Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by gram3 »

SqueakyWheel wrote:I admit I don’t actually watch many of their vlogs because I can’t stand the screeching. Can someone tell me what happened to the fence? Has it always been Damaged?

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I had to remove link to respond. I don't know if that's been addressed before. But, wow, it sure looks like the damage was caused on the Grub's side. That brown portion is their neighbors fence. I wonder if Grubbys are on speaking terms with that family.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by Night lady »

How about when he was entering the master bedroom he says, "This is where the magic happens"... omg, skeeved me out..... I don't care that he meant editing the vlogs, nobody says that shit when entering a bedroom if they don't mean SEX! Hes trying to subliminally get us all to believe he and his middle school wife have plenty of action in the bedroom ....
Hes so gross

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by BlahBlahBlah »

Hopefully that house tour awakened some of the KADs from their deep slumber of Gardner can do no wrong philosophies.

The downstairs is overdecorated with expensive crap, a room no one uses other than to house a piano no one plays. An office for Mom and Dad. Everything that is for Mom and Dad is done to the hilt. Then the girls rooms. Boring, small and not special at all. Although to be fair the master bedroom was boring as well.

A guest room he admits no one uses. So make it the play room???

A master closet Tyson doesn’t even get to put his clothes in?

The basement. Holy crap. So they let their kids pull insulation off the walls? So dangerous. That stuff will cut you up and you wear masks dealing with it so you don’t breathe it in! But it’s fine for a girls “playroom”

The racks of china blankets!!!! Surely that tips some that haven’t seen the light that they buy them on Ali express and resell. Nothing about that set up said made at home by SAHM! That seemed like an excess of inventory. If that’s where Tyson does most of the work for the blankets how about he gives up his office for the girls and just work down there? If it’s good enough for the girls to play down there, it should be good enough for Tyson. Plus he has more insulation to keep himself warm down there.

I don’t see how KADs can watch that and think, yes, they sure put their girls first!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by gram3 »

Postscript about today's Facebook lie: He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt which said #GardnerQuadSquad. I haven't seen that before. Maybe it's part of their highly anticipated shoddy merchandise line. Because with your youtube subscriptions down 42% over the last 30 days (as of yesterday) rolling out odd squad apparel sure seems like a shrewd business decision on Tubby's part. :lol: He didn't have one person ask about his sweatyshirt on the lie. He was probably dying to bring it up.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by Lak »

Joni in the making...why would you want to try on her clothes? That's just weird and so high school.[img]// ... 49769a.jpg[/img]

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by Itsjusrme »

gram3 wrote:
AuntieEm wrote:That is a very depressing house. Even cleaned up it remains 15 shades of gray. Those bedrooms are the worst. Too small for sure. Depressing and ugly. What a waste of space for his 'office'. What does he possibly do up there? Nothing. At all. How many times did he use the word SACRIFICE in regards to adding a bathroom for the girls? Which, by the way is way too small for them. He says they haven't even discussed decorating the girls' room. Of course not. OK, the basement. Now it is slated to be a family room with a projector, couch and a wetbar. No playroom for those girls at all in that house. Next month when it is a cold rain and snowing, where are they putting all the kids toys that are outside? He talks like they are leaving all that junk outside all winter. Wouldn't put it past them. Those girls are never getting a playset, by the way.

That cold storage room gives me the creeps. Reminds me of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Those girls should each have their own bedroom upstairs, decorated with what THEY like, not more pictures of themselves on the wall, which is what Tyler said they will put up at each bed.
Fatty just did a lie Facebook and he was reading through comments and questions He gets this funny look on his face and says, 'Oh that's silly. Jennifer needs to have her happy juice.' So I looked to find this Jennifer comment. This woman had the audacity to say the bedrooms looked small and something about when they are teenagers. It was a very neutral comment and Jennifer herself even posted after he made that stupid happy juice comment that she was just curious and no happy juice needed. My God, he is such a baby. And on his IG Need Feedback beg, he deleted many of the comments I suppose he didn't like because one day they were there, the next they weren't. Done by someone who wanted honest feedback.

He also said that YouTube is like another job for them. In this case what I glean from that is he's trying to emphasize they rely on the income because he went through the usual spiel of every view, comment, etc helps their algorithms. And to subscribe because it means everything to them. Get back to the YouTube is like another job. LazyLardo says this while he is printing off tickets for orders from their "sell." He must have had less than a dozen tickets. Ouch, that's a back-breaking one of his jobs. He was going down the basement to roll blankets. Another one of his labor intensive jobs. So, he orders shit in bulk from Alibaba (or wherever) has it sent to his house, opens it, rolls the blankies, ties a bow around it, puts it in a mailer, prints a ticket, slaps it on and mails it. WOW, that would make me crazy busy too. But, I forgot, he farms that out to his "employees" aka brother and sister.

