BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 69)

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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by damneaFrance »

Also "she wants to have an answer to know what to do to help her"... meanwhile, despite what all doctors tell her to do she stopped Nolan's steroids because it would make him difficult, she bought ankle braces for him, but cannot be bothered to put them on, no PT whatsover for him, a two story house where his needs are definitely not met...
Try acting like you are mother of the year and so concerned, Britney, but truth is your inactions with Nolan are actually speeding his decline and most probably lowering his life expectancy !
Wake up Britney ! Do something about Nolan's condition ! Do everything you can to help HIM !

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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by ThisIsMeCeej »

I am annoyed right now... I just watched her update. So, I haven't read any of y'all's comments yet, so sorry if I repeat something that was previously said. Twit says, she wished she could get the testing done now, because she doesn't like not knowing... yet, she won't get her daughters tested to see if they are DMD carriers and if they will have any type of problems because of it. She also never took Nolan to the allergist because of HIS allergies to what she THINKS is red dye... but, golden child ScarScar, is taken right away. Now, I realize that Scarlett had a life threatening issue... but, at any point, Nolan's "red dye" allergy could turn life threatening. I am allergic to literally everything, and from what my allergy team has told me... Once you have allergies, your allergies can can over night. You can be eating an apple today, and tomorrow... same type of apple, your tongue and throat start swelling up. So, Twit is so damn stupid, for not taking Nolan in for testing as well. But, he's just Ean's kid... he's not special like Frunkenweenies kid. SMH. I seriously hope her eggs all dry up, before she can create another baby.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by dazzled »

Remember back when she was still with Ean they would have almond milk? How strange that the golden child's health is not important enough for her to go back to that. And even stranger that pApA bEaR fReEnK doesn't seem to give a shit either, I would've expected him to tell Brit to stop fucking around with his one and only bio child's health. Poor Scarlett. Both of her parents are fucking idiots.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by stnalp »

With all the speculation about child abuse this is the one that really seems legit to me. She has been saying for months that she thinks and or is fairly certain that her child is having a reaction to milk products. Since the first time she brought it up, and didn't make any changes, the child's issues have been getting worse and worse. Despite clearly being aware that she should cut milk out of her diet (how is she cutting back even while eating things full of milk products and drinking milk in all her daily coffees?) as well as the numerous comments, even nicely written, advising her to do so, she keeps refusing to do it or stop breastfeeding. Look at this poor baby! She is clearly at best uncomfortable at worse in danger and her mother is doing nothing except posting this all online for everyone.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by stnalp »

She has a 3 year old child she claims is potty trained (not sure cause properly updating on that is yet another of the many many things she has just forgotten to do) pooping and peeing on the kitchen stools.(they had no issue posting photos of her on the toilet or telling everyone about her accidents so updating on it shouldn’t be a privacy issue)

She has no clue what her children like to eat or not.

She cant understand most her children to save her life. Speech therapy is up there on her list of things, like Nolan's therapy for his terminal illness, she doesn't care about.

Nolan, who has major health issues, has immediate reactions to red dye (she thinks) but is not even worth mentioning as an allergy and keeps claiming none of her children have ever had an allergy just because he can still breath and doesn't have to go to the ER because of his.

She doesn't notice when her kids have broken bones, ear infections, etc and realizes that her child sounds like she cant breathe but thinks nothing of it beyond making a video of it to show on youtube.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by Lily_ »

Lady6 wrote:Um wtf is she talking about not wanting to put her through the **pain** of a blood test to diagnose her allergy??? What about the suffering poor scarlet will endure if another attack is triggered??? Its extremely possible she has more than one food allergy. Also... blood tests dont hurt??? Wtf... ALSO.... Am i the only one like... how can she act like this is more serious than what poor Nolan will go through. Soooo many kids/adults have asthma, allergies and eczema (including me! Not a big deal). Nolan is literally terminally ill :(
That’s what I was thinking, like yeah, a blood test would hurt a baby, but only temporarily. The results on them are far more accurate and they can really get clear results.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by smom12 »

She didn’t get the blood test because she knows what that means.... she’ll HAVE to stop breastfeeding or cut out dairy completely. She wants to delay it because she’s fucking selfish.

