Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part 23

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

They want everyone to believe she met him st 17 and within a few weeks her parents were happy and planning the wedding . Surrrrreeeeee that's the way life works. The story is missing a heap of things I'm sure the main one being with him since she was 13 . Why were they not allowed to marry in a temple. And why he didnt serve a mission

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by mia »

Abbiedownunder wrote:
Where are these 6 other friends that they hung out with all the time now?
Remember this little gem from their old blog?

Monday, April 21, 2008

So we went to leslies birthday on friday night! and wow! that is all i can say! she has some pretty awesome friends! it makes me think of how many "true" friends that i have! i can probably count them all on one hand and still have fingers left over! it makes me want to find some friends that are actually worth my time! most of the friends i have had in the past have stabbed me in the back so hard it still hurts and the others well....lets just say we grew apart and have different interests. i really wish that i had more friends. one of my problems is that all the people that tyson and i are friends with dont like each other so it is hard to get them all together! well sorry for that little bit of a venting session. but back to the point LESLIE HAS AWESOME FRIENDS AND I AM JEALOUS! i wish that steve and amy still lived here! but what do you do? life still has to happen even when we dont want it to! well talk to you all later and i wish good friends on all of you and on me! hehehe
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by lmmomSD »

3momstrong wrote:
3momstrong wrote:Looks like Mr. Mountable’s surprise party was a success. Omgosh! The way Tra$$ley gushed and said “we” you would have thought she planned the party. Truly one of their most nauseating vlogs EVER.

Couple of observations:

[img]// ... 247bf0.png[/img]

1) She was excited to touch Brandon.

[img]// ... b5be54.png[/img]

2) Tyabetes was his usual “fun loving” self. More snarky comments from him aimed at AssWipe at the pool than I could count.

[img]// ... 247043.png[/img]

3) She had to be up front and center. No surprise.

[img]// ... 31cf89.png[/img]

4) Poppa and Monna Bingham as well as Madi were NOT impressed with Screech. They just wanted her to go away.

Really pathetic. No one stood still long enough to acknowledge Ass while she was filming. Everyone walked away ... even AmanDUH. How do they not see it? They really are clueless.

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OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!! Pictures came back! Look quick before they are gone!

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Was that Hazy getting squished between them? You would hope maybe _he_ would know better...

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Morning Glory »

GA Peach: "If you think spoiling makes for happier kids, you haven’t done your research because the statistics I found completely contradict this. A recent article I read pointed to research which shows that the rate of depression, anxiety, and drug addiction in high-school and college students has exploded in the past five years, and many are saying that over-protective parenting and overly lenient school environments are a large part of what’s to blame for this. Turns out, despite all the eye rolling, these kiddos really do feel safe, loved, and worthy when we show them who’s in charge."

Exactly! Discipline helps children to feel secure. I don't know where this weird idea came from that permissiveness = love. Permissiveness is easy, discipline is hard (and tiring, because you have to be persistent, day in, day out. It requires attention, and children thrive on attention.

Thanks for the post, GA Peach.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by silvereyed »

Poor Esme! Last year Buttback dunked her under the water and now Trashley has done the exact same thing because she cared more about holding onto the go pro camera than holding Esme's head above the water. I won't blame her if she is traumatized again.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by silvereyed »

also it's been over a year since the original buttback photo! happy buttversary, snarkers

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by AthenaA »

There is way too much Tyson butt in this thread.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by My806 »

[img]// ... b69976.png[/img]

Was this a joke or does this KAD really think she can blend?

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by 3momstrong »

lmmomSD wrote:
3momstrong wrote:
3momstrong wrote:Looks like Mr. Mountable’s surprise party was a success. Omgosh! The way Tra$$ley gushed and said “we” you would have thought she planned the party. Truly one of their most nauseating vlogs EVER.

Couple of observations:

[img]// ... 247bf0.png[/img]

1) She was excited to touch Brandon.

[img]// ... b5be54.png[/img]

2) Tyabetes was his usual “fun loving” self. More snarky comments from him aimed at AssWipe at the pool than I could count.

[img]// ... 247043.png[/img]

3) She had to be up front and center. No surprise.

[img]// ... 31cf89.png[/img]

4) Poppa and Monna Bingham as well as Madi were NOT impressed with Screech. They just wanted her to go away.

Really pathetic. No one stood still long enough to acknowledge Ass while she was filming. Everyone walked away ... even AmanDUH. How do they not see it? They really are clueless.

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OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!! Pictures came back! Look quick before they are gone!

