KKandMamaKhoa | KKandBabyJ | Part 43

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by Coco_ »

SpillingTheCoffee wrote:I don’t know why everyone is going off about Khoa raising Sutton alone? Good for Khoa, he’s stepping up and actually being a decent parent which is more than Landon got from either of them. Sutton is so frickin’ cute but I’ve no idea who he looks like...

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maybe because they made the baby together and khoa is not a single father so he shouldn’t be raising sutton alone.. yeah it’s nice that khoas stepped up for him but to me it seems like he has no choice because keren is not helping
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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by blahblahblahhh »

I don’t think anyone is saying anything negative about Khoa for being the only parent that baby has. They’re saying it’s fucking disgusting that Keren pops out 3 babies in 3 years and the only one she appears to want anything to do with is the first one.

I know personal stories and reasoning behind things are boring/annoying sometimes, but watching their dynamic infuriates me. My husband and I had 3 boys in 4 years, and I had just turned 19 when our first was born. My husband has a very demanding job at which he works 7 days a week and travels for weeks at a time. He counted the other day and from January up until today he’s been out of state for 5.5 months all together. We don’t have family around and because we started a family so young and I was busy with my babies I didn’t remain close to any of my friends who didn’t have children or partners and were at a completely different place in life that I couldn’t relate to. Only now that our oldest is 7 I have gotten back in touch with some friends who just now have started a family. Anyway, I have raised my children 90% by myself. I’ve FaceTimed my husband while our babies took their first steps and played their first t-ball games. Ive stayed on the phone while my husband cries because he feels like he’s missing out on their lives, and he’s stayed on the phone with me while I cry because I’m so exhausted and feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to be the kind of mom I strive to be. I’ve stayed up until 2am after getting my kids to sleep because I’m so desperate to have some time to myself without being asked why the sky is blue or why yellow is called yellow. I’m still currently on the hunt for a push up bra that can do some sort of magic on these boobs that breastfed 3 babies for 2 years each, including nursing my 2nd while I was pregnant with my 3rd. I understand that most others are not in a similar position and it’s awesome when parents are able to be equal partners when it comes to raising their kids, but it infuriates me to see this bitch have all the time in the GD world, not to mention endless amounts of money it seems, and she chooses to completely detach herself from her newborn baby to get new tits and trot around town with an insta-ho she has nothing in common with. There are millions of families in the world who would die to live the privileged life she leads. They have the money to be traveling with their kids and giving them amazing and educational experiences that would benefit them for life, but instead those kids are luckily if they get to tag along to Starbucks once a month. She doesn’t deserve those kids, and if Khoa wasn’t such a pushover I think he’s realize he doesn’t deserve to be stuck on the couch with a newborn glued to his chest while his bitch of a wife spends thousands of dollars on makeup she won’t wash for for 2 days, clothes that resemble a paper bag, tits that she couldn’t wait to get so therefore were done incorrectly and will be even worse given she won’t wear her “grandma bra” because she’s so desperate to be seen as sexy, and tattoos that prove she’s a mom since she wants nothing to do with actually raising her children.

There are moms that work full time, moms that are deployed, moms suffering with cancer and debilitating diseases, etc. I will never agree that Khoa should take on the responsibility of being the sole parent when he has a young, healthy, capable wife who has no excuse not to mother the children she planned and created. She wants all the attention of “OMG you have THREE kids?! You’re so young!” but none of the responsibility of raising them.

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by pastel »

blahblahblahhh wrote:I don’t think anyone is saying anything negative about Khoa for being the only parent that baby has. They’re saying it’s fucking disgusting that Keren pops out 3 babies in 3 years and the only one she appears to want anything to do with is the first one.

