Haleigh Everts

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:So when a celebrity is burglarized, or their nudes are leaked, or people try and send authorities after them based on total lies, that is the celebrity’s fault and not the actual culprit? It’s just part and parcel of being in the public eye? Of course not. It’s an unfortunate reality, but that doesn’t remove responsibility from the culprits.

That’s like saying a woman who hikes alone and gets raped is to blame because that’s just “part and parcel” of her putting herself out there and vulnerable to predators because it’s her source of exercise.

I will never agree with that victim shaming philosophy. It removes responsibility from wrong-doers by using unfortunate reality patterns (part and parcel) as a cover. You have a choice whether to engage in bullying someone in the public eye. You have a choice to be part of the “part and parcel” reality.
Celebrities don't bitch like a little child and quit their job when it happens. They take the good with the bad and usually take the high road and ignore any hate they get.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

they also take any publicity they can get from it too.

Why the hell do you keep trying to bring rape victims into this?
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Actually, celebrities sue when citizens take their hatefulness and go real life. Jim Carey, James Woods, Russel Brand, Kiera Knightley, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Sean Penn, Katie Holmes, etc....nearly every celebrity has sued citizens for defamation, intimidation, published libelous bullying, etc. They don’t just lay down and take it. That is not true at all, not even in the slightest. Furthermore, many do leave the limelight because it gets so abusive. And there’s nothing wrong with that either. Neither route is necessarily better. Whatever the victim needs to heal is what’s best for them.

I bring rape victims into it because you’re literally using the same tactics against Haleigh as rape apologists do, or rape victim-shamers. It’s to highlight the immorality of your logos.
Last edited by YouMustBeMiserable on Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:Actually, celebrities sue when citizens take their hatefulness and go real life. Jim Carey, James Woods, Russel Brand, Kiera Knightley, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Sean Penn, Katie Holmes, etc....nearly every celebrity has sued citizens for defamation, intimidation, published libelous bullying, etc. They don’t just lay down and take it. That is not true at all, not even in the slightest.

I bring rape victims into it because you’re literally using the same tactics against Haleigh as rape apologists do, or rape victim-shaders. It’s to highlight the immorality of your logos.
So get her to sue us then if you are so sure we are the reason her life is now ruined.

And a rape victim IS NOT the same as getting some heat from the public for making youtube videos

grow up, take two Xanax, you need them
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Lol you’re obsessed with Xanax.

On one hand you guys want her to leave the internet if she can’t handle it, but then you turn around and say that’s a losery cop-out. You can’t have it both ways. Unless you’re trying to weasel out of the reality that you’re a victim-shamer who causes major damage to someone’s life and you can’t face it.

You’re of the opinion that bonline bullies/forums aren’t to blame when people who put themselves out there receive real life threats and attacks from these same online bullies/forums. That is not a moral or logical opinion, but you’re free to stick to that and suggest Xanax to anyone who disagrees.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Be careful what you wish for in terms of litigation. You chose to put yourself out there with IP addresses a determined lawyer could request.

When forum users go real life with harassment, gossip sites and its users can be liable, even if their comments didn’t pull the trigger, but rather, loaded the gun.

Apologies might be a better path.

That is not a threat, only a suggestion.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:Be careful what you wish for in terms of litigation. You chose to put yourself out there with IP addresses a determined lawyer could request.

When forum users go real life with harassment, gossip sites and its users can be liable, even if their comments didn’t pull the trigger, but rather, loaded the gun.

Apologies might be a better path.

That is not a threat, only a suggestion.
I haven't done anything wrong, give it up, all you are doing is drawing more attention to something you claim you don't want attention drawn to

And I highly doubt I'm going to be extradited to the US for posting in a public forum about a video that was posted in another public forum.

ohhhh I'm so scared of you
Last edited by Blossom76 on Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

When did I say I didn’t want attention drawn to anything? Y’all are masters of putting words in people’s mouths and projecting your own versions of intent.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

“I didn’t do anything wrong” so none of this applies to you right?

-contributing comments to a forum which directly caused damage to two adults and innocent children

-making up and/or spreading lies about someone

-gossiping about someone

-refusing to show compassion for someone in pain

- making dangerous assumptions about a stranger

-stalking somone’s social media for the purpose of creating harmful rumors

-bolstering a conversation that incited violence

-not following the Golden Rule

-refusing to acknowledge wrongdoing


-inciting harassment

-joining the mob mentality which resulted in severe emotional distress and opportunity loss

-engaging slanderous speculation that turned into bullying

-mocking strangers

-misrepresenting and twisting others’ actual words

- refusing to apologize

-projecting assumptions to power with mal-intent

-NOT speaking out against other commenters who made fun of Ireland and body shamed CJ, among other disgusting comments

-using someone’s misfortune as entertainment

- contributing to toxic online culture

-confusing bullying with harmless and/or constructive criticism

-insisting Haleigh deserves it because she put herself out there (equivalent logic of shaming a rape victim who walked alone at night)

-minimizing others’ pain (like insisting it isn’t that big of a deal and she needs to get a life or cope better)

- chasing Haleigh away from followers who benefited from her content

-making people feel unsafe

-scoffing at people pointing any of these offenses out/avoiding responsibility

- defending people who are guilty of multiple of the above offenses

....you didn’t do ANY of that?
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

You really are embarrassing yourself here, I'm not responding to you anymore, its completely pointless. You can sit here and argue with yourself. Have fun
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Good, I hope you get chased away by this “harassment” just like you guys chased Haleigh away with yours. This forum is going to dry up soon anyways.

