Bonnie Hoellein: Flying In A Rage Against Those Who Pay My Wage | Part 17

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by onbreak »

That was an awkward moment. I would be so uncomfortable around a vlogger.

So.... could the correct exercises have helped her or was she truly destined.. Directed by God that this liposuction needed to be done?

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by ba1006 »

I got a message from my dear Heavenly Father last night. He told me to get a face lift. I really don't think I need one, but he talked me into it. He also mentioned something about a nose job. Thank you Heavenly Father.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by SunnySide0 »

If she wanted the surgery then she should go for it. If I had the money, I would! But it’s odd how she didn’t show off her new body in the video and seemed quite scared to share the surgery details.

I also find it laughable how Bollie is supposedly catered to women of all sizes (Ellie being one end of the spectrum and Bonnie the other - even though she’s not big in my book) and yet she’s having surgery because she’s so unhappy with her figure.

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by gopedjane »

I'm just going to put it out there that I hope she can get over this and learn to just love herself. Hopefully, this will help with her self image which should help with the decisions she makes. I have struggled with my weight, I've lost as much as 120 lbs on my own, so I know how hard it is but we can all do it, we just need to love ourselves first. A lot of that is just being blunt and honest with yourself and others. Hope she gets there.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by ba1006 »

What bothered me the most is she started off by saying it was necessary surgery to correct medical issues. The fact is she went to a plastic surgeon and had this done to lose weight and probably look more like her sisters. I would have preferred if she was just honest about it. I hope she realizes she has to give up the junk food and continue working out for all this to be successful but I doubt it.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by angelfire89 »

From a comment I saw (was here or instagram, who knows anymore) I don’t think she’s had the tummy tuck yet, that’s why she isn’t showing off her body. She just got the lipo and maybe has to go back for the tummy tuck after some healing time? I don’t know how it all works and I thought they usually do it all at once but maybe because her lipo took so much longer than expected, they didn’t want to keep her under.

They did that on Botched for Tiffany (New York of reality tv fame.)
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by Scar2016 »

angelfire89 wrote:From a comment I saw (was here or instagram, who knows anymore) I don’t think she’s had the tummy tuck yet, that’s why she isn’t showing off her body. She just got the lipo and maybe has to go back for the tummy tuck after some healing time? I don’t know how it all works and I thought they usually do it all at once but maybe because her lipo took so much longer than expected, they didn’t want to keep her under.

They did that on Botched for Tiffany (New York of reality tv fame.)
I agree with this synopsis. She said the surgeon told her if she didn't have lipo then the hernia (lipo) surgery would essentially make her side torso and back fat more pronounced.
I see NapTubers everywhere :coffee:
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by lovingthisforum »

What is strange also is that the doctor had to 'find' a hernia. Believe me, you feel a hernia, however small. Then it's also strange she would have a surgery for a small hernia, especially on her age. I had a large hernia when 36, but the neurologist advised against a surgery because of my young age (after 15 yrs you would have to have it again, etc, and it's not that they truly repair (close) the hernia, but they take it out, causing other back problems). So I'm glad frankly.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by queenc13 »

Kataja wrote:I guess we now know why there was just so many bizarre ''vlogs'' that contained only one scene.

I kind of regret commenting here on her trying to lose weight and then crying about it. Muscle separation a.k.a. Diastasis Recti is no joke guys. Working out might actually make it so much worse. To think that she didn't know that she had it, she probably didn't make sure to do correct exercises for that problem. (Here where I live in northern Europe, hospitals actually raise awareness about Diastasis Recti so that new mothers would know about it and exercise accordingly)

I felt that she was being genuine after a long time but when her parents showed up, it just turned out so weird. Like she kept vlogging and I kind of felt second-hand embarrassment even though they must be used to it already. It was just socially so awkward. Talking to camera and her parents at the same time when they interrupted her on kind of sensitive moment.

About her liposuction. I do not judge her. Good for her. I think the doctor totally sold it to her but that is not her fault. If an authority figure tells her something, she's not the type to look for second opinion (if the first pleases her) or start researching herself. Her not wanting to tell her mom was bit off. I guess, as somebody already stated here, her triangle is square and she still needs to listen to if mommy says no.

