Phil and Alex | Crowdfunding Our Way Through Life | Part 2

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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by Tiger27 »

ashlynxo wrote:This is one of the funniest things I've ever read. What have they done with their non-profit? What have they done with the donations towards the non-profit? They've taken the donations from the non-profit and used them to live off of while doing Youtube and the occasional nursing shift. For Phil and Alex, who claim to be Christians, that is a very un-Christlike thing to do.

Omg!! CATHY!! You are crazy if you think their “work with the non profit” is worthy of any sort of award, let alone the CNN hero award! What the heck?! This non profit fell into the oblivion when the IVF cycles started. What has Phil been doing with all his free time for months?? I’ve yet to even see this non profit come out with a clear point or direction and definitely haven’t seen it accomplish anything other than line Phil and Alex’s pockets.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by Alycat »

Tiger27 wrote:
ashlynxo wrote:This is one of the funniest things I've ever read. What have they done with their non-profit? What have they done with the donations towards the non-profit? They've taken the donations from the non-profit and used them to live off of while doing Youtube and the occasional nursing shift. For Phil and Alex, who claim to be Christians, that is a very un-Christlike thing to do.

Omg!! CATHY!! You are crazy if you think their “work with the non profit” is worthy of any sort of award, let alone the CNN hero award! What the heck?! This non profit fell into the oblivion when the IVF cycles started. What has Phil been doing with all his free time for months?? I’ve yet to even see this non profit come out with a clear point or direction and definitely haven’t seen it accomplish anything other than line Phil and Alex’s pockets.
Seriously though what the heck have they done with the non profit? Have they actually helped anyone? I was blown away when I saw this.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by Veruca_Salt »

Phil made a post on twitter saying something like he was grateful to have watched Alex carry their baby for ten weeks. Baby. Singular. Did he forget that it was “twins”?
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by eab424 »

ashlynxo wrote:This is one of the funniest things I've ever read. What have they done with their non-profit? What have they done with the donations towards the non-profit? They've taken the donations from the non-profit and used them to live off of while doing Youtube and the occasional nursing shift. For Phil and Alex, who claim to be Christians, that is a very un-Christlike thing to do.

[img]<a class="vglnk" href="[/img" rel="nofollow"><span>https</span><span>://</span><span>i</span><span>.</span><span>imgur</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>oKK2mHQ</span><span>.</span><span>png</span><span>[/</span><span>img</span></a>]

They're really humble aren't they? And you are absolutely right there are 16 passages in the Bible about what they can't seem to go a day without doing. Boasting and bragging about themselves. That joke of an organization has yet to do anything for anyone. You know the only reason they retweeted that was because it gives them more attention and gives their moron fans the idea to also write a letter to CNN. I don't think it will fly though. Usually they expect to see the fruit of their work when awarding the CNN hero award. Love multiplies doesn't bare fruit so there's that. I think by retweeting it and having more people email CNN and possibly having CNN notice (they do have 170K subs) CNN will want to see what they've done with their non profit. And it's not even a year old and they do little if anything with it. Who knows maybe cnn's researchers will google their name and find this little goldmine.

Amcco191, yeah twin boys. I'd give these two a pass if Alex weren't an RN. For someone who's been so obsessed with getting/being pregnant since childhood she clearly nows so little about it, working wise. I can't believe their doctor says such ignorant things on camera no less.

I have to wonder if the embryo quit growing at so many weeks would that have an effect on how much Alex would bleed or have pain during the process? I know it will hurt. To me its like she had a missed miscarriage. She stopped progressing with the pregnancy many weeks ago.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by RecklessDisregard »

I think our idea of what a nonprofit ought to do, and P+A's, are radically different. And they apparently have brainwashed some of their viewers, to support their way of thinking.

The purpose of LM was never to provide financial assistance to others. Sure, "someday," when their donors (and/or investors) have contributed more money than P+A need, maybe then. Kind of like the GFMs which state that they will donate any money that exceeds the stated needs/goal, to XYZ research fund. When LM becomes wildly successful, I'm sure they do hazily intend to offer some financial gifts. But that's not the primary, immediate goal of their "charity."

