Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by lovingthisforum »

Boymomma123 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:11 pm What the hell was that livestream? They focused the whole thing around the fact that Katie sees letters and number as colors in her head? Why the hell would they think anyone wants a livestream about something like that? The favoritism/same person thing with Gaines is insane as far as Katie goes. She kept talking about how she thinks Gaines has it since it is hereditary not even a mention about Brooks maybe having it. In her messed up mind Brooks is all Cullen and Gaines is all her. This family has such an unhealthy dynamic.

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She's really pushing it and projecting pretty aggressively. After hesitating and not recognizing Katie's phenomenon *crickets*, Gaines had said "....just..grey" in answer to which color she saw, which means she doesn't see color. But then Katie said: "Grey, which is a color, ...." Yeah right, Jan. That's really twisting the truth, and very telling for me personally that she isn't particularly intelligent.

In a sense she also shouldn't have asked that question, because kids are highly influence-able. In another instance she had done so too where after *crickets* by Gaines she had responded: Oh, I see black. I swear she's trying to stimulate it in Gaines.

Complementary she dismissed Cullen seeing letters. That's because she didn't listen, was quite dominant and projecting her expectations onto him of what she expected the answer should be and jumped on him with NO! He couldn't finish his thoughts nor what he was saying, which was that he then thought: Oh, you're not looking like a Josh. Which is an interesting experience, I wanted to hear more about, but Katie repressed his opinion. Before that he had said that he saw J-O-S-H. But Katie completely missed this all in her registering of what happened. She thinks its proven Cullen totally doesn't have it and Gaines does have it or most probably will. Brooks indeed, was totally forgotten. It was a moment that you could see in my opinion he is not in her emotional universe, only Gaines and Katie are, symbiotic-like and typical for a narcissistic bond.

I have that synergy phenomenon or whatever too. Katie wasn't even strong with it, I was thinking being annoyed by her, while she was quite bragging about it. With whole words she didn't know what to do in first instance as if totally new to her. Of course whole words have colors, what do you mean "how can whole words have colors?!" ?!?! It also surprises me she's still busy with this at age 35. When I was 35 this was long been-there-done-that, next!

As for now I think Katie is the problem in the marriage, after having seen these two not-having-to-edit-videos. She's a control freak because of underlying distrust/lack of trust and anxiety. Her result of that test: questioning everything, was quite bad imo and immature. The problem is that she is responding with a self-centered view and expecting Cullen to adapt to this, which isn't right, because unhealthy things, so to speak, should adapt to healthy things, and not the other way around. Cullen said she asked him to be who she wanted him to be and expressed insecurity with this in being conflicted about whether he should be himself or what she wanted him to be. The irony is that his result was much healthier and that it is sad if he really were to change in this aspect. Her problem is that she doesn't admit neither sees she has a problem and that she herself should change, not Cullen who has a perfectly normal attitude about things that are going to take place in the future. She was also whining and blaming that he didn't understand her and was under-emphatic (in context of given example), and she over-emphatic. So yeah I disagree with that one as well. The irony again was that she wasn't listening to Cullen when he spoke but was looking on her phone instead, quite impolite if you ask me and unpleasant for the viewer. And then there was her twisting of Cullen's result of that test. I could be wrong but they showed 2 pieces of text with explanations of the result and I didn't see what Katie was interpreting all wildly, not by far. She twisted his into a problem, and hers was so good and cute. Quite the opposite in my opinion.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Lisbeth3 »

