And you know it’s her, as evidenced by her lack of knowing how to use “your” and “you’re” properly!Itsnotmyfault wrote:Yes!!!Babyjen1012 wrote:
Have you guys viewed this, "Tiffani Beaston You're a Scam".....
Very interesting. Thought it might've been someone here that posted it.
Never noticed other YT moms with haters like this
And have you seen this??
You’ll need to zoom in and look She is a fuqin fraud!!! This was awhile back but I took a pic, I am still pissed about it!! I didn’t remember who posted it.
She also made a pregnancy pact with Liza right after the Vegas trip!! They are all fake! Nothing she says or does will ever fix the fake TTC for views!!! Fuq her!!

Spoiler alert! The downfall of the Beaston “corporation” is not going to be sponsors pulling ads on YT. It’s going to be Tiffani blocking all 350K of her followers, one at a time!

And does anyone know if they ever acknowledged that they just didn’t post anything to the family channel this week?
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