Parsnips and Parsimony

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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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So Baby Shillito #8 is here, eh? I wonder how long it will be until they're announcing #9? I wonder what they would do if Charity got a wild hair and moved out as soon as she turns 18? They certainly wouldn't expect the older boys to take over all of the same duties that she does. I still don't get why she doesn't get her own room when they have a 5 bedroom house.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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No ... they would start training Lydia up to take her place. LOL They are very sexist with household roles. Poor Charity has as much chance of breaking free from that family as she does of flying. she is totally ignorant of any other life and doesn't have a clue what she is missing out on. She will end up living the exact same lifestyle as her mother. They are clones. LOL I could see perhaps a couple of the younger girls breaking free, but not Charity.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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I was pleasantly surprised to see that they finally allowed Charity to be in the room during the birth. It always amazed me that they always banished her with the other kids when Janelle was in labour, even though she is so keen on becoming a nurse who specialises in midwifery. She didn't do anything except hold the camera, but at least they allowed her to stay this time.

Why on earth would they wake up those small girls at 3am to let them know that the baby had been born? Surely it would have made more sense to allow them to get a good night's sleep and let them know the good news a few hours later? Instead they had four small girls who were probably extremely tired the next day when they needed the household to be calm and in routine. It simply didn't make sense to me, except that they did it for click bait? What would have been wrong with allowing them to meet the baby three or four hours later? I get the older three being allowed to stay up for it, but those little girls were fast asleep and there was absolutely no need to wake them at 3am!

Daniel seems to be a lovely baby. I think he looks like Art.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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waking the girls up was good vlog material.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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Yes that is the only reason I can think of to do it. I thought it was really mean to do that to those little girls who needed to sleep.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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my goodness! Charity is looking dreadful in the latest vlog. In the part where she is sitting behind Art while he is talking about cleaning the house, she looks like a 45 year old woman. Someone on the comments mentioned how she should be out with friends instead of stuck doing things for the family all the time and of course they were quick to jump on that with their usual .... "the kids have friends, we just don't vlog about it". I get that totally reasoning, but the thing is that I don't think it is accurate.

They vlog nearly every single day and when they don't have a day when they vlog they usually talk about what they did on that day anyway. In all the years I've been watching them, there has only been one single mention of Charity being out with a friend and it was on her birthday for lunch. I've never once heard of any of the others being with a friend. They are ALWAYS together as a family unit, except when Charity is allowed to go to the ambulance place and John is allowed to go to his CAP training. The younger kids go to nothing. Those kids miss out on so much!
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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Janelle is amazingly self-centred! I know she has just had a baby, but geez! Every single thing she said was centred on herself. It was MY "day in the life" MY bedroom (she said that at least 5 times ... I thought it was THEIR bedroom, especially when Art was sitting right there as she kept saying it), the life of an "infant, mother, child" ... etc etc etc. The way she described it, her day was how SHE coped with everything, whereas in fact Art was right there beside her taking a lot of the load. Why is everything ALWAYS about her??

Those girls are terribly whiney.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

Janelle might very well one day be the old lady who never has her children visit her and people will wonder why. It's always only and entirely about her every second of the day. She should have made a personal channel but they'd get no views if she didn't film the kids.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by dahell »

weed wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:48 pm I was pleasantly surprised to see that they finally allowed Charity to be in the room during the birth. It always amazed me that they always banished her with the other kids when Janelle was in labour, even though she is so keen on becoming a nurse who specialises in midwifery. She didn't do anything except hold the camera, but at least they allowed her to stay this time.

Why on earth would they wake up those small girls at 3am to let them know that the baby had been born? Surely it would have made more sense to allow them to get a good night's sleep and let them know the good news a few hours later? Instead they had four small girls who were probably extremely tired the next day when they needed the household to be calm and in routine. It simply didn't make sense to me, except that they did it for click bait? What would have been wrong with allowing them to meet the baby three or four hours later? I get the older three being allowed to stay up for it, but those little girls were fast asleep and there was absolutely no need to wake them at 3am!

Daniel seems to be a lovely baby. I think he looks like Art.
Gosh, I thought the same thing. I’d never wake my kids up like that. Let them sleep. And she could have tried to catch her breath after the labor/delivery. I thought it was selfish and pointless.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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Janelle is beyond selfish and very needy. She even says in the latest vlog that people would wonder why Art didn't stay at home with Daniel while she went shopping by herself, instead of dragging the baby out into the cold. But it didn't stop her! Her excuse was that he would need to feed, so she had to have him with her. However, when she had finished shopping and he DID need a feed, she simply said "oh we'll go home now and I'll feed him there". So she made Art take time off work yet again, left Charity in charge of all the other kids at home and dragged a newborn out into the snow, all because SHE didn't want to go shopping by herself? I give up with this woman! She is incredible!

She seems to be obsessed with having that baby near her at all times "in case he needs to feed". Hasn't she ever heard of putting babies on a schedule? Actually all of the kids seem to set their own schedule, especially when it comes to nap times for the little girls, so I suppose this baby won't be any different. I think she just revels in them "needing her". She sees herself as an indispensable focus in their lives instead of encouraging them to become independent. I wish they would let some of those kids do something by themselves and not always be part of the family unit. They move in a pack like wolves. LOL
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

It can be difficult to put a breastfed baby on a schedule these days with everyone and their Aunt seeming to think you'll watch the clock and force a baby to wait to be fed or how they completely blow nipple confusion out of proportion. I fell into that trap with my first waiting too long to introduce expressed milk. The worst. After that I always introduced expressed milk within the first few days and they all went back and forth without any issue.