Won’t get Nolan therapy.

Won’t cut out dairy or stop breastfeeding.

But you bet your ass she’ll pile her whole entire sick family to go the the Dunkin’/Starbucks drive through.

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BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by smom12 »

Oh and I will say, BRITNEY, you’re an ass. I’ve had both my kids tested with the skin prick test. They don’t just test for ONE thing you ass. They are going to do a “panel”. You know what that is? Of course not because you’re dumb. A panel means MULTIPLE skin pricks. First they are gonna prescribe you numbing cream to put on her back and you’re gonna have to wrap her in Saran Wrap so the cream doesn’t wipe off. Usually this is an hour before the appointment so you’re gonna have to sacrifice being a lazy fuck for that day and avoid having her on her back.... SHOCK. That means you’ll actually have to interact with your baby and not stick her in whatever device you use to go whine franks huge knob that’s apparently literally fucked your brains out and this is why you’re the dumbest Yet.

THEN, after you get your DESPERATELY needed coffee, you get to the allergist, and they will unwrap the baby, wipe the cream off, and stick your baby MULTIPLE TIMES with different allergens...NOT JUST ONE YOU FUCKING MORON. They are gonna test her for eggs, milk, possible animal dander, dust mites...... and THEN you have to wait AGAIN while she sits there and starts to itch because the numbing cream has worn off, for a good 15 minutes to a half hour, and she’s gonna cry and be miserable for like an HOUR because that shit is itchy as a motherfucker. But nah, let’s not make her uncomfortable with ONE prick for a blood test.

You’re welcome for that information, moron.

But I bet if frank had a reaction to something, oh forget it! He’s a FIREFIGHTER! Emergency room for days!

Selfish twat.
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BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

Britney has known since Scarlett was like 3 months old that she has a sensitivity to dairy yet she continued to chug xtra large creamer filled iced coffees on a daily basis.

How tf do you get on social media saying it “breaks your heart” to see your baby’s skin flare up at every bath time, see them on a nebulizer 3 times a day and hear them breathe the way Scarlett breathes and continue to consume an insane amount of dairy while breastfeeding?!

It pisses me off because they’re BOTH obviously lying to Scarlett’s doctors because there’s no way in hell they bring up Britney still consuming dairy while breastfeeding. This poor baby could have a severe asthma attack & die like wtf is wrong with BOTH of them. This seriously isn’t even funny anymore, I hope she gets her kids taken away...can’t wait till the day youtube crashes and burns.

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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by dazzled »

You know, the wheezing and the eczema are literally signs for a dairy intolerance. If she's too selfish to give up her creamer-with-a-hint-of-coffee—which we know she is—she could at least get Scarlet hypoallergenic formula.

Also can we talk about how she completely disregards Nolan's allergy? Ignorant cunt.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by stnalp »

She says to the doctors that she has already cut way back on her dairy and barely has any anymore and they dont see her videos to know any differently. I am 100% sure they would have been on her ass otherwise and would be less clueless about what it is and probably leaning towards it all being an allergy related given how it has gotten worse and worse over time since she first mentioned it. As it stands she is trying to act like it happens to be three separate things. She just happens to have eczema that is getting rapidly worse all on its own, asthma that has suddenly shown up and is getting worse, as well as a possible allergy that she has also been showing signs of for months....oh and tons of ear infections amongst everything else!
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

stnalp wrote:She says to the doctors that she has already cut way back on her dairy and barely has any anymore and they dont see her videos to know any differently. I am 100% sure they would have been on her ass otherwise and would be less clueless about what it is and probably leaning towards it all being an allergy related given how it has gotten worse and worse over time since she first mentioned it. As it stands she is trying to act like it happens to be three separate things. She just happens to have eczema that is getting rapidly worse all on its own, asthma that has suddenly shown up and is getting worse, as well as a possible allergy that she has also been showing signs of for months....oh and tons of ear infections amongst everything else!
She’s a fucking asshole is what she is, I really hope that these doctors start putting two and two together soon.

