Ugh she totally does and it looks so bad, her idol Anna Rex soconne does that too, she thinks she is them, but so does Trash beastons and Earwig too after all the have such a grand friendless judged life in UK, some of the articles on this twat trap, . It is not worth it to put yourself out there. It’s not an acting job where you make up your characters life, and the girls makeup theirs too but they will always be fact checked, we are private detectives who will find out the most embarrassing Truths if life, and we will share them, we are only human and can’t take being played for a fool!!liars!! Dirty -cheats of the world!Decororchid528 wrote:She wears so much black too. I think she definitely has body image issues along with all of the rest of the stuff she is dealing with. She hardly eats. Also note how she turns one foot in to get the thigh gap. Ugh.
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