E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by YTIG60 »

nutbagmcgee wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:45 pm Ellie is paying a million dollars for all these tests because they are not deemed medically necessary. That’s what I think.

She needs a mental health specialist. That’s it.
It is amazing to see Jared not speak up and say we can't afford all these test and there are repercussions with their YouTube business. Ellie's health has impacted their YouTube schedule and maybe decreasing vlog views. If I was Jared, I would say she should get a full exam by a physician as soon as possible and stop all the other treatment. I can understand why he doesn't want to expand their family.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by Kattiness Everdeen »

Yeah, I have't seen a single person on this thread defending Ellie. Suggesting that a person literally crying out for help to strangers see a psychiatrist is just common sense. It doesn't matter whether she is just a lazy attention seeker or actually has a mental illness. That is for a psychiatrist to determine. I have only seen one person assume that Ellie's thin build is the only reason people think she needs psychiatric help. Umm...

That being said, I recently discovered the world of "Munchausen by internet". A vlogger passed away recently at 23 via sepsis from one of her feeding tubes that she had inserted despite uploading videos of her regularly eating fried foods. There is a vast vault of information on the web chronicling her every new diagnosis/symptom/treatment/brace/wheelchair/chest port and a corresponding analysis by strangers dissecting her motives and (correctly) predicting her death. I have wondered if Ellie could be headed down a similar path. That is partly why I suggested her family drop her off at an impatient facility before this takes a turn. With a team monitoring her food, meds and behavior, they should be able to determine if there any legitimate health issues.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by amyfalafalagain »

HelloSweetie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:28 pm
Tiger27 wrote:
HelloSweetie wrote:It’s interesting that Ellie’s mental health is always excused and sympathized with, whereas Bonnie is referred to as crazy and has minimal sympathy. Arguably they both show signs of mental illness (malingering/eating disorder vs possible bpd and addiction), but where Ellie is doctor shopping for a diagnosis she can be happy with (because let’s be real here, if she could get a chronic fatigue diagnosis she’d be happy, not sad), Bonnie appears so deep in denial she’s completely unsupported and unaware.

I can’t help but wonder if the sympathy is because Ellie appears more fragile and babied (whereas the perception is that Bonnie is the more masculine partner in the relationship) or if it’s simply because Ellie hasn’t had as many body modifications so people don’t have as much reason to hate? I’d like to remind posters that we are talking about ELLIE and not your depression or anxiety issues. We have definitely seen enough issues, inconsistencies and lies from Ellie to be critical and doubtful of her dialogue. I really think that “woe is me” video was largely a manipulation to guilt Jared since he had just posted an IG story where he was out having a great time. She had to get his attention back and did in a large way that also could have negatively impacted their channel. I think it’s kind of people to have empathy for Ellie, but she wouldn’t have even a moment of empathy for someone else in her same situation. She wants to be catered to and taken care of, and her sickness ensures her children can’t ever steal her spotlight.

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It doesn’t always have to be a Bonnie vs Ellie issue. Their apparent mental health problems present very differently and they handle them in totally different ways. It’s not crazy to think people will respond more negatively or positively to one or the other or that different posters will view a situation differently. I think both of them are “crazy”. I don’t see Ellie as more deserving of sympathy because she’s more fragile or feminine or had less body modifications or whatever you’re implying. Ellie has received no shortage of hate and snark for her actions of how she’s gone about seeking care, from me included. It’s talked about because she is sitting there literally telling us she has a problem that actually fits with how she has acted for years. Ellie’s making attempts to get help (in the wrong ways) so there’s something to discuss there. Whereas Bonnie also seems on the verge of a break down but we are just watching it play out with complete denial from her that anything is wrong. I’ve absolutely felt for Bonnie in that she ended up with a pill happy doctor(s) that continue to prescribe her medication she shouldn’t be on.

You are the one who’s implied Ellie’s anxiety is not like anxiety you’ve ever seen before in yourself/friends and therefore it’s not legitimate. My point is, as I’ve said, her anxiety and depression are real to her and she might not consistent or naming the symptoms right or going about getting treatment correctly, but she’s admitting there’s a problem. I don’t think that, in addition to all the concerning behaviors we’ve seen over the years, mean all her symptoms can just be dismissed as her having a shitty personality. You can suck as a person AND have mental health issues. Her behaviors can all be symptoms of or exacerbated by an actual issue. Most people seem to agree she could have an eating disorder...anxiety and depression can absolutely accompany that. I just can’t completely write it all off as attention seeking behavior and not legitimate in any way. I absolutely stand by her (and Bonnie...) needing to see a legitimate psychiatrist for intensive therapy and medications.

