TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTV - Part 19

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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"There's no bad language or making out with Anna in the show because we're aware that a lot of viewers are younger and we feel a bit responsible for what they're watching."

^Says the guy who humped the kitchen counter while groaning.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by Suntropics »

And to the very intelligent person(s) who pointed out that Anna seems to try to act like Sam through her actions, you are So right. I think in yesterday's vlog is when I noticed it. She filmed herself going "shhh" then filmed Emilia sleeping, then filmed herself smiling, something that Sam does a lot with Lily. However, though Anna started out whispering, she soon started yelling and talking really loud it seemed, just weird she started out whispering and then changed her volume so quickly...weirdo. Idk why she tries to copy Sam, as no matter how hard she tries, she is nothing like her when it comes to maternal instinct and love.
Yay I am glad someone else had picked up on her creepy behavior of copying Sam she has been doing for awhile now. The only reason I can figure she does it, is because she knows people like Sam better than her and they think Sam is a better mom. Anna is so damn pathetic. I just can't with these idiots!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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zombfied wrote:MrJiminyCrickett (I cant remember which one of you it is) is on FIRE this evening! God the minions are idiotic.

Favorite comment has to be...

"what charity did you donate to?

MrJiminyCrickett: JofattyGymFund Charity "
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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Valentino wrote:With Anna's model looks



OMG!!!!! VALENTINO!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by Nesoi »

I found another article entitled '''200,000 watched Emilia being born on YouTube. It's a business and it's only going to get bigger'. It is a bit long to post here, if u want the full article PM me and I will send it to you.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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from her blog post

A bit late, but better late than never! This was breakfast - my usual meal of Alpen Apple Raspberry & Raisin porridge, 1/2 banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Plus a giant cup of coffee to wake me up! :)

not a sprinkle, more like 2 teaspoons!
and a huge cup of coffee for breakfast, and anotherr one for lunch... she's crazy!
also regarding to the huge amounts of cinnamon:

List of Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding
Spices such as garlic, cucumber, chili, cinnamon, and pepper should be avoided during breastfeeding. They might lead to gas problems in the baby, producing bloating and colic symptoms.

there are plenty of sources and it may have to do with the rest of her crappy diet, but Emilia has too many poo explosions, it's abnormal that a baby leaks so many times!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by Nesoi »

Sorry I had to post it in its entirety. My jaw is on the floor. Sorry if u have already read this article. So many contradictions and so much hypocrisy in one article. I am stunned :o

'200,000 watched Emilia being born on YouTube. It's a business and it's only going to get bigger'.(News)

Daily Mail (London)
September 29, 2012

Byline: by Nicola Byrne

ANNA Saccone, star of the Irish internet reality soap The SacconeJolys, must be one of the few women to have given birth at Cork University Hospital-this-year-in-full-make-up. Earlier- this- month,- as- the- 24-year-old- panted- and- groaned- while- giving- birth- to- her- daughter,-milia,- her- 'face'- stayed- perfectly- in- place- --- as- 200,000-people-watched-on-via-YouTube.

Only in the final stages of pushing did her lipstick appear to come away, a fact that wa-noted-with-satisfaction-by-thousands-of-her-loyal- online- female- followers.- 'You- go- girl'- and- 'Oh- my,- how-is-it-possible-to-be-so-gorgeous-during-labour?- Congratulations!'- are- a- flavour- of- the- comments- she- received,- with- others- noting- that- the- 12-minute- daily- make-up- routine- that- Anna- swears-by-'really-does-work'.

Even as her husband and co-star, Jonathan Joly, kept his lens trained on her face, Anna made only the odd frown during the birth, at a time- when- other- women- might- have- hurled-the-camera-across-the-room.

'We're in this together,' says Jonathan, explaining-his-wife's-willingness-to-share- one- of- the- most- intimate- moments- of- her-life-with-the-world.

