Brianna K | Part 3

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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by makeupjunkie91 »

username44 wrote:Has it ever occurred to Brianna the reason Presley doesn’t want to go to bed at 6:30 pm is because she isn’t a baby anymore? My daughter just turned 3 and she definitely was not being put to bed at 6 pm a year ago.. that’s what time we eat dinner. Brianna sounds like a mom who is fed up and done with the child if she’s complaining day after day about her not sleeping at 6:30 pm. Obviously circumstances are different if they’re waking up very, very early, doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m sure they aren’t doing anything that can wear the girl out during the day to make her tired as it seems Brianna is hiding in the house all day everyday. I’m curious though, am I just keeping my child up late, or do y’all put your kids to bed at 6 pm?

In my opinion 6:30 is ridiculously early. Some people are just getting home from home at that time. What would she do if she was still working and was home by that time? She’d put her kid to bed? When would she spend time with her?

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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by ActualWorkingMom »

I don’t think my son ever went to bed at 6. Even as an infant with 2-3 naps during the day.

I have to admit that I side-eye parents who put their children to bed that early. There are exceptions where families start their days VERY early, but in most cases I’ve personally seen, the parents just don’t want to spend time with their kids. That includes eating dinner. If my son went to bed at 6:00 or 6:30, we would never get to see him. I work outside the home and so does my husband.

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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by speaktruth »

My small children went to bed at EIGHT at night. I was so busy doing actual evening things like making family dinners and the clean up around 6pm that it sounds INSANE to my ears when I hear of parents putting their kids to be SO EARLY. Let the kid be outside until the sun sets! That was how I grew up and let my kids do, too! I just shake my head when I hear these millenial parents throwing their kids into bed at the first possible chance they can. GROW UP. Be a family to your kids! There is no actual bonding time these days. Scrap all the screens and look at each other and interact! You will be AMAZED at how much sounder you will ALL sleep.

Man, they said growing up in the "olden days" was hard. No. It seems even harder nowadays. Just look at this whiny generation! WOW.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by formerctfxcer »

My son (same age as P) has to be up at 6 for us to eat breakfast and get to daycare before I go to work. The absolute earliest he goes to bed is 7:30 pm unless something crazy happened that day or the day before (stayed up late for fireworks show or sick, etc.). I can’t believe she thinks a 2 year old should go to bed at 6:30 pm when I highly doubt they’re up super early??

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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by username44 »

I just can’t believe she’s making the kids take naps during the day and she puts them down that early. It seems she wants them asleep more than awake. Yeah, that sure sounds like a mom who needs another baby alright 🙄 now that it’s summer and still light at 9 pm I can’t get my daughter down before that. In one of her videos she said Landon was still napping at 5pm. It’s her fault the kids won’t sleep, not theirs, and not because of her dads passing.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by venonymous0806 »

So, if her grandma isnt parenting, she is putting her kids down for naps and also putting them down for bed at 6 or 7pm? Their meals are toaster oven, microwave, etc. Pull ups til preschool. TV time and clean clean clean. She only parents on autopilot.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by yeahsureok »

The whole stay at home mom thing was supposedly supposed to help out her situation with her father (understandable) but I’m hoping she goes back, even part time. Being a stay at home mom is not her JAM and that is okay... but she shouldn’t punish her kids for it. Trust me, I look forward to Bed time as much as the next mom but 6pm... come on Bri, that’s like freakin torture for a 2 year old.

Big ass house... there are other ways to get your kids out of your hair without locking them in cribs to cry. Utilize that big movie room and let them wind down to a movie before bed or something and you can rage clean.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by Itsnotmyfault »

Omg Landon talking to Bri about Minnie Mouse NOT on prez bow, was frightening af! She is gonna have big problems with him, and it’s her fault! Woof!
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by catmom89 »

username44 wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:58 pm I just can’t believe she’s making the kids take naps during the day and she puts them down that early. It seems she wants them asleep more than awake. Yeah, that sure sounds like a mom who needs another baby alright 🙄 now that it’s summer and still light at 9 pm I can’t get my daughter down before that. In one of her videos she said Landon was still napping at 5pm. It’s her fault the kids won’t sleep, not theirs, and not because of her dads passing.
Right?! If it was her choice, she'd probably have the kids sleep all day.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by QueenMaleficent »

As obsessive as she is about cleaning, you would think she would do a weekly wash on that car.
It's definitely a nice little SUV, so why not take care of it and be proud? If you're too busy, take it through the car wash.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by BobbiB6606 »

Guess she suffered enough embarrassment from the past few car clean out videos. There was no vomit or water bottle counts or before shots with heaping piles on Cheetos in the carseat.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by username44 »

Is she really posing with a bottle of alcohol and throwing cosmic brownies in the air with the kids? This woman is so fucking weird 🙄
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by speaktruth »

