e+j minions waking up!

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e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by GetYouTubesTied »

You guys, we are living in a historic moment. In March 2018, the Mechams/Hoelleins set out to launch a "clothing line", but what they in fact launched was a storm of backlash from dedicated fans. Comments are flying faster than Jared can press delete, and it's pretty spectacular if you ask me. I propose that we memorialize ongoing fan response here for three reasons:

1. So E+J can't pretend that this response never existed or isn't still happening
2. Because this feels like the very beginning of what might evolve into a mass exodus, which we can continue to chronicle here (however sporadically)
3. It's damn ~fun~ and cathartic to witness minions finally coming to their senses. What's been transparent to us for years is finally evident to many others, and we've earned the right bask in this I-Told-Ya-So™ moment

Note: I realize we already have a Bollie thread. This thread is not specifically about Bollie, but about changing viewer attitudes towards E+J. The Bollie launch may have precipitated the downturn in public opinion, but hopefully the downward trend will outlive Bollie itself (not a tall order at this point).

For starters…

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

I wonder how many of those minions are blocked now and just don’t realize it?

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by GetYouTubesTied »

HelloSweetie wrote:I wonder how many of those minions are blocked now and just don’t realize it?
I thought it was impossible to block YT users?
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by Kylielou »

Oh wow some of those comments are just golden. Thanks for the screenshots and entertaining reading.
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by hellomydolly »

Saw my own comment in those screenshots :) ha ha they are probably deleted now...
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by MandaPanda74 »

Can I add my comment here?
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

MandaPanda74 wrote:Can I add my comment here?
Let someone else post it so you don’t break the rules. Maybe PM it to another poster that frequents this board.

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by MandaPanda74 »

HelloSweetie wrote:I wonder how many of those minions are blocked now and just don’t realize it?

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They blocked me. It's crazy. Go to that video where Bonnie is wearing the robe in the beginning, I believe it's the next days vlog where she's at the warehouse dancing while preparing packages for shipment. At the time I commented 90% were negative. Now all you see are the ones kissing their ass! That's ridiculous!!!!!
I have screen shots but someone in a different thread said it was against the rules to share it so I'm not sure if I can share them. I'm waiting for a response.
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by spooky »

Oh man...I'd forgotten how infuriating the IUI/HCG vlogs were. I'm not sure what vlog it is, but this poster reminded me of one of them where the tech is explaining exactly how ovulation works and what PCOS was and Ellie sat there smacking her gum and said something like "can you say that again, I wasn't listening". Like, hey you numpty, know is the time to pay attention!
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by Scar2016 »

They treat their subscribers like they do their own children. In their eyes the viewers don't need to know jack shit (eg; where the products were made etc) because B&J and E&J are the ones in charge and therefore the viewers should just be obedient and buy buy buy, no questions asked. Because BJEJ know best.

This is coming through clear as day to their viewers now so no wonder so many are pissed off. I don't think BJEJ understand how important it is to handle the crossover between a viewer to a potential customer. Oh well, it's a shit show and it's hilarious and interesting to watch, in equal measure.
I see NapTubers everywhere :coffee:
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by notsarah »

GetYouTubesTied wrote:
HelloSweetie wrote:I wonder how many of those minions are blocked now and just don’t realize it?
I thought it was impossible to block YT users?
I think they can block people from commenting.

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by lmmomSD »

HelloSweetie wrote:I wonder how many of those minions are blocked now and just don’t realize it?

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I love the dawning "Does this mean they delete comments?"
They're waking up. No wonder the comments were always so positive! They deleted the unwanted ones!
I actually feel a little bad for some of these poor disillusioned souls.

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by lmmomSD »

HelloSweetie wrote:[img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201803 ... e0f6e1.jpg[/img][img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201803 ... f2f5bf.jpg[/img]

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That screenshot of Bonnie is particularly unattractive.

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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by WhatTheHelloKitty »

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That screenshot of Bonnie is particularly unattractive.

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That pic of Bonnie is not attractive.

I think that there is a huge difference in the original viewers versus some of the new ones because the new ones weren't there to witness just how much they have changed.

I was an original viewer and I watched it happen. Right from when they started planning the house, buying more and more expensive things, and going to Youtube conferences to talk about monetising channels. I couldn't relate to them and they seemed to become very petty and self-important. I had actually stopped watching all the time by the time they did the IVF giveaway because it had gotten so boring and disingenuous. I just felt that that was about getting attention for themselves (which it did). After the Mother's day incident (which seemed to confirm what I thought about the IVF giveaway) and all of the pregnancy hype (which I felt was purely to get viewership up because the channel was dying), I only started watching every now and again because I felt that they just put anything out there to get money regardless of quality (kinda what I feel Bollie is).
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Re: e+j minions waking up!

Unread post by Bollie_Dollie_4_Life »

*not 100% sure-just my 2 cents*
I have no idea if they can block you from viewing a vlog (why would they though?, they would be taking away a view--money out of their pocket)
BUT I know they can block people from seeing your comments you post b/c it's happened to me on a certain channel I used to watch. I would make a comment and get attacked from the minions defending this particular person. Then something changed and I can still post but NO ONE comments back...............so I think they can just block me from making a comment. BUT when I comment on someone else's comment, people can respond to me so I know they can see that? I'm not sure but I am glad I found this site so I can actually voice my opinion to people who are smart enough to actually see what I see and who are not just sheep following their "leaders" blindly.
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