Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by retiredrn70 »

I wish Jes would discover a phobia of his evil mothers and torture her with it. What she is doing to Nef is criminal. Why even show the extra pizzas or even order them? It is not like they are showing a basic hungarian food. Aph is done and Nef is scarred for life, Jes would probably leave if he did not feel so needed by the little ones-esp ignore KJ, They all looked miserable hot and tired and over everything.

it is not really evil to wish for ehr to fall down! Oh fiddle maybe it it is but i concur. If she fell and nobody came to help her it would be great footage,
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by retiredrn70 »

I wish Jes would discover a phobia of his evil mothers and torture her with it. What she is doing to Nef is criminal. Why even show the extra pizzas or even order them? It is not like they are showing a basic hungarian food. Aph is done and Nef is scarred for life, Jes would probably leave if he did not feel so needed by the little ones-esp ignore KJ, They all looked miserable hot and tired and over everything.

it is not really evil to wish for ehr to fall down! Oh fiddle maybe it is but i concur. If she fell and nobody came to help her it would be great footage,
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Ashley18032 »

Taina is a disgusting human and I am such an open minded person. For her to torture Nef is disgusting. Her poor eye she needs steroids and Benadryl and hot compresses not to be EFFIN taunted and abused emotionally! My heart is truly broken for her. I really can’t keep watching because it makes me sick that by my watching I am earning her money and allowing her to believe this behavior is acceptable. Cleo is just as bad... They’re both sick. Taina is a classic case of textbook histrionic personality disorder! Cleo is following in her footsteps. Such a shame.

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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Ashley18032 »

Taina I pray you’re reading this, please seek counseling for your obvious Cluster B Histrionic Personality Disorder. It’s not too late to get help and learn how to be a better parent. Your ten children deserve better. I really hope you get the help you need. This is coming from a caring place for your children. The child who is the most sick with your influence is Cleopatra. The next one to need serious help will be little KJ. He has been so sorely neglected and the only time to pay attention to him is to belittle him. I think you see he is sensitive and sweet and you wish, you too, had those qualities. I know that something has happened to you to create this disorder. The time to get help is now. You see that your eldest son ran fast and far as soon as he could. You owe it to your children to get help before their near elderly, disabled father passes away and you’re all they have. I suggest instead of paying for music lessons you all enroll in group therapy. This is truly coming from a place of caring and concern. The torment you cause Nefertiti is disgusting, disturbing and makes me physically ill watching. You need help and I would be more than happy to help you facilitate that if you’d be receptive to it. Before you lose all your children to abandonment or worse turning them to drinking, drugs, or self harm as coping mechanisms to deal with your demons. Please reach out for help. Mental health has a terribly sad stigma these days but I know so many of us would respect you if you got the help you need; if not for yourself for those poor children. Histrionic personality disorder is common you’re not alone. Please understand this isn’t to hate or bash but to encourage you to get help.

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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Lalelou123 »

Ashley18032 wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:44 pm Taina I pray you’re reading this, please seek counseling for your obvious Cluster B Histrionic Personality Disorder. It’s not too late to get help and learn how to be a better parent. Your ten children deserve better. I really hope you get the help you need. This is coming from a caring place for your children. The child who is the most sick with your influence is Cleopatra. The next one to need serious help will be little KJ. He has been so sorely neglected and the only time to pay attention to him is to belittle him. I think you see he is sensitive and sweet and you wish, you too, had those qualities. I know that something has happened to you to create this disorder. The time to get help is now. You see that your eldest son ran fast and far as soon as he could. You owe it to your children to get help before their near elderly, disabled father passes away and you’re all they have. I suggest instead of paying for music lessons you all enroll in group therapy. This is truly coming from a place of caring and concern. The torment you cause Nefertiti is disgusting, disturbing and makes me physically ill watching. You need help and I would be more than happy to help you facilitate that if you’d be receptive to it. Before you lose all your children to abandonment or worse turning them to drinking, drugs, or self harm as coping mechanisms to deal with your demons. Please reach out for help. Mental health has a terribly sad stigma these days but I know so many of us would respect you if you got the help you need; if not for yourself for those poor children. Histrionic personality disorder is common you’re not alone. Please understand this isn’t to hate or bash but to encourage you to get help.

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She doesn’t even pay for lessons...they learn by their older siblings and youtube. What is histrionic personality disorder? I mean, I believe you that Taina has it, but I don’t know how to define it specifically.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by CoffeeaddictMac »

Boring.. All I got from this is .."vegan pizzas" and "walking it off" Yes, Australia where you are going..is going to be hot blah blah blah. Yes. We heard you, Taina. Going a safe way etc (truth is, you know your footwear is dangerous going down the grassy hill)
Those poor children in shit footwear (scuse language) Romeo toe bleeding, hiking all over the place in the heat (Yeah, what a good idea). I saw Jerusalem had his slides off on the grass. He looks like he has the start of blisters. Not surprised. Slides rubbing against his skin. Yeah, waste of time to watch. No real content. Anybody learn anything? I want to start playing bingo with Taina's classic overused boring lines.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by ther3 »

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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by ther3 »

According to the DSM-5, for a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder to be given, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

Self-centeredness, feeling uncomfortable when not the center of attention
Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior
Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others
Overly concerned with physical appearance, and using physical appearance to draw attention to self
Opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details
Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotion
Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
Is highly suggestible (easily influenced by others)
In addition, the symptoms must cause significant impairment or distress in an individual.

