent” those girls become (or try to become) the more Buttheaded Scum Daddy will want and try for more and more control. Not that I am a fan of The Clueless Wonder either, but lately she is the better parent in my opinion. She seems so locked into having to “be beautiful” over ANYTHING; like the only way she deserves love is if she’s “so beautiful”. Again, I think she was raised in this very bizarre, odd environment. Mimi doesn’t like the camera and anytime I see her sisters they are made up big time. Perhaps Big Daddy #1 only treated his girls like princesses if they looked the part. Maybe Mimi doesn’t quite fit into his idea of beauty now so he request she be off camera so his Blonde Beauty shines more.

A bit of me feels sorry for Ashley. A BIT. Just think how dependent she must have been and still is on Daddy’s approval. No need to be smart and gain a good education when Daddy will get you whatever you want as long as you are pretty enough to be a model. I mean, how creepy is he? What father has such a huge desire for his baby girl to model that he has her photographed looking like a hoochie...when she’s over 18 and married. I’m surprised Daddy allowed Scum Bag to be around her. I guess he liked something about Tyson’s adoring and drooling over his 13 year old daughter? Disgusting. I will never see what was obviously perfectly fine with her “parents” letting a 19 year old creeper be alone EVER with their 13 year old daughter...unless Big Daddy likes the idea of his daughter being with a fellow creeper who would do anything for her, treat her like a princess if she would always put being “so beautiful” as her first, #1 priority.

I think in Ashley’s never grown up mind she doesn’t think she can do anything on her own, without the approval of her “Daddies”. Sad, in a way. Even more sad, she is allowing and taking part in her daughters being raised with the same thinking. Beauty is FAR more important than smarts. Your beauty can get you a “loving” husband, what will being smart get you? A girl needs a man to be of any good and to get a good man, a girl must be “so beautiful”. Sickening.

I think Scum Bag has been “in control” of everyone in his family (excluding the sister closest to his age whom we never see because she was WISE and moved away from crazy land. I have a feeling she isn’t a vlog every second of your child’s lives and live off them fan. I hope and pray Madison finds that strength to move away from that lunacy as well. All the siblings really. They deserve MUCH MORE than Scum Bag ordering them around. His momma as well.) ever since his dad left. He took control and has never let up. Probably drove his mom’s other husband(s) away.

He reminds me of my fat, lazy, male chauvinistic PIG, lard assed uncle. This man was and is such a pig. Oh yeah, that’s right, he had a job as a carpenter in his own business out of their garage, so he as well “had his own business”. He, as well, laid around on “his” couch all day. His 2 daughters and wife were expected to take care of him and they’d best do as he said, when he said it, by God. Yes, he as well, is a “good, Christian, Godly man”; not JW though. He literally would holler (yell from his lying down position) at one of the girls to stop washing the dishes, come out of the kitchen (where they belonged) and CHANGE THE FREAKIN CHANNEL FOR HIM! They had to click, slowly through channels as he bellowed, “Go. Go. Stop. No, go. Go back. Go. That’s good right there.”; then they must return to the kitchen and their “duties” for him or doing his dishes. Yep. Thank God for dishwashers and remote controls for Ashley and these girls sake. Can you imagine all poor Madison has had to do for that pig, Scum Bag, or his mom? One of his girls lives STATES away and doesn’t communicate much with her parents. The other one faked being pregnant when she was 19 in hopes of getting married (to a fellow idiot) then claiming “miscarriage” JUST TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. She lives a state away and only communicates with her mom, really. Just imagine what will happen to Scum Bags relationship with “his girls”. I hope so much Evie will tell him off and spit in his face on the way out “his” door and the other 3 will follow right behind. Won’t they have lovely stories to share of how living with their “parents” was “SO FUN” and everything was always “SO BEAUTFUL”? I’m sure they will.

I find myself lately really hoping The Clueless Wonder will start to honestly take a look around her and SEE her TRUTH: That she is only as good as how beautiful she is, that her miracle daughters have been, are and will be treated the same, and SHE IS JUST AS GUILTY AT PUSHING “HOW BEAUTIFUL” they are and how much it matters, that her loving Prince Charming is a LAZY, GOOD FOR NOTHING WHO REFUSES TO DO A THING TO HONESTLY PROVIDE FOR OR HELP WITH HER FAMILY, that he is the King of lying on the couch and laying on the couch, showing PERSONAL GARMENTS while claiming to be “so Holy”, going online with young she once was when he fell for her (yuck) and he is honestly not making her happy and fulfilled. I hope she sees SOON she CAN take care of her house (THE GIRLS HOUSE), continue to do well in some area of “beauty care”, send her daughters to school, step up and teach them to be smart, strong women, get them the help they so obviously need, hire a Nanny to help, for Lords sake, if that’s what she feels she needs, STEP UP AND BE A GOOD MOM TO HER GIRLS...She just needs to realize she can do BETTER, if and when she decides to BE A TRUE, HONEST, BETTER person and put those girls first.

