snarksite wrote:First, I appreciate everyone for their comments.
For such a group of haters, we have proven over and over that we can discuss things calmly and rationally.
“Spastic” is a term I have heard used (USA) to describe a symptom of low muscle tone. My grandson has even had doctors use it when discussing his diagnosis and symptoms. I have never heard it used in any other situation before now. I appreciate everyone explaining the different connotations. Definitely eye opening.
To see Dumbash mock her child like that is heartbreaking. Kids remember stuff like that. Even if they forget the actual event, the lingering feelings of shame stay with them. Dumbash is not just ignorant, she is evil. A first class Bitch.
I don’t care what happened to her as a child, she has no right to treat anybody the way she did Esme.
Also, I seem to remember that TyPerv said there were 3 fathers involved with Jodi’s kids. TyPerv and the runaway (Denver) with Dad 1, then the next however many with Dad 2, then Oakland with Dad 3. But Jodi gave Oakland Dad 2’s name.
Upstanding bunch, all of them.
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If Oakland was born Nov. 2000, and Jodi and Hubby #2's divorce decree was entered in March 2002 (public record)... Oh, and #2 was the one who filed. Hmmm.
Also did Trash say she remembers Oak running around in diapers? So, he would have been 2 or 3? That would have been 2002 or 2003. Isn't that during the Lost Years when T&A supposedly weren't dating? They need to give up and just admit, yes, almost 20-year-old Typerv was attracted to and pursued a 13-year-old that fateful July 4 day, and because she has awful parents, this adult man began dating an 8th grader. And he has those same tendencies today, engaging teens on the Internet, and the same family members still see nothing wrong with it.
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