Much of this describes Taina, however she does not seem emotionally unstable
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by ther3 »

CoffeeaddictMac wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:14 am Boring.. All I got from this is .."vegan pizzas" and "walking it off" Yes, Australia where you are going..is going to be hot blah blah blah. Yes. We heard you, Taina. Going a safe way etc (truth is, you know your footwear is dangerous going down the grassy hill)
Those poor children in shit footwear (scuse language) Romeo toe bleeding, hiking all over the place in the heat (Yeah, what a good idea). I saw Jerusalem had his slides off on the grass. He looks like he has the start of blisters. Not surprised. Slides rubbing against his skin. Yeah, waste of time to watch. No real content. Anybody learn anything? I want to start playing bingo with Taina's classic overused boring lines.
I believe all this tortorous walk was to burn the pizzas. Can be Taina's eating disorder, she repeated to many times that they need to burn the calories. Of course only to go and buy another load of junk food. Maybe she is bulimic?
The footwear is appropriate only for the beach and shower. They feet must be really hurting now.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by ther3 »

Ashley18032 wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:32 pm Taina is a disgusting human and I am such an open minded person. For her to torture Nef is disgusting. Her poor eye she needs steroids and Benadryl and hot compresses not to be EFFIN taunted and abused emotionally! My heart is truly broken for her. I really can’t keep watching because it makes me sick that by my watching I am earning her money and allowing her to believe this behavior is acceptable. Cleo is just as bad... They’re both sick. Taina is a classic case of textbook histrionic personality disorder! Cleo is following in her footsteps. Such a shame.

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What Taina is doing to her youngest is just unnacceptable! This is going to end bad. This time she was not only torturing Nef, but she provoked the little girl just in order to make fun of her. My child is 3 and is also a bit afraid of spiders. I never laugh at her, we sing incy wincy spider, I tell her not to worry. If I was flinging spiders at her like Taina does, probably my daughter would be as frantic as is Nef now. They also started to instill the same fear in Aph, what for? Rough uprbinging, but so counterproductive. If Taina cant deal with Nef's fear she should consult a child's therapist.
The older kids, Jers to Shakespeare do not seem to be so messed up though. I guess that this is because they are all boys and their role model was Paul, not Taina. Their behaviour probably reflects who Paul used to be, when he was a bit younger and more involved. Leo's constant hysteric joking seems to cover up so inner emotional instability, he is like one of those people who try to be merry just not to think about their inner depression. Cleo is like a doll, completely self-obssesed and detached, no empathy whatsoever. Scary!
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Herbert-Sherbert2019 »

I forgot to say,once again in latest episode,she grabs Nef roughly by her upper arm with one hand..as always her other hand is busy with the camera 🙁 Smh..
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by ther3 »

And one final remark. Such trip is not for children below school age. I would say even 7 +, when their memory is well developed and they are strong enough to bear physically the hardships of such trips. My daughter is a totally rowdy, strongheaded and quite fearless explorer (except for the spiders :D), still I do not believe such a trip would be in any way beneficial to her. We travel abroad fairly often for a wekk or two to see our family and it usually takes her at least 3 days to adapt to the place and people. Any foreign travel can be a fantastic developmental boost for a young child, but only if there is enough time to rest and adapt. Also, only if there is enough emotional support. This trip is just a torture for her youngest and her silly temarks like, Aph please prepare for 4 hours in the buggy. Oh the buggies are little saunas! show how uncincerned with their wellbeing Taina is.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Herbert-Sherbert2019 »

ther3 wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:27 am
CoffeeaddictMac wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:14 am Boring.. All I got from this is .."vegan pizzas" and "walking it off" Yes, Australia where you are going..is going to be hot blah blah blah. Yes. We heard you, Taina. Going a safe way etc (truth is, you know your footwear is dangerous going down the grassy hill)
Those poor children in shit footwear (scuse language) Romeo toe bleeding, hiking all over the place in the heat (Yeah, what a good idea). I saw Jerusalem had his slides off on the grass. He looks like he has the start of blisters. Not surprised. Slides rubbing against his skin. Yeah, waste of time to watch. No real content. Anybody learn anything? I want to start playing bingo with Taina's classic overused boring lines.
I believe all this tortorous walk was to burn the pizzas. Can be Taina's eating disorder, she repeated to many times that they need to burn the calories. Of course only to go and buy another load of junk food. Maybe she is bulimic?
The footwear is appropriate only for the beach and shower. They feet must be really hurting now.
Ouch,just thinking about shoes rubbing against bare skin makes me wince..we all know the misery of wearing the wrong shoes and getting blisters. Doing it day in day out is hellish.
Quit buying so much rubbish food and get to a shopping centre and kit yr family out with suitable shoes
You might as well have strapped the extra pizzas to your children's feet for all the use the sliders are.
This trip is getting more and more like an endurance test for them.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Herbert-Sherbert2019 »

