MommaLindsey2 wrote:askeptichere wrote:
In yesterday’s vlog she was at Walmart and bought at least 8 more pairs of shoes.
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Oh I haven’t watched yet. That’s ridiculous. My kids have at most 3 pairs each. I don’t see the point in getting so many when they grow so fast.
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It's for her little "Princess" and it all loads to an exaggerated emotional investment in Gaines and not Brooks (yeah sure, for the show and to convince herself otherwise, she adds 1 pair of shoes for Brooks in the cart as well
). It's becoming ridiculous how much Katie is spoiling Gaines, also emotionally investments-wise, if that is a word
, and the amount of attention Gaines is getting. After watching a vlog around a week ago I got the feeling Katie would be perfectly fine for her and Gaines to live together with just the two of them, like being her fantasy dream deep down. I hate seeing the skewed dynamics that are unfolding stronger and stronger and the split between Katie & Gaines and Cullen & Brooks, that was purely created by Katie.
Also, they are not supporting Brittany's channel on their channel, under featured channels.
Brittany is supporting their channel however.