Foster_Bunnies wrote:First, you took one line, and you are using it out of context. Second, you took other comments, written facetiously, and are using those as if they weren't written in a manner to make a point. A point I might add, that 99% of other readers will have read and understood to be only an illustration of opinion and most certainly NOT a declaration of intent.Marshmelllow wrote:This post was removed by the moderator
Quite frankly, I see huge waving red flags when someone on a snark site is able to quote and recall certain members comments, pull them outa their ass accordingly, and then use them in an attempt to deflect their own crazy onto someone else.
Bitch please, YOUR manifestos are screaming out paranoia, and your inability to grasp basic colloquialisms is downright worrisome.
Come on, Foster_Bunnies, Mimi can’t understand all the big words you used. Have to dumb it down a little.
Seriously, thank you for sticking up for me. I appreciate it. Pretty sad you had to waste time trying to explain that “give me the kids” doesn’t mean I LITERALLY want them. No thank you, I don’t. They have far more issues and needs than I can take care of. I only want them to have the life they deserve and are in NO WAY receiving now. Can you understand that, Mimi, or are you as dense as your off spring? (Hint: Off spring means children. Thought I’d help you out on that one, Mimi. You’ll have to check with Foster_Bunnies for the meanings of all the big words she used in her post.) How weird is it Mimi brought up my wanting to get on a plane and go out there? That was at least 3 or 4 months ago...then I suddenly woke up from that bad dream and posted I in no way would ever go out there to what appears to be Crazyland. Since she apparently takes notes on us jealous haters and what we post, she should have read my reply post where I explained I in NO WAY could ever meet her family. I would want to take those girls and run! (Oops, I did it again. (I think there’s a song there.) I wrote something which made it seem I had the deep desire to steal those girls. Dang it. I need to stop that!) (Hey, Mimi, this is called sarcasm. I am using my mouthiness in my writing as a way to present humor...just thought I’d best explain that.) Now Mimi, it’s time for me to go to bed. My brain is pretty tired after replying to your insanity with my wit and humor. Wit, humor, sarcasm - you might try these characteristics sometime. They are far more fun than being an old, bitter, angry chic who needs to feel fulfilled by “protecting” her poor wittle baby girl from “haters” who don’t appreciate how she shows she loves for her girls by pimping them out for cold, hard cash. Another thing you might at least ponder trying is stepping up and in and fighting to stop your granddaughters lives being pimped out daily by their idiotic, self centered “parents”. Let these little girls grow up in a normal manner, without phones in their faces and their lives out there for the world to see. Let them be kids.