I know personal stories and reasoning behind things are boring/annoying sometimes, but watching their dynamic infuriates me. My husband and I had 3 boys in 4 years, and I had just turned 19 when our first was born. My husband has a very demanding job at which he works 7 days a week and travels for weeks at a time. He counted the other day and from January up until today he’s been out of state for 5.5 months all together. We don’t have family around and because we started a family so young and I was busy with my babies I didn’t remain close to any of my friends who didn’t have children or partners and were at a completely different place in life that I couldn’t relate to. Only now that our oldest is 7 I have gotten back in touch with some friends who just now have started a family. Anyway, I have raised my children 90% by myself. I’ve FaceTimed my husband while our babies took their first steps and played their first t-ball games. Ive stayed on the phone while my husband cries because he feels like he’s missing out on their lives, and he’s stayed on the phone with me while I cry because I’m so exhausted and feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to be the kind of mom I strive to be. I’ve stayed up until 2am after getting my kids to sleep because I’m so desperate to have some time to myself without being asked why the sky is blue or why yellow is called yellow. I’m still currently on the hunt for a push up bra that can do some sort of magic on these boobs that breastfed 3 babies for 2 years each, including nursing my 2nd while I was pregnant with my 3rd. I understand that most others are not in a similar position and it’s awesome when parents are able to be equal partners when it comes to raising their kids, but it infuriates me to see this bitch have all the time in the GD world, not to mention endless amounts of money it seems, and she chooses to completely detach herself from her newborn baby to get new tits and trot around town with an insta-ho she has nothing in common with. There are millions of families in the world who would die to live the privileged life she leads. They have the money to be traveling with their kids and giving them amazing and educational experiences that would benefit them for life, but instead those kids are luckily if they get to tag along to Starbucks once a month. She doesn’t deserve those kids, and if Khoa wasn’t such a pushover I think he’s realize he doesn’t deserve to be stuck on the couch with a newborn glued to his chest while his bitch of a wife spends thousands of dollars on makeup she won’t wash for for 2 days, clothes that resemble a paper bag, tits that she couldn’t wait to get so therefore were done incorrectly and will be even worse given she won’t wear her “grandma bra” because she’s so desperate to be seen as sexy, and tattoos that prove she’s a mom since she wants nothing to do with actually raising her children.

There are moms that work full time, moms that are deployed, moms suffering with cancer and debilitating diseases, etc. I will never agree that Khoa should take on the responsibility of being the sole parent when he has a young, healthy, capable wife who has no excuse not to mother the children she planned and created. She wants all the attention of “OMG you have THREE kids?! You’re so young!” but none of the responsibility of raising them.

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Preach!! Khoa being an attentive father isn't the problem; Keren not being a mother whatsoever to her youngest children is the problem.
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KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by blahblahblahhh »

Sorry about all the spelling and grammar errors in the post above, I was trying to rush and type that while my 3 year old used me as a jungle gym.

But if anyone wants to see what a couple who doesn’t have to work and has endless cash flow coming in can do with their children, look at Amber Fillerup. Yes she’s an airhead, her children don’t always have the best hygiene, and the cost of all the Botox and filler in her face could feed a small country. But you can’t say that those kids don’t get to see the world and will have amazing memories of their childhood. Or even Taza, as annoying as she is. Yes I’m pretty sure both those people make much more than KK, but they could do something similar but on a smaller level. Have they ever gone on a vacation with those kids that wasn’t vidcon (do they even take the kids to that?) or visiting another YT family? If we had that lifestyle and money you can bet our ass I would be going to Hawaii once a year and taking the kids to see New England in the fall or Tahoe in the snow. What is Khoa? Korean? Vietnamese? When the kids are a few years older they could even take them there and teach them about their heritage. But I would bet anything that’ll never happen. All Keren will ever mention to them is that they have “chinky eyes” or whatever the hell she said a few weeks ago.

I’m rambling now, but point is these people blow money on material things that just keep adding up while Keren’s empty space grows. If the YT money suddenly ends on day, they are going to kick themselves for having nothing to show for all the money they’ve made. Other than Target rugs, West Elm furniture, and tits tucked in to Keren’s Calvin Klein’s.

