Haleigh Everts

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:And what video would that be? How is it in any way related to a woman simply vlogging her life and opinions? That girl Haleigh spoke to was beyond relieved and thankful for her conversation with Haleigh. She didn’t know what masterbating was. Poor girl thought she was doing something she wasn’t. How dare you specialize someone trying to get clarification from someone they trust on an anotomical curiosity? Sicko! You have your own slanted projections as per usual.

A video being reported to the Church is very different than the church asking someone to remove their daily life videos. Nice try, but false equivalency. Typical for people who have no real rationality or critical thinking skills, or any real knowledge of how church discipline works.

So you think I’m mean, eh? Welcome to the mirror. Pot, meet kettle. You can dish it but you can’t take it.

Keep victim blaming, hypocrites.
The 'my thoughts on Sam Protect the children video' minute mark 5:08 Haleigh goes into a story about how she questioned a MINOR about masturbation, porn and orgasm, WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF HER PARENTS!!! How the hell do you think that's ok??? What is wrong with you??? That video WAS reported the church, it would make sense that Haleigh took down other videos as well because she lost it over the video being reported.

WHAT SHE DID WAS WRONG AND DISGUSTING, the fact that you defend an adult talking to a minor she doesn't know about masturbation, porn and orgasm with no parental permission or knowledge is really really disturbing. How can you defend such a thing? The VICTIM IS THAT POOR UNDERAGE GIRL
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

You think 4 people out of her friends and 15K followers wouldn’t show up to defend her in the forum? Wow, what genius mathematics and probability skills you have! You must not have anyone who would defend your nasty self in real life.

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:“If it upsets her, she needs to get a life”

As opposed to you, who stalks her every move for the cheap thrill of slander.

Shame the victim for the bullying. It’s a great look.
You have serious problems.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:“If it upsets her, she needs to get a life”

As opposed to you, who stalks her every move for the cheap thrill of slander.

Shame the victim for the bullying. It’s a great look.
Slander? She's lucky it was just the church that video was reported to and not the authorities, pretty sure they wouldn't like a grown woman questioning a minor about porn, masturbation and orgasm without any parental permission - so seedy
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Even if your insane version of events was backed by fact (a minor asked HER the questions, which were followed up before age was even known), it doesn’t change the fact that your comments endangered her whole family. You’re in the wrong. Keep trying to rationalize your disgusting behavior though!
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

“You have serious problems”

Wow, what a riveting, substantive response. You really got me.

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:Even if your insane version of events was backed by fact (a minor asked HER the questions, which were followed up before age was even known), it doesn’t change the fact that your comments endangered her whole family. You’re in the wrong. Keep trying to rationalize your disgusting behavior though!
If a minor asked someone about sex, you don't frigging engage in the conversation because its COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE AND ILLEGAL, what is it exactly that you don't understand about that?? And if your defence is 'haleigh didn't know she was underage until after' well that just don't fly does it - "sorry your honour I didn't know she was 14 before I had sex with her"

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:“You have serious problems”

Wow, what a riveting, substantive response. You really got me.

oh go defend a sexual predator somewhere else, or is this how you get attention online now Haleigh?
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Denial! Ignore the facts all you want, just stay in your bubble of hate and self-delusion. Yes, your multiple comments directly influenced someon me to endanger their family based on YOUR baseless theories and assumptions. You will never own it, but I would never expect otherwise from someone like you who spends their life in gossip forums.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by honeygurl101 »

did someone report haleigh as a sex offender for that video?
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:Denial! Ignore the facts all you want, just stay in your bubble of hate and self-delusion. Yes, your multiple comments directly influenced someon me to endanger their family based on YOUR baseless theories and assumptions. You will never own it, but I would never expect otherwise from someone like you who spends their life in gossip forums.
Multiple? Denial? She spoke with an underage CHILD about PORN, MASTURBATION AND ORGASM, how the hell can you defend that? I haven't done anything to Haleigh.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

honeygurl101 wrote:did someone report haleigh as a sex offender for that video?
I attend an LDS ward every now and then (Im not baptised just investigating for now) and that video WAS discussed in relief society as very inappropriate and damaging to the church's reputation. One of the sister missionaries (here from the US, I'm in Australia) told a mission president in the US she knows about the video, apparently he watched it and was VERY UNIMPRESSED, I don't know what happened after that, that's all I know.

I did agree with the other ladies in relief society that is is very wrong for a temple going adult female member of the LDS church to question a minor about porn, masturbation and orgasm, I did not start the conversation and to my knowledge no one from the ward is on this forum, the video was brought up by one of the mothers because her daughter follows Haleigh and she spoke to her mother about the video. It was strongly suggested that ward members not watch Halieghs videos, one of the mothers saw her 'fake tan tutorial' and the 'swim suit' shopping video and lost it.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by red3head »

How is anything being said here endangering her or her family?