Shut the cameras down. Find her privacy and find herself...without Big Daddy and Scum Bag. She has proven she can make money. She still could because Utah “fans” certainly would go to her for whatever she found to do. She needs to look around honestly and see how many of her “friends” or women in general DO NOT NEED THEIR HUSBANDS OR A MAN WITH THEM, HOVERING, STALKING, NEVER LETTING THEM GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT THEM, NEVER OUT OF THEIR SITE; they like their husbands supporting them by working real jobs and cheering them on from the sidelines.

I doubt this will happen though. I so wish this would be the new miracle for those girls and the true beginning of the end of this ridiculous “fairy tale”...and it would happen soon.

I see Clueless getting bored. Trying a new Instagram gig to cheer herself up, but I don’t see it lasting as a long pick me up. She has to be depressed. It’s pretty obvious she isn’t happy...with Scum Bag, not having a life outside of her “family film fest”, with her “miracles”...she seems to feel stuck. She needs to SEE she doesn’t have to live this way. Tell Two Daddies to bite her butt, get out, leave her alone, buckle up and be a good mom for those girls. It’s time to fight for a better life for her girls...than her sad, all about being Daddies princess, beautiful, never had the chance to grow up and figure out who she truly is, living with a lazy creeper, raising wild, ill mannered miracles, sad life.

Dreaming...I know.
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by SezziePieBarleyEvers »

What's a KAD anyway? Kick Ass Dudes? Kids Against Drugs? Kiss A Dick? KADimoto the mighty warrior?
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

Night lady wrote:Tomorrow's vlog should be interesting. Let's see how "advanced" the FF are. LOL
They're taking the FF to their wellness check up at the pediatrician office. How many more Lies will we hear? I'll lose count for sure. Can hardly wait.

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Guessing the TRUTH will not be shared, but we will hear how ahead they are. Seriously, wherever you live, if you hear an explosion at any time tomorrow, it was me, in the middle of this country. My head will have exploded if at any moment a doctor or nurse flippin says ANYTHING which in any manner leads these two doofuses to think their girls are anything but behind and there may be more specified testing on EACH OF THE GIRLS that must be done to get true diagnosis of where they are and what help they may need. If I hear their diet is fine, they communicate well, they are on track “for preemies”, they don’t need potty trained until they are at least 7 and they can stay ZIPPED AND SAFETY PINNED in cages all freakin day until they are at the youngest, 10, the explosion will be ever louder and I will not survive. Seriously, they have to be nervous about this appointment!
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

Laughter6789 wrote:The one day of potty training was most definitely a big "shut the fuck up" to everyone that has asked about it. If it wasn't, they would be doing that whole sitting on the Potts all afternoon and not wearing diapers for as many days needed until the brats were potty trained. Ass's whole "we've been potty training for 6 months" and then later in the vlog she said 8 months, is complete crap. If you have been potty training kids that age for 6-8 months and they have never once pissed on the potty until the other day, well then your kids really have some MAJOR issues and should be evaluated immediately!!! How any of the KADs can believe that they've been doing it for that long and none of the girls never once until 3 days ago actually used the potty is completely beyond me.

Those stupid Greedners are just so ridiculous, I just can't. You'd think they'd be tired of changing diapers on 4 kids that eat like college boys and probably have college boy sized shits. I mean, we know they only change their diapers about once a day but still, can you imagine what comes out of those kids with all the crap that they eat?? Just the thought of it is foul.