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Was that Hazy getting squished between them? You would hope maybe _he_ would know better...

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Haha! But no ... it was Indie or Ezzy ... not sure!

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Snarkadoodle Doo »

eskayem wrote:If he had 2 jobs at the time and she had 1, there is no reason they shouid have lived with her parents as long as they did. They easily could have afforded their own place. Sure, to save up money...I get that...BUT they still somehow declared bankruptcy?

Plus it's a little convenient...bankruptcy stays on your record for 7 years and they had infertility for 8. Supposedly anyway. Sounds super fishy.

I'm still surprised they don't post a picture of this ring.
Well, I thought the fact that he kept going on and on about how much time they spent together "with friends" and how she had a job very odd, considering she was a senior in high school. So she had none of her own friends? No way in hell am I buying that none of this happened before she was 17.

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Abbiedownunder »

New vlog. One of these days someone is going to knock her block off for her screeching and yelling. Absolutely no concern for others whatsoever. I wouldn't hesitate to tell her to STFU if I was near her, it drives me crazy.

One good thing out of the vlog, at least the girls look like they enjoyed themselves again. I just wish she would stop telling them they are clever because they are swimming when they are simply floating.

I've never really taken the time to have a good look at Tyler but at the end of the vlog, my god, he really has put on weight. And standing there with a stained t shirt it was pretty revolting. I am never one to usually fat shame someone because you never know their story. However, I do know that Tyler's is pure gluttony so I have no sympathy for him. He'll be lucky to hit 40 the rate he is going. Stuff being around for the girls, gimme another slice of pizza.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by Hoe4Christmas »

i was watching an episode of jon and kate plus 8 when the kids were the quads age and there were rules like not filming in the bedrooms and the kids being allowed to tell the camera to go away. these parents have no regards for their children’s privacy, and these kids are so incredibly delayed compared to the gosselins that i don’t even think they are capable of telling the parents to stop filming. look up the gosselins on youtube and watch a clip and then try to tell me that the gardners are not delayed

also tyson, there becomes a point when it’s too late health wise to turn things around with no other consequences in terms of illness or life expectancy. i think you are surpassing that point with every decision to have junk. do you know that you are feeding your children a horrible diet that will only set them up for obesity, high cholesterol, heart problems, early death, and more? one treat a week or even every few days is one thing but you are treating them MULTIPLE times per day. those poor girls will not even make it to your age at this rate. and you won’t be able to see them graduate, go to uni, get married, have their own kids, ad it will all be your fault! heck, the girls might not even see out these milestones for themselves with what you’re feeding them!

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

Cavmom20 wrote:Ughhh... I'm gonna barf. I've seen at least two KADs tell Tyler he looks like nick lachey in picture that accompanies the proposal blog. Of course he's eating this up. In his dreams!

I can't read the blog for fear I might actually throw up, so sissies tell me, does it seem like the whole story is a made up pile of crap that him and pervo Steve concocted to silence the KADS? if the real story is as romantic and beautiful as all the kads are making it seem, then why did he avoid sharing it like the plague? Certainly not like Tyler to turn down opportunity to be praised and cause old ladies and young girls to cry. I just can't buy it.
It’s all crap. Lies, half truths, lies and most LIES. If she’s 17 in that picture, why does she look like she’s 21”3 or 14 in the other pictures of the two of you you’ve shared? Oh, because she was! And she was hanging on you then you freakin LIER. So you weren’t “a couple then? I tho k your pants are on fire, buddy! One day your LIES WILL COMR BAVK TO BITE YIU IN THR
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

Still can’t understand what the girls are saying 99% of the time. She asked what was their favorite part, 2 said the dog and 2 said slide. The two that said slide, 1 was obviously copying what the 1st one said and the dog part, who the hell knows.

The screeching!!!!! Wow woman, just please shut up!!!! (Asswipe exclamation)

She asks the Waddling Tyler what he’s been doing. He doesn’t say he did a lie feed. He said he was working on the proposal blog. Thought he already had that done and just needed to upload it.

I thought he was going to start working on his health? So let’s have take out pizza for dinner. Were they having company for dinner? If not that’s a lot of pizza just for them.

