Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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marianelaschmidt wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 3:19 am
Herbert-Sherbert2019 wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 10:48 am
annanever wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:51 am

Image at one point one of the gondoliers said to the other that they are a “herd”. TT could be rude, but don’t worry here in Italy people knows how to answer! Wait until they’ll go in Rome, we’ll laugh a lot.

Oh and I wonder how Old Taina managed the water thing in Venice... it was hell hot back in August, they only had one bottle each. And the price of one bottle of water in Venice is about 6 euros..

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Herd! How funny..a good word to describe how Taina has stampeded thru countries so rudely,being so crass to natives of those countries and so unappreciative,not keeping the little ones in check,or teaching them to show respect.
In fact a herd of animals has far better manners than the Terrible Taina X

I just watch the video of Leo and Jenna in London, I think in Kensington. I've only watched the first twenty seconds. Enough. They criticize that there are bags of containers to recycle on the sidewalk and ask why the English do that. I suppose it's the day the truck passes to pick them up. But they do not think, they only criticize because that is what they have learned from T, that is, to be rude and think that they are the smartest in the world because T has made them believe that. In the same way the other brothers behave, that is the only thing they have learned.

HANLON'S RAZOR: Never attibute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I think that you misunderstood him, after that he said that in Finland that would be all ripped up by someone/something.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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[quote=retiredrn70 post_id=1487779

agree completely but if you watch older vids you will see she does favor aph as well. Aph is just on to her. You are right about the other functions. They very much do exist and I didnt say that before. I guess I am just thinking Neph has so much attention from mummy anyway I wouldnt have thought she needed those things much anymore. I have said before it is more for TT than the kids. She doesnt want them to grow up or be dependent emotionally or anyone but her. And mine did wean themselves. Like you said weaning naturally is preferred and it worked for me. And it sure helped whip my uterus back in shape. lol

Yes, I agree :) basically, bfeeding should not be an award. This is where it can go wrong. It is there to fulfill serious needs, wether physical or emotional, and it is not a game. Also, I just do not understand the dynamics of bfeeding all four. I believe after the age of 2 it tends to be regular, that is at the same time of the day or night, and kids can quickly unlearn it if given a longer break. And after 2 it is usually night only. At least that is my experience.

In the old vids the kids where always given a bottle when she was bfeeding Omega and they would sleep with their bottles too, hence Neph's bottle rot. How come Taina finds time to give a quick feed to all 4 if she is constantly on the go, tired, busy and sleeping in a bunk bed? Does she sleep at all?

And the lack of bond between her and KJ and Aph... It is all soooo strange. Certainly, the older ones are a bit jealous over Omega and as you are saying Neph is a bit spoiled and can go to any lenght to prpve she is mum's princess.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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And bringing the kids back to nappies just to feel comfortable... this is seriously wrong. Potty training is such a big step forward for parent and child, it costs so much time and nerves. Why to force KJ and Neph back into it??? Oh these kids will leave a lot of money to therapists one day.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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I keep forgetting to say,if Tiresome Taina does come on here,she wont be happy being in the Less Gossiped About Mommas group!
She wants ALL the attention ALL for herself
🐰 Coz she's got rabbity teeth 🐰
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Herbert-Sherbert2019 wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:25 pm
theoddmacabre wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:19 pm The gondola ride with the boys sounded so much more relaxing and educational. The gondolier was able to do his job and nicely chat with them. Tainas gondola was so chaotic with the kids screaming and halfway falling out and the gondolier didn’t even bother speaking... unless she edited him out, whereas, most of the content for this vid was only of them speaking with each other and couldn’t edit it out.

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If only we could edit TT out!
Does anyone know what Jez said..he was a drum teacher and ? ....
Jes is a builder and at least at least once has gone to another country to work and was gone for several weeks or was it months. Anyway- he said he doesnt want to work outside. He wants to do youtube. Well doesnt everybody under the age of 30?
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Anyone else see this?

