8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Catface2 »

Oh why can’t Shari eat with her mouth closed? It’s so gross to see her chew... and a cookie for lunch?! No. Eat real food and stop with all your candy. The obsession with candy in this gene pool frightens me. Maybe this is Abby’s stomach problems. Unless that’s all staged bullshit that Ruby is making up..like her own Mother said..just make something up..in a vid not long ago. :?
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by mix10 »

It’s like every video lately is just the kids buying a bunch of candy for their crushes? It all just seems so wasteful and excessive. I’m not saying the kids shouldn’t ever have sweets, but doesn’t it make more sense to get one or two nicer and more meaningful gifts, than an entire basket’s worth of sugary crap...

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Bobbityfo1 »

If this was my mother I'd be like "please back off". She's intense. How have Chad's recent years been a train wreck? He's fine and probably nicer than boys I knew at that age! [IMG]//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201903 ... 7cee03.jpg[/IMG]
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by westcoastgirl92 »

Im just at the beginning of sharis new video(the sister tag) and i already lost it. this coughing from Julie says a lot about her mental health and shari uses it against her. And Abby seems not happy to do this at all. Also she looks so unhappy in the last vlogs and seems frustrated. Its crazy what this environment to this to her-i was like oooh shes just 11 and looks at least like 13/14. she lost all her childish sweetness. Poor girls, not only Ruby is causing them stress, also Shari!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by 10PumpsOfVanilla »

That video with the sisters was hard to watch. When talking about what they dislike about one another Shari had to stop both girls to say they were lying when it came to stuff they dislike about her. Also in her birthday video she scoffed at everything and didn't want anything, but when Ruby said Abby and Julie made out pretty good Shari said "Yeah and on MY birthday." She really bothers me.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Kattiness Everdeen »

I am catching up....

1) This prom stuff has gotten so excessive. And why would Shari admit to stealing her "friend's" "Tickled Pink PROMposal Answer"? She is worried BREVIN will think she is copying. No wonder she doesn't have any friends. Even Ruby thinks it isn't "kosher" (oh Ruby you are so cultured).

2) Shari tells us she has to duct tape the stripes down the sides of her pants, because buying a pair of plain black plants from Walmart is too expensive.....as she drops $100 to formally say 'YES' to her boyfriend/cousin of 2 years. Again, when Ruby thinks you are being insane and dramatic, you KNOW you have problems! And what in the world is "Experiential Learning" and why does it require only "all black track pants"? Are they experientially learning about the Heaven's Gate cult?

3) I know it is their accent and they can't help it, but once you have heard "peeenk" repeated for the 16th time in a row, you really have to fight to get through the video. It makes you not even notice they bought "oatmill" and "hwipping cream".....

4) How does Shari have such a hard time finding shorts that reach her knees. I have average length legs at 5'5", and clothing being too long is often a problem for me. Not to mention you can just get boy shorts and they should be down to Shari's ankles. Maybe she can call them track pants and kill two birds with one stone? If every girl in the entire school needs to have these things, you'd think she could ask them were they bought theirs. She makes me want to scream with her manufactured problems.

5) Her list of shopping complaints/"disasters" included not knowing the only kind of cat food her hedgehog will eat. Does she "outsource" caring for her pet? Does she have Ruby's "early onset dementia"? Do her siblings hate her so much she can't call and have one read the label to her?

6) Ruby essentially admits she is living vicariously through her children (Shari) and that Kevin has let her know not to say that "we" are going to Prom, only Shari is. At least she recognizes it and is trying to change.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by ctx2002 »

10PumpsOfVanilla wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:14 am That video with the sisters was hard to watch. When talking about what they dislike about one another Shari had to stop both girls to say they were lying when it came to stuff they dislike about her.
Yeah, that video was pretty revealing in some ways. It's on Shari's channel if y'all haven't seen it. Abby and Julie both allude to Shari being bossy, and you'll notice that her immediate reaction to most of the negative things they say about her is to immediately deny it. She definitely has a bit of arrogance/holier-than-thou to her personality. And she herself said twice that she's mean to Julie, but at least she admits it.

It sounds like Julie's moved from facial tics to throat clearing as a tic. Nice to see Shari use the words reserved and quiet to describe Abby, as it confirms my hunch about her probably being the most introverted in the family. Also, Abby points out that she wants to say 'no' when Shari asks her to do various things, but doesn't. Like I've said before, the poor girl really needs some assertiveness training, or she'll grow up to be a doormat. It's one thing to toe the line with your oddball mom, but you can stand up to your older sister more.

It was kind of funny how Shari edited the part where Abby and Julie were starting to argue about computer time. The timing of it and how Shari is literally in the middle of them talking to each other like, "Okay guys, this isn't a video to fight in."

I think with Abby's maturing and growing closer to Shari now that they share a room, she and Julie are going to have a rocky relationship for couple of years until Julie matures and is seen more as one of the 'older' kids in the family. I bet Julie feels kind of 'left behind' by Abby, given how close they were back when they were younger and shared a room.