'It's a business and it generates a very good living for us. And it's only going to get bigger, we have followers all over the world and in ten years' time, who knows where we'll be with it?-This-is-the-future- of- broadcasting- and- we're- right- here- at- the-beginning.' It's now almost three years since the couple started to 'Vlog' (video blog) their day-to-day life in a 15-minute show called The SacconeJolys, which is uploaded daily. Based in the not overly glamourous suburb of Rochestown in Cork, the internet hit depicts the couple as they go about chores such as doing the weekly shop at Tesco, cleaning the house and putting the bins out. The humdrum is spiced up with big life events- such- as- the- couple's- wedding,- and-now-the-birth-of-their-daughter.

By the end of the first year, they were receiving average daily hits of between 6,000 and 8,000. That figure is now closer to 50,000 and with their output now being- distributed- by- an- independent- agency- in- Los- Angeles,- their- audience- seems-likely-to-grow.

When the show started in 2010, the couple were engaged and had two Maltese-puppies,-Albi-and-Sina.

Now they are married, have four more puppies and a baby -- the arrival of whom has put the focus sharply on the rights and wrongs of subjecting an infant-to-this-kind-of-exposure.

Jonathan, 32, readily admits that, as was reported in our sister paper the Irish Mail on Sunday, not all the attention- they- have- received- since- the- birth- of- Emilia- has- been- positive.- In- fact,- numerous- obscene- and- abusive- messages- have- been- posted- on- their- site.- It's- something- that- disturbs- him,- although-not-enough-to-stop-filming.

'Some of the comments were horrible,' he says. 'We told our viewers in advance that we were going to film our daughter's birth. People said they were hoping we would have a miscarriage- or- that- our-aby would be stillborn. There were a lot of mean and horrible things said before and after Emilia's arrival. Anna looked good throughout her pregnancy and I think people were quite jealous about that. People say what they want these days and there's not a lot we can do about it. It's been going on for as long as we have-been-posting-the-videos- but-it-got-worse-during-the-pregnancy.' However, dozens of viewers have questioned the couple's parenting skills, arising out of a number of episodes including one where Jonathan films one of his dogs 'washing' the newborn infant's-face-by-licking-it-all-over.

'Since she was born we've been getting comments about how we are bad parents and that we aren't holding her properly and that we are horrible parents who are killing- her- and- that- type-of-thing.-It-does-make-you-secondguess-yourself,'-he-admits.

'We are confident as parents but we're only human, too, and you start wondering- "Am- I- doing- this- right?"- I- know- those- dogs,- though,- they're- not- hurting-anyone.' Official- HSE- guidelines- directed- at- new- parents- would- disagree,- however.- These-warn-that-all-dogs-are-a-potential- threat-and-often-see-infants-as-rivals-for- their- owner's- affection.- 'Even- though- dogs- can- be- trained- they- still- have- instinctive-behaviours,'-reads-the-booklet,- which- is- routinely- handed- out- to- new- parents-by-public-health-nurses.

'It does not matter how well you know the dog -- young children can unintentionally- provoke- the- dog- who- may,- in- turn,-snap.' For- the- moment,- though,- the- couple- has- no- plans- to- separate- Emilia- from- the- dogs,- although- Jonathan- says- he- does-not-take-his-family's-safety-lightly.

With- no- apparent- irony,- he- says- he- is- particularly-worried-about-their-privacy- and- takes- steps- so- that- the- location- of- their- rented- home- isn't- made- general- knowledge.

When- arranging- this- interview,- he- would-agree-only-to-meet-in-a-local-hotel- and- not- the- family- home,- disclosing- its- location-only-as-'somewhere-in-Rochestown'.

However,- later- he- admits- that- 'half-of-Cork'-knows-where-he-lives-and- that- local- children- often- push- presents- for- himself,- his- wife- and,- recently,- baby- Emilia-though-their-letter-box.

The really sinister messages he receives almost always come from outside of Ireland and mostly the United States, where most of the couple's fanbase is located. Many US fans don't appear to know that the show is filmed outside of the States, although the near constant slate grey skies over Cork are a bit of-a-giveaway.