Boymomma123 wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:11 pm What the hell was that livestream? They focused the whole thing around the fact that Katie sees letters and number as colors in her head? Why the hell would they think anyone wants a livestream about something like that? The favoritism/same person thing with Gaines is insane as far as Katie goes. She kept talking about how she thinks Gaines has it since it is hereditary not even a mention about Brooks maybe having it. In her messed up mind Brooks is all Cullen and Gaines is all her. This family has such an unhealthy dynamic.
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Katie is such a dip$hit. Disclosure-I didn't watch the vlog, can't be bothered with their
money grabbing format. From what you are saying Katie is now claiming that she
and Gaines have synesthesia so they seem more intelligent. Well, well, well didn't that just come out of left field! Such bull, she and her kid are not synesthetic. Definitely not Gaines, Brooks is a more likely candidate. Typically really talented artists like Van Gogh (which is evident in his paintings), or musicians like John Mayer or talented scientists like Einstein have synesthesia. Sounds and notes (etc) can become colours or feelings or both in their minds. Dream on Katie. Gaines is a moderately clever kid but neither of you are in that realm of thought. She is not getting fast tracked to 3rd grade in the regular school system. She would have to pass some rigorous testing for that sweetie. Katie the pseudo-psychologist strikes again.🙄🤮
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by MommaLindsey2 »

I’m pretty sure synesthesia isn’t something someone would lie about and I don’t think it necessarily has to be diagnosed if you see colors in your head when you hear letters and numbers that is very strange I don’t think she would make it up. I have a condition called aphantasia where I have NO visual memory at all just black in my head all the time so it was kind of interesting to me.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

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I definitely see Katie being the biggest issue in their relationship minus Cullen's addiction which I am sure caused a lot of issues. Katie has such a holier than thou attitude it is insane. In her mind she is smarter and just all around better than Cullen in every way. What's really sad is that she equates Gaines to her and Cullen to Brooks to such a high degree that she is going to miss out on the best qualities that Brooks has. In a livestream a while back she couldn't even name one thing she liked about Brooks best, all she said was they are both loving with animals or something like that. That little boy is so sweet but all she sees is his "crazy" aka normal 3 year old behavior. They are setting their kids up for a lifetime of issues with their sibling relationship. They strike me as the type of couple to split up and Katie take Gaines and Brooks live with Cullen. My aunt did that with her kids and they were both super screwed up not to mention her son does not speak to her now.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

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MommaLindsey2 wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:47 pm I’m pretty sure synesthesia isn’t something someone would lie about Image and I don’t think it necessarily has to be diagnosed if you see colors in your head when you hear letters and numbers that is very strange I don’t think she would make it up. I have a condition called aphantasia where I have NO visual memory at all just black in my head all the time so it was kind of interesting to me. Image

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I highly doubt a normal person/couple would make this kind of thing up, but this is Cullen and Katie we are talking about;). They are so insecure that they would say that Katie (&possibly Gaines) are synesthetic. They have been on youtube for so long it is really odd that this came out of nowhere, especially in conjunction with an online quiz that may be a sponsor. Synesthesia has links to greater intelligence. Katie loves to lord it over everybody, especially Cullen...and her dwindling youtube audience. On a side note I am familiar with aphantasia. At the very least you must see some images in your dreams. I have a photographic memory. If I suddenly developed aphantasia I would find it so frustrating. That must be challenging to deal with at times.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by MommaLindsey2 »

Lisbeth3 wrote:
MommaLindsey2 wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:47 pm I’m pretty sure synesthesia isn’t something someone would lie about Image and I don’t think it necessarily has to be diagnosed if you see colors in your head when you hear letters and numbers that is very strange I don’t think she would make it up. I have a condition called aphantasia where I have NO visual memory at all just black in my head all the time so it was kind of interesting to me. Image

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I highly doubt a normal person/couple would make this kind of thing up, but this is Cullen and Katie we are talking about;). They are so insecure that they would say that Katie (&possibly Gaines) are synesthetic. They have been on youtube for so long it is really odd that this came out of nowhere, especially in conjunction with an online quiz that may be a sponsor. Synesthesia has links to greater intelligence. Katie loves to lord it over everybody, especially Cullen...and her dwindling youtube audience. On a side note I am familiar with aphantasia. At the very least you must see some images in your dreams. I have a photographic memory. If I suddenly developed aphantasia I would find it so frustrating. That must be challenging to deal with at times.
I think she is telling the truth but that’s just my opinion.
I didn’t even know it was possible for people to see images in their head until 6 months or so ago. I wasn’t frustrated until I knew what I was missing. Image thankfully I don’t think either of my kids are affected by this and I am practically immune to ptsd which I honestly should have with the childhood I had. I just live in the moment and forget things the second they are no longer in my field of vision.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by sweetlace »

Can someone please take one for the team and listen to Katie’s podcast and fill us in??