I still don’t see why they don’t put down the damn camera/phone and just be in the moment with their kids. Also why do they constantly have to film in public places and post it? I get taking pics for your own memories and I know they don’t care about their own children’s privacy but what about other peoples? Some people may not want their faces or bodies shown. They have no idea what someone is going through and they may be in hiding from a dangerous partner or spouse and here are the Greedners posting for so many to see. I’ve unfortunately had a couple of friends who had to go into hiding to get away from their very dangerous and abusive spouses so this is a really important issue to me. It is for their safety and their lives depend on it. These two assholes don’t get it at all because nothing bad happens in fairytale Greedner land.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by 3momstrong »

Hoe4Christmas wrote:i was watching an episode of jon and kate plus 8 when the kids were the quads age and there were rules like not filming in the bedrooms and the kids being allowed to tell the camera to go away. these parents have no regards for their children’s privacy, and these kids are so incredibly delayed compared to the gosselins that i don’t even think they are capable of telling the parents to stop filming. look up the gosselins on youtube and watch a clip and then try to tell me that the gardners are not delayed

also tyson, there becomes a point when it’s too late health wise to turn things around with no other consequences in terms of illness or life expectancy. i think you are surpassing that point with every decision to have junk. do you know that you are feeding your children a horrible diet that will only set them up for obesity, high cholesterol, heart problems, early death, and more? one treat a week or even every few days is one thing but you are treating them MULTIPLE times per day. those poor girls will not even make it to your age at this rate. and you won’t be able to see them graduate, go to uni, get married, have their own kids, ad it will all be your fault! heck, the girls might not even see out these milestones for themselves with what you’re feeding them!

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I feel a bit sorry for him in that there has to be some deep seeded issues which cause him to rely on food for comfort. It’s a shame that he does not seek professional help so he can overcome them. You are right ... he’s not going to be around to see his daughters grow up at the rate he’s going.

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

mia wrote:
Abbiedownunder wrote:
Where are these 6 other friends that they hung out with all the time now?
Remember this little gem from their old blog?

Monday, April 21, 2008

So we went to leslies birthday on friday night! and wow! that is all i can say! she has some pretty awesome friends! it makes me think of how many "true" friends that i have! i can probably count them all on one hand and still have fingers left over! it makes me want to find some friends that are actually worth my time! most of the friends i have had in the past have stabbed me in the back so hard it still hurts and the others well....lets just say we grew apart and have different interests. i really wish that i had more friends. one of my problems is that all the people that tyson and i are friends with dont like each other so it is hard to get them all together! well sorry for that little bit of a venting session. but back to the point LESLIE HAS AWESOME FRIENDS AND I AM JEALOUS! i wish that steve and amy still lived here! but what do you do? life still has to happen even when we dont want it to! well talk to you all later and i wish good friends on all of you and on me! hehehe

Maybe why you have never had any friends or why you don’t have any now friends Asswipe is because you always were and are trying to mount your friends significant other/spouse. Or it’s the screeching. Or it’s how you are so conceited. Or how you constantly have to be center of attention. Or it’s the fact that you went out with a 19 year old when you were 13 and ended up marrying the perv. Or it’s your controlling partner. Or it’s just you. You are not a likable person whatsoever. The only reason Madison and your sister hang with you is because they are family. Otherwise they would have nothing to do with you. The only reason the Binghams hang around you is for the subscribers you sent their way.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by 3momstrong »

3momstrong wrote:
Hoe4Christmas wrote:i was watching an episode of jon and kate plus 8 when the kids were the quads age and there were rules like not filming in the bedrooms and the kids being allowed to tell the camera to go away. these parents have no regards for their children’s privacy, and these kids are so incredibly delayed compared to the gosselins that i don’t even think they are capable of telling the parents to stop filming. look up the gosselins on youtube and watch a clip and then try to tell me that the gardners are not delayed

also tyson, there becomes a point when it’s too late health wise to turn things around with no other consequences in terms of illness or life expectancy. i think you are surpassing that point with every decision to have junk. do you know that you are feeding your children a horrible diet that will only set them up for obesity, high cholesterol, heart problems, early death, and more? one treat a week or even every few days is one thing but you are treating them MULTIPLE times per day. those poor girls will not even make it to your age at this rate. and you won’t be able to see them graduate, go to uni, get married, have their own kids, ad it will all be your fault! heck, the girls might not even see out these milestones for themselves with what you’re feeding them!

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I feel a bit sorry for him in that there has to be some deep seeded issues which cause him to rely on food for comfort. It’s a shame that he does not seek professional help so he can overcome them. You are right ... he’s not going to be around to see his daughters grow up at the rate he’s going.

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Maybe they could work on his other issues as well, such as being a pathological liar and controlling. He’s just a pathetic little man.