'I knew going into this that we would be vulnerable and exposed so I've put the proper precautions in place. I don't film everything that happens in our house, what you see is only 15 minutes- out-of-our-day.' Jonathan- also- says- he- would- never- film-Emilia's-nappy-being-changed,-less- because- of- possible- preying- perverts- but- incase- his- daughter- finds- it- objectionable-when-she's-older.

'The day she turns around to me and says "Daddy I don't want to do this any more" is the day that I'll stop filming her. But her mom and I will continue to Vlog. And you know what? I figure if Emilia is anything like me and her mom, she will love it because we love doing it and she came out of-us.' Although Jonathan was born and raised in Terenure, south Dublin, he sounds like an American -- though he says he never- spent- any- length- of- time- there.

'I don't think I sound American. My mum was very keen for us to speak well and sent us to- elocution- lessons- when- we-were-young-so-maybe-that's-it.' He went to the fee-paying Terenure College for secondary school but says he was bullied relentlessly and 'physically beaten to a pulp'. He moved to St- Declan's- school- in- Ballsbridge- for-hildren with 'emotional and personal difficulties', according to its website, and fared much better.

But it wasn't until 2006 when he was already in his mid-20s that he moved to Cork, met Anna and 'everything fell into place'.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, to a half-Irish mother and an Italian father, Anna has lived in Cork since she was seven (but has retained her American accent). She was studying at University College Cork when she met Jonathan, although she later dropped out and began forging a career for herself as a stylist.

Jonathan began to study digital media at a vocational college before moving to Bournemouth with Anna to complete his degree. Back in Cork, he took up a job managing a digital media company with 16 employees.

Then the couple decided a video blog could be a good way to make money and their first broadcast attracted 100 viewers, most of whom they knew. Now they are YouTube partners, meaning their broadcasts carry adverts relevant to whatever part of the world they're being watched in and they pick up a percentage of the revenue.

Jonathan reveals he was naturally drawn to Vlogging to combat his isolation in his teens. 'As someone who was a loner for years, it's been very easy for me to make friends online,' ays 'I've finally found something he says. 'I've finally found something I love doing.' Jonathan says The SacconeJolys has more viewers than many TV3 or RTE programmes and they also have more followers on Twitter than most 'so-called Irish celebrities'.

However he's reluctant to elaborate on who he's talking about. 'You know who I mean,' he says. 'The guys from Fade Street and other people who fall out of Krystle nightclub at all hours of the morning.' His style of broadcasting is the way forward, he says, pointing to the fact that RTE's Miriam O'Callaghan has included them in a documentary about the future of Irish broadcasting to be screened next month.

'Mass media is moving away from 'Mass media is moving away from mainstream, even TV, to interactive and I want to be part of that.' However, internet trolls aren't the only people who may disapprove of the couple's career choice. Jonathan admits that although his mother is fully supportive, the relationship with his father is 'difficult' -- he didn't attend the couple's wedding last year. It took place in Italy and, of course, was filmed and uploaded within hours. 'I'm hoping he'll be around more with the birth of his granddaughter,' Jonathan says.

For the moment the couple are staying in Cork, although the lure of the States continues to attract them. 'I love Ireland but I'm aware that the market in Britain would be so much bigger and then the States would be even bigger again. But I don't think we'd have the support we do here in Cork.

'We just walk out on Patrick Street and in Tesco and everyone says: "How's it going? You're the ones off the internet." It's great. And we're not worried about Emilia.

'Should I go and get a normal job? What about Ryan Tubridy or Pat Kenny? No-one asks how being famous affects their kids. If things go well, this thing is going to be huge and that means providing for my wife and kid. If my parents had made a video diary of my life. I'd be pretty happy about that.'