And maybe the best part of the whole lie was the promise that he and Gashley will be doing a vlog or blog or lie feed series about infertility, due to so many requests on the lie feed. Maybe they can address their timeline and where, EXACTLY, 8 supposed years of infertility fits in their infertility lie - I mean story.
Their seal date is December 6,2006 and the quads were born December 28,2014. That means they were either struggling with infertility before their wedding or they were still struggling after she got pregnant

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by SqueakyWheel »

Itsjusrme wrote:
gram3 wrote:
AuntieEm wrote:That is a very depressing house. Even cleaned up it remains 15 shades of gray. Those bedrooms are the worst. Too small for sure. Depressing and ugly. What a waste of space for his 'office'. What does he possibly do up there? Nothing. At all. How many times did he use the word SACRIFICE in regards to adding a bathroom for the girls? Which, by the way is way too small for them. He says they haven't even discussed decorating the girls' room. Of course not. OK, the basement. Now it is slated to be a family room with a projector, couch and a wetbar. No playroom for those girls at all in that house. Next month when it is a cold rain and snowing, where are they putting all the kids toys that are outside? He talks like they are leaving all that junk outside all winter. Wouldn't put it past them. Those girls are never getting a playset, by the way.

That cold storage room gives me the creeps. Reminds me of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Those girls should each have their own bedroom upstairs, decorated with what THEY like, not more pictures of themselves on the wall, which is what Tyler said they will put up at each bed.
Fatty just did a lie Facebook and he was reading through comments and questions He gets this funny look on his face and says, 'Oh that's silly. Jennifer needs to have her happy juice.' So I looked to find this Jennifer comment. This woman had the audacity to say the bedrooms looked small and something about when they are teenagers. It was a very neutral comment and Jennifer herself even posted after he made that stupid happy juice comment that she was just curious and no happy juice needed. My God, he is such a baby. And on his IG Need Feedback beg, he deleted many of the comments I suppose he didn't like because one day they were there, the next they weren't. Done by someone who wanted honest feedback.

He also said that YouTube is like another job for them. In this case what I glean from that is he's trying to emphasize they rely on the income because he went through the usual spiel of every view, comment, etc helps their algorithms. And to subscribe because it means everything to them. Get back to the YouTube is like another job. LazyLardo says this while he is printing off tickets for orders from their "sell." He must have had less than a dozen tickets. Ouch, that's a back-breaking one of his jobs. He was going down the basement to roll blankets. Another one of his labor intensive jobs. So, he orders shit in bulk from Alibaba (or wherever) has it sent to his house, opens it, rolls the blankies, ties a bow around it, puts it in a mailer, prints a ticket, slaps it on and mails it. WOW, that would make me crazy busy too. But, I forgot, he farms that out to his "employees" aka brother and sister.

And maybe the best part of the whole lie was the promise that he and Gashley will be doing a vlog or blog or lie feed series about infertility, due to so many requests on the lie feed. Maybe they can address their timeline and where, EXACTLY, 8 supposed years of infertility fits in their infertility lie - I mean story.
Their seal date is December 6,2006 and the quads were born December 28,2014. That means they were either struggling with infertility before their wedding or they were still struggling after she got pregnant

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Calling it a sealing date typically indicates they had a civil marriage first. If you get married civilly first you have to wait one year before sealing in the temple. While there could be many reasons not to have a temple marriage first the biggest is typically if they were living together or had been having sexual relations prior to marriage. That said I remember someone posting some screen shots from an early blog of theirs/hers where she said she didn’t want kids which shot their 8 year timeline to bits unless she was saying that to get people to stop asking. Which I could almost understand but since they lie so much I struggle to give her the benefit of the doubt.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by gram3 »

Night lady wrote:How about when he was entering the master bedroom he says, "This is where the magic happens"... omg, skeeved me out..... I don't care that he meant editing the vlogs, nobody says that shit when entering a bedroom if they don't mean SEX! Hes trying to subliminally get us all to believe he and his middle school wife have plenty of action in the bedroom ....
Hes so gross

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She probably doesn't even let him edit the vlog in the bedroom, much less do anything else.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by gram3 »

Itsjusrme wrote:
gram3 wrote:
AuntieEm wrote:That is a very depressing house. Even cleaned up it remains 15 shades of gray. Those bedrooms are the worst. Too small for sure. Depressing and ugly. What a waste of space for his 'office'. What does he possibly do up there? Nothing. At all. How many times did he use the word SACRIFICE in regards to adding a bathroom for the girls? Which, by the way is way too small for them. He says they haven't even discussed decorating the girls' room. Of course not. OK, the basement. Now it is slated to be a family room with a projector, couch and a wetbar. No playroom for those girls at all in that house. Next month when it is a cold rain and snowing, where are they putting all the kids toys that are outside? He talks like they are leaving all that junk outside all winter. Wouldn't put it past them. Those girls are never getting a playset, by the way.

