Here is the bogus description of today's vlog, which of course doesn't match what they posted. They had lunch at Olive Garden thanks to a gift card from a follower because, otherwise as we all know, they probably wouldn't have been able to go.
Today was an incredible day of birthday parties! We started the day off at a tea party for our good friend EB, part of the vlogger family April and Davey. The girls loved the treats, dancing and of course Pony they got to take home from the party!
Lunch break in between at Olive Garden! Thanks to our amazing follower Kathryn for the the gift card and treating our family to lunch!
It was wonderful almost all the way through; that was until the the girls pulled the fire alarm!
Off to birthday party number two. Charly is the daughter of our good friends Jalynn and Saunder, who we met through Senegence. They hosted a Frozen party complete with Anna and Elsa visiting for a short bit. The girls were in heaven!