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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

I bet part of the appeal is Ashley lost all her school friends. Her friends went on to get a job, going to college, being a typical girl in their late teens early 20s. She got married. They began this hustle to pretend they were actually doing something meaningful with their lives. So her friends were all ones who she met when he had a say in who was her friend and who wasn't or these "friends" were the partners of his friends. So not actually her friends just women who were forced to hang out with her as part of the groups so it wouldn't surprise me if they talked shit about her behind her back she was a little girl pretending to be grown.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by B4bfmmom »

Cavmom20 wrote:Ughhh... I'm gonna barf. I've seen at least two KADs tell Tyler he looks like nick lachey in picture that accompanies the proposal blog. Of course he's eating this up. In his dreams!

I can't read the blog for fear I might actually throw up, so sissies tell me, does it seem like the whole story is a made up pile of crap that him and pervo Steve concocted to silence the KADS? if the real story is as romantic and beautiful as all the kads are making it seem, then why did he avoid sharing it like the plague? Certainly not like Tyler to turn down opportunity to be praised and cause old ladies and young girls to cry. I just can't buy it.
It’s all crap. Lies, half truths, lies and more LIES. If she’s 17 in that picture, why does she look like she’s 13 or 14 in the other pictures of the two of you you’ve shared? Oh, because she was! And she was hanging on you then you freakin LIER. So you weren’t “a couple then? I think your pants are on fire, buddy! One day your LIES WILL COME BACK TO BITE YOU IN THAT TUBBY ASS OF YOURS...AND YOUR 85% FAKE CHILD WIFE WILL PAY AS WELL. Again, this is exactly why SHE NEEDS TO KICK YOU OUT ON YOUR CRAP EATING, LAZY, PERVERTED BOO-TAY! What in the hell did you mean by (ad libbing here) at that moment your love felt like it would last a weekend? A weekend? Really? That’s all? Most people would have written it felt like a lifetime or the moment would never end. Not a weekend. Great writing by the way. I think you should write a book!!! I ACTUALLY, LITERALLY think 2 people might ACTUALLY read it. What a great way for you to add to your work load of 253 jobs! The amazing thing for you is you could ACTUALLY, LITERALLY LIE AND WRITE WHILE LYING DOWN LIKE A SLUG, AS YOU ALWAYS DO! You really do need to search your heart for the truth you proclaim to believe in. Are you seriously this delusional? Is Papa Pervert more or less delusional than you? It’s clear you aren’t capable of coming up with all this blog writing on your own. Does P. P. seriously believe lying will help his “hot” daughter make more money? Does he know how you speak to her? Treat her off camera? I can tell you if my daughter was treated the way you treat your Child Wife, my husband, her father, would not think twice about beating the crap out of your lazy, slimy, good for nothing ass. Guess Papa Pervert is as nuts and slimy as you...and he likes how you talk to young (like at least as young as 9!) girls so they will love you and say what a stud you are...once Child Wife is not home? Does he like young girls as well? He obviously was fine with you drooling all over his 13 year old daughter. Perhaps he likes the despicable pictures you post of the girls for perverts to use for their pleasure. I think the entire lot of you...your family and friends...are disgusting. Not one of you will do what is right for your girls. You are all such disgusting pigs! Oh, and about that group of 6 friends you claim to have hung out with...where are they? Why have your fans not been introduced to them? It’s been 3 1/2 years for most of the followers. I would think if you all were as tight as you claim, we would see them often. I’m guessing most of any friends you claim to have abandoned you once you lived in a basement, went bankrupt, begged people you will never meet to pay for your babies (Go Fund Me)...and the last straw for them was the moment your so called “miracles” were born and the two of you loser, dimwits sold their lives for money and “fame.” You disgusted them as you do most people who know what you are doing is wrong, disgusting and abusive. So go ahead and keep writing your lies. It’s good, hard evidence straight from “you” to be added to the list of blogs and pictures saved, like the ones of a 19 year old creeper hitting on a 13 year old young girl.
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Re: Meet The Gardners....Fake, Fat and The Feral Four | Part

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

The first two pics are what Asswipe posted on her blog about July 4th. She looks about 13 maybe 14 no more than 15 in the 2nd one. The last one is what Waddling Windbag Tyler posted on his BS blog. If they didn’t have contact for, what did he lie and say 3 or 4 years, how does he explain how young she is while hanging all over him? There is no way she is 17 in the first two. So if they didn’t hook up until then how does he explain that? Their time line lies do not add up.
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