A life less ordinary: The couple in one of the clips from their online show

Labour of love: Anna Saccone and Jonathan Joly posted the birth of baby Emilia online
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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That's funny because most of the Irish ladies here have said they're nobodies / twats there.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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Suntropics wrote:
And to the very intelligent person(s) who pointed out that Anna seems to try to act like Sam through her actions, you are So right. I think in yesterday's vlog is when I noticed it. She filmed herself going "shhh" then filmed Emilia sleeping, then filmed herself smiling, something that Sam does a lot with Lily. However, though Anna started out whispering, she soon started yelling and talking really loud it seemed, just weird she started out whispering and then changed her volume so quickly...weirdo. Idk why she tries to copy Sam, as no matter how hard she tries, she is nothing like her when it comes to maternal instinct and love.
Yay I am glad someone else had picked up on her creepy behavior of copying Sam she has been doing for awhile now. The only reason I can figure she does it, is because she knows people like Sam better than her and they think Sam is a better mom. Anna is so damn pathetic. I just can't with these idiots!
Yup! I picked up a few things in her blog that try to sound like Sam too like writing " A good ole' time" That doesn't even sound like Anna yet she writes that in her blog. Also- that weird extreme whiny/cry face she does ( Just like the one in Geeks Avatar) I swear she got that from Shay Carls Wife!! She didn't ever make that face before and then started up one day. :?
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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These-warn-that-all-dogs-are-a-potential- threat-and-often-see-infants-as-rivals-for- their- owner's- affection.-

well, since she gets less affection maybe they think she's safer LOL

- although- Jonathan- says- he- does-not-take-his-family's-safety-lightly.
I hope he was joking!

he- would- never- film-Emilia's-nappy-being-changed,-less- because- of- possible- preying- perverts- but- incase- his- daughter- finds- it- objectionable-when-she's-older.
so he cares about what she will think of her diaper changing when she gets older? come ooon, I have so many photos of my mum/grandma bathing me and clearly showing my parts but I never thought of it as irritating! (though these weren't out on a public platform...)
but then he doesn't give a shit of moaning into his daughter's ear, kissing her face as if it was a grown woman.. I get how people say it's normal to kiss your daughter and stuff, but it is the way he does it that makes it fucking creepy and disgusting!!

'I don't think I sound American. My mum was very keen for us to speak well and sent us to- elocution- lessons- when- we-were-young-so-maybe-that's-it.'
:lol: :lol: :lol: that's why they speak so well HAHAHAHA and also why you speak differently, clearly with an Irish accent, when your family is around. :?

Back in Cork, he took up a job managing a digital media company with 16 employees.
Lieeeeee, he can't even manage a family of only 3 and 6 tiny dogs, how the heck would he manage a compnay and it is not broke yet???
Last edited by lemontree on Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:51 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by OPIessie »

Hi guys,

I've just joined this forum after months upon months of reading this thread in particular. I have so much to say that I don't quite know where to begin, but I should say that I'm an Irish girl near Anna's age.
Their general behaviour disgusts me. So many people in Ireland are unemployed and struggling right now, and it seems like they really take everything for granted, spending all of their money, etc. Most people here would be extemely careful and prudent with their income, especially after the economy went bust a few years back. His Porsche disgusts me. I really believe he is more than a bit odd and has an awful influence on her. I recall someone on here saying a while ago that he reminded them of their ex - me too! My ex was controlling and eccentric just like Jofus.
Anna is no better, though - she is lazy and has never had a proper job. I can't believe that she wouldn't even try to get a proper degree given that her dad was such an academic. If she applied herself, she could be great - just look at her sister Emma! Anna seems to totally lack motivation and is unable to think for herself. I cannot believe that she can't even cook properly, it's just stunning to me. They are not generally well-known here at all and if they became more well-known, I know for a fact that most Irish people would share the opinions of the people on this board.
Now, on to Emilia. They take her completely for granted and do not care for her safety. I believe that they love her but they fail to count their blessings. She was conceived with ease (miraculously, IMO), and their boasting about that made me really sick. Another well-known Irish blogger/vlogger Amy Dillon was pregnant at the same time as Anna and sadly lost her baby - Anna never even acknowledged this AFAIK. They are so incredibly self-centred, it makes me sick. I just hope that the majority of you people know that us Irish people are, on the whole, nothing like these weirdoes! :)