The goal is to support P+A so they are free to "serve" as ambassadors of the "message" (which is that "YOU GUYS, love totally multiples!" ). They want to be the bright, shining light that inspires others to learn about open adoption. They want to be the face(s) of "healthy" (ie straight) families. Phil wants to take his preaching act worldwide, one subscriber at a time. He never "quit preaching" - he just quit doing it at that church's particular location, and stopped collecting a steady paycheck for it. The donations are meant to allow him/them to spread the "message" and "encourage" viewers. Encourage them to do what, you might ask? Well, to move forward with starting families they likely can't afford, to depend on God for miracles, and mostly to either contribute to P+A's "charity" or to support it by telling all their friends about it, posting about it on social media, nominating it for awards, and buying ugly t-shirts featuring their catchphrase and the trendy arrow motif.

The "nonprofit" is meant to support Phil in his endeavors, because he's totally a super inspirational preacher, and obviously he is poised to become the Joel Osteen of terrible family planning, which is clearly something we all want to encourage.

They see it as essentially the same thing as using tithes/offerings to pay for pastors' salaries.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by eab424 »

RecklessDisregard wrote:I think our idea of what a nonprofit ought to do, and P+A's, are radically different. And they apparently have brainwashed some of their viewers, to support their way of thinking.

The purpose of LM was never to provide financial assistance to others. Sure, "someday," when their donors (and/or investors) have contributed more money than P+A need, maybe then. Kind of like the GFMs which state that they will donate any money that exceeds the stated needs/goal, to XYZ research fund. When LM becomes wildly successful, I'm sure they do hazily intend to offer some financial gifts. But that's not the primary, immediate goal of their "charity."

The goal is to support P+A so they are free to "serve" as ambassadors of the "message" (which is that "YOU GUYS, love totally multiples!" ). They want to be the bright, shining light that inspires others to learn about open adoption. They want to be the face(s) of "healthy" (ie straight) families. Phil wants to take his preaching act worldwide, one subscriber at a time. He never "quit preaching" - he just quit doing it at that church's particular location, and stopped collecting a steady paycheck for it. The donations are meant to allow him/them to spread the "message" and "encourage" viewers. Encourage them to do what, you might ask? Well, to move forward with starting families they likely can't afford, to depend on God for miracles, and mostly to either contribute to P+A's "charity" or to support it by telling all their friends about it, posting about it on social media, nominating it for awards, and buying ugly t-shirts featuring their catchphrase and the trendy arrow motif.

The "nonprofit" is meant to support Phil in his endeavors, because he's totally a super inspirational preacher, and obviously he is poised to become the Joel Osteen of terrible family planning, which is clearly something we all want to encourage.

They see it as essentially the same thing as using tithes/offerings to pay for pastors' salaries.

They've already let it slip only a portion of the money would go to fund Adoptions, IF treatment, and pregnancy and child loss. Eventually though they won't be able to get away with not helping the people their website claims they want to help.

I'd have more respect if they weren't in such a hurry constantly to do IVF/FET. To me they should've waited to start the process of IVF since at that time (like Kinsley's) they had a crowdfunding campaign going for her adoption. The process of retrieving and freezing eggs for IVF isn't cheap. Neither is adoption.

To me the fact they've had to do so much crowdfunding (going against claims they'd saved 1 income for 2 years) proves they couldn't afford to do any of these things. They try to say their frugle but something just doesn't pass the sniff test. His salary saved or even hers would've paid for both adoptions. Good way to tell if their trying to con people is if their mouth is moving.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by missy777 »

I wish I hadn’t watched them these past few weeks. I just found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant and now I’m super paranoid that all this week after week of scans and drama is going to happen and end up badly. But it was natural so won’t have a scan until 8 -12 weeks :/

I hope my uterus can perform cpr
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by AuntieEm »

missy777 wrote: I hope my uterus can perform cpr
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by melsB405 »

AuntieEm wrote:
missy777 wrote: I hope my uterus can perform cpr
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by cheesecakes »

missy777 wrote:I wish I hadn’t watched them these past few weeks. I just found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant and now I’m super paranoid that all this week after week of scans and drama is going to happen and end up badly. But it was natural so won’t have a scan until 8 -12 weeks :/

I hope my uterus can perform cpr
Congratulations! :D <3
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by toomuchsalt »

Something just doesn't sit right with these two. I don't understand people donating to support their lives/desires when Phil doesn't work and Alex barely works. Then they have a charity that only supports themselves. I don't get how that's a thing???

