username44 wrote:Has it ever occurred to Brianna the reason Presley doesn’t want to go to bed at 6:30 pm is because she isn’t a baby anymore? My daughter just turned 3 and she definitely was not being put to bed at 6 pm a year ago.. that’s what time we eat dinner. Brianna sounds like a mom who is fed up and done with the child if she’s complaining day after day about her not sleeping at 6:30 pm. Obviously circumstances are different if they’re waking up very, very early, doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m sure they aren’t doing anything that can wear the girl out during the day to make her tired as it seems Brianna is hiding in the house all day everyday. I’m curious though, am I just keeping my child up late, or do y’all put your kids to bed at 6 pm?
In my opinion 6:30 is ridiculously early. Some people are just getting home from home at that time. What would she do if she was still working and was home by that time? She’d put her kid to bed? When would she spend time with her?
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