I totally believe she's a baby addict. Once the youngest doesn't need her all the time she passes them off to the wold pack [great name for them] and gets pregnant with the next one.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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I don't mean that she should be putting a very new newborn on a schedule yet, but she just never seems to do it. Those kids just sleep whenever they want to.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

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I thought its was strange that Janelle assured everyone in the blog and the comments that they don't eat processed food, yet the haul she showed contained plenty of processed foods. She also made a point of saying how they eat a lot of fruit, yet the were only a few bananas and some apples for that many people for a few weeks? It certainly didn't look nearly enough for a family of that size.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by weed »

I thought its was strange that Janelle assured everyone in the blog and the comments that they don't eat processed food, yet the haul she showed contained plenty of processed foods. She also made a point of saying how they eat a lot of fruit, yet the were only a few bananas and some apples for that many people for a few weeks? It certainly didn't look nearly enough for a family of that size.

I was just watching a vlog for "Our Tribe of Many" (a similar sized family) and they had bought about 4 times the amount of fruit for two weeks. Janelle and Art certainly don't feed their kids enough.
Last edited by weed on Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by dahell »

Her food haul....dear me. She’s either starting to use the “lingo” from other popular “big family moms” or I never noticed. Our Tribe of Many and Jamerril. They LOVE LOVE to say we are “eating down our freezer” this month or “eating down our pantry”. I don’t know why but it’s a term that bugs me. I think she sees some of these channels growing and is trying to step up her haul game. Lol. I can’t understand why they are so popular...but then again I keep them on in the background while cleaning and stuff so....guess I like them for the noise too. Also, she was SO NICE to get string cheese for herself to make it easy for the kids to bring to her while gosh. Not saying kids can’t/shouldn’t help but she definitely wants to be pampered by all.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by weed »

Yes I've noticed that she always talks about getting the the kids to bring her snacks when she is feeding the baby. Lazy cow! Can't she even move around and get her own snacks while she is feeding him? Why does she have to be totally immobile when feeing a baby? She isn't ill. And why does she need special snacks at that exact time? What about the poor kids getting some special snacks for once? She really sees herself as the Queen Bee in that household.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by gibberish »

Charity applied for nursing school in Dec. She's heard from them, they did not accept her. She thinks because she is 16 and there were more qualified people. She's going to try to get into EMT school in the fall. In the meantime, she applied for a job at the local library. She was hired, needs to fill out more paperwork, then she can start that job.

She's been doing a lot of crochet work. She's mostly finished with school...? Only has a few things to keep up with??
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

I honestly don't think she's got the science\math background to cut it in nursing school. She might be better served to take some college courses to get caught up. I wonder if they did a Christian [the world is 6000 years old and dinosaurs lived at the same time as Adam and Eve] type of homeschool science curriculum - if so I don't know if she'll be prepared.

I hope she'll have her own bank acct and get to keep this money from her job and her parents won't suddenly expect her to help support the family. She already is more of a mother to her siblings than she should be.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by weed »

Where did you see that she had been rejected from nursing school and has a job at the library? I must have missed that as I don't remember seeing it in a vlog.

I'm not surprised that she didn't get in as I agree that she just doesn't have the background to achieve in such a field with her limited homeschooling. She virtually teaches herself and the poor kid has no idea really. I commend her getting job, but once again it is within her parents' little bubble world. She doesn't need to work in the local library where they all spend so much time! She needs a job where she can go outside the family bubble and relate to people who come from different backgrounds. She is never going to get that if she keeps limiting herself to just staying within the family bubble. Poor kid has no life experiences of her own. All she does is look after her younger siblings while cooking and cleaning, try to homeschool herself, go to the library and church and occasionally she's allowed to ride on the ambulance. I really feel so sorry for her as she really seems like a nice girl, but is so naive that she doesn't know how to move forward. I wonder how many box tops she has saved now for her nursing career? 8-)

John was also rejected a while back from a bird course that he wanted to do. I think that these kids had better get used to rejection as they just aren't going to cut it in the real world. They will all end up doing exactly what their parents do ... the girls will manage families and households and the boys will have some sort of job where they can work in isolation just like Art does. They will never be able to exist in jobs where they have deadlines and need people skills.
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony

Unread post by gibberish »

weed wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 4:44 pm Where did you see that she had been rejected from nursing school and has a job at the library? I must have missed that as I don't remember seeing it in a vlog.

I'm not surprised that she didn't get in as I agree that she just doesn't have the background to achieve in such a field with her limited homeschooling. She virtually teaches herself and the poor kid has no idea really. I commend her getting job, but once again it is within her parents' little bubble world. She doesn't need to work in the local library where they all spend so much time! She needs a job where she can go outside the family bubble and relate to people who come from different backgrounds. She is never going to get that if she keeps limiting herself to just staying within the family bubble. Poor kid has no life experiences of her own. All she does is look after her younger siblings while cooking and cleaning, try to homeschool herself, go to the library and church and occasionally she's allowed to ride on the ambulance. I really feel so sorry for her as she really seems like a nice girl, but is so naive that she doesn't know how to move forward. I wonder how many box tops she has saved now for her nursing career? 8-)

John was also rejected a while back from a bird course that he wanted to do. I think that these kids had better get used to rejection as they just aren't going to cut it in the real world. They will all end up doing exactly what their parents do ... the girls will manage families and households and the boys will have some sort of job where they can work in isolation just like Art does. They will never be able to exist in jobs where they have deadlines and need people skills.
On Charity's YouTube channel: ALoopandAHook

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