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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Herbert-Sherbert2019 »

Jeepers,this woman is making a packet while behaving really badly!
A sign of the times we live in I guess..get yrself on youtube,be a neglectful mother,and a rude and ignorant person,tell porky pies about yrself and yr children....and it will make you rich!
Well wdnt you think she wd at least clothe her kids adequately ..but i guess the giant teeth etc must take up a lot of her "earnings!"
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Emily81 wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 2:07 pm
annanever wrote:Hi everybody, I’m new here! I’m from Italy and hear that in Venice their lunch were peanuts, chips and biscuits its very hard.. I mean, you are in Italy!!! The land of good food!!! ImageImageImage

Anyway, the gondola’s man made joke of TT saying in italian: “how many kids does this old woman has?!?!” ImageImageImage

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Awww come on they had donuts too!!! She just forgot about them. Taina - too bad they would have rounded out the meal nicely with all the carbs sweets and gray bean mixture. But---it was all vegan. On another note----Aph has distanced herself from her mom willingly on this trip. At one point in the house she was allowed to climb on the table and eat chunks out of Omegas cake and attempt to roll on it. And she tried to slap Omega when he was brand new.Her mom said --Shes a slapper- after someone picked her up and took her away after slapping her moms hand that she was using to protect Omega. Nope she was one of the favored ones but doesnt seem to be now and she doesnt even care. Wise for such a tiny girl. It is driving TT crazy too. Been a long time since she sang praises to all for aphs never crying over anything and her bravery. She did not want to go in the tower and said so. I dont blame her. I wouldnt either but she is finally acting normal and not so tough. I like her so much better now. She still stands up for herself and yet acts like a normal kid. In that family she has to stand up for herself. They all do.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Herbert-Sherbert2019 wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:09 am Reallllly?
Jeepers,this woman is making a packet while behaving really badly!
A sign of the times we live in I guess..get yrself on youtube,be a neglectful mother,and a rude and ignorant person,tell porky pies about yrself and yr children....and it will make you rich!
Well wdnt you think she wd at least clothe her kids adequately ..but i guess the giant teeth etc must take up a lot of her "earnings!"
I bet it takes every cent to take care of the family in the style to which she has become accustomed. And she gets welfare too--or did. And she buys expensive stuff. Yeah- she spends every dime I bet-or euro i should say. Quicksilver may not pay her outright but I bet all the stuff she has from them is for advertising purposes for the company. I can see her on the phone or conference calls hawking her lifestyle and family to get sponsors to fund this trip and her lifestyle in general. Exploit those kids Taina. So you can get rich and famous.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Read down below, please. Sry for the double posting...my internet is hell right now.
Last edited by Lalelou123 on Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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retiredrn70 wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:33 pm Todays video--I couldnt even listen. I turned the sound down to avoid the screeching of TT. I did watch the children break dance-mostly King. As always anything he does the girls have to do but he held his own, He is very good at dancing and his dad is a fair man who doesnt seem to show favoritism. I turned it on when darty was messing with the bell too. TT is a piece of work. She sure didnt like that lady telling darty to stop beating on the bell. Right it did say dont walk under the bell but common sense tells you to be respectful. Again- no manners and thinking she can as well as her kids can do whatever they want. And again- she was sporting the shorty shorts outfit. I know she reads these forums and just laughs She wont be laughing when people stop watching her videos. I barely looked at the last 2. They were boring and disturbing what I didnt mute or fast forward. About Nef! It is possible she doesnt hear well but from the earlier videos we have seen she is the princess of the house. Watch the one where TT brings Omega home from the hospitel. Dang!!! And when Jes came home after 6 months and she told them all to stand back and let King see Jes first. She ran up at the at the last minute while looking at her mom and grabbed Jes stepping all over Kings head and body. She tried to pull Aph in on it but she resisited. TT said nothing, WAtch the new ones and the things she does have nothing to do with hearing. She is just pathetically favored and spoiled. And NOW her mom is rewarding her for being good by giving her mummys milk. That was a surprise to everyone. Romeo laughed and then was quiet. Shouldnt they all be reward then? It did seem like Aphh was trying to push Neph out of the way but maybe not. She asked her again just a short time later and TT was firm when she said no- you cant have milk right now. Then Neph sulked a while. Mummy rarely says no to her beautiful princess. BFeeding is special. A mommy giveas nourishment from her body to a child who is too young to get it on his own.It is not a treat for a 5 year old. And if you really think it is ok why do have to go somewhere private? She sees nothing of whipping it out for Omega anywhere though she is discreet. I bf my kids. I am about as earthy as they come but lines are being crossed and boundaries blurred. She has created a situation that will be hard to change. She should have edited it all out. Nef is relentless when she wants something and she is not going to give up on her new found treat. Doesnt matter what TT does- the child will grow up- is growing up and is speaking so much better now. I hope it is her ears though she still has babyish behaviour at times. Again- thanks TT. You are doing her no favors. Am I the only one who has been willing to address this elephant lurking in this forum?
Seriously 😳 she feeds a 5 year old her breast milk? That’s...disgusting. Maybe she wants to make up the lost views by being that shocking, crazy mom, who lets her kids do all the risky stuff whilst being half naked herself? Maybe that’s her way of gaining the youtube fame again? Or maybe she does it to punish Aph for fighting for being handled with respect - maybe that’s her way of breaking her spirit into obidience again? It’s so unsettling...I’m lucky I didn’t watch the video and I don’t gift her my view either. No support for child abuse - now it gets painfully obvious.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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I dont think breastfeeding a 5 year old is disgusting; I just think its generally unnecessary. Now, if they lived in a 3rd world country where food is scarce or if the child was medically fragile, in poor health and could really benefit from the nutrients and antibodies in breastmilk...then I could see it. But, I'd probably still pump and offer in a cup. As far as the nappies, are Nef and KJ back in them too? I didnt notice that but how awful...unless of course tgey were never actually potty trained which could have been another embellishment on mommas part.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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T would be so proud of me. I made 15 bean soup except it had a beef broth base...and ham...and sausage.😂
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by retiredrn70 »