I also can't stand how preachy they are. Phil needs a swift kick in the throat every time he opens his mouth.

I wish some big scandal would happen and they have to disappear from social media and YouTube. Maybe they can go be missionaries in a remote 3rd world country.

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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by PinkMoscato »

I feel like her miscarrying so quickly is another sign that it was never a “proper” fetus.

I’m worried that the clean eating for 28 days = new transfer in 29 days

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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by marshmallowfluf »

Has she really miscarried already or is that click bait? I really cant stand to watch.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by skiingmama1 »

PinkMoscato wrote:I feel like her miscarrying so quickly is another sign that it was never a “proper” fetus.

I’m worried that the clean eating for 28 days = new transfer in 29 days

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They did say to Dr. Quack that they planned to take a break and go on a vacation. Knowing them maybe the break is really not going to be more than a month or two.... I agree with above PP... HOW DO THESE MINIONS NOT SEE A PROBLEM WITH THEIR FINANCIAL SITUATION?!? Its honesty shocking to me... Christianity is heavily rooted in doing charity work for others but there is a very fine line between accepting charity and taking handouts out of pure laziness (which is what P+A are doing simply put.) Not to mention that they are full time bloggers and they still can’t manage to put out vlogs on time. Alex excused this by saying something along the lines of “this is what works for our family”. I wanted to jump through the screen and say “JUST LIKE NOT WORKING AND TAKING HANDOUTS FROM HARDWORKING PEOPLE IS WHAT WORKS FOR YOUR FAMILY RIGHT?” it’s funny because I guarantee that a lot of their fans are the type to shame Medicaid and welfare users etc yet they fail to realize Phil and Alex are big time manipulative, lazy, moochers who justify their behavior in the name of God, which is actually highly offensive to the Christian faith in my opinion. Also I’ve noticed that not only do they sit around on their ass*s all day but they don’t really seem to be giving back or paying it forward (and no bringing your friends food etc doesn’t count). I’m talking about giving back in your community, join a program for at risk youth, volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen etc. If Phil was truly about spreading his message and “multiplying their love” he’d be doing a lot more than he is.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by sweetener »

marshmallowfluf wrote:Has she really miscarried already or is that click bait? I really cant stand to watch.
She did.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by marshmallowfluf »

olivialinnea101 wrote:
PinkMoscato wrote:I feel like her miscarrying so quickly is another sign that it was never a “proper” fetus.

I’m worried that the clean eating for 28 days = new transfer in 29 days

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They did say to Dr. Quack that they planned to take a break and go on a vacation. Knowing them maybe the break is really not going to be more than a month or two.... I agree with above PP... HOW DO THESE MINIONS NOT SEE A PROBLEM WITH THEIR FINANCIAL SITUATION?!? Its honesty shocking to me... Christianity is heavily rooted in doing charity work for others but there is a very fine line between accepting charity and taking handouts out of pure laziness (which is what P+A are doing simply put.) Not to mention that they are full time bloggers and they still can’t manage to put out vlogs on time. Alex excused this by saying something along the lines of “this is what works for our family”. I wanted to jump through the screen and say “JUST LIKE NOT WORKING AND TAKING HANDOUTS FROM HARDWORKING PEOPLE IS WHAT WORKS FOR YOUR FAMILY RIGHT?” it’s funny because I guarantee that a lot of their fans are the type to shame Medicaid and welfare users etc yet they fail to realize Phil and Alex are big time manipulative, lazy, moochers who justify their behavior in the name of God, which is actually highly offensive to the Christian faith in my opinion. Also I’ve noticed that not only do they sit around on their ass*s all day but they don’t really seem to be giving back or paying it forward (and no bringing your friends food etc doesn’t count). I’m talking about giving back in your community, join a program for at risk youth, volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen etc. If Phil was truly about spreading his message and “multiplying their love” he’d be doing a lot more than he is.
“Let your love multiply” only applies to them having a baby or adopting more babies. They would never multiply their love by showing kindness to other people outside of their immediate group. (Like actual charity work)
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by LanneB »

