Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

OhMyGosh wrote:So technically they aren't really getting a nanny if we will all recognize who it will be. It's really just either a friend of the family or family itself. Which in my opinion is just being nice enough to watch the FF (btw I love the term feral four for the girls). Every time I type the word feral, the next word that comes up on my word predictor on my keyboard is cats. Yes indeed, even my phone knows they are just like feral cats.

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Right. So isn’t this just a babysitter with another name? So they can go out all day (they already go out all night) and feel like “they are with the nanny.” So how are they going to explain to the KADS how the girls have a nanny all day and then Bison’s-Ass go out at night and get a babysitter. How much time are they going to spend with their 3-year-olds?

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

You’re going to love this. Mimi posted on her personal page some things regarding America’s current banning-guns argument (this is not the purpose of this post, so let’s not go there with the political). Anyway, someone commented some well-researched things challenging her thoughts and contradicting her. It was not emotional or name calling, just a different view.

Well it is GONE (the comment) and the commenter later wrote: “I guess you must have deleted my comment because you didn’t like what I had to say?”

I almost bowled over laughing. Mimi is good at that delete key. And we absolutely know that she can’t stand contradictory opinions or anything that might upset her - even when we give Bison’s-Ass evidence that something is wrong with their girls. EVIDENCE! Well, Asswipe gets it honestly. Avoid, avoid, avoid. Bury your head in the sand. Hope your girls outgrow it. They will discipline themselves someday, right? At what age do they put themselves in the corner for time-out?

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

mia wrote:Skimmed through the vlog. WTF? It's the end of February and there is still Valentine's Day footage? Steph and Mindy had valentines for the FF. Of course Ass didn't have any for their girls. Do the Greedners ever do any favors for anyone else? What lazy parents and pathetic friends.

The FF did so well in dance class, sissies! Mae-Mae Pie shoved Esme from behind, toppling her on top of two other girls. Then Grain whacks Esme on the head and in the face with her star wand. Esme tries to retaliate but takes off running to the dance teacher. Grain chases her, whacks her again, then the teacher steps in.

Ass laughs at Esme's fear of the wind. Here's a hint, nitwit, pull the damn jacket hood up!

Poor Esme, playing with toys alone in the corner. Mae-Mae Pie grabs her toy and throws it across the room. Mother of the Year tells her to give Esme her toy back. Not happening, the Pastry finally picks up the toy and throws it again.
I have no evidence of this, but I really think they are vlogging out bits and pieces of other days and trying to get away with it. I also think that’s why the girls have been in the same outfits so often - so they can mix old with new and no one is the wiser.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

CherryBaby wrote:
mia wrote:Skimmed through the vlog. WTF? It's the end of February and there is still Valentine's Day footage? Steph and Mindy had valentines for the FF. Of course Ass didn't have any for their girls. Do the Greedners ever do any favors for anyone else? What lazy parents and pathetic friends.

The FF did so well in dance class, sissies! Mae-Mae Pie shoved Esme from behind, toppling her on top of two other girls. Then Grain whacks Esme on the head and in the face with her star wand. Esme tries to retaliate but takes off running to the dance teacher. Grain chases her, whacks her again, then the teacher steps in.

Ass laughs at Esme's fear of the wind. Here's a hint, nitwit, pull the damn jacket hood up!

Poor Esme, playing with toys alone in the corner. Mae-Mae Pie grabs her toy and throws it across the room. Mother of the Year tells her to give Esme her toy back. Not happening, the Pastry finally picks up the toy and throws it again.

HaHa--Mae-Mae Pie. Perfect, Mia. Anyway, Mae-Mae Pie is not cute at all IMHO. Scarlett and Esme are tolerable but the other two are little brat bullies.
Indie and Esme were always my favorites. Indie used to be so sweet. I think she got to a point where she had to defend herself and learned she could fight back. Now she is a little devil child. Sometimes the looks she gives seem almost soulless.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by SassySassenach »

Tapatalk is being lame & giving me an error when trying to reply.

BumblebeeBumbles in response to your comment:
You can post old stuff on Snapchat, but it will identify it as old. Mine adds a note that’s it’s from my camera roll. I don’t think there’s anyway to hide it

So they used the same exact table dancing video from yesterday again today on IG... guess that’s their oh so mature dig at “the haters”. funny enough, they’re still getting the same comments about safety. Guess what dumbasses... it wasn’t safe yesterday & it’s still not safe today.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

Stellaboo wrote:Hey everyone! I got so bored with these losers that I haven't even thought about them lately.
Every once in a while I check out Fatty's SnapChat, but other than that I've completely lost interest.
The most recent snap I saw has the FF dancing to Thriller in their droopy underwear. Charming. :roll:
Are they still only vlogging once a week now? From the little I've seen it looks like absolutely nothing has changed.

