Wait a second.
Please tell me that is not what I think it is...Please.
I don't have my glasses on but I can squint well enough to see that today the
24 HOUR BEST FRIEND CHALLENGED LANNINGS HATCHES A MONSTER WHILE TRAPPED IN DEPRAVED MAN'S GROTTO when their best friend TaySwift and the Joker decided to meet up and surprise Moana at the Lanning's chicken coop, but not before Tay-swift laid a MONSTER egg in the Grotto!... who Moana then decided to just "keep it going" and sat on top of on account of having been broody for so long ...AND it took
only two seconds to hatch you guys!! Moana then asked the viewers to "comment below on How that could have happened!?" President Trump responded saying that it had been "the Worlds Fastest Hatched Egg", EVER. "A Beautiful World Record!" Unfortunately it was Michael Jackson's Floating head that popped its way out of the egg while yelling "Stitches are a requirement to be hired on for the next skit!". MJ quickly went after Finn who apparently wasn't ascared because he had confused Michael Jackson's floating head with that of his boozed up mother's freshly botoxed forehead. This is where things get hazy because according to Bryan, who had been out boozing it up the night before, this is where Finn was upper-cutted by his future mentor's forehead, which knocked him to the ground and landed him in the emergency room with a gash in the shape of a single dancing loafer to the chin !
Drama King: any male that makes a big deal over a nonissue.
also any male that never shuts up and always has to be the center of attention.
"Drama Kings and Queens of Idaho"