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She could also be buying diagnoses and malingering for attention. It could all be lies to manipulate. Ellie shells out THOUSANDS for hormone tests that aren’t helping, but can’t be bothered to interrupt movie night to take her baby to urgent care after he stops breathing. It doesn’t add up. Anxious and concerned about her health she may be, but this anxiety certainly doesn’t apply when it comes to the health of loved ones.

My point is, it’s a discussion justified and worth having, without trying to shame people for not being sensitive enough Image.

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I see what you're saying. But what is the same is Bonnie preaches loving your body, and body positivity, and changes hers without listening to her own advice. Bonnie doesnt talk about her mental health, she reckon's she's fine. Ellie on the other hand, seems bored, overwhelmed and needs to blame her boredom and lack of responsibility on someone or something. She cant blame Jared, and the kids, though she does often, so shes looking for diagnosis. Ellie is in a better mood, pain free during holidays because shes no longer bored or overwhelmed. In both instances I think they are equally being judged, though the root may be different. Ellie talks about her mental health, Bonnie does not. Bonnie has sit downs and cries over how overwhelmed she is. Bonnie talks about her body image and changes her body. And receives hate for her hypocrisy and what seemed to be her pain pill addiction.

I think people are hating on them both equally. Maybe I misunderstood your long post, HS, I'm a bit tired myself. Excuse me if I misunderstood.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by amyfalafalagain »

onbreak wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:58 pm I think she's overwhelmed too. She is all over the place with her Instagram stories. I find it hard to believe that they had no clue about sex. Or even talked about sexytime before hand. Knowing them, it's the stupidest thing ever that happened on the wedding night.

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I think they did know about sex, the generality of it, but I believe they were virgins 100%. They have implied it for years. I completely believe it. I also believe Ellie didnt know much about the female/male reproductive systems. I have had patients like this exactly (young, naieve, uneducated, obsessed with the idea of a baby, super religious where they want and need to have a baby asap after the wedding, etc), and felt embarrassed for not able to get pregnant, but once you explain ovulation, timing, it gets easier for them- which is unfortunately, NOT always the case for millions of couples truly struggling with infertility. But you can see through some really young couples like E&J were, who just need a little education. (though I am 100% convinced Jared was trying not to get Ellie pregnant and knew exactly what he was doing...)
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

My point was that people seem to always give Ellie the benefit of the doubt that she isn’t just lying and making things up. Jared too for that matter. We know they lie, we’ve seen them hide things and manipulate the truth, and yet people find it hard to believe that Ellie is faking illnesses and doctor shopping for attention.

I don’t see her as being all that different from Joan tbh. She just hasn’t had a loss to play pain Olympics about and use for sympathy like Joan has.

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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by Vlog4money »

HelloSweetie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:38 pm
sheltiefan wrote:
I came here to talk about her post. Guess that's all we are going to hear now. I lot of mothers don't feel well and have pressed on through anyway.

The vlog today with all their screaming at the beginning-I'm getting about where I can't watch them period! That and the constant Bollie pushing. At least they did figure out if they want other people to buy their stuff, it helps if the creators actually wore the products! That first dress they designed, Ellie wore it in the extra Easter vlog last year, and I believe that was it!

At least Ellie did get a ticket and not a warning! :D
I don’t know about anyone else, but I would be going to see a neurologist if I had severe eye pain as often as Ellie does. I wouldn’t try supplements first.

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That’s what I was thinking too. A friend was just diagnosed with brain cancer. The symptoms were easily excused...things that were more of a nuisance than a cause of concern that would make you run to the doctor. That all changed when she had a seizure at work and a CT scan revealed a large tumor. If Ellie doesn’t feel quite right she should insist on more testing for peace of mind
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by amyfalafalagain »

Vlog4money wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:37 am
HelloSweetie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:38 pm
sheltiefan wrote:
I came here to talk about her post. Guess that's all we are going to hear now. I lot of mothers don't feel well and have pressed on through anyway.