Hey fatty and your teenaged daughter, why don't you prove us all wrong and actually take this potty training thing seriously? I promise that if you do, if you just spend the next couple weeks staying home and not putting diapers on your feral children and devote every moment of the day to teaching them to use a potty and not piss and shit in their pants, they will be potty trained before you know it. Oh and giving them a giant ring pop and an entire package of stickers on their first successful use of the potty is just aiding in your failure becasue they will now expect that type of reward every single time they go, better stock up! A smart parent would give ONE sticker or a couple M&Ms. Maybe 2 stickers if they go pee and poop. Or how about a board in which they put each sticker that they get onto it and when the board if full, they get something a bit bigger. This way they actually see their progress and are more motivated to fill up the board becasue they know that if they do, they get a special prize. Can you imagine their disappointment when they don't get a gucky and a whole pack of stickers everytime they take a piss? You two really are the most stupid pieces of shit I've ever seen.
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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Itsjusrme wrote:I love how they designed it with so many windows for natural light and now they’ve covered them up because it’s a fishbowl. I wonder if they’ve had creeper fans looking in windows and doors and so now is why they got the security system the blinds and frosted the front door

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Didn't they say that the glass, at least in the doors, was going to be coated with one-way film? Although it alters color a bit, it does work like a mirror to the outside world during the day; blinds can then cover the windows at night. Perhaps Ashley just assumed that the glass would work like that and finally realizes it does not. It's a shame to cover up such gorgeous views.

Most doctors I know are swamped with flu cases right now, so are handling many things over the phone. It is impossible for us to know if the girls' doctor has been contacted or seen for these illnesses. I hope they are following more than Googled & Grandma's advise.

One of my kids potty-trained himself while coping with an illness because he reached that stage of wanting no one and nothing to touch him, so using the toilet became a great option!
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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What's a KAD anyway? Kick Ass Dudes? Kids Against Drugs? Kiss A Dick? KADimoto the mighty warrior?
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by Night lady »

ItIsSunny wrote:
Itsjusrme wrote:I love how they designed it with so many windows for natural light and now they’ve covered them up because it’s a fishbowl. I wonder if they’ve had creeper fans looking in windows and doors and so now is why they got the security system the blinds and frosted the front door

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Didn't they say that the glass, at least in the doors, was going to be coated with one-way film? Although it alters color a bit, it does work like a mirror to the outside world during the day; blinds can then cover the windows at night. Perhaps Ashley just assumed that the glass would work like that and finally realizes it does not. It's a shame to cover up such gorgeous views.

Most doctors I know are swamped with flu cases right now, so are handling many things over the phone. It is impossible for us to know if the girls' doctor has been contacted or seen for these illnesses. I hope they are following more than Googled & Grandma's advise.

One of my kids potty-trained himself while coping with an illness because he reached that stage of wanting no one and nothing to touch him, so using the toilet became a great option!
They went to the doctor today for their wellness check ups. Assface told us in the vlog. There were also pictures on their IG stories of them at the doctor today.

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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Screech diagnoses her tater tots illnesses.....and, her own. EXCEPT, she did go to the doctor when she had an earache. No pain for the princess!
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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I don't think their doctor (or most doctors, for that matter) allow their discussions with their patients to be video'd. So whatever their doctor says we won't know and the dumbshits will spin it to be whatever they want anyway. They'd be allowed to show their own kids playing in the waiting room, seeing the nurses, getting measured, that kind of stuff, but the nitty gritty discussion with the doc I don't think can be or would be shown. Doctors have to worry about things like malpractice and HIPAA compliance, patient privacy and all the other stuff.
So they'll lie about what is actually happening and what the doctor is saying about the children's development.
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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Night lady wrote:Tomorrow's vlog should be interesting. Let's see how "advanced" the FF are. LOL
They're taking the FF to their wellness check up at the pediatrician office. How many more Lies will we hear? I'll lose count for sure. Can hardly wait.

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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Oh my hell! Those girls now have fevers of 102 and all she can talk about is the extra snuggles. I am floored. She better have taken them into a doctor. She isn’t one! And that is plain negligent.

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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SezziePieBarleyEvers wrote:What's a KAD anyway? Kick Ass Dudes? Kids Against Drugs? Kiss A Dick? KADimoto the mighty warrior?
KoolAid Drinker

Best acronym the snarky sisters have come up with and I love a lot of them.

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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If they don’t play with play doh because TightAss can’t stand the mess, has he been to the basement lately? I don’t have OCD and that basement gives me anxiety. He is such a fibber and that OCD is the worst of them. He pulls that card whenever he wants an excuse but there is NO way that car, that laundry room, those dishes, those piles on their counters, and that basement would pass muster for anyone with even the slightest OCD. So give us a break and let the kids with the play doh.

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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BumblebeeBubbles wrote:Oh my hell! Those girls now have fevers of 102 and all she can talk about is the extra snuggles. I am floored. She better have taken them into a doctor. She isn’t one! And that is plain negligent.

