ineedtosleep wrote:This is a bit of OT, but how typical it is that these American fertile doctors perform IVF with four or more eggs (Osborn quads) or IUI (Scott and Busby quints) with that many follicles? I know quints families got lucky, while Osborns didn't. When I had IVF and had four follicles only we talked about performing IUI instead, but in that case, said my doctor, they needed to empty and eliminate two of the follicles, because four possible babies would have been too much and too risky. I know you don't always see all the follicles in ultrasound, but I haven't ever heard any IUI quints or even quads in here. Also the doctors in here are not allowed to transfer more than two embryos at once to eliminate the risk of triples/quands/quints... it's much safer for the moms and babies.
The Busby Quints were a result of an IUI not IVF. I'm not sure about the Scott Quints as I don't follow them much.