Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by celestialll »

why does EVERYTHING Ella owns have to be pink??? God forbid she ends up a tomboy or something.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by Lifeisfun »

Tiffani is the type who thinks her children should be as important to everyone else as they are to her. She can’t fathom that everyone’s heart wouldn’t break the second Ella has to go to the doctor. I mean fine, ask for prayers, that’s fine with me but realize that just because she is the cutest, most wonderful, perfect child you have ever seen, doesn’t mean others feel the same 🤷🏻‍♀️

EXAMPLE: in their Ohio vlog there was a good few minutes with carter just digging in his nose. That’s not cute and I was completely grossed out. They thought it was adorable and hilarious. :?
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by Judge_Moody »

It's been a while since I posted and it took me a while to get caught up from last thread and this thread... but I've made it... and now I have some shit to say.

One... How does someone so "healthy" and an ex-nurse have the sickest kids I've ever seen... they are ALWAYS sick. Seriously. Even right now Ella is sick and went to the ER. I live near her and if I saw her and her kids at target, I'd run the other way because I'd be afraid to catch something just from walking near them. I dont know how her "friends" and family still allow her to visit or attend anything she hosts. I mean the day after Ella's bday party, she announced Ella had hand-foot-mouth disease... glad my toddler wasnt one of the kids in attendance. And the kids get sick after every vacation... they all had the flu not even a week or two before Tanners bday... and xmas... I would seriously be too afraid to attend anything where she and her kids would be... especially since she either doesnt notice the illnesses until it's too late, neglects to warn people, or doesnt give a shit about incubation times and keeping her kids quarantined...

Two.. to the humblekind nonsense.. you clearly misread this whole thread... we don't put down stay at home dads, we dont expect women to live in the dark ages, we dont think shrimpy is in fact a nanny... just that Tbeastly claims to be this do it all stay at home mom who's insanely stressed from "doing it all" and gets no sleep... but she clearly has a devoted dad and husband at home doing a majority of the heavy lifting.. I think he is a partner and good father... we are trying to say that TIFFANY WITH AN I sees her husband as the hired help and that she is not pulling the weight she claims to be pulling. And Chris should embrace being a stay at home dad and tiff should stop living in denial and embrace that she spends more time filming herself and deleting negative comments then she does spending time with her family. She should stop complaining about all the "hardwork" she does and just be the REAL person she claims to be. She is a work from home mom, who gets a shit ton of me time, and even got to go "across the pond" to another continent alone without her children and husband... most women, especially stay at home moms cant even go to the bathroom alone... she has a lot to be grateful for... and she claims to be "blessed and grateful" but her actions speak otherwise... if she was grateful for having such a devoted and active partner, then she would treat him as her equal and give credit when it's due... but she doesn't, she takes all the credit in front of her "fans" and that is why we say she treats him LIKE a nanny... not that he is one. He is a parent. We are simply pointing out that he is not being treated fairly... if roles were reversed and he was posting videos about how he was getting it all done and so tired and being #goals.. but we could tell it was clearly his wife doing it all and he was just taking the credit, we would say he was a misogynistic ahole who is glory-parenting... and that tiff was a slave.... but the roles are not like that. Tiff does a lot of glory-parenting and Chris is the one doing a majority of the heavy lifting. Therefore he is being treated like a nanny and she is the glory stealing ahole.

Three.. I think it's a joke that her becoming a YouTube and instagram whore has made the news... really... just what we need. This to go to her head and for other people to think exploiting your children and stealing others recipies and slapping your name on them is a good career... I mean really. What are they going to do when the internet crashes or when youtube moms are no longer a fad....? Fall back on her nursing degree? A lot of places are requiring BSN now.. what will she do? Go back to school? Nah. She will make shrimpy get a job again and she will guilt him into believing that it's necessary for her to be a stay at home mom until the kids are moved out of the house.

Four.. I love the thread title it's perfect. 👏👏👏

Five... the last topic I have to bring up is her needing a professional to deal with sleep training. This has got to be the biggest joke. The only aspect of their lives that needs professional help is the psychological one.... I'm convinced she has Munchausen syndrome by proxy and just plain old munchausens... who else spends that much time asking Dr.Google what every single one of their ailments are. I mean one of the kids sneezes and she is looking up what it could mean... I cant even. And as far as sleep training... it's quite simple.. (I have 5 kids, so I consider myself a bit of an expert at this).... put your kids to bed when its dark... around 8 is a good time for kids their age. Dont force a 4 year old to nap in the afternoon, dont force them to stay in their beds in the morning.. and wean off the damn breast at night... boom, your welcome. Free advice.

