They are scheming and scamming something to get noticed again. They have always posted something about watching conference. Something is up for sure!Meg0707 wrote:I was thinking the same thing! They always show on instagram the conference and then he puts up quotes like they are his own.UnicornSnark wrote:I feel they have always posted before when they were watching conference. He hasn’t even posted a motivational quote yet! It’s strange...SqueakyWheel wrote: Conference yesterday was 10-12 and 2-4 with a women’s meeting for women 8 years old and up from 6-8
Today will be 10-12 and 2-4.
If they actually watched all of it I can see why they wouldn’t vlog (and honestly with young kids watching all of it can be very difficult) but I would be surprised if that is the case. I would guess based on previous behavior they are only staying off social media 1. To make it look like they watched all of the sessions because appearance is everything and 2. To get people asking where they are. More comments, more engagement, more views, more money.
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There is something brewing over there.
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