Also, I thought it was recommended that the LDS take a 10 day break off social media???

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Did any of you see Gabrielle Blair’s viral post about birth control? She is an LDS blogger with a way bigger following (blue check mark on Twitter) and her post from a few weeks ago was about “jizz dripping down thighs” being “sluttiest sluts” and ejaculations on stomachs. The bulk of the audience? Minors. Did the LDS church do a fricken thing about it or tell her to delete anything? No. Were there meetings held about how harmful and pornographic the content was, with minors? Yes. Did minors DM Gabrielle back-and-forth to ask questions about sex? Yup! Would you start a thread about her to say she is also a sexual predator? Probably not.

A minor asking questions about repentance as it relates to anatomy before the minor disclosed age is apples and oranges to that situation. No law was broken. Police are laughing at you for trying to file a police report.

I love how you have to twist this around to “Haleigh is a sexual predator” to move the focus on the culpability you all have in endangering her family. You could care less. You’re blaming Haleigh just like rape apologists saying rape victims ask for it by putting themselves out there.

Insisting deniability and stretching the truth to fit your ill-informed, laughable conspiratorial narrative doesn’t make you less guilty or vile.

Your comments caused conspiracy, which incited violence against a good family. Good job.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:Did any of you see Gabrielle Blair’s viral post about birth control? She is an LDS blogger with a way bigger following (blue check mark on Twitter) and her post from a few weeks ago was about “jizz dripping down thighs” being “sluttiest sluts” and ejaculations on stomachs. The bulk of the audience? Minors. Did the LDS church do a fricken thing about it or tell her to delete anything? No. Were there meetings held about how harmful and pornographic the content was, with minors? Yes. Did minors DM Gabrielle back-and-forth to ask questions about sex? Yup! Would you start a thread about her to say she is also a sexual predator? Probably not.

A minor asking questions about repentance as it relates to anatomy before the minor disclosed age is apples and oranges to that situation. No law was broken. Police are laughing at you for trying to file a police report.

I love how you have to twist this around to “Haleigh is a sexual predator” to move the focus on the culpability you all have in endangering her family. You could care less. You’re blaming Haleigh just like rape apologists saying rape victims ask for it by putting themselves out there.

Insisting deniability and stretching the truth to fit your ill-informed, laughable conspiratorial narrative doesn’t make you less guilty or vile.

Your comments caused conspiracy, which incited violence against a good family. Good job.
Questioning a minor about sexual things IS illegal and the LDS ward I attend DID have a big enough issue with it to report it to church authorities in the US.

I NEVER said she was reported to the police at all. I said she's lucky she wasn't, she was admitting to sexually questioning a minor on camera - pretty stupid thing to do

perhaps you should read posts before going on a psycho rant
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by dramallama123 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:Did any of you see Gabrielle Blair’s viral post about birth control? She is an LDS blogger with a way bigger following (blue check mark on Twitter) and her post from a few weeks ago was about “jizz dripping down thighs” being “sluttiest sluts” and ejaculations on stomachs. The bulk of the audience? Minors. Did the LDS church do a fricken thing about it or tell her to delete anything? No. Were there meetings held about how harmful and pornographic the content was, with minors? Yes. Did minors DM Gabrielle back-and-forth to ask questions about sex? Yup! Would you start a thread about her to say she is also a sexual predator? Probably not.
You know Brittany, it's really ironic you'd bring this up because you bullied Gabrielle so bad on facebook by YOU that she cried for days. You kept asking for her bishop's name so YOU could turn her in. So why the hell would you bring that up like you're some kind of saint? You're a hypocrite, and you are mean too, you just don't see it because you yell vitriol with your hands over your ears. You have bullied MANY people so you're not really one to talk.

And your point doesn't even make sense. Gabrielle's post wasn't explicitly asking teenagers whether they had orgasmed and masturbated, and it wasn't delivered to an audience of mostly minors, she tweeted it to her largely adult following and it went viral. Haleigh is a grown ass woman. as soon as a teenager came into her DMs asking about sex she should have noped out of the conversation and referred her to her own parents or responsible sources as Haleigh is not equipped to deal with that kind of stuff.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Lol I never claimed to be a saint! I am being a total bee-otch right now to all of you. Interesting perversion on that whole exchange! It’s amazing how you people can twist situations so well to see what you want to see, always distorted to the negative, to victim-shift. I am not surprised at all that THAT is what you got out of that conversation. Lol
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

And no, I never was going to turn her bishop in LoL LoL LoL. She lied about her bishop and I called her bluff. Simple as that. Of course you know her personally. Liars and bullies who then victim-blame to appear as the victim of lies and bullies...stick together.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Reading comprehension. Someone on here tried to get the law involved. Don’t play stupid. And if it was illegal, it might have worked.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

No, Twitter is mostly young tweens and millennials. The post was retweeted hundreds of thousands of times by minors. Logic is a lost art. *sigh*

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