Mediteranean diet? What's that? And the poor girl can't "detail clean" a car to save her life! sigh. Just bring the car to Jim, Myka's husband, and he will do a GREAT job on it! I'm sure it's his videos she's watching for "inspiration". I'm so shocked at how horrific her car can get. 2 kids making all that mess and she even says now that they want a vehicle that fits THREE car seats! Yeah, 'cause now is the time for another kid? Now is the time for a vasectomy, IMO. She can't even keep another car seat clean, just like she didn't even clean the 2 she has! Take the covers OFF. Nope! Febreze and leave it seems to be her motto. GROSS!
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by aribethy »

For someone who makes their YouTube living off clean with me vids, you’d think she’d take a second to figure out how to properly clean a car seat. Most car seats you can’t use harsh chemicals, just detergent without optical brightener and either hand wash, or machine wash on gentle and hang dry. I was surprised there wasn’t more pitchforks out in the comments on that video.

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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by username44 »

speaktruth wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:16 pm Mediteranean diet? What's that? And the poor girl can't "detail clean" a car to save her life! sigh. Just bring the car to Jim, Myka's husband, and he will do a GREAT job on it! I'm sure it's his videos she's watching for "inspiration". I'm so shocked at how horrific her car can get. 2 kids making all that mess and she even says now that they want a vehicle that fits THREE car seats! Yeah, 'cause now is the time for another kid? Now is the time for a vasectomy, IMO. She can't even keep another car seat clean, just like she didn't even clean the 2 she has! Take the covers OFF. Nope! Febreze and leave it seems to be her motto. GROSS!
Why is she constantly feeding her kids in the car anyway? They don’t need to eat something every single time they get in the car.. my kid is 3 and one of my biggest fears is her choking in the back while I’m driving. I probably won’t let her eat in the car until she’s old enough to drive herself unless we’re stopped lol. I have one child and 2 big dogs in the back seat and my car looks pretty dang pristine compared to hers. One of the first rules to a clean car is no eating in it. The kids will survive if they don’t get a snack on the way to GG’s. Those car seats are filled with crumbs which proves she throws snacks back at them.

Brianna is not a clean person despite the constant cleaning videos. She never truly deep cleans. The way she mops is a damn joke. Spraying Meyers or glass cleaner on everything isn’t cleaning either. Also, this is the woman who admits to being stinky from sweating, not showering, and having poor hygiene. I wouldn’t look to her for cleaning advice ever. She smells like a sewer rat.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by Not_Sponsored »

Did she seriously just post her dvds of the show Newlyweds from Jessica Simpson’s marriage to Nick Lachey and tag Jessica Simpson in her IG stories? I’m sure she’d *love* a reminder of her ex husband and first marriage. She probably won’t see it, but what a dope Bri is.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by venonymous0806 »

She is officially out of content in my book. I'm not clicking on her and her crumb/vomit pit of a car. I've seen her duplicate the same cleaning video 8 million times. Surfaces always, never anything beyond. I dont need to waste my time seeking her wipe counters and vacuum and mop.
I dont care about what she eats bc I dont want to look like her or have her frantic anxiety....and ya are what ya eat, sooo....
I'll watch her decorating videos because she does a decent job and seems to actually enjoy it. I'm trying to think of what else I'd actually click on at this point. I would watch some actual deep cleaning. Pull out furniture, clean the rugs, take apart the toilet seats and clean the crevices, pull up the vent covers, clean curtains and ceiling fans. I'd also watch some sort of home maintenance type of video. Like a day where her and Adam are just doing odd jobs off a list: replace lightbulbs, replace air filter, replace a broken outlet cover for example. Like maybe how they stay on top of it. I would even like a seasonal video. Like "here are the things we do to the home to go from summer to fall" maybe lawn prep, packing up the water table toys, disconnect the hose from the before a hard freeze, etc..

Just ideas, her content has been stale and played out to me lately. They didnt even vlog the kitchen makeover, just the before and after. "Take us along" in picking things out, show the steps, etc.

Anyone think they dropped the date nights (nyuiits as they say it in heavy accent) and the weekly meeting or whatever that shit was? Divorce is probably coming in the next 6-9 months is my prediction.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by yeahsureok »

venonymous0806 wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:09 am She is officially out of content in my book. I'm not clicking on her and her crumb/vomit pit of a car. I've seen her duplicate the same cleaning video 8 million times. Surfaces always, never anything beyond. I dont need to waste my time seeking her wipe counters and vacuum and mop.
I dont care about what she eats bc I dont want to look like her or have her frantic anxiety....and ya are what ya eat, sooo....
I'll watch her decorating videos because she does a decent job and seems to actually enjoy it. I'm trying to think of what else I'd actually click on at this point. I would watch some actual deep cleaning. Pull out furniture, clean the rugs, take apart the toilet seats and clean the crevices, pull up the vent covers, clean curtains and ceiling fans. I'd also watch some sort of home maintenance type of video. Like a day where her and Adam are just doing odd jobs off a list: replace lightbulbs, replace air filter, replace a broken outlet cover for example. Like maybe how they stay on top of it. I would even like a seasonal video. Like "here are the things we do to the home to go from summer to fall" maybe lawn prep, packing up the water table toys, disconnect the hose from the before a hard freeze, etc..