I hope you are all doing well!
It’s really sad when a vlogger becomes so unimportant and predictable that there’s nothing to snark about. But I feel the same way. It’s the same crap, different day. Although I’ve created my own segment to their vlogs. Where in the world is Asswipe? It keeps me entertained.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

Shitstorm Unfolding wrote:
Ebbies turn wrote:
Krouton wrote:I don't think it's Goth Mimi, she is too out of shape to take care of those kids and she doesnt cook or discipline.
I don’t think it’s her either because Tyass said she’d be shown on the vlogs and we all know Mimi isn’t camera friendly unless it’s to show her gross feet. Apparently Pervy Papa never told her she was hot in front of the camera.
Hopefully it is that woman from Supernanny. That is probably the only way these kids stand a chance.
They could make some great commercials to advertise that: “the Supernanny’s biggest challenge yet!” or “The Supernanny finally flees a home in hopelessness. Stay tuned.”

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by AthenaA »

So I watched half of the Bingham blog-the poor girls. They cannot communicate at all. I really did think that the high pitched talking at them was all for show but they must actually talk like that all the time. It makes me really sad.

Also it isn't that hard to do hair, spray water on it and brush it. Put a clip in it if you need to. Honestly.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by Trail3rTrashGard3rs »

OMG OMG OMG Why bother?Utter garbage.Why do you bother putting up insta stories & pics & then use all the same content in a blog.Idiots.I can't believe how many times you prove how pathetic you really are.It's fucking hilarious.Jeeezuuz.The frigid one she seriously needs to just keep her mouth shut.Talk about dumb.So dumb its embarassing.For everyones sake just don't talk you are so uneducated & boy does it shine on through.And what is with the transvestite type make up? Girl yr going to dance class for yr girls.Not some bloody drag queen convention.Hahahaha.Gee yr girls are really nice to one another aren't they?Hahahaha.Pushing one another,hitting one another in dance class.Then they come out of dance class OPEN IT OPEN IT;yelling like the little banshee's they are.Again embarrasment.Oh & I didn't hear any please or thank you? Didn't you just tell us they where saying it all the time? Another lie?Shopping nobody cares to see all the crap food you buy.Yet another fail in the parents department.The frigid one trying to explain about growing a plant?You sounded so dumb I mean really girl.And then yr girls that are so advanced & awesome didn't even know colours.Hahahaha.You 2 should make a fucking comedy.You can call it Dumbo & his frigid wife,How Not To Parent.You are both so uneducated you can't even teach yr girls basic colours,numbers,letters.Maybe watch a few Busby vlogs,their adorable girls are a pleasure to watch & are actually smart with fantastic parents.Who don't feel the need to lock their girls into cribs with a safety pin for hours on end.You & that frigid bitch should be a shamed of yrselves locking yr girls into cribs so they can't get out.Disgracful behaviour.You talk about being people of God.Well let me tell you something. God has & does see everything that you & that frigid thing do.No amount of praying is going to get you or her off the hook.You are both going to pay for all of the lie's,the scheming,the people you have taken advantage of,the people you have ripped off & also the pathetic,disgusting & revolting things that you have both done & subject those 4 girls to.Your so called MIRACLES.So you keep on thinking your above it all.When deep down you know that you are both going to answer for every little thing you have ever done.#Suckstobeyou#Yousuckatlife#Yousuckasparents#Youjustsuck#Sucksbeinguneducated#Suckswhenyourdumb#Suckstobeyou#
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by Howlin17 »

Miss Mountable and Miss Snoopy are pathetic! They pimp their kids out for what? To bask in the glow of the FF? To suck up to Screech? WHY? Is this a Mormon thing? A type of mission or quest? Are the others Mormon, even? Perv and Screech pretend they are.....I just don't get it. They are the worst of the worst of enablers. Poor 3 yr. olds used by every single adult around them. Just unbelievable.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by eskayem »

Jane wrote:Welcome back Peach! Glad you're feeling better!

Seems like they like stir up controversy with their diets and risky stair play, unflattering photos and dancing on tables? If so, what a bizarre endeavor.

Did you guys notice the dancing though? Is it just me or are the arms on the one child, doing most of the dancing, so very stiff? It's the video on instagram here:

I'm not being critical of that little sweet girl at all. I remember people posting here about stiff arms and I couldn't really see it until yesterday's video. Are they hoping she'll grow out of this? Will she? Maybe it's just that she's afraid she'll fall off the table? It's just one of my kids is in dance and we see lots of 3 year olds with the ability to move their arms in all kinds of ways - not just up and down like that. Eskayem, did't you say you have kids in dance too? What do you think? These girls are 3 years, 2 months old now.

My unsolicited advice because I can here! If I were A & T I would add a gymboree or gymnastics class X 2 a week (in addition to their dance) to their protocol pronto! It appears all the confinement to strollers, wagons and being in shoes that aren't designed for mobility may have set them back. I don't even know with the arms - that may be a personal muscle issue that needs some PT?

If they're hiring a nanny that is qualified to deal with preschool development than great, but if this is just a place holder not good at all, imo. Just take them to a preschool that goes outdoors a lot and gets the kids, climbing etc. using all their limbs DAILY!
I'm sorry it took so long Jane. They should have free range of motion with their arms. I know they aren't learning techniques...yet...or if they do they clearly haven't been requested to practice at home, but if they take dance seriously, they will struggle with arm positions, which help with balance.