Comments here about her being thin for so long that being fat cannot be in her genes. I have a different opinion on that. She never gained weight so this trait would have never showed up before. Now that she has gained the weight, losing it, is problem due to the type of her adipose tissue.
I agree that Diastastis Recti is no joke. I disagree full-heartedly that she did not know about it. OBGYN's are professionals when it comes to DR. She saw and loved the same OB for the last three kids, and he checked her often with Lincoln. She knew she had this, and she could have fixed it with exercise in between each child if she wanted to. She probably didn't know about the hernia, but if that wasn't causing her pain, she likely only found that out by visiting a plastic surgeon for consultation.
Wah wah with the croc tears. If you want plastic surgery, at least own it.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

lovingthisforum wrote:What is strange also is that the doctor had to 'find' a hernia. Believe me, you feel a hernia, however small. Then it's also strange she would have a surgery for a small hernia, especially on her age. I had a large hernia when 36, but the neurologist advised against a surgery because of my young age (after 15 yrs you would have to have it again, etc, and it's not that they truly repair (close) the hernia, but they take it out, causing other back problems). So I'm glad frankly.
Most often they fix the hernia using a mesh. Hernia repair is a completely different surgery than DR repair (Abdominoplasty) and most plastic surgeons don’t even do hernia repairs, general surgeons do. This is why she mentioned she wanted a plastic surgeon to do it.... the doctor that she saw about it wasn’t initially a plastic surgeon.

She wanted plastic surgery plain and simple. That’s a major upgrade surgically speaking, and not a minor thing to sort of “add on” while already under anesthetic. Not to mention, adding 3 hrs extra onto a surgery? That is a complication! Anaesthetic is so hard on your body as is, and adding 3 hrs into a procedure that is already 4 hours or so is a huge deal. Not to mention the cost. Insurance will cover the hernia repair and those anaesthesia costs, but that’s a one hour procedure. The abdominoplasy, lipo and all those associates costs are Bonnie’s to pay. She likely paid $15-20k for that surgery, or she was sponsored and we’ll see more about it later.

Everyone knows I tend to give Bonnie the benefit of the doubt on some things (or I did), but I schedule surgeries, and know that what she said didn’t make sense.

That said, the comments about knowing she had a DR, or having to feel pain from the hernia just aren’t correct. She was justified in having the repairs done if she felt she needed them. Heck she can have all lipo and cosmetic procedures she wants if that’s the road she’s choosing to go down (because now there will absolutely be more), but I have a major problem with her lying about it.

I do believe the surgeon said she had “fibrous” fat or tissue though, because I just don’t think that’s a word Bonnie is likely to know.

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by Mommy359 »

ba1006 wrote:I got a message from my dear Heavenly Father last night. He told me to get a face lift. I really don't think I need one, but he talked me into it. He also mentioned something about a nose job. Thank you Heavenly Father.

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by littlebaby »

When exactly was the surgery..? Bonnie just took her “first official shower” according to her Instagram story but she also said she just got dressed for the first time in two weeks.

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by kiwi »

Working out alone is not going to fix the problem. It’s calories in, calories out. It’s really that simple. Exercise should always be a part of it, but it’s not the main part. You can’t work out consistently, eat like crap and expect the results that you want.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by Vlog4money »

kiwi wrote:Working out alone is not going to fix the problem. It’s calories in, calories out. It’s really that simple. Exercise should always be a part of it, but it’s not the main part. You can’t work out consistently, eat like crap and expect the results that you want.
Bonnie is entitled to do whatever she likes, however, deep down she knows she didn't try to lose the weight. She complained and cried through her workouts and continued to eat crap every chance she got. You can liposuction out the fat, add fake nails and eyelashes, but until she addresses her issues she will never truly be happy.

The old Bonnie is gone and in her place is fake, plastic Bonnie the influencer and content creator. It's sad.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

littlebaby wrote:When exactly was the surgery..? Bonnie just took her “first official shower” according to her Instagram story but she also said she just got dressed for the first time in two weeks.
I think it was just after Labor Day weekend. It looks like they switched from vlogs to pre-recorded stuff around then.