Phew sorry that was very long! :HK:
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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From her Blog.. She's so mysterious..not knowing what color her toenail polish is!?? *GASP* You tricky lady you! Such a dare devil LOL!!
:D :D
"Another nail polish related habit I'm particular about is never, EVER matching my fingers to my toes!! I hate matching. I just can't stand it because I feel like where's the excitement in that?! How boring would it be to look at a girl's nail polish and automatically just 'know' that that's the colour she's wearing on her toes as well? I always like to keep people's more mysterious! "
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by dolliedays »

OPIessie wrote:Hi guys,

I've just joined this forum after months upon months of reading this thread in particular. I have so much to say that I don't quite know where to begin, but I should say that I'm an Irish girl near Anna's age.
Their general behaviour disgusts me. So many people in Ireland are unemployed and struggling right now, and it seems like they really take everything for granted, spending all of their money, etc. Most people here would be extemely careful and prudent with their income, especially after the economy went bust a few years back. His Porsche disgusts me. I really believe he is more than a bit odd and has an awful influence on her. I recall someone on here saying a while ago that he reminded them of their ex - me too! My ex was controlling and eccentric just like Jofus.
Anna is no better, though - she is lazy and has never had a proper job. I can't believe that she wouldn't even try to get a proper degree given that her dad was such an academic. If she applied herself, she could be great - just look at her sister Emma! Anna seems to totally lack motivation and is unable to think for herself. I cannot believe that she can't even cook properly, it's just stunning to me. They are not generally well-known here at all and if they became more well-known, I know for a fact that most Irish people would share the opinions of the people on this board.
Now, on to Emilia. They take her completely for granted and do not care for her safety. I believe that they love her but they fail to count their blessings. She was conceived with ease (miraculously, IMO), and their boasting about that made me really sick. Another well-known Irish blogger/vlogger Amy Dillon was pregnant at the same time as Anna and sadly lost her baby - Anna never even acknowledged this AFAIK. They are so incredibly self-centred, it makes me sick. I just hope that the majority of you people know that us Irish people are, on the whole, nothing like these weirdoes! :)

Phew sorry that was very long! :HK:
:tu: :wel: :wel:

When I first started watching A&J I thought it was cool because I might learn something about Ireland/ Irish culture..boy was I wrong! I'm from Texas, nice to to have a group here of people from all over :hugs:

Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by OPIessie »

Cool! I've never been to the states and have family over there, would love to visit but can't afford it right now! I think it's a real shame that they don't show more of Ireland - they're so wrapped up in themselves and won't do anything out of their comfort zone. Even on their quick trips to Dublin they keep it super mundane - I'm from Dublin and there's a love of great stuff to see here, and in Cork too! They're also close to Kerry which is one of the most beautiful counties in Ireland. She's so obsessed with her Italian side that she seems to forget that she is Irish too and has no respect for the country in which she's spent the majority of her life. Most Irish people are extremely proud of their nationality. As for Jofus, well, he's an idiot. The faux-American accent is ridiculous and I love how he unintentionally loses it when he sees his sisters/mother. Hilarious!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by lemontree »

dolliedays wrote:From her Blog.. She's so mysterious..not knowing what color her toenail polish is!?? *GASP* You tricky lady you! Such a dare devil LOL!!
:D :D
"Another nail polish related habit I'm particular about is never, EVER matching my fingers to my toes!! I hate matching. I just can't stand it because I feel like where's the excitement in that?! How boring would it be to look at a girl's nail polish and automatically just 'know' that that's the colour she's wearing on her toes as well? I always like to keep people's more mysterious! "
her view obviously changed a lot, and now matchy matchy is the only way to go!
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by Suntropics »