Also, it was cute when Abby mentioned she'll be in the bathtub and day dreaming about being a character in a book she's reading. I was an imaginative kid like that as well, so it was sweet to hear.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by LilaRose »

10PumpsOfVanilla wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:14 am That video with the sisters was hard to watch. When talking about what they dislike about one another Shari had to stop both girls to say they were lying when it came to stuff they dislike about her. Also in her birthday video she scoffed at everything and didn't want anything, but when Ruby said Abby and Julie made out pretty good Shari said "Yeah and on MY birthday." She really bothers me.
I totally agree.

Also the video confirmed what we were saying here before: That the older siblings are mean to Julie. Even in the first question "what do we like about each other", Shari answers that Julie is always so kind to everyone even though they are mean to her. WTF? Talking about the nicknames they admit a second time that (since three years ago) they are all very mean to Julie. And at the end of the video when they are talking about fighting, Shari for a third time says that she is just mean to Julie.

Julie says Shari is kind and Shari answers: that's a funny joke. I mean if she knows she's being a b.... to her siblings, why doesn't she change it? It obviously is a thing in this family since Bonnie also pretty proud proclaims now and then that she has been horrible to her siblings.

Shari has to remind Julie to do her chores in the morning? Shari/Abby have to wake up the boys? That means that Ruby obviously isn't awake when the kids are getting ready to go to school.

They can't talk about what each other talents are, because right away they have to put Julie down. That was supposed to be a positive question.... I could tell right away a couple of things my brother is talented in. Sad that they don't have to say much positive about each other.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by pleasecleanyourhouse »

Catface2 wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:52 pm That peeling skin on her face really freaked me out! I wouldn’t b caught dead out of the house like that. Previous post was right..trying to cover it with makeup made it look worse. I would have just moisturizerized it and not done foundation. I wonder if it hurts?
Yeah, it can hurt when it's done and then for the first day. Then when dead skin is peeling it doesn't hurt unless you pull it. It's advised to moisture and not use any makeup until the skin is healed. At least that's how it was for me, I've had it done a few times as a teen.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by endof »

But just even calling herself a powerful mother is cringe! Let someone else give you that compliment like your kids’ teachers. Oh yeah I forgot she doesn’t even acknowledge them when they call her in for her son’s disgusting behavior! Kids have no shoes, go hungry,woke them at the crack of dawn to practice music was generally a monster mom until youtube money! Even Shari said she was not even allowed to keep a soft toy. Powerful mother for sure!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Kattiness Everdeen »

Did anyone catch Abby claiming her frequent vomiting spells are because she ate too much?

I wonder if this is something Ruby tells her as part of her control trip (mainly centered around food). Normally people don't vomit every time they get served an extra chicken wing for dinner, or a second piece of bread with their egg.....or after drinking water in the morning. I hope she gets to see a Gastroenterologist now that they have enough money for $800 phones "just because", and massive donations to her kids' school.

To then also see Ruby forcing food on Eve, and accusing Julie of pretending to have eaten soup, just infuriates me. Why not serve all the kids a healthy age appropriate sized portion at a family meal if she actually concerned? A SAHM of all school aged children could surely manage this at least once a day. They are all going to end up with eating disorders the rate she is going with withholding food one day, and force-feeding the next.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by ACarATorchAJess »

Why does Shari talk like that? Holy shit.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Tiger27 »

I haven’t watched all the videos mentioned Abby’s stomach aches and vomiting but there is a ton of research out there linking inexplainable stomach pain and anxiety in children. She needs to be evaluated to rule out other causes first but if nothing can be found, it certainly could be a sign of some mental health issues going on that absolutely need addressed. Too bad mental health (and physical health for that matter) are low priorities for this family...they prefer to just let Abby suffer with her pain.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by freshbalsam »

LilaRose wrote:
10PumpsOfVanilla wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:14 am That video with the sisters was hard to watch. When talking about what they dislike about one another Shari had to stop both girls to say they were lying when it came to stuff they dislike about her. Also in her birthday video she scoffed at everything and didn't want anything, but when Ruby said Abby and Julie made out pretty good Shari said "Yeah and on MY birthday." She really bothers me.
I totally agree.

Also the video confirmed what we were saying here before: That the older siblings are mean to Julie. Even in the first question "what do we like about each other", Shari answers that Julie is always so kind to everyone even though they are mean to her. WTF? Talking about the nicknames they admit a second time that (since three years ago) they are all very mean to Julie. And at the end of the video when they are talking about fighting, Shari for a third time says that she is just mean to Julie.

Julie says Shari is kind and Shari answers: that's a funny joke. I mean if she knows she's being a b.... to her siblings, why doesn't she change it? It obviously is a thing in this family since Bonnie also pretty proud proclaims now and then that she has been horrible to her siblings.