Just to give you an idea t.beasty, since we know you read here..... I'm an actual stay at home mom, who also homeschools all 5 of her children. I go to bed anywhere from 10pm to 2am because I attend night school online to get a degree while I'm being a SAHM, not to mention get some house chores done alone. I wake up at 6 am everyday to get an hour of "me time" (a cup of tea and prepping dinner) before the kids wake up. My kids all go to bed at 830pm (except family movie nights on the weekend).. kids are ages 2, 4, 7, 10, and 14. Only the 2 year old takes a nap after lunch. All of my children are allowed to get up and leave their rooms the moment they wake up (which is usually 7am for the older 3 and 8 am for the younger two) and its honestly the best thing. My older kids come down to join me for breakfast during the week and go over assignments before classes begin... and I love when the little ones come running in my room on the weekends to spend a few minutes snuggling before we begin our day... and honestly it develops a very important trait they will need to survive... INDEPENDENCE. My 4 year old dresses herself, makes herself simple lunches, pours her own drinks (even does the half water half juice), and she has chores. I'm not afraid or scared for my kids to grow up because they are wonderful, kind, and smart, but most importantly they are independent and can handle their own. I wonder if t.beastly can say the same about her kids (or even herself for that matter)

I dont do all of this alone. I have hit the lotto when it comes to husbands, he is a true partner. My husband will wake the kids up during the week while I prep in the morning, he will do the after school events with me, we each get a day to sleep in on the weekends, we give eachother breaks, and we are grateful that we have an equal partner and never try to exaggerate our circumstances to make the other feel guilty. My being a SAHM is hard enough and his being a hardworking dad is hard enough.. there is no need to go ahead and make it a competition on who's more tired and who works harder.. or to make your partner feel small and insignificant.

I know this was a really long 'rant', but it's been a while and I had A LOT to get off my chest... well not as much a tbeastly with the breastfeeding baby and all that 'whip' cream. 😂😂😂
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by QueenMaleficent »

When a child presents to an office with a fever alongside a cough, it is standard that we order chest x-ray. More often than not, it is a simple 'chest cold', but ruling out pneumonia is the first in line. Nothing special about it, no prayers needed. She's a nurse so she should know the routine procedures.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by RealityBites »

Judge_Moody wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:42 pm It's been a while since I posted and it took me a while to get caught up from last thread and this thread... but I've made it... and now I have some shit to say.

One... How does someone so "healthy" and an ex-nurse have the sickest kids I've ever seen... they are ALWAYS sick. Seriously. Even right now Ella is sick and went to the ER. I live near her and if I saw her and her kids at target, I'd run the other way because I'd be afraid to catch something just from walking near them. I dont know how her "friends" and family still allow her to visit or attend anything she hosts. I mean the day after Ella's bday party, she announced Ella had hand-foot-mouth disease... glad my toddler wasnt one of the kids in attendance. And the kids get sick after every vacation... they all had the flu not even a week or two before Tanners bday... and xmas... I would seriously be too afraid to attend anything where she and her kids would be... especially since she either doesnt notice the illnesses until it's too late, neglects to warn people, or doesnt give a shit about incubation times and keeping her kids quarantined...

Two.. to the humblekind nonsense.. you clearly misread this whole thread... we don't put down stay at home dads, we dont expect women to live in the dark ages, we dont think shrimpy is in fact a nanny... just that Tbeastly claims to be this do it all stay at home mom who's insanely stressed from "doing it all" and gets no sleep... but she clearly has a devoted dad and husband at home doing a majority of the heavy lifting.. I think he is a partner and good father... we are trying to say that TIFFANY WITH AN I sees her husband as the hired help and that she is not pulling the weight she claims to be pulling. And Chris should embrace being a stay at home dad and tiff should stop living in denial and embrace that she spends more time filming herself and deleting negative comments then she does spending time with her family. She should stop complaining about all the "hardwork" she does and just be the REAL person she claims to be. She is a work from home mom, who gets a shit ton of me time, and even got to go "across the pond" to another continent alone without her children and husband... most women, especially stay at home moms cant even go to the bathroom alone... she has a lot to be grateful for... and she claims to be "blessed and grateful" but her actions speak otherwise... if she was grateful for having such a devoted and active partner, then she would treat him as her equal and give credit when it's due... but she doesn't, she takes all the credit in front of her "fans" and that is why we say she treats him LIKE a nanny... not that he is one. He is a parent. We are simply pointing out that he is not being treated fairly... if roles were reversed and he was posting videos about how he was getting it all done and so tired and being #goals.. but we could tell it was clearly his wife doing it all and he was just taking the credit, we would say he was a misogynistic ahole who is glory-parenting... and that tiff was a slave.... but the roles are not like that. Tiff does a lot of glory-parenting and Chris is the one doing a majority of the heavy lifting. Therefore he is being treated like a nanny and she is the glory stealing ahole.