CoffeeaddictMac wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:14 am Boring.. All I got from this is .."vegan pizzas" and "walking it off" Yes, Australia where you are going..is going to be hot blah blah blah. Yes. We heard you, Taina. Going a safe way etc (truth is, you know your footwear is dangerous going down the grassy hill)
Those poor children in shit footwear (scuse language) Romeo toe bleeding, hiking all over the place in the heat (Yeah, what a good idea). I saw Jerusalem had his slides off on the grass. He looks like he has the start of blisters. Not surprised. Slides rubbing against his skin. Yeah, waste of time to watch. No real content. Anybody learn anything? I want to start playing bingo with Taina's classic overused boring lines.
So funny about playing bingo using her classic blah blahs..have to laugh or we could cry,its no joke watching this hot,tired family getting dragged from country to country by their overbearing mother.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Ashley18032 »

ther3 wrote:Symptoms
According to the DSM-5, for a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder to be given, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

Self-centeredness, feeling uncomfortable when not the center of attention
Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior
Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others
Overly concerned with physical appearance, and using physical appearance to draw attention to self
Opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details
Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotion
Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
Is highly suggestible (easily influenced by others)
In addition, the symptoms must cause significant impairment or distress in an individual.

Much of this describes Taina, however she does not seem emotionally unstable
You don’t need to meet all of them to have it. Also, I was a psych nurse not a psychiatrist but to me that’s my honest opinion. Before I became a peds nurse, I did psych. I wonder what she is really like when the camera isn’t rolling. She did that to Jers I would love for him to do the same.

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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by LCgirl »

Look at Leonardo's latest IG photo caption. He's going to do a candy tasting video in London lol. Seems like he's copying his mum's video ideas.

Another clue about the timeline (someone in a Finnish forum pointed this out).

Nora in the same outfit and same place as in the latest video, posted on June 10. This makes more sense since we all assumed they left for the trip in May, but what about that fan comment about meeting them in Hungary in August? Could it be Taina leaving a fake comment to throw us off her timeline? or the fan had a brainfart and mixed up June with August? Both sounds far-fetched. :D

This would also mean that it's possible they're already in UK by now and would meet up with Leonardo and Jenna. But I still think it's unlikely, or if they did he won't film it because that would mess with Taina's vlog timeline.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Herbert-Sherbert2019 »

Ashley18032 wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:06 am
ther3 wrote:Symptoms
According to the DSM-5, for a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder to be given, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

Self-centeredness, feeling uncomfortable when not the center of attention
Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior
Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others
Overly concerned with physical appearance, and using physical appearance to draw attention to self
Opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details
Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotion
Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
Is highly suggestible (easily influenced by others)
In addition, the symptoms must cause significant impairment or distress in an individual.

Much of this describes Taina, however she does not seem emotionally unstable
You don’t need to meet all of them to have it. Also, I was a psych nurse not a psychiatrist but to me that’s my honest opinion. Before I became a peds nurse, I did psych. I wonder what she is really like when the camera isn’t rolling. She did that to Jers I would love for him to do the same.

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Hi Ash,thats a good point re sb filming her when she doesnt know..like she did to Jez. My bet is she will be more grumpy in real life,much less chirpy and of course,wghen the cameras not rolling,no need to brag and boast and justify herself.
I guess all Pds are similar symptomwise and wd take a while in a psychiatrists chair for her probz to be defined.
Wish she wd get help for the fams sake,they bear the brunt of it.and for herself,life must get difficult when yr head set is all wrong. Everyone else can walk away ( well not the little and middle kids as yet) but in the end anyone involved can detach from them physically and emotionally,but theyre still stuck with themselves. She will never move forward unless and until she can acknowledge theres a prob
The internet doesnt seem to be v good for these dramamommas,of which there are many. They like the attention they get,but it al jyst compounds their probz i think.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by LCgirl »

I actually think she's a bit calmer/nicer in real life. Much of what she does on camera is for attention and pretension. There have been a few times in the old videos where the children said to her "Mum, just be normal on camera". Leo even said once in his vlog "when I turn the camera on her she acts weird".

Obviously she still controls much of their lives but I think she is less crazy and annoying when the camera is off.

I also think the fame and popularity of her channel has gone to her head (as it always does with Youtubers) and made her worse. She was probably not as bad before when they were just a normal family without all these fans admiring and praising them.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by ther3 »

I am wondering what their further route is going to be. If they set off in May they should be done with the trip by the end of October, which makes sense, cause that is the end of the good weather. I guess Croatia is next, then Italy for three weeks and then another "old town Europe" trip via Switzerland, Germany, the Benelux and France followed perhaps by a visit to the UK and Norway. If I were them I would go to Spain for another 3 weeks last to stay in the South when the autumn strikes for good...
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by ther3 »

Or maybe they will be flying to Australia from a big airport like Heathrow and the UK is the last country....

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