That cold storage room gives me the creeps. Reminds me of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Those girls should each have their own bedroom upstairs, decorated with what THEY like, not more pictures of themselves on the wall, which is what Tyler said they will put up at each bed.
Fatty just did a lie Facebook and he was reading through comments and questions He gets this funny look on his face and says, 'Oh that's silly. Jennifer needs to have her happy juice.' So I looked to find this Jennifer comment. This woman had the audacity to say the bedrooms looked small and something about when they are teenagers. It was a very neutral comment and Jennifer herself even posted after he made that stupid happy juice comment that she was just curious and no happy juice needed. My God, he is such a baby. And on his IG Need Feedback beg, he deleted many of the comments I suppose he didn't like because one day they were there, the next they weren't. Done by someone who wanted honest feedback.

He also said that YouTube is like another job for them. In this case what I glean from that is he's trying to emphasize they rely on the income because he went through the usual spiel of every view, comment, etc helps their algorithms. And to subscribe because it means everything to them. Get back to the YouTube is like another job. LazyLardo says this while he is printing off tickets for orders from their "sell." He must have had less than a dozen tickets. Ouch, that's a back-breaking one of his jobs. He was going down the basement to roll blankets. Another one of his labor intensive jobs. So, he orders shit in bulk from Alibaba (or wherever) has it sent to his house, opens it, rolls the blankies, ties a bow around it, puts it in a mailer, prints a ticket, slaps it on and mails it. WOW, that would make me crazy busy too. But, I forgot, he farms that out to his "employees" aka brother and sister.

And maybe the best part of the whole lie was the promise that he and Gashley will be doing a vlog or blog or lie feed series about infertility, due to so many requests on the lie feed. Maybe they can address their timeline and where, EXACTLY, 8 supposed years of infertility fits in their infertility lie - I mean story.
Their seal date is December 6,2006 and the quads were born December 28,2014. That means they were either struggling with infertility before their wedding or they were still struggling after she got pregnant

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In the past Assley's old literary masterpiece blog has been referred to. In the first year(s) after they were married on that blog, she stated she didn't want kids yet. Maybe they figured they would just go with 8 years, give or take 1,2,3,4,5 years here and there for their "infertility story." Whatever sounds and fits their money-making narrative the best is what they go with. I would love to see them both struck dumb or falling all over each other trying to think up an answer on a lie feed if someone were to ask them the timeline question.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by Eleanor Terese »

Why do they need that cold storage room for? Their pantry & fridge/freezer is full of food. Waste of space & very creepy. Can you imagine getting trapped in there? Ugh.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by gram3 »

I copied and pasted bold comment; can't embed more than 3 quotes:

Calling it a sealing date typically indicates they had a civil marriage first. If you get married civilly first you have to wait one year before sealing in the temple. While there could be many reasons not to have a temple marriage first the biggest is typically if they were living together or had been having sexual relations prior to marriage. That said I remember someone posting some screen shots from an early blog of theirs/hers where she said she didn’t want kids which shot their 8 year timeline to bits unless she was saying that to get people to stop asking. Which I could almost understand but since they lie so much I struggle to give her the benefit of the doubt.

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If they had a civil marriage and waited a year to be sealed, does that jibe with her 18 year old age at marriage claim? Their math confuses me. I could see someone using the I don't want kids response as a deterrent to being asked the question, but she just doesn't seem that type. Meaning, she would be spilling her guts to anyone.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by Couchpotato10 »

Eleanor Terese wrote:Why do they need that cold storage room for? Their pantry & fridge/freezer is full of food. Waste of space & very creepy. Can you imagine getting trapped in there? Ugh.
I remember awhile back someone saying in their religious beliefs they are supposed to have supplies for a doomsday occurrence. Hence the cold storage room. I could be wrong.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by RolyPoly123 »

Itsjusrme wrote:
RolyPoly123 wrote:Ok please enlighten me, Ashley is drinking hot cider, in the Uk cider is alcohol so what is it in the US please?
In Canada it is like thicker stronger apple juice. It can be drank either hot or cold. I believe it’s the same in the us

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Oh i see thank you
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by SqueakyWheel »

gram3 wrote:I copied and pasted bold comment; can't embed more than 3 quotes:

Calling it a sealing date typically indicates they had a civil marriage first. If you get married civilly first you have to wait one year before sealing in the temple. While there could be many reasons not to have a temple marriage first the biggest is typically if they were living together or had been having sexual relations prior to marriage. That said I remember someone posting some screen shots from an early blog of theirs/hers where she said she didn’t want kids which shot their 8 year timeline to bits unless she was saying that to get people to stop asking. Which I could almost understand but since they lie so much I struggle to give her the benefit of the doubt.