Three.. I think it's a joke that her becoming a YouTube and instagram whore has made the news... really... just what we need. This to go to her head and for other people to think exploiting your children and stealing others recipies and slapping your name on them is a good career... I mean really. What are they going to do when the internet crashes or when youtube moms are no longer a fad....? Fall back on her nursing degree? A lot of places are requiring BSN now.. what will she do? Go back to school? Nah. She will make shrimpy get a job again and she will guilt him into believing that it's necessary for her to be a stay at home mom until the kids are moved out of the house.

Four.. I love the thread title it's perfect. 👏👏👏

Five... the last topic I have to bring up is her needing a professional to deal with sleep training. This has got to be the biggest joke. The only aspect of their lives that needs professional help is the psychological one.... I'm convinced she has Munchausen syndrome by proxy and just plain old munchausens... who else spends that much time asking Dr.Google what every single one of their ailments are. I mean one of the kids sneezes and she is looking up what it could mean... I cant even. And as far as sleep training... it's quite simple.. (I have 5 kids, so I consider myself a bit of an expert at this).... put your kids to bed when its dark... around 8 is a good time for kids their age. Dont force a 4 year old to nap in the afternoon, dont force them to stay in their beds in the morning.. and wean off the damn breast at night... boom, your welcome. Free advice.

Just to give you an idea t.beasty, since we know you read here..... I'm an actual stay at home mom, who also homeschools all 5 of her children. I go to bed anywhere from 10pm to 2am because I attend night school online to get a degree while I'm being a SAHM, not to mention get some house chores done alone. I wake up at 6 am everyday to get an hour of "me time" (a cup of tea and prepping dinner) before the kids wake up. My kids all go to bed at 830pm (except family movie nights on the weekend).. kids are ages 2, 4, 7, 10, and 14. Only the 2 year old takes a nap after lunch. All of my children are allowed to get up and leave their rooms the moment they wake up (which is usually 7am for the older 3 and 8 am for the younger two) and its honestly the best thing. My older kids come down to join me for breakfast during the week and go over assignments before classes begin... and I love when the little ones come running in my room on the weekends to spend a few minutes snuggling before we begin our day... and honestly it develops a very important trait they will need to survive... INDEPENDENCE. My 4 year old dresses herself, makes herself simple lunches, pours her own drinks (even does the half water half juice), and she has chores. I'm not afraid or scared for my kids to grow up because they are wonderful, kind, and smart, but most importantly they are independent and can handle their own. I wonder if t.beastly can say the same about her kids (or even herself for that matter)

I dont do all of this alone. I have hit the lotto when it comes to husbands, he is a true partner. My husband will wake the kids up during the week while I prep in the morning, he will do the after school events with me, we each get a day to sleep in on the weekends, we give eachother breaks, and we are grateful that we have an equal partner and never try to exaggerate our circumstances to make the other feel guilty. My being a SAHM is hard enough and his being a hardworking dad is hard enough.. there is no need to go ahead and make it a competition on who's more tired and who works harder.. or to make your partner feel small and insignificant.

I know this was a really long 'rant', but it's been a while and I had A LOT to get off my chest... well not as much a tbeastly with the breastfeeding baby and all that 'whip' cream. 😂😂😂
Yasssss!!! 👏👏👏👏 Agree 100%!!!
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by RealityBites »

Lifeisfun wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:38 pm Tiffani is the type who thinks her children should be as important to everyone else as they are to her. She can’t fathom that everyone’s heart wouldn’t break the second Ella has to go to the doctor. I mean fine, ask for prayers, that’s fine with me but realize that just because she is the cutest, most wonderful, perfect child you have ever seen, doesn’t mean others feel the same 🤷🏻‍♀️

EXAMPLE: in their Ohio vlog there was a good few minutes with carter just digging in his nose. That’s not cute and I was completely grossed out. They thought it was adorable and hilarious. :?

