Bonnie Hoellein: Flying In A Rage Against Those Who Pay My Wage | Part 17

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by theyellow_daisy »

Bonnie sounded pain pill loopy in today's vlog.

I'm going to ignore the elephant in the room, and ignore the tears because it makes me sick. But how disgusting is she? Bonnie is going to whine and complain, shed crocodile tears, and then sit and let someone try shoes on her. Then she spends the next few clips squealing about new and expensive shoes. She sure wasn't in too much pain to walk around and try on shoes.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by gopedjane »

GIANT EYEROLL. I can't even hooktube watch anymore. This was such garbage all about how supportive people are being to her. I can't even with the messy hairy, long ass nails, ratty eyelashes, bollie robe and pity party. I've watch so many better representations of plastic surgery recovery on YT.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by ba1006 »

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I'm sick or in pain the last thing I want to do is scare my young children into thinking something is really wrong with me. I put on a fake smile and tell them I'm okay and everything is going to be alright. This woman is so self-centered. I'll bet her mother was the same way growing up. And Joel just needs to stop. Crying and making her his top priority is just obnoxious. She had cosmetic surgery not a heart transplant. They just amaze me every day with their dramatics.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

I find it hard to believe that the kids don’t know what’s going on. Maybe Boston and Lincoln, but not Cody and Olivia. Guaranteed they have heard their mom and dad discuss the surgery. Kids aren’t stupid.

Plus you know, now that it’s on YT, someone at school is 100% going to tell them if they didn’t already know. Bonnie can’t hide it forever.

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by wonderwoman123 »

Ok, I never watch Bonnie anymore and I have never posted here. However, I could not control myself today. This woman is the most narcissistic woman I have ever seen! What is wrong with her? She is putting the emotional health of her children ahead of her constant need for love and attention. You don't put unnecessary worry onto children that do not understand. For the love of God, stop it! Those poor children will have to go through therapy for the rest of their lives with the damage she is doing to them. It it parenting 101. Do not instill worry into your children. That is your job as parents!
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Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

Ellie is the same way with Jackson. She thrives off having his emotional engagement and support. It’s awful. The world revolves around “mother.”

They guaranteed learned it from their mother. That in no way excuses how they treat their children because the pattern of dysfunction will only continue, but it definitely seems as though history is repeating itself. As odious as they now are, Bonnie and Ellie were once the children desperate for attention as their mother talked on the phone to her sisters for hours, and made herself look like a sacrificing goddess for doing even the simplest of things like make lunch, or give up a date night to care for a sick child.

My question is, why is Beau different? I can’t help but wonder if he saw through his mother’s bs given that he picked a wife so different from her....

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

I know we have LDS users here so I won’t link directly, but the ex-Mormon Reddit is full of posters talking about the higher than normal tendency for Mormons to be Narcissists given their belief that God has chosen to bequeath them with wealth and good fortune due to being more worthy. Those interested in exploring the dynamics further may want to check it out. We compete Bonnie, Ellie, etc to other YTers, but really what we see from them in their Narcissim has a lot more to do with their church (and upbringing) than anything YT related. However, perhaps religion as a whole plays a larger role than just LDS given the fall we’ve seen other religious YTers take?

But here is an example of why ex-Mos feel Mormon mothers can be particularly Narcissistic....[img]// ... 8b5f6e.png[/img]

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by jaynshann »

HelloSweetie wrote:Ellie is the same way with Jackson. She thrives off having his emotional engagement and support. It’s awful. The world revolves around “mother.”

They guaranteed learned it from their mother. That in no way excuses how they treat their children because the pattern of dysfunction will only continue, but it definitely seems as though history is repeating itself. As odious as they now are, Bonnie and Ellie were once the children desperate for attention as their mother talked on the phone to her sisters for hours, and made herself look like a sacrificing goddess for doing even the simplest of things like make lunch, or give up a date night to care for a sick child.

My question is, why is Beau different? I can’t help but wonder if he saw through his mother’s bs given that he picked a wife so different from her....

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So so so weird!!! Something felt odd in my body hearing her say “the way these kids have loved me and taken care of me.”
I don’t know l am being gut level honest after 13 (14 if you include my miserable long ass bedrest 1st pregnancy) as a SAHM do you know how often l think about how much “my kids love me” or can care for me.....ummmmm l may have done it more if l hadn’t been all consumed with being 3 kids primary care provider (merely in the sense of hours clocked my hubby is just busy working his ass off to care for they’re other needs $$)
I used to think Joel’s love for B was cute. If l am being honest l had a few times thought “ Gosh l kinda wish my hubby was as overt with his love.” I see it all different’s part of the whole worship Bonnie undertone that their entire family is built on. That whole house spends a massive amount of energy either worshipping, reassuring, or revering Bonnie. She calls every shot and it’s all one big dysfunctional machine where everyone is consumed with Bonnie’s current status, needs, and preferences. Bonnie’s Mom seems the same-l know Ellie is. My hope is in Olivia breaking that cycle-she seems more like a Joel. I guess the fear for her would be marrying a man who displays the narcissistic tendencies which l hate to say can become scarier in the domineering sense. What a mess. Image

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by JVK19 »

Wtf is with your instagram post Bonnie? You are a walking contradiction! How are you promoting #selflove #bodypositivity when you just got Lipo on your arms?! If you truly loved yourself you wouldn't have felt the need to lipo your arms. Notice I'm not including the tummy tuck and hernia surgery in that. Because you do you. Whatever. But there was no reason to get your arms done and then preach self love. I'm so pissed off about this

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by natalka81 »

I don't really have an opinion on Bonnie's decision to have surgery. I don't care if she eats too much or too little. I don't care what she looks like at all and I don't see it as my business whatsoever but WOW, I totally echo the sentiments here: The conversation about the "kidses" reactions to her coming home was so problematic. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by Namm »

