Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

^I can see what you’re trying to say, but there must have been alarm bells of some sort. There’s no child that should’ve been taking medication that severely, or trying to get boys attention as early as she was.

Do you guys think Maddie will let Isaac see Everly for her birthday this time?
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by lizaprincess »

Besides there's really no such thing as a "slutty kid" children are sexualized to become that way by adults. A 7 or 8 year old wearing makeup or hair dye doesn't mean the child is in the wrong, the ADULTS in the situation are responsible for that either by negligence or encouraging it. Plus, just because a family takes photos together does not mean that it is a good or happy situation. There are plenty of Duggar family photos and we all know there was abuse in that household.
I think Maddie does need to get help for her and Everly, regardless. Their life isn't sustainable. It's spiralling rapidly just in the past month alone.

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by jayann »

Well... looks like at least one other child was infected during this "get together".
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by itsmeKaren »

Am I the only one disgusted by how much they eat in bed? They must be sleeping in straight crumbs.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by emmmmmm »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:26 am
Frootloops3 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:26 pm
emmmmmm wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:03 pm

I actually feel terrible for Maddie, the life she had even before Everly sounds sad. I have never heard of a child that young going on meds that severe and most kids who act out the way she did in middle school are obviously conditioned to that and pick it up somewhere. Why was a middle schooler accusing an adult of sexualizing her? I don't think I ever had that thought. I agree, she needs help and I PRAY that she gets it. I went through trauma myself in the way I got pregnant and had to go through years of therapy and medications. I stay on both even now because while I don't feel as anxious anymore, I believe everyone benefits from therapy and I assume the meds help the anxiety. Talking to someone who isn't close (your mom or dad) sometimes is so much easier because you can explain whats going on without fear that your parents think you're blaming them. I hope she gets that, I think she continues to be traumatized from whatever happened to her and I would assume reading what people think about her (good and bad) hurts her even more because now so many people are watching her. It's not great for people who AREN'T suffering like she is. I truly think she should get off youtube for a bit and get help for her and Ev to see how that will help her.
It is very concerning that she was put on Prozac at 8 years old. What’s going on in a child’s life that makes them need to take medication like that? I get that things happen, but even the amount of medication she’s on now, is concerning for a 16 year old.

I feel bad because the adults in her life obviously haven’t done her any favors.

Everyone is speculating that something terrible happened to her in her childhood, I think Maddie wants people to assume that and worry about her and wonder what happened, thats why she has given us very little information about it and also dropped that huge bomb about her taking prozac at age 8. Everything we've seen regarding Maddies childhood has raised no alarm bells, its weird to think that a family in that much torment takes that many family photoshoots. She is still on good terms with her biological father and has always been, Melissa seems fine with him too and Sam seems pretty normal. I wouldn't be surprised if Maddie got herself in a weird situation and overreacted like she always does.For gods sake she has rushed to the ER that many times for the most basic shit... a broken nail, a toddler with a fever...come on. I call bullshit on Maddies claims that she has has a harsh upbringing, what she is complaining about are white people first world problems. She was probably a slutty kid and made out with some older guy and he took advantage of her, I am not making fun of that or undermining the severity of such a thing, but we've seen pics of her at age 7 or 8 wearing make up and having coloured hair and wearing inappropriate clothes ffs. 10 year old refugee children drowning trying to cross the border is a problem, child brides in the middle east being raped by old men is a problem, growing up in a highly abusive environment is a problem. Picking your own eyelashes off and getting teased is not a problem, overreacting and blaming other people is not a problem. Maddie is just that kind of person who will never fully mature. Her priorities are in the wrong place, she is too young to raise Everly. She isn't thinking of the importance of teaching her how to speak, or teaching her about stranger danger, hygiene and being a kind loving person, all she does is buy Everly ugly clothes, tones of dolls and toys and feeds her the diet of a fucking magical leprechaun ice cream and chocolate and lollipops. Maddie is raising Everly to be materialistic, extremely greedy, not knowing when enough is enough and basically telling her that whatever she wants in this world she can have. Everly is going to have such a hard time at school and in life in general if Maddie doesn't stop hiding behind her make belief issues. Do this for your daughter Maddie if not for yourself.
This is a disgusting stance to take given you know nothing that could or couldn't have happened. Childhood is what shapes you, it's obvious Melissa was a terrible parent. Sure, she gave love but she seems to have given no guidance and spoke about adult topics to children. No child is out there at 7 or 8 being slutty. That's very concerning that you think that. What happened to her might not have been in the immediate family. I think many signs point to abuse or molestation based on what I learned as a psych major. This narrative you're portraying is disgusting- why are you sexualizing a 7 year old and calling her a slut? I agree, there are other children in the world is worse conditions and those are huge issues. You CANNOT compare one trauma to another. The human brain doesn't care about what's happening to others, it cares about your own experiences and how bad those were COMPARED to other rhings you experienced. I'm no fan of Maddie either, my posts show that; but I feel for the girl.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:26 am
Frootloops3 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:26 pm
emmmmmm wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:03 pm