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks filming Carter going to town digging in his nose is gross and embarrassing for him in the future. I mean kids are kids and do gross stuff sometimes (my sons almost 3) I get it, but to not edit that out is odd to me.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by everwhat »

Alittlechaos1 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:22 am My daughter has bronchitis about a week ago and her doctor or was able to tell me right away I didn’t get her sent to the ER Image She probably didn’t even go to the doctor and went straight to the ER just to have something to post about.

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she probably INSISTED since she posted about "follow your mommy guy instincts" or whatever
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by Tiger196712 »

Who and why would anyone with half a brain get Reno done during the holidays???? why wouldn't you wait until after? This is going to be funny because contractors lie all the time about when they will be done. They prob wont be done until Feb or march.
Have fun during the holidays Tiff hahah
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by kittengal »

Judge_Moody wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:42 pm It's been a while since I posted and it took me a while to get caught up from last thread and this thread... but I've made it... and now I have some shit to say.

One... How does someone so "healthy" and an ex-nurse have the sickest kids I've ever seen... they are ALWAYS sick. Seriously. Even right now Ella is sick and went to the ER. I live near her and if I saw her and her kids at target, I'd run the other way because I'd be afraid to catch something just from walking near them. I dont know how her "friends" and family still allow her to visit or attend anything she hosts. I mean the day after Ella's bday party, she announced Ella had hand-foot-mouth disease... glad my toddler wasnt one of the kids in attendance. And the kids get sick after every vacation... they all had the flu not even a week or two before Tanners bday... and xmas... I would seriously be too afraid to attend anything where she and her kids would be... especially since she either doesnt notice the illnesses until it's too late, neglects to warn people, or doesnt give a shit about incubation times and keeping her kids quarantined...

Two.. to the humblekind nonsense.. you clearly misread this whole thread... we don't put down stay at home dads, we dont expect women to live in the dark ages, we dont think shrimpy is in fact a nanny... just that Tbeastly claims to be this do it all stay at home mom who's insanely stressed from "doing it all" and gets no sleep... but she clearly has a devoted dad and husband at home doing a majority of the heavy lifting.. I think he is a partner and good father... we are trying to say that TIFFANY WITH AN I sees her husband as the hired help and that she is not pulling the weight she claims to be pulling. And Chris should embrace being a stay at home dad and tiff should stop living in denial and embrace that she spends more time filming herself and deleting negative comments then she does spending time with her family. She should stop complaining about all the "hardwork" she does and just be the REAL person she claims to be. She is a work from home mom, who gets a shit ton of me time, and even got to go "across the pond" to another continent alone without her children and husband... most women, especially stay at home moms cant even go to the bathroom alone... she has a lot to be grateful for... and she claims to be "blessed and grateful" but her actions speak otherwise... if she was grateful for having such a devoted and active partner, then she would treat him as her equal and give credit when it's due... but she doesn't, she takes all the credit in front of her "fans" and that is why we say she treats him LIKE a nanny... not that he is one. He is a parent. We are simply pointing out that he is not being treated fairly... if roles were reversed and he was posting videos about how he was getting it all done and so tired and being #goals.. but we could tell it was clearly his wife doing it all and he was just taking the credit, we would say he was a misogynistic ahole who is glory-parenting... and that tiff was a slave.... but the roles are not like that. Tiff does a lot of glory-parenting and Chris is the one doing a majority of the heavy lifting. Therefore he is being treated like a nanny and she is the glory stealing ahole.

Three.. I think it's a joke that her becoming a YouTube and instagram whore has made the news... really... just what we need. This to go to her head and for other people to think exploiting your children and stealing others recipies and slapping your name on them is a good career... I mean really. What are they going to do when the internet crashes or when youtube moms are no longer a fad....? Fall back on her nursing degree? A lot of places are requiring BSN now.. what will she do? Go back to school? Nah. She will make shrimpy get a job again and she will guilt him into believing that it's necessary for her to be a stay at home mom until the kids are moved out of the house.