The vlog today with all their screaming at the beginning-I'm getting about where I can't watch them period! That and the constant Bollie pushing. At least they did figure out if they want other people to buy their stuff, it helps if the creators actually wore the products! That first dress they designed, Ellie wore it in the extra Easter vlog last year, and I believe that was it!

At least Ellie did get a ticket and not a warning! :D
I don’t know about anyone else, but I would be going to see a neurologist if I had severe eye pain as often as Ellie does. I wouldn’t try supplements first.

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That’s what I was thinking too. A friend was just diagnosed with brain cancer. The symptoms were easily excused...things that were more of a nuisance than a cause of concern that would make you run to the doctor. That all changed when she had a seizure at work and a CT scan revealed a large tumor. If Ellie doesn’t feel quite right she should insist on more testing for peace of mind
More testing, but from the right doctors, not her hormone specialist chiropractor...whatever he was.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by ba1006 »

Vlog4money wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:37 am
HelloSweetie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:38 pm
sheltiefan wrote:
I came here to talk about her post. Guess that's all we are going to hear now. I lot of mothers don't feel well and have pressed on through anyway.

The vlog today with all their screaming at the beginning-I'm getting about where I can't watch them period! That and the constant Bollie pushing. At least they did figure out if they want other people to buy their stuff, it helps if the creators actually wore the products! That first dress they designed, Ellie wore it in the extra Easter vlog last year, and I believe that was it!

At least Ellie did get a ticket and not a warning! :D
I don’t know about anyone else, but I would be going to see a neurologist if I had severe eye pain as often as Ellie does. I wouldn’t try supplements first.

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That’s what I was thinking too. A friend was just diagnosed with brain cancer. The symptoms were easily excused...things that were more of a nuisance than a cause of concern that would make you run to the doctor. That all changed when she had a seizure at work and a CT scan revealed a large tumor. If Ellie doesn’t feel quite right she should insist on more testing for peace of mind
Now you've done it. The next vlog will be Ellie getting tested for brain cancer....
Kattiness Everdeen
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by Kattiness Everdeen »

ba1006 wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 3:55 am
Vlog4money wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:37 am
HelloSweetie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:38 pm

I don’t know about anyone else, but I would be going to see a neurologist if I had severe eye pain as often as Ellie does. I wouldn’t try supplements first.

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That’s what I was thinking too. A friend was just diagnosed with brain cancer. The symptoms were easily excused...things that were more of a nuisance than a cause of concern that would make you run to the doctor. That all changed when she had a seizure at work and a CT scan revealed a large tumor. If Ellie doesn’t feel quite right she should insist on more testing for peace of mind
Now you've done it. The next vlog will be Ellie getting tested for brain cancer....
I know you were probably joking, but I have tried to be very careful about mentioning any specifics regarding diagnoses that Ellie hasn't already decided she has, just in case she reads here. Before I realized that most chronic illness vloggers suffer from factitious disorder or malingering, I fear some of my comments may have contributed to the problem. Thankfully, most of Ellie's current purported disorders should be able to be easily evaluated by qualified specialists if Jared can just get her to them.

Even if she decides she wants to pay for a brain scan, when they don't see a tumor, the road kind of ends there. The problem is if she discovers the conditions with generic symptoms and no definitive diagnostic test. Again, that is why I hoped for an impatient evaluation before she can do anymore damage (whether intentional or accidental) via inappropriate drugs, supplements, diet and symptom exaggeration. Plus I have heard psych wards are no picnic, so if she isn't suffering as much as she claims, she might make a miraculous recovery.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

ba1006 wrote: Now you've done it. The next vlog will be Ellie getting tested for brain cancer....
Tested via phone consult with a holistic doctor over Facetime.

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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by ba1006 »

HelloSweetie wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:22 am
ba1006 wrote: Now you've done it. The next vlog will be Ellie getting tested for brain cancer....
Tested via phone consult with a holistic doctor over Facetime.

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More blood tests, more vitamins = big bucks. I'm starting to feel sorry for Jared but just a little bit.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

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ba1006 wrote:
More blood tests, more vitamins = big bucks. I'm starting to feel sorry for Jared but just a little bit.
He has to know it isn’t real to a certain extent otherwise I’m sure he’d be making her go to a real doctor. One thing I don’t doubt is that he loves her.