Wildebeast-cps wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:20 pm T would be so proud of me. I made 15 bean soup except it had a beef broth base...and ham...and sausage.😂
Damom1 wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:59 pm I dont think breastfeeding a 5 year old is disgusting; I just think its generally unnecessary. Now, if they lived in a 3rd world country where food is scarce or if the child was medically fragile, in poor health and could really benefit from the nutrients and antibodies in breastmilk...then I could see it. But, I'd probably still pump and offer in a cup. As far as the nappies, are Nef and KJ back in them too? I didnt notice that but how awful...unless of course tgey were never actually potty trained which could have been another embellishment on mommas part.
King was wearing jockey briefs before they left home and the girls frilly panties. When their clothes were laid out that is what she put out for them. Only Omega got a diaper. But now I guess she just tells them to pee or poo their pants now. What a shame. In one vid I saw King pulling at the back of his jeans and frowning. He was uncomfortable and I wonder if he pooed. And one time the car called to the camper for 3 diapers. Mom said oh well- 3 poopers it sounds like. I bet those little kids would scarf down your soup!
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Jes and Cleo probably worked with the 3 young ones to help train them. King is smart and would do anything to please his Jes and he hates to be dirty in any way. lolololAph could probably care less . Aph does her own thing no matter what anyone says and she is so busy busy busy I can see her slipping back to diaper habits if she was ever out of them. It wouldnt be a surprise if Nef just slip back considering the way mummy has started to baby her again and esp to "treat" her to mummys milk when she is good. I wonder what mummy would say if Aph or King approached and said -I have been good- can I have some milk like Omega? Dumb woman. No it is disgusting in that this woman is using the privilege of bfreeding to bolster her own ego and tighten control on her kids emtionlal growth. I am pretty sure King or Aph wouldnt ask. They dont seem bonded much and probably couldnt be bothered. NOt a lot of closeness present. Aph in fact seems just done with her. She has changed so much on this trip.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Lalelou123 »

I couldn’t halter myself - I had to check Jerusalem’s disgusting nails. Whilst shaped and polished sloppy, and the length is debateable, he definitly has his nails long for guitar playing. I’m sry to break the news, but I wear mine in a similar disgusting fashion. :) They are not even dirty, he wore them with polish too. But I did indeed stop after the sight of his left shortly trimmed nails to make sure. :D No leaning tower of Pisa for me.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by marianelaschmidt »

Wildebeast-cps wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:56 pm Good gawd, nothing I like more than kids running around helter skelter and squealing. It wasn’t quite so bad out on the grass but Shaky running as fast as he could around an outside circle of the Tower. He nearly ran into people. Guess T didn’t like someone telling Shaky not to touch the bell, which he wasn’t just touching but beating on it. Then when she showed the sign that said don’t walk under the bell, it didn’t say don’t touch, she said that lady doesn’t know how to read. I’m assuming that lady was some type of guide.