Four.. I love the thread title it's perfect. 👏👏👏

Five... the last topic I have to bring up is her needing a professional to deal with sleep training. This has got to be the biggest joke. The only aspect of their lives that needs professional help is the psychological one.... I'm convinced she has Munchausen syndrome by proxy and just plain old munchausens... who else spends that much time asking Dr.Google what every single one of their ailments are. I mean one of the kids sneezes and she is looking up what it could mean... I cant even. And as far as sleep training... it's quite simple.. (I have 5 kids, so I consider myself a bit of an expert at this).... put your kids to bed when its dark... around 8 is a good time for kids their age. Dont force a 4 year old to nap in the afternoon, dont force them to stay in their beds in the morning.. and wean off the damn breast at night... boom, your welcome. Free advice.

Just to give you an idea t.beasty, since we know you read here..... I'm an actual stay at home mom, who also homeschools all 5 of her children. I go to bed anywhere from 10pm to 2am because I attend night school online to get a degree while I'm being a SAHM, not to mention get some house chores done alone. I wake up at 6 am everyday to get an hour of "me time" (a cup of tea and prepping dinner) before the kids wake up. My kids all go to bed at 830pm (except family movie nights on the weekend).. kids are ages 2, 4, 7, 10, and 14. Only the 2 year old takes a nap after lunch. All of my children are allowed to get up and leave their rooms the moment they wake up (which is usually 7am for the older 3 and 8 am for the younger two) and its honestly the best thing. My older kids come down to join me for breakfast during the week and go over assignments before classes begin... and I love when the little ones come running in my room on the weekends to spend a few minutes snuggling before we begin our day... and honestly it develops a very important trait they will need to survive... INDEPENDENCE. My 4 year old dresses herself, makes herself simple lunches, pours her own drinks (even does the half water half juice), and she has chores. I'm not afraid or scared for my kids to grow up because they are wonderful, kind, and smart, but most importantly they are independent and can handle their own. I wonder if t.beastly can say the same about her kids (or even herself for that matter)

I dont do all of this alone. I have hit the lotto when it comes to husbands, he is a true partner. My husband will wake the kids up during the week while I prep in the morning, he will do the after school events with me, we each get a day to sleep in on the weekends, we give eachother breaks, and we are grateful that we have an equal partner and never try to exaggerate our circumstances to make the other feel guilty. My being a SAHM is hard enough and his being a hardworking dad is hard enough.. there is no need to go ahead and make it a competition on who's more tired and who works harder.. or to make your partner feel small and insignificant.

I know this was a really long 'rant', but it's been a while and I had A LOT to get off my chest... well not as much a tbeastly with the breastfeeding baby and all that 'whip' cream. 😂😂😂
Take note, t.titty. THIS ☝️ Is goals.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by kittengal »

QueenMaleficent wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:48 pm When a child presents to an office with a fever alongside a cough, it is standard that we order chest x-ray. More often than not, it is a simple 'chest cold', but ruling out pneumonia is the first in line. Nothing special about it, no prayers needed. She's a nurse so she should know the routine procedures.
I bet her ped even said “I really don’t think it’s anything serious but let’s get an X-ray just to be sure”. But of course titty with i needed to make it a big deal.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by celestialll »

Tiger196712 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:42 pm Who and why would anyone with half a brain get Reno done during the holidays???? why wouldn't you wait until after? This is going to be funny because contractors lie all the time about when they will be done. They prob wont be done until Feb or march.
Have fun during the holidays Tiff hahah
Seriously, why not wait until the new year? This is so weird. Not to mention those contractors want to enjoy the holidays too and will walk the fuck out of that house the second they're off the clock. Their downstairs won't be done until the end of February at the earliest.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by QueenMaleficent »

Tiger196712 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:42 pm Who and why would anyone with half a brain get Reno done during the holidays???? why wouldn't you wait until after? This is going to be funny because contractors lie all the time about when they will be done. They prob wont be done until Feb or march.
Have fun during the holidays Tiff hahah

Why? Because this girl thrives on chaos. If there isn't drama, she doesn't know what to do with herself so she mainlines chaos like it's crack. Then we get to see more stories about how stressed she is, construction issues, blah blah blah. She will be in her element.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by Luminous1 »