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Fevers bring on convulsions. That will get in more views *shake my damn head*
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

Howlin17 wrote:Screech diagnoses her tater tots illnesses.....and, her own. EXCEPT, she did go to the doctor when she had an earache. No pain for the princess!
I know parents get pretty good at “diagnosing” their kids. I had so many ear infections growing up, my mom could just call the doctor and he’d call in to the pharmacy. But that is NOT what’s going on here. Those girls are really sick. A fever of 102? And that RSV was laughable. I don’t think they have health care which is just abusive with four toddlers. She makes enough. Get on Obamacare and get at least a high deductible plan. Especially with those girls walking all over counters and being put on dad’s shoulders - a broken limb is sure to happen sooner rather than later.

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

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Not sure who came up with it, but Tator Tots almost overcomes KADS in my favorites from this site.

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

DoodleBop2 wrote:I wonder if it's possible for them to build a tolerance and if that would mean if they ever had an allergic reaction a typical dose of Benedryl wouldn't work.

Most cough medication isn't marketed for children under 6 years old. So there is no dose on the box for kids under six. So you have to get a dose based on weight from your child's doctor. There is actually a warning on a lot of the boxes now about stopping medicine abuse. AKA giving your kid medication they don't need to make them sleepy. I've used OTC cold medication before advised by a doctor and they gave the correct dose based on their weight.

I think their cough is probably preemie related lung issues and or asthma. The fact that seem so unconcerned about a cough only that they cannot buy OTC medication to stop it is kind of scary. Most people with a preemie would be off to the doctor - they'd probably benefit from an inhaler but most asthma meds make kids hyper at first - they stop coughing but Dumb and Dumber want their kids sleepy. Nothing says dangerous like making it more difficult for a sleeping child to wake up if they're having trouble breathing, even more so with the cages and nobody checks on them at night.
I agree. Sounds more like an asthma cough. How scary to think they ignore things like this. Asthma can be life threatening. But let’s cover the cough with “cough” medicine, wonder why it isn’t working, then lock them up literally - what else do you call zipping AND SAFETY PINNING your children into their cribs - and listen to them cough themselves to death, seriously, not because “wow, that medicine finally stopped the coughing”, but she stopped coughing because she couldn’t breathe. Idiots.

If this freakin doctor and/or his nurses do not speak the truth tomorrow, we will all confirm the fact this dude is a lunatic just like these girls parents. He has to see how behind they are tomorrow or my head will explode. Surely they will be drugged, so they will be calmer than “normal”. We will certainly hear something to the affect of they didn’t “do well” at the doctor because they are so sick; they just didn’t feel like showing everyone how super smart they are. I can hear it now.

If this doctor does not mention they need to be out of diapers and crib jail soon, they need some specialized testing “just to double check some areas”, they need much healthier food and put on a routine schedule, I will be even more disgusted and SAD for what lies ahead for those little girls. WATCH THE FREAKIN VLOGS, DOC. You will SEE, AS WE ALL DO, the sad, pathetic truth: Their parents wants and needs come first above all, these poor girls are behind in many areas and it’s YOUR JOB to step in and get them what they need...regardless of what that takes.
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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

Donits wrote:
BumblebeeBubbles wrote:Oh my hell! Those girls now have fevers of 102 and all she can talk about is the extra snuggles. I am floored. She better have taken them into a doctor. She isn’t one! And that is plain negligent.

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Fevers bring on convulsions. That will get in more views *shake my damn head*
Sigh. I don’t even question the possibility. I mean they definitely milk their ailments. Drama. Drama. Drama.

“Get a closeup of her super red cheeks, mama, that will have them swooning. We will get tons of wishes and maybe can even get some balloons and bears and presents from the KADS.”

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

I decided to just do a quick google search of 3-year-old milestones. WebMD says these ought to be present by their third birthday or parents should raise a concern with the doctor as their child needs early intervention. I wanted to cry. These girls are so far behind!

“Signs of developmental delay in 3-old children include: Inability to throw a ball overhand, jump in place, or ride a tricycle. Frequent falling and difficulty walking stairs. Inability to hold a crayon between his or her thumb and fingers; has trouble scribbling and cannot copy a circle.”

There’s no way they can copy a circle!

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Re: Greedner Quad Squad: Fake as Flock (part 16)

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

[img]// ... fc4539.jpg[/img]

It goes on, but these are the most startling to me because it’s such a crucial age. And we aren’t talking “being potty trained” but delays in speech and cognitive development. The article goes on to say that the parent should take this list to the doctor and check each one with him/her as they are crucial skills children should have and indicate seriously us delays that need “early intervention.”

Poor girls! They aren’t even close in any of these.

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