Shari has to remind Julie to do her chores in the morning? Shari/Abby have to wake up the boys? That means that Ruby obviously isn't awake when the kids are getting ready to go to school.

They can't talk about what each other talents are, because right away they have to put Julie down. That was supposed to be a positive question.... I could tell right away a couple of things my brother is talented in. Sad that they don't have to say much positive about each other.
Aww. I haven’t watched the video but that’s awful about Julie. She’s definitely my favorite. I think she’s really come into her looks as she’s grown, she’s beautiful! Plus I love her little entrepreneur-like businesses that she makes and she does seem to go out of her way to be nice to her siblings. I wish they’d leave her alone, poor kid Image

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Brazilnut »

What school do the kids go to, or, if it isn't allowed, what videos should I watch to figure it out?

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Baconsgirl »

I wish one of them told Shari I hate how you think you are above us.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by ctx2002 »

So I figured out which private school the kids go to, because I was curious what kind of tuition they're paying. And holy crap! :-o That's like buying a brand new, not-luxury-but-still-nice car every year. I knew they were raking in the money, but to be able to afford that plus the standard costs of raising six kids and taxes and so on. Geeze! And Kevin may be tenured, but he can't be making much more than around $125,000 at best (I would assume).

Then again I guess they can at least save money by skimping on birthday gifts. :?
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by greyskies9 »

So...What exactly is her book going to be about? Sounds like she is taking ideas from viewers and self-help books to write her amazing How to parent Ruby's way. Mothers are powerful when they keep kids clothes to a minimum. Make sure you check their drawers because you know how sneaky 7 year old boys are putting dirty things away. Also spend as much money as you can on their clothes because, they will grow out if it in just a few months and only wear it a little bit, because they wear uniforms for their Over-priced private school 99% of the time. Then donate their barely used expensive clothing to the local charity and make yourself feel good. On the way home getcha a soda and sugar cookie because you have worked hard! When you wake up, put on a fancy robe or expensive clothes, that is how your kids know you love them. Don't worry about brushing your teeth, bathing or doing your make-up and hair. Your fancy clothes will carry you through your day. Make them a nice warm meal, but don't let them eat too much because they must watch their figures. If they do eat too much, let them lay on the dirty, hard, cold, bathroom floor. No need to spread those germs to everyone! If they forget something at home, DO NOT take it to them. You can't be expected to interrupt your naptime. You are powerful and need your rest. If they make a mistake, film it so you can look back on it later and remind them they need to be responsible, humble, and honest. Remember the more money you spend, the more love they feel. No need for reading to them (who needs education), helping with homework (pay a neighbor to do that), driving them to school (college kids need jobs too), or one on one time. For birthdays only buy what they need. Don't buy them what they want. They will be spoiled if you get them their wants. Let their Not boyfriends/girlfriends/friend's parents do that. Your opinion is all that matters. Do not let them date until they are 16. Before that they only have crushes that you highly encourage and promote. Always remember, You are powerful Momma!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by westcoastgirl92 »

greyskies9 wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:11 am So...What exactly is her book going to be about? Sounds like she is taking ideas from viewers and self-help books to write her amazing How to parent Ruby's way. Mothers are powerful when they keep kids clothes to a minimum. Make sure you check their drawers because you know how sneaky 7 year old boys are putting dirty things away. Also spend as much money as you can on their clothes because, they will grow out if it in just a few months and only wear it a little bit, because they wear uniforms for their Over-priced private school 99% of the time. Then donate their barely used expensive clothing to the local charity and make yourself feel good. On the way home getcha a soda and sugar cookie because you have worked hard! When you wake up, put on a fancy robe or expensive clothes, that is how your kids know you love them. Don't worry about brushing your teeth, bathing or doing your make-up and hair. Your fancy clothes will carry you through your day. Make them a nice warm meal, but don't let them eat too much because they must watch their figures. If they do eat too much, let them lay on the dirty, hard, cold, bathroom floor. No need to spread those germs to everyone! If they forget something at home, DO NOT take it to them. You can't be expected to interrupt your naptime. You are powerful and need your rest. If they make a mistake, film it so you can look back on it later and remind them they need to be responsible, humble, and honest. Remember the more money you spend, the more love they feel. No need for reading to them (who needs education), helping with homework (pay a neighbor to do that), driving them to school (college kids need jobs too), or one on one time. For birthdays only buy what they need. Don't buy them what they want. They will be spoiled if you get them their wants. Let their Not boyfriends/girlfriends/friend's parents do that. Your opinion is all that matters. Do not let them date until they are 16. Before that they only have crushes that you highly encourage and promote. Always remember, You are powerful Momma!
Hahahah great :D
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Catface2 »

Don’t forget...she’s also powerful at dressing herself in the ugliest clothes imaginable. That get up for church was atrocious! Jet black tights with silver strappy shoes...not cute. Stop with the little girl pig tails too..

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