Not embarrassed. I apologized and owned up to my stuff and relentlessly defended a victim while you relentlessly victim shamed and couldn’t come up with a single valid counter-argument or justification for yourself. Your basic premise was to deflect, project, and tell me to take Xanax and grow up. Lol I’m embarrassed for you. Hope you one day mature enough to realize the impact your words and gossiping have on others. And discontinue such cruel practices. And take personal accountability, even just a little bit. That is what it means to grow up. Tootles!
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Well, I’ve said what I came to say. Won’t spend another day talking to obstinate, prideful brick walls. Good night and I hope you all take some time to be more introspective, accountable, and kind in your future. If not, that’s truly your loss, and karma will take care of it. Enjoy the the end of your Haleigh hatefest. God bless
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by kikiluvsu »

What a psycho... anyways, Blossom76 k had no idea people discussed it at church!! Crazy!! Personally, I don’t think she intended to be a predator; she’s just stupid. I can totally get why LDS moms would lose it over her videos. She’s pretty trashy. I was scrolling through her IG and saw a pregnant pic of Ireland and she’s straight up only wearing bra and underwear.... wtf is wrong with her?!
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

kikiluvsu wrote:What a psycho... anyways, Blossom76 k had no idea people discussed it at church!! Crazy!! Personally, I don’t think she intended to be a predator; she’s just stupid. I can totally get why LDS moms would lose it over her videos. She’s pretty trashy. I was scrolling through her IG and saw a pregnant pic of Ireland and she’s straight up only wearing bra and underwear.... wtf is wrong with her?!
I was quite shocked too. The whole topic was about children following youtubers who appear well meaning but are a bad influence on our youth, specifically girls when it comes to modesty etc. Just goes to show you that there are a lot of young LDS girls who watch her videos, and when the mothers actually watched some of these videos - well they were less than impressed. The pictures on her Instagram was also discussed as 'not appropriate for a grown woman who has a temple recommend).

I don't think she is a predator either, just really stupid, but I would absolutely loose my shit if my child was asked by some stranger on the internet if she has orgasmed, watched porn or masturbated. The most disturbing part is she thinks its ok to do it (as do her groupies lol)
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by OnAPlaydate »

Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled programming!

Who ever thought I'd see the day that I'd think Lucy Eades leaving YouTube was calm and boring.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by locobananas »

I’m still trying to figure out how we’re to blame for this whole thing? We talk about stuff she literally SAYS and DOES, I don’t see any rumors on this board. “Guilty by association” lol. We (at least I) have nothing to do with whatever is going on with Haleigh. I feel like her drawing even more attention to it would cause more harm to the situation... but everyone else is right in saying that this is light compared to what other people on YT go through. Not that it makes it okay.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by honeygurl101 »

honestly if someone turned her in for the conversation she had with a minor about porn i don’t have a problem with that at all. that conversation was completely inappropriate and i was so surprised she even shared that on her youtube channel. she doesn’t deserve people making up lies and texting her husband though. i hope she learned her lesson in not putting so much of her life online. she really overshared in my opinion.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by LucyDiamond »

This whole thing screams attention seeking to me. Not sure if she is just needing reassurance in comments that people love her & don’t want her to leave or if it’s an attempt to propel her channel. She said multiple times not to unsubscribe that she would be back.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by dramallama123 »

locobananas wrote:I’m still trying to figure out how we’re to blame for this whole thing? We talk about stuff she literally SAYS and DOES, I don’t see any rumors on this board. “Guilty by association” lol. We (at least I) have nothing to do with whatever is going on with Haleigh. I feel like her drawing even more attention to it would cause more harm to the situation... but everyone else is right in saying that this is light compared to what other people on YT go through. Not that it makes it okay.

I don’t get it either. Brittany (YouMustBeMiserable) is replying to a bunch of the comments on her latest video saying it was the fault of this forum. It doesn’t sound like anyone threatened her like she’s making it sound though, it just sounds like someone called the cops on her. which if she did nothing wrong she shouldn’t have anything to worry about. I just don’t think it’s the fault of anyone here. Maybe one person did this but this group didn’t encourage anyone or even plant the idea.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by kikiluvsu »

YeH, it’s one thing to talk bad about her and it’s another to directly go out of your way to call the cops on her and send threats. Which no one here said they would. They’re all crazy. Honestly, she’s lovin the speculation and attention she’s getting. I love that she said “I never meant for it to go big”... honey, you said multiple times that you were trying to be an influencer and would always whine about your following base and that you didn’t have good pictures.

Also, what did Holdrose do?!?!

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