But yeah, he’s in a shitty position. He has all the weight of continuing their current lifestyle on his shoulders and can’t get Ellie’s support or help.

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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

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ba1006 wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:02 am
HelloSweetie wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:22 am
ba1006 wrote: Now you've done it. The next vlog will be Ellie getting tested for brain cancer....
Tested via phone consult with a holistic doctor over Facetime.

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More blood tests, more vitamins = big bucks. I'm starting to feel sorry for Jared but just a little bit.
Ellie will rationalize the cut in vlogging - three days a week was necessary, but their income has taken a hit and at the same time she is spending a lot on hormone therapy. I do think Jared is under a lot of stress since she just isn't functioning well due to her health problems and with Jared's job at home, he likely takes on more care of the children. He said he doesn't take naps and I believe him.

Their 10-9-19 podcast is revealing with their health. Ellie reviews her health problems again. Jared is talking about heart pains and his family medical history that includes heart disease. He had his Apple watch showing some problems, he was scared and saw a doctor. He has elevated cholesterol and at that time he was on the fasting diet. He is now on cholesterol medication. I image job stress and home life is not be helpful. Jared is anxious, talked about concerns making Ellie a widow and they've up his life insurance.

I had to remind myself Ellie is 28, Jared is 31 and both should be at the prime of their life with health.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

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HelloSweetie wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:45 am
ba1006 wrote:
More blood tests, more vitamins = big bucks. I'm starting to feel sorry for Jared but just a little bit.
He has to know it isn’t real to a certain extent otherwise I’m sure he’d be making her go to a real doctor. One thing I don’t doubt is that he loves her.

But yeah, he’s in a shitty position. He has all the weight of continuing their current lifestyle on his shoulders and can’t get Ellie’s support or help.

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My opinion is Beau and Emily are the only Griffiths couples that have a normal life.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by Cgl33 »

Has anyone else experienced eye strain before because that sounds like what Ellie has with the pain behind her eyes. She still needs an eye exam and a neuro exam if it’s persistent, but put down the devices.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

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I’ve had a few similar symptoms that Ellie has been complaining about. All anxiety related, diagnosed by a GP and psychologist. Mine is more like vertigo but I have pain behind my eyes and have to close them and lie down. I went a year of trying all sorts of natural and holistic remedies plus psychology almost weekly and it only got worse. I started anti depressants/ anxiety meds about 2 months ago and I no longer experience the vertigo, funny huh! Like everybody here has said, Ellie needs help from actual doctors.

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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

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HelloSweetie wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:22 am
ba1006 wrote: Now you've done it. The next vlog will be Ellie getting tested for brain cancer....
Tested via phone consult with a holistic doctor over Facetime.

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Or a chiropractor who doubles as a "brain doctor"
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by Z3phyr »

Cgl33 wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:25 pm Has anyone else experienced eye strain before because that sounds like what Ellie has with the pain behind her eyes. She still needs an eye exam and a neuro exam if it’s persistent, but put down the devices.
It probably is eye strain. You know she’s on her phone 24/7.

But severe or chronic anemia can cause that and a lot of other symptoms. She’s always complaining about being anemic. If iron supplements haven’t helped, why hasn’t she seen a hematologist? Especially if she’s obsessed with having another baby, she needs to get that evaluated and taken care of.
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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

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HelloSweetie wrote:So by 2pm she has no energy, her anxiety peaks and she has eye pain. Could it be that Jackson gets home from school at 2 pm and the kids need to be fed a snack? She just wants an excuse to retreat to her bedroom until they are in bed at 6:30.

She also probably needs to drink more water. Dehydration and poor nutrition can cause the worst headaches.


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Re: E & J - So many problems, so few vitamins |Part #125

Unread post by Kataja »

YTIG60 wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:17 am My opinion is Beau and Emily are the only Griffiths couples that have a normal life.
I highly doubt it! They just show so little in their vlogs. They rarely post anything and they are really not showing much.
I'm sure that if they were to vlog daily, we could see absolutely same stuff than with other Griffiths. I have hard time believing that Beau would differ so much from her sisters. Maybe he would be even worse, growing up as an only son surrounded by adoring parents and subservient sisters.

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