[IMG]// ... 9bcff7.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

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Oh, yeah. She's such an expert. She and Cullen are just shining examples of rigorous honesty in all their affairs (a cornerstone of recovery) and she should definitely be giving advice to people in pain who are asking her what to do with their addicted partners. (Sarcasm, just in case you aren't sure)

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

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Their latest livestream making Gaines’s cake... Cullen is very clearly under the influence of... I don’t even know what. Nobody laughs like that and is that giggly for funsies.

Way to be with that expired, “plastic smelling play dough” icing that’s sat in your pantry for years. Or, “oops! This cake didn’t bake right. Did I use the expired mix?”

With the debacle over Brooks’s cake, I’m surprised favourite child didn’t get an ornate over the top store bought monstrosity.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Littlemama »

I am so sick of the favoritism towards Gaines. Did anyone see the Birthday post Katie made for Gaines? I swear it's like Katie wants to be her or something. I just can't take it! I feel so sorry for poor Brooks.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

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[IMG]// ... 87400e.jpg[/IMG]

What do we think this is about then?

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by lmmomSD »

sparklyfluff wrote:[IMG]// ... 87400e.jpg[/IMG]

What do we think this is about then?

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Wow. Just wow. Cry me a freaking river. I have 16 years of recovery. When I was using, you know how you could tell I was lying? If my lips were moving. Addiction is a disease of dishonesty. If he is "not being trusted", he EARNED it. Lie by lie, broken promise by broken promise. Yeah, Katie's no prize either, but I have ZERO sympathy for Cullen and his "but alcohol isn't an issue for me" BS.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Em1899 »

Are they even worth watching anymore?

All they do these days is bitch n moan about themselves.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Ducklings4 »

Tired of the live streams. Have they both fallen off let’s get our lives on track train. Is this their second or third livestream this week?

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Liz_444 »

Ducklings4 wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:59 am Tired of the live streams. Have they both fallen off let’s get our lives on track train. Is this their second or third livestream this week?

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Me too. I can only watch a few min before I click out. An hour and a half long stream? No thanks!

They are just getting lazy. People don't want to watch live streams.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by lovingthisforum »

Littlemama wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:24 am I am so sick of the favoritism towards Gaines. Did anyone see the Birthday post Katie made for Gaines? I swear it's like Katie wants to be her or something. I just can't take it! I feel so sorry for poor Brooks.
It's sickening, and the length of her post doesn't even fit the screen. It's really sad she doesn't say "I love that little monkey to the Moon and back". I'm glad Gaines looks unattractive in the picture, like a mousse. And Katie is there still with that stupid cliche with her mouth wide open to look more attractive.

The live streams very unprofessional. No announcement they were going to change format and all of a sudden no vlogs anymore. It's purely arrogance and laziness, there's truly no easier way to put "content" online and it's a ridiculously cheap idea.

Katie's eyes and behavior in the beginning looked like she had been drinking as well. After a couple of minutes I stopped watching, it was totally useless. What a chaotic mess there life and everything is.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Em1899 »

They literally vlogged 7 years straight
They are probably sick of it

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by lmmomSD »

Em1899 wrote:They literally vlogged 7 years straight
They are probably sick of it

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So stop, and get a JOB. Again, no sympathy from me.
And another thing about Cullen's post about not being trusted: when are they going to learn that cryptic messages on social media don't solve _anything_?

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Boymomma123 »

Em1899 wrote:They literally vlogged 7 years straight
They are probably sick of it

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Then don't quit your day job to be a full time "creator ". They don't have to vlog there are so many other options for content that don't involve vlogging their whole day. Cullen just doesn't want to edit which makes no sense to me because they both stay home all day. If they want to get away from vlogging they could still produce quality content.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Selling up then splitting up | Part #23

Unread post by Boymomma123 »

Sorry for the double post but wasn't the Alabama game at home today? I wonder if they won't go because Cullen had dealers in the area?

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