I skimmed through it because it puts me in a bad mood watching, lol. It wasn't very painful, she says, which is understandable, considering her pregnancy barely developed it would be just like a heavy period. I commented the same on there.
She had identical stuffed rabbits or donkeys or something which her and Phil are cuddling to comfort them as they are about the size of newborns, Alex says. What a load of shit. Still firmly hanging on to the twin fantasy, all those comments with the over 200 likes, about how it couldn't have been a twin pregnancy, have been deleted.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by luci417 »

RecklessDisregard wrote:
luci417 wrote:
I hope no one thinks of me as an asshole because the longest I had to ttc was 11 months but I had a miscarriage (unplanned but wanted) earlier this year and I can empathize there. It really sucks and I feel for anyone who goes through it. That said after six years I'd kind of think they'd be a little more...realistic about things? They know it's unlikely they'll have bio kids but they celebrate every single thing so much so early and get so invested I'm sure it felt like this fully formed child had passed away vs the reality of a failed transfer, early miscarriage etc. I know it will always be painful but they have said they choose to hope and ignore the doctor's warnings and put themselves through so much heartbreak that seems a little unnecessary.
And all that baggage informs my opinion that Phil and Alex are ridiculous. They were blessed with two newborn adoptions. The day Alex said she had delayed an appointment so that she could have a "clear and excited" attitude when she saw "baby" was the biggest eyeroll I've ever had while watching YT vlogs (which is saying a lot). By that point, the embryo had been measuring behind for a long time and everyone here knew the pregnancy wasn't viable. Like I get trying to be positive, but at some point, reality should take over, shouldn't it? They are not Mary and Joseph, and God is not going to give them a miracle. Sorry not sorry.
I just wanted to say I'm so sorry you went through that and thank you for sharing your experience. I also think deciding that you wouldn't be the best candidate for fostering is an extremely selfless decision if that's how you truly feel, and in my mind you did help a child by choosing not to bring them into a situation where they might not get everything they need. I admire you so much for being able to be rational about something that must be painful to you. It's obvious to everyone Alex would have miscarried weeks ago but they chose to delude themselves rather than just face reality and as a result they're heartbroken all over again. Watching Alex convince herself she's still pregnant was so weird and troubling.

ETA: Oh I forgot to say in my original comment I meant the baby was unplanned but wanted, not the miscarriage. I read it back just there and realized it made me sound more than a little cold.
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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by Amelia322 »

She said she could clearly see the yoke sack in the clot? Is that possible? Like you couldn’t even see it on US why would she see it when it came out?

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Re: Phil and Alex Crowdfunding our way through life

Unread post by RecklessDisregard »

Well, grieving the loss of a ~*totally healthy IDENTICAL TWIN*~ pregnancy is a lot better for busine$$ than grieving the loss of a nonviable embryo that her body held onto for ages due to IVF drugs and her own extreme delusional nature. All the better if there are ~*IDENTICAL TWIN*~ visual aids. Heaven forbid they cuddle their actual children for comfort - though, of course, the girls are neither biologically related to them nor ~*IDENTICAL TWINS*~ nor boys.

I once had an incredibly vivid dream about enchiladas from my favorite tex-mex place while pregnant. Does that mean I miscarried enchiladas? NO. This whole ordeal has been so fucking extra. It is tragic enough to miscarry your first pregnancy, which was dearly wanted. Adding layers of special-ness reeks of narcissism.

And yeah, there are so many things they could be doing to "let their love multiply" other than making financially-irresponsible pregnancies the center of their existence. I'm not saying they should "get over" this loss or anything... But, maybe, do something of value to the greater world in the coming days or weeks. By which I do NOT mean preach about their tagline message or cash in on donations for the next embryo transfer. Or even go on vacation - their whole life is a vacation. Some people find it very healing to help others in meaningful ways.

If I were naive, I'd suggest foster care, but of course P+A aren't equipped for that in terms of house/car/actual "caring" personality. They would also never do it because they couldn't claim any glory for it - foster kids can't be included in vlogs or have photos posted to social media. But there are still so many ways to help. I think it might be useful for them (especially Alex) to volunteer in a womens' shelter - to see firsthand how very, very much worse things can get. So many families - with children - are in real and desperate need, today and every day.

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