She seriously is a piece of shit because I’ll bet anything that the whole “Aria spilling a piece of cereal on the floor” thing never happened & this is what she tells Scarlett’s doctors when they ask her what they think might’ve caused her reaction. God knows what else she blames on her kids when in reality it’s Image her fault her child is suffering but she couldn’t care less.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by lagenialester »

I didn’t watch the video, but based on your comments I am so annoyed with her. Even if you “cut back” on dairy, trace amounts in breast milk will still cause a reaction. Like one time someone grilled my sandwich in butter and my dairy-sensitive baby had symptoms. It takes at least two weeks for an allergen to totally be eliminated from a child’s system. (At least that’s what I’ve been told with my kids’ dairy issues) Even if she just had bad eczema, eliminating dairy would be super beneficial.

And of course she talks about wanting to know concretely what her kid’s medical condition is but she won’t get the girls screened to see if they are DMD carriers.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by Alrowlnd »

This comment is the best! Surprised it’s still there...
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by smom12 »

Can’t see it

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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by sryjbc0918 »

stnalp wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:51 am With all the speculation about child abuse this is the one that really seems legit to me. She has been saying for months that she thinks and or is fairly certain that her child is having a reaction to milk products. Since the first time she brought it up, and didn't make any changes, the child's issues have been getting worse and worse. Despite clearly being aware that she should cut milk out of her diet (how is she cutting back even while eating things full of milk products and drinking milk in all her daily coffees?) as well as the numerous comments, even nicely written, advising her to do so, she keeps refusing to do it or stop breastfeeding. Look at this poor baby! She is clearly at best uncomfortable at worse in danger and her mother is doing nothing except posting this all online for everyone.
OH MY GOSH, MY HEART!!!!!!😭😭😭😭 I saw or heard her say somewhere that the dairy SHE consumes has no effect on scarlett while breastfeeding. But why not do anything possible? Like, just cut the shit out for your baby!!!
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by LynnGLOVE8989 »

lagenialester wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:23 am I didn’t watch the video, but based on your comments I am so annoyed with her. Even if you “cut back” on dairy, trace amounts in breast milk will still cause a reaction. Like one time someone grilled my sandwich in butter and my dairy-sensitive baby had symptoms. It takes at least two weeks for an allergen to totally be eliminated from a child’s system. (At least that’s what I’ve been told with my kids’ dairy issues) Even if she just had bad eczema, eliminating dairy would be super beneficial.

And of course she talks about wanting to know concretely what her kid’s medical condition is but she won’t get the girls screened to see if they are DMD carriers. Image
You are right!! It takes 2 weeks for dairy to clear your breastmilk, 2 weeks out of baby's system, and then another 2 weeks for baby's insides to heal. She freaking SUCKS!!! Like out of ALL Youtube moms, she is the most negligent with her children! Disgusting! It took my baby 6 weeks for symptoms to start going away, and then I eliminated soy because most babies who are allergic to dairy are also allergic to soy. That took another 6 weeks. She would know if she even did a quick GOOGLE SEARCH about dairy allergies in babies! I seriously can't stand her.
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by stnalp »

She will probably delete that lady's comment even though she started it making it clear she was not trying to be rude. Even her fans are so scared to get blocked if they point anything out or ask questions!
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by dazzled »

I think they must be busy for once because there are a lot of criticizing comments still up lmao
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Re: BritneyandBaby: The Crotch Goblin and the Forgotten Three (Part 48)

Unread post by Alrowlnd »

smom12 wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:45 am Can’t see it

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It says “I can finish the title for you. She has...parents who exploit her.”

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