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by soul_in_a_earthsuit »

MiloandMax wrote:At least Khoa is with his cousin today. He needs to get out more.
His cousin is only there to see corinna. He’a thirsty af

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by vidiack12 »

blahblahblahhh wrote:Sorry about all the spelling and grammar errors in the post above, I was trying to rush and type that while my 3 year old used me as a jungle gym.

But if anyone wants to see what a couple who doesn’t have to work and has endless cash flow coming in can do with their children, look at Amber Fillerup. Yes she’s an airhead, her children don’t always have the best hygiene, and the cost of all the Botox and filler in her face could feed a small country. But you can’t say that those kids don’t get to see the world and will have amazing memories of their childhood. Or even Taza, as annoying as she is. Yes I’m pretty sure both those people make much more than KK, but they could do something similar but on a smaller level. Have they ever gone on a vacation with those kids that wasn’t vidcon (do they even take the kids to that?) or visiting another YT family? If we had that lifestyle and money you can bet our ass I would be going to Hawaii once a year and taking the kids to see New England in the fall or Tahoe in the snow. What is Khoa? Korean? Vietnamese? When the kids are a few years older they could even take them there and teach them about their heritage. But I would bet anything that’ll never happen. All Keren will ever mention to them is that they have “chinky eyes” or whatever the hell she said a few weeks ago.

I’m rambling now, but point is these people blow money on material things that just keep adding up while Keren’s empty space grows. If the YT money suddenly ends on day, they are going to kick themselves for having nothing to show for all the money they’ve made. Other than Target rugs, West Elm furniture, and tits tucked in to Keren’s Calvin Klein’s.

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Why would the kids want to go to Vietnam (Khoa's Vietnamese)? If you want them to inhale the chemicals that the U.S. dropped on Vietnam, sure. They can be taught Vietnamese culture without having to go there. They could get BaNoi to do that. But yeah they could travel a lot more with the kids to stimulate them more. Landon wants to talk so badly, but can't.

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by blahblahblahhh »

vidiack12 wrote:
blahblahblahhh wrote:Sorry about all the spelling and grammar errors in the post above, I was trying to rush and type that while my 3 year old used me as a jungle gym.

But if anyone wants to see what a couple who doesn’t have to work and has endless cash flow coming in can do with their children, look at Amber Fillerup. Yes she’s an airhead, her children don’t always have the best hygiene, and the cost of all the Botox and filler in her face could feed a small country. But you can’t say that those kids don’t get to see the world and will have amazing memories of their childhood. Or even Taza, as annoying as she is. Yes I’m pretty sure both those people make much more than KK, but they could do something similar but on a smaller level. Have they ever gone on a vacation with those kids that wasn’t vidcon (do they even take the kids to that?) or visiting another YT family? If we had that lifestyle and money you can bet our ass I would be going to Hawaii once a year and taking the kids to see New England in the fall or Tahoe in the snow. What is Khoa? Korean? Vietnamese? When the kids are a few years older they could even take them there and teach them about their heritage. But I would bet anything that’ll never happen. All Keren will ever mention to them is that they have “chinky eyes” or whatever the hell she said a few weeks ago.

I’m rambling now, but point is these people blow money on material things that just keep adding up while Keren’s empty space grows. If the YT money suddenly ends on day, they are going to kick themselves for having nothing to show for all the money they’ve made. Other than Target rugs, West Elm furniture, and tits tucked in to Keren’s Calvin Klein’s.

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Why would the kids want to go to Vietnam (Khoa's Vietnamese)? If you want them to inhale the chemicals that the U.S. dropped on Vietnam, sure. They can be taught Vietnamese culture without having to go there. They could get BaNoi to do that. But yeah they could travel a lot more with the kids to stimulate them more. Landon wants to talk so badly, but can't.

