Haleigh Everts

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by busy_outlandishness »

The LDS church seems to be asking members to do this a lot. I thought they did a social media break like a month ago.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by locobananas »

Anyone see her insta story? I really thought when she said “somethings have come to light recently”, she was gonna say she found out C.J. was cheating.... I wonder what’s going on
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by OneGoodThing »

I thought she was gonna say CJ cheated too. I wonder what's happening. Maybe somebody sent a rude letter to her real address? I know she's given her real address out to strangers online.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by dramallama123 »

What did the message she posted on her instagram stories say? She's gone private on all her SM and it looks like she privatized the last 5 months of YT videos.... Wonder what's going on.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by busy_outlandishness »

She made it sound like someone tracked her down and threatened her family or something??? Its hard to know because she wasn't very clear or specific, but if someone was threatening her or her family thats not okay... Although I really am not sure what that has to do with "some things coming to light recently." My first assumption would also be that CJ cheated. Although if the instagram story is just about someone telling her CJ is cheating than I think it was somewhat misleading and dramatic.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by coldheartedangel »

I checked her YouTube and she only left the videos talking about church issues, even the chiropractor videos are private
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by kikiluvsu »

I love that she told us to get a life when she’s checking a gossip forum about her and taking the time to screenshot it...
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by kikiluvsu »

Hi Haleigh!!! If you don’t like what we have to say, don’t keep coming back to read it!
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by OneGoodThing »

Is she actually having a mental breakdown right now
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by ladiesbenice »

Do you all seriously not have anything better to do with your lives than to waste your time messaging strangers about a stranger? Are you really that insecure or are your lives really that boring? Think about all the things you are saying about someone you don’t even know, and how that reflects upon you. You are the ones acting self righteous and horrible! What kind of example are YOU setting for girls? That it’s okay to gossip and tear others down if they are different than you or have different opinions. You are pathetic. Maybe use some of the time you’ve wasted gossiping online to be a productive kind person in society rather than a bunch of whiny bitches like you complain Haleigh is. Because at this point, you are acting no worse than you claim her or her husband is. It’s okay to disagree, but if you have this big of a problem, don’t follow her. If someone was doing this to you, tearing apart every piece of your life, you would act very differently.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by ladiesbenice »

This is why the world is so messed up. Everyone takes things that people they don’t know say personally. You are causing more hate and spreading more problems when you could be actively cultivating a friendlier world. Instead you hide behind your usernames and fake accounts and tear people down in a society that’s already torn down. You are bullies and we don’t need anymore bullies.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by kikiluvsu »

Hi Haleigh!!
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Youarepathetic »

Wow... you ladies really need to get a grip. Do you honestly have nothing better to do? Lol it’s seriously pathetic. I just made this account because I saw her Instagram stories and there’s a reason why my username is “Youarepathetic”... yes, YOU! She’s right, you ladies are the problem. This poor woman is trying to live her life the best way she knows how and all you can do is sit behind your phones/computers and pick at her life. I suggest you find some hobbies because you all seem like complete trash.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Youarepathetic »

& it’s probably one of you creeps who are causing her to feel threatened. Evidently, you have some sort of weird and crooked interest in her life.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Sadandpathetic »

You ladies should be ASHAMED. I am echoing the above comment from youarepatheric. Y’all are sad and pathetic. You ladies are so rude. I don’t care if you don’t agree with her or if you find her annoying, unfollow her! If your lives are that sad and meaningless that you need to bash a fellow woman then, wow, bless your heart. Pray bless your daughters don’t get treated like how you treat Haleigh. And if you don’t have daughters THANK HEAVENS you don’t have the power to hurt them like you hurt her.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by BarbieGirl4 »

I’m currently loving this thread. There’s a lot I’ve wanted to say about Haleigh but never had anyone to talk to about it, and most of you ladies are taking the words right out of my mouth on how crazy this girl is.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Sarai »

She deleted almost all her followers on ig and changed her bio to “im so sorry I had to remove sharing my life and faith with you”. Over a gossip forum?
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by kikiluvsu »

Sarai wrote:She deleted almost all her followers on ig and changed her bio to “im so sorry I had to remove sharing my life and faith with you”. Over a gossip forum?
It sounded like it was something serious. She said it was more than just the “haters”, but didn’t want to go in to detail. Which begs the question: Was it that serious? Or is she just making up excuses cuz she can’t deal with the hate?
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by locobananas »

Says it’s not “internet hate” that’s getting to her, then calls us the problem... also I can assure y’all that so many of us use this site purely for gossip and entertainment (which I’m sure most of you do in your real lives too), and I personally would never waste the time or energy trying to make someone fear for their life or family. Point blank period. There’s a lot of things I disagree with about her, but that doesn’t mean I would do stuff to harm her family. (If that’s really what’s happening)
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by OneGoodThing »

I wonder if it's actually somebody from their real life, like an ex boyfriend or girlfriend. Texting her saying that they're having an affair with her husband seems like such a weird thing to do. I don't know why somebody would do that just because they don't like her political/religious views.
I think she's been wanting to quit for a while, but kept going because she and CJ "can't" work so they needed the money, and she thrived off of all the praise she got. She's just too insecure to take any criticism against her or her husband, even if it's just "your kid's distracting" or "your husband should respect you regardless of what you look like". She really needs some (non-religious) counseling to help with her self-esteem, but I doubt that will even happen.

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