Sidenote: I wonder what she's told Olivia. When my mom had her breasts done I was about 11-12 and really couldn't understand why anyone would do something like that. Of course, I saw my mom post-surgery recovering at home and the pain she was in and the drains, etc. It was quite shocking! Maybe that's one reason Bonnie went to also hide it from the kids.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by ba1006 »

Vlog4money wrote:
kiwi wrote:Working out alone is not going to fix the problem. It’s calories in, calories out. It’s really that simple. Exercise should always be a part of it, but it’s not the main part. You can’t work out consistently, eat like crap and expect the results that you want.
Bonnie is entitled to do whatever she likes, however, deep down she knows she didn't try to lose the weight. She complained and cried through her workouts and continued to eat crap every chance she got. You can liposuction out the fat, add fake nails and eyelashes, but until she addresses her issues she will never truly be happy.

The old Bonnie is gone and in her place is fake, plastic Bonnie the influencer and content creator. It's sad.
You're right. She is never going to be happy. She once mentioned she hates her chin. Will that be next? She is either incredibly narcissistic or incredibly insecure. Either way, she needs help and her lap dog husband only encourages her.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by angelfire89 »

ba1006 wrote:
Vlog4money wrote:
kiwi wrote:Working out alone is not going to fix the problem. It’s calories in, calories out. It’s really that simple. Exercise should always be a part of it, but it’s not the main part. You can’t work out consistently, eat like crap and expect the results that you want.
Bonnie is entitled to do whatever she likes, however, deep down she knows she didn't try to lose the weight. She complained and cried through her workouts and continued to eat crap every chance she got. You can liposuction out the fat, add fake nails and eyelashes, but until she addresses her issues she will never truly be happy.

The old Bonnie is gone and in her place is fake, plastic Bonnie the influencer and content creator. It's sad.
You're right. She is never going to be happy. She once mentioned she hates her chin. Will that be next? She is either incredibly narcissistic or incredibly insecure. Either way, she needs help and her lap dog husband only encourages her.
I thought she actually liked her chin (and her tooth gap/line) cuz they are just like her dad.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by onbreak »

Vlog4money wrote:
kiwi wrote:Working out alone is not going to fix the problem. It’s calories in, calories out. It’s really that simple. Exercise should always be a part of it, but it’s not the main part. You can’t work out consistently, eat like crap and expect the results that you want.
Bonnie is entitled to do whatever she likes, however, deep down she knows she didn't try to lose the weight. She complained and cried through her workouts and continued to eat crap every chance she got. You can liposuction out the fat, add fake nails and eyelashes, but until she addresses her issues she will never truly be happy.

The old Bonnie is gone and in her place is fake, plastic Bonnie the influencer and content creator. It's sad.
Ohhh now shes giving me Marisa tomi in my cousin vinny vibes

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by lmmomSD »

onbreak wrote:
Vlog4money wrote:
kiwi wrote:Working out alone is not going to fix the problem. It’s calories in, calories out. It’s really that simple. Exercise should always be a part of it, but it’s not the main part. You can’t work out consistently, eat like crap and expect the results that you want.
Bonnie is entitled to do whatever she likes, however, deep down she knows she didn't try to lose the weight. She complained and cried through her workouts and continued to eat crap every chance she got. You can liposuction out the fat, add fake nails and eyelashes, but until she addresses her issues she will never truly be happy.

The old Bonnie is gone and in her place is fake, plastic Bonnie the influencer and content creator. It's sad.
Ohhh now shes giving me Marisa tomi in my cousin vinny vibes

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You think I'm hostile now, wait until you see me tonight...

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by onbreak »

lmmomSD wrote:
onbreak wrote:
Vlog4money wrote: Bonnie is entitled to do whatever she likes, however, deep down she knows she didn't try to lose the weight. She complained and cried through her workouts and continued to eat crap every chance she got. You can liposuction out the fat, add fake nails and eyelashes, but until she addresses her issues she will never truly be happy.

The old Bonnie is gone and in her place is fake, plastic Bonnie the influencer and content creator. It's sad.
Ohhh now shes giving me Marisa tomi in my cousin vinny vibes

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You think I'm hostile now, wait until you see me tonight...

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Think her clock will start ticking like this, again? #youtubebabyfixmylife

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