Clearly desperate for that Adsense... 8 ad breaks in a 30 minute video? I love Christmas decorating videos (no matter who or when they’re posted), but it’s not worth it. Also, do YTers have the choice of whether to include skippable or non-skippable ads? Am I just getting supremely unlucky that every single T.Breastfeeding ad break is 2 non skippable ads?
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by thisisgold21 »

Luminous1 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:18 pm Clearly desperate for that Adsense... 8 ad breaks in a 30 minute video? I love Christmas decorating videos (no matter who or when they’re posted), but it’s not worth it. Also, do YTers have the choice of whether to include skippable or non-skippable ads? Am I just getting supremely unlucky that every single T.Breastfeeding ad break is 2 non skippable ads?

Yes, I believe they are able to choose what type of ads play in the video (click out ones or timed ones) and when they play. She's scum to make her viewers watch all those ads.
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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by ApothicDrunk »

“I got the boys decorations from the Dollar Tree but I bought El-luh’s at Michaels cause she’s worth it”.

I feel so bad for those boys. I wonder if she will lock Ella in her room until she has a green, sorry pink light.

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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by Evian »

ApothicDrunk wrote:“I got the boys decorations from the Dollar Tree but I bought El-luh’s at Michaels cause she’s worth it”.

I feel so bad for those boys. I wonder if she will lock Ella in her room until she has a green, sorry pink light.

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I still don't get why a damn baby needs a Christmas tree in their room. Unheard of from when I was a kid growing up. It doesn't really seem like a smart thing to do.

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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by scojacar »

thisisgold21 wrote:
Luminous1 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:18 pm Clearly desperate for that Adsense... 8 ad breaks in a 30 minute video? I love Christmas decorating videos (no matter who or when they’re posted), but it’s not worth it. Also, do YTers have the choice of whether to include skippable or non-skippable ads? Am I just getting supremely unlucky that every single T.Breastfeeding ad break is 2 non skippable ads?

Yes, I believe they are able to choose what type of ads play in the video (click out ones or timed ones) and when they play. She's scum to make her viewers watch all those ads.
Lol I have YouTube Red, the ad-free version, which basically splits money among all creators based on how much time people with YT Red spend on their videos. And I skip through 75% of hers so she’s not getting much ad money from me Image

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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

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Tiger196712 wrote:Who and why would anyone with half a brain get Reno done during the holidays???? why wouldn't you wait until after? This is going to be funny because contractors lie all the time about when they will be done. They prob wont be done until Feb or march.
Have fun during the holidays Tiff hahah
Because martyrs NEED a reason to complain. If they don’t have one, they’ll create one. Fact!

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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

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QueenMaleficent wrote:
Tiger196712 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:42 pm Who and why would anyone with half a brain get Reno done during the holidays???? why wouldn't you wait until after? This is going to be funny because contractors lie all the time about when they will be done. They prob wont be done until Feb or march.
Have fun during the holidays Tiff hahah

Why? Because this girl thrives on chaos. If there isn't drama, she doesn't know what to do with herself so she mainlines chaos like it's crack. Then we get to see more stories about how stressed she is, construction issues, blah blah blah. She will be in her element.
Yep. Huge sign of mental illness, specifically borderline personality disorder and eating disorders is to “create chaos”.

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Re: Tiffani Beaston: insecure, huge bore, wannabe reality tv whore | Part 7

Unread post by icant »

kittengal wrote:
QueenMaleficent wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:48 pm When a child presents to an office with a fever alongside a cough, it is standard that we order chest x-ray. More often than not, it is a simple 'chest cold', but ruling out pneumonia is the first in line. Nothing special about it, no prayers needed. She's a nurse so she should know the routine procedures.
I bet her ped even said “I really don’t think it’s anything serious but let’s get an X-ray just to be sure”. But of course titty with i needed to make it a big deal.
She’s an embarrassment to medical professionals. No nurse needs to google simple cold symptoms. No nurse panics at the sign of a sniffle, or becomes paranoid their child has lice because they scratched their head once. If anything, doctor and nurse moms are the complete opposite. We tend to not take anything too seriously, because we KNOW what a true emergency looks like. It’s all an act. She’s not actually worried. She just needs attention. She even posted something like *this is a sign to always follow your mom gut*, before the kid was even seen, diagnosed or treated. It makes no sense. Just dramatic, attention seeking and exhausting.

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