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I get that and thought that after I hit send. I just meant that she doesn’t give a fuck about her kids heritage.

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by Chichi »

Coco_ wrote:[img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201811 ... b0decf.jpg[/img] fall out is that how saggy they are??
Why isn't she wearing that medical bra for the requisite support???

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by Babbs18 »

Chichi wrote:
Coco_ wrote:[img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201811 ... b0decf.jpg[/img] fall out is that how saggy they are??
Why isn't she wearing that medical bra for the requisite support???

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I don't think you understand, she like really don't care. (DuhImage)

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by toomuchsalt »

Khoa should take the boys and go live with ba noi

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by MiloandMax »

She said the other day she got the ok to not wear medical bra. And that she can wear anything without an undwrwire.
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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by Chichi »

MiloandMax wrote:She said the other day she got the ok to not wear medical bra. And that she can wear anything without an undwrwire.
She's either a compulsive liar or her Doctor is a quack (or both) and will tell her anything she wants to hear. Just the other day she was moaning that she had to wear it for so many weeks..

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by kerenkrazyeyes »

MiloandMax wrote:She said the other day she got the ok to not wear medical bra. And that she can wear anything without an undwrwire.
I call bullshit. She's just trying to justify fucking up her own boobjob because she's impatient asf. Just because she says her implants gave her the ability to fly doesnt make it true.

Though those heavy ass pancakes will be flapping like wings in no time lmao

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by RottieMama »

Chichi wrote:
MiloandMax wrote:She said the other day she got the ok to not wear medical bra. And that she can wear anything without an undwrwire.
She's either a compulsive liar or her Doctor is a quack (or both) and will tell her anything she wants to hear. Just the other day she was moaning that she had to wear it for so many weeks..

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She is such an idiot! You HAVE to wear that bra or a sports bra for AT LEAST 4 weeks post-op. Most surgeons recommend even longer than that. I think I wore mine for 9 months. Yeah, it’s not “sexy” but it’s super comfortable so I don’t know what the least sexy woman in America is complaining about. Like, girl, you live in potato sacks and oversized sweaters. Trust us, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR BRA!! Not even Khoa! Image

[img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201811 ... 553f47.jpg[/img]

Idk, I’m really starting to think her Dr. knows she’s going to come back to get them redone at some point so who cares? Tell her what she wants to hear, she’ll think you’re the “best” and bam, guaranteed repeat customer. I mean, why else would he agree to operate on a woman who just stopped breastfeeding and not even encourage her to get a lift? It’s absolutely mind blowing! “Over the muscle?” ImageImage
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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by nat »

I hope kk follow through on their promise to donate to the California fires, it would be nice to see them give for once
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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by Cak3islif3 »

Khoa “Sutton mummy got a tattoo for you and hasn’t got one for me. She must love you”

How about she actually looks after and parents him! That is love not a stupid tattoo! Smh

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by Littlechatter11 »

I don’t think Keren would have spent anymore time with Sutton even if he were a girl :?
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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by Dani_now »

Cak3islif3 wrote:Khoa “Sutton mummy got a tattoo for you and hasn’t got one for me. She must love you”

How about she actually looks after and parents him! That is love not a stupid tattoo! Smh

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I like Landons tattoo. It actually represents him.
I think Sutton's is dumb. Having just "rain" just doesn't seem personal.

That's just my opinion though

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by UsedToCould »

It’s not cute at this point. It’s sad. He’s clearly exhausted and always taking care of Sutton.

[img]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201811 ... a312ad.jpg[/img]

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Re: KKandBabyJ | KkandMamaKhoa | Part 43

Unread post by arizona87 »

sunshinetexas wrote:Her lashes look like SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree that they don’t look good on her but I’ve found my lashes look WAY better the second day after the weird ones have fallen out and you’ve brushed them how you like them. I think her lash person is good but they just don’t suite Keren because she’s blonde

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