OPIessie wrote:Hi guys,

I've just joined this forum after months upon months of reading this thread in particular. I have so much to say that I don't quite know where to begin, but I should say that I'm an Irish girl near Anna's age.
Their general behaviour disgusts me. So many people in Ireland are unemployed and struggling right now, and it seems like they really take everything for granted, spending all of their money, etc. Most people here would be extemely careful and prudent with their income, especially after the economy went bust a few years back. His Porsche disgusts me. I really believe he is more than a bit odd and has an awful influence on her. I recall someone on here saying a while ago that he reminded them of their ex - me too! My ex was controlling and eccentric just like Jofus.
Anna is no better, though - she is lazy and has never had a proper job. I can't believe that she wouldn't even try to get a proper degree given that her dad was such an academic. If she applied herself, she could be great - just look at her sister Emma! Anna seems to totally lack motivation and is unable to think for herself. I cannot believe that she can't even cook properly, it's just stunning to me. They are not generally well-known here at all and if they became more well-known, I know for a fact that most Irish people would share the opinions of the people on this board.
Now, on to Emilia. They take her completely for granted and do not care for her safety. I believe that they love her but they fail to count their blessings. She was conceived with ease (miraculously, IMO), and their boasting about that made me really sick. Another well-known Irish blogger/vlogger Amy Dillon was pregnant at the same time as Anna and sadly lost her baby - Anna never even acknowledged this AFAIK. They are so incredibly self-centred, it makes me sick. I just hope that the majority of you people know that us Irish people are, on the whole, nothing like these weirdoes! :)

Phew sorry that was very long! :HK:
Hi and welcome! About Amy, that is supposedly Anna's friend (she has mentioned it before) and you're right I don't believe she ever acknowledged Amy losing her baby. What they did do though, is around the time Amy lost her baby, the idiot jofus named the vlog "How not to kill your baby". What a selfish pair of idiots these two are. I couldn't believe that when it happened. On the other hand, Amy seems so sweet!

Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by OPIessie »

Suntropics wrote:
OPIessie wrote:Hi guys,

Hi and welcome! About Amy, that is supposedly Anna's friend (she has mentioned it before) and you're right I don't believe she ever acknowledged Amy losing her baby. What they did do though, is around the time Amy lost her baby, the idiot jofus named the vlog "How not to kill your baby". What a selfish pair of idiots these two are. I couldn't believe that when it happened. On the other hand, Amy seems so sweet!
Thank you! Well we all know that Anna's idea of friendship is pretty warped. Amy seems lovely and, well, normal in comparison. There is a great community of beauty and fashion bloggers here in Ireland - lots of really passionate people, all of whom are light years ahead of Anna. The reason she became popular in the first place is because she was the only person doing it and she was a pretty (orange) face. Now, she's totally irrelevant. She has no knowledge of beauty or fashion trends and her content is like a train wreck.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

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O.o I think either the minions are going increasingly bonkers, I have an impersonator or I'm making youtube accounts in my sleep? :dunno:

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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by sand and water »

I found a couple things interesting about this article (and thank you very much for posting ;)).

Ok...first of all, A&J, you are far from famous. Many of the Irish ladies in here say you are a joke. You can see at your most recent meetups how you got Anna to call you on your cell phone so you can run in with the theme song going in hopes that all your pre-teen worshippers would be giving you a standing ovation fell flat.

You say you don't show Emilia's nappy changes because of perverts or to embarrass her in the future yet you show her completely naked in a tub when you were at the hospital. THEN you go and show her shit stained clothes, and ask the audience "that isn't too bad right? I don't need to change her, it's only a little bit of poo." Yeah that won't embarrass her at all.

You say you would stop vlogging Emilia once she says so, but will continue to film yourselves. Wow can we all say SELFISH?!

About the dog situation...see J... there are people..professionals out there...who actually said the same thing us "trolls" have been telling you. Maybe it's time to suck it up and listen?

About the accent. It's funny that your sisters don't have an Americanized accent, yet took the same speech classes you took. What is also funny, is you fall back into a slight Irish accent when around them....interesting.

To end, this article just further proves how much of a narcissistic he is. Why don't these interviewers get the balls to ask why he provokes his viewers with these deplorable titles and content. Someone needs to call his ass out on the use of that picture from a fatal accident. I need to shoot an email to these writers. I work in the pr/journalism field but here in the US an article about these 2 wouldn't go farther than the outbox of my email.... Trust me.. you aren't as popular as you think. You're known more for being a trainwreck than anything else.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 19

Unread post by featherly »

Jaeme wrote:O.o I think either the minions are going increasingly bonkers, I have an impersonator or I'm making youtube accounts in my sleep? :dunno:

I love how smart the minions are ;)

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