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If they had a civil marriage and waited a year to be sealed, does that jibe with her 18 year old age at marriage claim? Their math confuses me. I could see someone using the I don't want kids response as a deterrent to being asked the question, but she just doesn't seem that type. Meaning, she would be spilling her guts to anyone.[/quote]

They were married on August 12, 2005
She was born on July 20, 1987
So she was barely 18 when they first got married.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by OldCountry »

Curious what Trash will want for Christmas. The feet make me laugh...
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by SqueakyWheel »

Couchpotato10 wrote:
Eleanor Terese wrote:Why do they need that cold storage room for? Their pantry & fridge/freezer is full of food. Waste of space & very creepy. Can you imagine getting trapped in there? Ugh.
I remember awhile back someone saying in their religious beliefs they are supposed to have supplies for a doomsday occurrence. Hence the cold storage room. I could be wrong.

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This is true. And cold storage rooms are very typical in Utah because of that. People are encouraged to build up to at least a year food supply in case of emergency. Whether that be a job loss so you can remain self reliant and feed your family or a natural disaster.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by LilaRose »

AuntieEm wrote:That is a very depressing house. Even cleaned up it remains 15 shades of gray. Those bedrooms are the worst. Too small for sure. Depressing and ugly. What a waste of space for his 'office'. What does he possibly do up there? Nothing. At all. How many times did he use the word SACRIFICE in regards to adding a bathroom for the girls? Which, by the way is way too small for them. He says they haven't even discussed decorating the girls' room. Of course not. OK, the basement. Now it is slated to be a family room with a projector, couch and a wetbar. No playroom for those girls at all in that house. Next month when it is a cold rain and snowing, where are they putting all the kids toys that are outside? He talks like they are leaving all that junk outside all winter. Wouldn't put it past them. Those girls are never getting a playset, by the way.

That cold storage room gives me the creeps. Reminds me of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Those girls should each have their own bedroom upstairs, decorated with what THEY like, not more pictures of themselves on the wall, which is what Tyler said they will put up at each bed.
I agree with the house being totally depressing, especially the girl's bedrooms and that truly horrible "playroom". But they actually planned the upstairs so that each of the girls could have her own bedroom in the future (the two bedrooms plus the guest bedroom and the office). That's the only thing I actually like about the house. A bedroom for each child and none of them in the basement (I very much dislike that about Ellie and Jareds house for example).
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by lisajohnson120 »

SqueakyWheel wrote:
Couchpotato10 wrote:
Eleanor Terese wrote:Why do they need that cold storage room for? Their pantry & fridge/freezer is full of food. Waste of space & very creepy. Can you imagine getting trapped in there? Ugh.
I remember awhile back someone saying in their religious beliefs they are supposed to have supplies for a doomsday occurrence. Hence the cold storage room. I could be wrong.

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This is true. And cold storage rooms are very typical in Utah because of that. People are encouraged to build up to at least a year food supply in case of emergency. Whether that be a job loss so you can remain self reliant and feed your family or a natural disaster.

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But I didn’t see anything in it.. lol
So if that’s the thought process they are failing at that as well.....

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by RolyPoly123 »

OldCountry wrote:Curious what Trash will want for Christmas. The feet make me laugh...
Hahahaha brilliant
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad | The Book of Moron | Part 32

Unread post by SqueakyWheel »

lisajohnson120 wrote:
SqueakyWheel wrote:
Couchpotato10 wrote:I remember awhile back someone saying in their religious beliefs they are supposed to have supplies for a doomsday occurrence. Hence the cold storage room. I could be wrong.

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This is true. And cold storage rooms are very typical in Utah because of that. People are encouraged to build up to at least a year food supply in case of emergency. Whether that be a job loss so you can remain self reliant and feed your family or a natural disaster.

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But I didn’t see anything in it.. lol
So if that’s the thought process they are failing at that as well.....

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It (once again) shows where their priorities are. That’s for sure. Not on the girls, not on the future, not on the gravy train ending. Just on the things the adults want in the moment, the looks of things and milking the 15 minutes fame.

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