Just ideas, her content has been stale and played out to me lately. They didnt even vlog the kitchen makeover, just the before and after. "Take us along" in picking things out, show the steps, etc.

Anyone think they dropped the date nights (nyuiits as they say it in heavy accent) and the weekly meeting or whatever that shit was? Divorce is probably coming in the next 6-9 months is my prediction.
Def thinking divorce is inevitable with those two.

I feel like (to me), Bri seems happiest inspiring women to be “boss babes”. Although I hate her style, when she makes videos like “what to wear to an interview” or how to do your make up for work” I feel like that’s when she’s the most confident, genuine and actually trying to help. In a way I feel bad for her because doing what is “trendy” for other YT moms, is not fulfilling her at all and it’s so obvious.

You just gave her so much content tho lol! She’s probably jumping up down right now 😂
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by username44 »

yeahsureok wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:26 am
venonymous0806 wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:09 am She is officially out of content in my book. I'm not clicking on her and her crumb/vomit pit of a car. I've seen her duplicate the same cleaning video 8 million times. Surfaces always, never anything beyond. I dont need to waste my time seeking her wipe counters and vacuum and mop.
I dont care about what she eats bc I dont want to look like her or have her frantic anxiety....and ya are what ya eat, sooo....
I'll watch her decorating videos because she does a decent job and seems to actually enjoy it. I'm trying to think of what else I'd actually click on at this point. I would watch some actual deep cleaning. Pull out furniture, clean the rugs, take apart the toilet seats and clean the crevices, pull up the vent covers, clean curtains and ceiling fans. I'd also watch some sort of home maintenance type of video. Like a day where her and Adam are just doing odd jobs off a list: replace lightbulbs, replace air filter, replace a broken outlet cover for example. Like maybe how they stay on top of it. I would even like a seasonal video. Like "here are the things we do to the home to go from summer to fall" maybe lawn prep, packing up the water table toys, disconnect the hose from the before a hard freeze, etc..

Just ideas, her content has been stale and played out to me lately. They didnt even vlog the kitchen makeover, just the before and after. "Take us along" in picking things out, show the steps, etc.

Anyone think they dropped the date nights (nyuiits as they say it in heavy accent) and the weekly meeting or whatever that shit was? Divorce is probably coming in the next 6-9 months is my prediction.
Def thinking divorce is inevitable with those two.

I feel like (to me), Bri seems happiest inspiring women to be “boss babes”. Although I hate her style, when she makes videos like “what to wear to an interview” or how to do your make up for work” I feel like that’s when she’s the most confident, genuine and actually trying to help. In a way I feel bad for her because doing what is “trendy” for other YT moms, is not fulfilling her at all and it’s so obvious.

You just gave her so much content tho lol! She’s probably jumping up down right now 😂
Yes, you just handed her next YT paycheck right on over with those ideas lol. I really wish Brianna would go back to work. I know she would benefit from it so much. SAHM life isn’t for everyone and that’s 100% okay. She is not cut out for it. She needs to put #3 wayyyyy on the back burner. She still has 4 years until she becomes high risk pregnancy age. Her thread wasn’t even moving much until she quit her job and slowly started eating at her own soul. She’s got labels in her fridge ffs. Everyone is burnt out watching her clean her counters over and over, and don’t even get me started on the diet plan she’s preaching.

Also, Bri, please go get some help for your speech. I know you have the NE Ohio accent, I do too, but for the love of god stop saying MELK!!!! That’s not normal and literally no one says that. You’re dumbing yourself down with that mush mouth.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 3

Unread post by venonymous0806 »

I agree. She fares much better when she does some sort of outside of the home work. She just is not cut out to be a stay at home mom, especially in the realm of youtube. So many other women do it better that we are only watching Bri right now for the impending train wreck. The thing that made her channel special was that she was a working mom and relatively had it all balanced and together. Her worries and fears were relatable, such as "am I spending enough quality time with my kids/husband, how do I do my cleaning and get myself and kids ready on a weekly basis" and now her worries are "have I wiped down the side of the dresser in the past 2 days?" Or "how are we going to know where the popcorn is if theres no chalk label that says popcorn goes here". Like, does she think she is relatable to ANYONE at this point? Does she think she is goals for anyone?

If I see one more glamour shot of any of those 4 goons just randomly posed around the house in some sort of outfit, I'm going to lose it haha. The more you think about it the funnier and weirder it gets. Someone take their own pic beside their sink as an impression and upload it here. Please.

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