Peachie, we're all doing pretty good. Life is calm...for now. Had a few bumps, bruises, and a break along the way, but that's normal for us. Well, the breaks aren't, but all is healing nicely.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

BumblebeeBubbles wrote:You’re going to love this. Mimi posted on her personal page some things regarding America’s current banning-guns argument (this is not the purpose of this post, so let’s not go there with the political). Anyway, someone commented some well-researched things challenging her thoughts and contradicting her. It was not emotional or name calling, just a different view.

Well it is GONE (the comment) and the commenter later wrote: “I guess you must have deleted my comment because you didn’t like what I had to say?”

I almost bowled over laughing. Mimi is good at that delete key. And we absolutely know that she can’t stand contradictory opinions or anything that might upset her - even when we give Bison’s-Ass evidence that something is wrong with their girls. EVIDENCE! Well, Asswipe gets it honestly. Avoid, avoid, avoid. Bury your head in the sand. Hope your girls outgrow it. They will discipline themselves someday, right? At what age do they put themselves in the corner for time-out?

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Of course she deleted the comment. That family can not handle people not agreeing with them. If you're going to post about a topic in which people feel very strongly about, such as gun control, you will get responses from people that have different views than you. It just is what it is. Kinda like how if you put your life out there on YouTube, you are also going to get some criticism. Don't like it?? GO AWAY!!!!

Bumble, just out of curiosity, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but what was her stance/thoughts on the gun debate? I don't ask that to get a debate going on here, I am just super curious where she stands on the issue. I kind of have a feeling I know but I'm still curious. Again, I won't be bothered if you choose not to tell me but I'd love you long time if you do!! :D :D :D
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by meatloaf »

First, I think from the live feed he starts talking about because they are preemies they have to eat well. It’s time to STOP using that excuse. I have a granddaughter who WAS a preemie and that reason isn’t used anymore because her parents actually have worked with her and she has moved on from preemie. The FF will be preemies forever.

The grocery shopping. Do you think you got them enough junk food Tubby and Cashley? And hand them a glass jar of peaches. He’s an idiot!

Do the girls have poop on their jammies while dancing on the table?

Did anyone notice that the piano bench is turned over? The four cats in the house must have tried to climb on the piano.

And I’m sick of Indie’s ugly faces!

Why do the girls have plastic knives at Waffle Love? And one of the girls is using it as a folk. Jam that thing up your throat. These parents (and I’m stretchhng It when I refer to them parents) are pure idiots.

How many bikes do these cats need? Don’t they have 3 o 4? Most children are lucky to have one. Those new scooter things aren’t cheap. What the heck?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by Ireallydocare »

donitsandsodas wrote:
pollycracker wrote:
Ireallydocare wrote:Proud to be a Hoosier who happens to think the greedners have totally lost sight of what it means to be parents.
Fellow Hoosier here, and I couldn't agree more Image

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

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Hello my people!! #BoilerUp[/quote]Purdue proud family here!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by Ireallydocare »

Howlin17 wrote:I was born in Lafayette! My daddy, a WW2 vet, is a Purdue grad :)
Once a Boiler, always a Boiler.
I too was born in Lafayette, left the area for 35 years and have returned "home" to Lafayette.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by lmmomSD »

AthenaA wrote:So I watched half of the Bingham blog-the poor girls. They cannot communicate at all. I really did think that the high pitched talking at them was all for show but they must actually talk like that all the time. It makes me really sad.

Also it isn't that hard to do hair, spray water on it and brush it. Put a clip in it if you need to. Honestly.
Oh, yeah-- the girls' hair looked like it hadn't even been brushed, just put into pony tails.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

Well, they aren’t the most miraculous story out there anymore. In Kansas City earlier this week, a momma gave birth to IDENTICAL TRIPLETS. They were conceived NATURALLY! They also have a fourth son who is younger than 2. Sorry Dimwit and Imbicile, your story has been topped! Hopefully (and it’s likely) these new parents will not sell out their miracles lives and very souls (see the girls blank, empty stares while “playing” at Stephanie’s) all so they can become “famous”, start fake “businesses”, become a MLM star by using “fans” being very gullible and making LOADS of money...all off the backs of THEIR CHILDREN. God bless this family in Kansas City. Keep them away from social media “fame”. God, please STOP Dimwit and Imbicle from continuing to hurt their daughters all for the sake of having people who have NO idea who they are truly love their girls to the point of WEIRDNESS and to make money and be “famous”...and stop it soon.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by Ebbies turn »

I’ll bet he’s put on close to 100 pounds since then. Look at what all the shitty food and laying on his fat ass has done to him and he wasn’t small back then either.[img]// ... 272ed8.jpg[/img]
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Part 18

Unread post by 4kkids »

I though the same thing about Tyler. Asswipe looks like a child herself.
Even in his IG post he admits he couldn't handle being in complete control.

Weirdos all the way around.

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