I think that mormons are very special but all religion tend to be built on narcissism and worshiping. I was brought up in another religion and I can say that the narcissism is real and justified by many different religious people.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by kathpt »

you got plastic surgery, you're not special. millions of people do it.
what you are is a special kind of an idiot. worrying your kids that have no idea what the fuck is going on with you and then expect them to take care of you????
idiot. idiot. idiot.
if you love your kids that much then you should spare them of any kind of pain. explaining to them what was going to happen to you, and the state you'd be in when you got home is what you should have done. heck, ask your husband to explain it to them. don't leave them in the dark and SCARED SHITLESS that their mom is sick.

she knew it was going to happen and all she wanted was to see that they were worried &then 'love on her'.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

kathpt wrote:you got plastic surgery, you're not special. millions of people do it.
what you are is a special kind of an idiot. worrying your kids that have no idea what the fuck is going on with you and then expect them to take care of you????
idiot. idiot. idiot.

When I was in high school my single mother injured her back and was more or less bedridden for more than a year. I never heard the details of her injury and progress, and she always told us she was getting better, so my brother and I didn’t worry as much. I remember her going away for surgery and coming back completely exhausted because she couldn’t hide the pain anymore. It was frightening! Afterwards she started to heal and her mobility improved, so we all went on with or lives. When I graduated and had to apply for bursaries my aunt wrote a letter talking about that year and all I had been through. To hear my life written down on paper like that, I couldn’t believe how much more serious things were than I had perceived. My mother hid her condition from us and spared me a lot of worry and heartache. I’m so glad she wasn’t like Bonnie or Ellie and fed off our fear and concern. She was stronger and better than that.

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by Catface2 »

I tried to post this earlier but it got stuck in a loop or something, anyway I think she did the religion thing and the weird kind of fat...and all the fake tears because she’s afraid of the ladies in her church being judgmental and snarky toward her for having all this done. I can see this happening in her insecure, devious, narcissistic mind. Sad. She use to be sweet...or so I thought.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by littlebit »

Haven’t watched Bonnie in a long time, used to really like her then fell out of watching. Saw the surgery video. “Weird type of fat” sounds like BS the doctors make up. Whatever makes you feel better, Bonnie. You’re “special.” But what i came here to look for were comments about the kids after watching that follow up video. I could barely watch a minute of it but she literally says Joel told her to wait til the kids went to school to read he comments.... but what does she do? Bawls in the living room while her kids are hanging out. At least for me, it always scared the shit out of me to see my mom cry like that (on the rare occasion it happened). Not to mention basically not telling them what is going on with her. It’s so dysfunctional the way she praises them for helping her. Gave me the ickiest feeling when she was hugging Cody like that after he helped her out of bed. Just weird. Okay, I’m done. Lol

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by Vlog4money »

Those kids will never truly trust Bonnie again. Next time she tells them she is going on a vacation or on a business trip they will worry that she is having another surgery. All surgeries come with risks, why would you keep a medical procedure a secret from your kids and family? Also, it was uncomfortable to watch her talk about their reaction with them in the room. Why make them relive that feeling for vlog content? Bonnie and Joel need to take a step back and honestly look at the mental damage vlogging is causing their children.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by ba1006 »

When I was young, my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She suffered for nearly 3 years with chemo and many surgeries before dying a painful death. She not once complained in those 3 years. Everybody knew how much she was hurting but she put on a brave face for her husband and especially her children. That's what caring mothers do. Bonnie has a little liposuction and maybe a tummy tuck (can't figure out what she actually had done) and she acts like she's dying and needs everybody to cater to her - even the babysitter. She is so full of herself and unfortunately she is surrounded by enablers.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by littlebaby »

Isn’t it common sense and really encouraged to PREPARE your children for things like this? Even Ellie says she likes to frequently talk about upcoming events that she thinks might make the kids nervous or grumpy etc. Before the surgery Bonnie should have just said something vague but informational and age-appropriate like “Daddy and I will be back in a few days and when I come back I will be sore and tired and I need you all to be gentle, but I’ll be okay and you don’t have to worry. Remember when Lincoln got stitches in his head? We had to be gentle with him too, it’s just like that. When we get back we can have a family movie night, game night, picnic, your favorite dinner, etc” just to prepare them for the situation but let them know things will still be normal. Hearing how much Cody bawled broke my heart. I’m still confused about what the two surgeries specifically are but she said she “only wanted to tell them about one” but she clearly didn’t do a good job if that was the reaction and they didn’t actually know at the time that she was going to get it done.

My dad had to get a neck/spine surgery when I was seven because the cartilage between two of his vertebrae had worn down to nothing. He described it to my seven year old self like they’re two cookies that usually have marshmallows between them to cushion them, but now the marshmallow is gone and the cookies are grinding against each other. Now that I’m an adult I’m super impressed with how age appropriate it was and it made me feel A LOT less scared that he had to go to the hospital and come home with electrode things on both sides of his neck. Communication is extremely important for children and Bonnie should know this.

Also not to sound like the biggest vainest most judgmental bitch in the world but I personally wouldn’t get the surgeries done if my face shape was still... representative of my pre-surgery body.

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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by kathpt »

i think she meant the hernia and the belly thing? although i got the idea they did all of them at once...
i was confused by that too.
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Re: Flying in a rage against those who pay my wage | Part 17

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

littlebaby wrote:Isn’t it common sense and really encouraged to PREPARE your children for things like this? Even Ellie says she likes to frequently talk about upcoming events that she thinks might make the kids nervous or grumpy etc.

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I wouldn’t hold Ellie up as a standard for how to properly do things though. She gives her kids far too much information and puts her own anxieties on them. That isn’t ok either.

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