I actually feel terrible for Maddie, the life she had even before Everly sounds sad. I have never heard of a child that young going on meds that severe and most kids who act out the way she did in middle school are obviously conditioned to that and pick it up somewhere. Why was a middle schooler accusing an adult of sexualizing her? I don't think I ever had that thought. I agree, she needs help and I PRAY that she gets it. I went through trauma myself in the way I got pregnant and had to go through years of therapy and medications. I stay on both even now because while I don't feel as anxious anymore, I believe everyone benefits from therapy and I assume the meds help the anxiety. Talking to someone who isn't close (your mom or dad) sometimes is so much easier because you can explain whats going on without fear that your parents think you're blaming them. I hope she gets that, I think she continues to be traumatized from whatever happened to her and I would assume reading what people think about her (good and bad) hurts her even more because now so many people are watching her. It's not great for people who AREN'T suffering like she is. I truly think she should get off youtube for a bit and get help for her and Ev to see how that will help her.
It is very concerning that she was put on Prozac at 8 years old. What’s going on in a child’s life that makes them need to take medication like that? I get that things happen, but even the amount of medication she’s on now, is concerning for a 16 year old.

I feel bad because the adults in her life obviously haven’t done her any favors.

Everyone is speculating that something terrible happened to her in her childhood, I think Maddie wants people to assume that and worry about her and wonder what happened, thats why she has given us very little information about it and also dropped that huge bomb about her taking prozac at age 8. Everything we've seen regarding Maddies childhood has raised no alarm bells, its weird to think that a family in that much torment takes that many family photoshoots. She is still on good terms with her biological father and has always been, Melissa seems fine with him too and Sam seems pretty normal. I wouldn't be surprised if Maddie got herself in a weird situation and overreacted like she always does.For gods sake she has rushed to the ER that many times for the most basic shit... a broken nail, a toddler with a fever...come on. I call bullshit on Maddies claims that she has has a harsh upbringing, what she is complaining about are white people first world problems. She was probably a slutty kid and made out with some older guy and he took advantage of her, I am not making fun of that or undermining the severity of such a thing, but we've seen pics of her at age 7 or 8 wearing make up and having coloured hair and wearing inappropriate clothes ffs. 10 year old refugee children drowning trying to cross the border is a problem, child brides in the middle east being raped by old men is a problem, growing up in a highly abusive environment is a problem. Picking your own eyelashes off and getting teased is not a problem, overreacting and blaming other people is not a problem. Maddie is just that kind of person who will never fully mature. Her priorities are in the wrong place, she is too young to raise Everly. She isn't thinking of the importance of teaching her how to speak, or teaching her about stranger danger, hygiene and being a kind loving person, all she does is buy Everly ugly clothes, tones of dolls and toys and feeds her the diet of a fucking magical leprechaun ice cream and chocolate and lollipops. Maddie is raising Everly to be materialistic, extremely greedy, not knowing when enough is enough and basically telling her that whatever she wants in this world she can have. Everly is going to have such a hard time at school and in life in general if Maddie doesn't stop hiding behind her make belief issues. Do this for your daughter Maddie if not for yourself.
I don't think you get it. No one is saying Maddie grew up rough or that she had a troubled past. We all know Maddie grew up with both parents, in a good house, with no "family problems". But depression or any mental illness doesnt care about your family life, it will fuck you up anyway. Its very clear to me that Maddie has some sort of illness because a child doesnt get on medication that early for no reason, or acts the way she has. And we don't know if Maddie could have been traumatised outside of the family.

Also, if a 7-8 year old gets taken advantage of by an older boy who makes her make out with him, she is not in the wrong. She is not a slutty kid, he is a child molester and the parents are in the wrong for not doing anything. The child is shaped by their environment.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

Rorygz194 wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:58 am
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:26 am
Frootloops3 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:26 pm

It is very concerning that she was put on Prozac at 8 years old. What’s going on in a child’s life that makes them need to take medication like that? I get that things happen, but even the amount of medication she’s on now, is concerning for a 16 year old.