The shot of her bent down with the nappy brigade and the caption, a homeschooling moment...priceless.😂 She liked the gray and white color scheme then said aesthetics over safety. Is that a homeschooling tidbit?

T and C not twinsies today except for the hsir. Where oh where is she going to get Darty a matching pair of new slides?

Aphrodite’s diaper didn’t look like it could hold another ounce of anything as it dropped down to her knees.

Sorry for being so snarky, I’m dealing with a death and not in a good mood.

The bell that Shaky rang not only rang but also vibrated, and in some cases that vibration can be transmitted to the building and be dangerous.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Damom1 wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:55 pm This Pisa video was so bad to me. I dont know what was nastier, Jers peeling sheets of skin of T's sunburned back or his nails. Dont get me wrong, I love that kid and hes a cutie but the long not so clean nails is ugh!
"Homeschooling" seems to not mean much for T even tho she loves to announce it. Why didn't she plan ahead and put together some lesson plans before this trip? Such wasted opportunity to learn first-hand.
One of the crap shoes finally broke. I hope she was kidding about taking D'arty to Disneyland with one shoe but nothing would surprise me at this point.
Please explain to me why Shakespeare was not only encouraged to bang on the bell but to "run around" the outside walkway like a wild child when other tourists were also trying to enjoy the attraction?
My last thought: if you are going to allow your kids to roll around on the filthy ground, perhaps white wasnt the smartest choice of clothing color.

T said that Jers's nails were so long to play the guitar, but I guess he doesn't take the guitar on this trip and won't play it, so he could cut them.

Neither before the trip, nor after they have planned anything. Nowadays, with internet, it is very easy to search for information, but T thinks she knows a lot, although she doesn't know anything at all.

SOCRATES: To know, is to know that you Know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge.

Those shoes are not suitable for walking. When they were still in Finland, T said that for the trip they will wear only a pair of shoes each. She could have bought them summer sandals that would hold their feet instead of the flip flops.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

Unread post by Wildebeast-cps »

marianelaschmidt wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:50 am
Damom1 wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:55 pm This Pisa video was so bad to me. I dont know what was nastier, Jers peeling sheets of skin of T's sunburned back or his nails. Dont get me wrong, I love that kid and hes a cutie but the long not so clean nails is ugh!
"Homeschooling" seems to not mean much for T even tho she loves to announce it. Why didn't she plan ahead and put together some lesson plans before this trip? Such wasted opportunity to learn first-hand.
One of the crap shoes finally broke. I hope she was kidding about taking D'arty to Disneyland with one shoe but nothing would surprise me at this point.
Please explain to me why Shakespeare was not only encouraged to bang on the bell but to "run around" the outside walkway like a wild child when other tourists were also trying to enjoy the attraction?
My last thought: if you are going to allow your kids to roll around on the filthy ground, perhaps white wasnt the smartest choice of clothing color.

T said that Jers's nails were so long to play the guitar, but I guess he doesn't take the guitar on this trip and won't play it, so he could cut them.

Neither before the trip, nor after they have planned anything. Nowadays, with internet, it is very easy to search for information, but T thinks she knows a lot, although she doesn't know anything at all.

SOCRATES: To know, is to know that you Know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge.
Those shoes are not suitable for walking. When they were still in Finland, T said that for the trip they will wear only a pair of shoes each. She could have bought them summer sandals that would hold their feet instead of the flip flops.
For sure about the sandals. There are all kinds of Merrill’s, Tevas, etc. that would have been supportive, waterproof and held up for years but no, she goes with cheap, stupid slides.
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Re: Taina Licciardo-Toivola: JesusLovingPlantBasedMeatEaters | Part 2

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Nothing for two days, where are they??!
We need something to criticize,🤪😂

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