I feel bad because the adults in her life obviously haven’t done her any favors.

Everyone is speculating that something terrible happened to her in her childhood, I think Maddie wants people to assume that and worry about her and wonder what happened, thats why she has given us very little information about it and also dropped that huge bomb about her taking prozac at age 8. Everything we've seen regarding Maddies childhood has raised no alarm bells, its weird to think that a family in that much torment takes that many family photoshoots. She is still on good terms with her biological father and has always been, Melissa seems fine with him too and Sam seems pretty normal. I wouldn't be surprised if Maddie got herself in a weird situation and overreacted like she always does.For gods sake she has rushed to the ER that many times for the most basic shit... a broken nail, a toddler with a fever...come on. I call bullshit on Maddies claims that she has has a harsh upbringing, what she is complaining about are white people first world problems. She was probably a slutty kid and made out with some older guy and he took advantage of her, I am not making fun of that or undermining the severity of such a thing, but we've seen pics of her at age 7 or 8 wearing make up and having coloured hair and wearing inappropriate clothes ffs. 10 year old refugee children drowning trying to cross the border is a problem, child brides in the middle east being raped by old men is a problem, growing up in a highly abusive environment is a problem. Picking your own eyelashes off and getting teased is not a problem, overreacting and blaming other people is not a problem. Maddie is just that kind of person who will never fully mature. Her priorities are in the wrong place, she is too young to raise Everly. She isn't thinking of the importance of teaching her how to speak, or teaching her about stranger danger, hygiene and being a kind loving person, all she does is buy Everly ugly clothes, tones of dolls and toys and feeds her the diet of a fucking magical leprechaun ice cream and chocolate and lollipops. Maddie is raising Everly to be materialistic, extremely greedy, not knowing when enough is enough and basically telling her that whatever she wants in this world she can have. Everly is going to have such a hard time at school and in life in general if Maddie doesn't stop hiding behind her make belief issues. Do this for your daughter Maddie if not for yourself.
I don't think you get it. No one is saying Maddie grew up rough or that she had a troubled past. We all know Maddie grew up with both parents, in a good house, with no "family problems". But depression or any mental illness doesnt care about your family life, it will fuck you up anyway. Its very clear to me that Maddie has some sort of illness because a child doesnt get on medication that early for no reason, or acts the way she has. And we don't know if Maddie could have been traumatised outside of the family.

Also, if a 7-8 year old gets taken advantage of by an older boy who makes her make out with him, she is not in the wrong. She is not a slutty kid, he is a child molester and the parents are in the wrong for not doing anything. The child is shaped by their environment.
Thank you so much for saying this! Mental illness can attack whether you’re poor or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s “white people first world problems”, life can still be harsh either way.

Just look at Robin Williams and Chester Bennington. They were two rich white men who ended up killing themselves from mental illness. Now of course in our world there is white privilege, but that doesn’t make life automatically easier for them.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Frootloops3 wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:47 pm
Rorygz194 wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:58 am
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:26 am

Everyone is speculating that something terrible happened to her in her childhood, I think Maddie wants people to assume that and worry about her and wonder what happened, thats why she has given us very little information about it and also dropped that huge bomb about her taking prozac at age 8. Everything we've seen regarding Maddies childhood has raised no alarm bells, its weird to think that a family in that much torment takes that many family photoshoots. She is still on good terms with her biological father and has always been, Melissa seems fine with him too and Sam seems pretty normal. I wouldn't be surprised if Maddie got herself in a weird situation and overreacted like she always does.For gods sake she has rushed to the ER that many times for the most basic shit... a broken nail, a toddler with a fever...come on. I call bullshit on Maddies claims that she has has a harsh upbringing, what she is complaining about are white people first world problems. She was probably a slutty kid and made out with some older guy and he took advantage of her, I am not making fun of that or undermining the severity of such a thing, but we've seen pics of her at age 7 or 8 wearing make up and having coloured hair and wearing inappropriate clothes ffs. 10 year old refugee children drowning trying to cross the border is a problem, child brides in the middle east being raped by old men is a problem, growing up in a highly abusive environment is a problem. Picking your own eyelashes off and getting teased is not a problem, overreacting and blaming other people is not a problem. Maddie is just that kind of person who will never fully mature. Her priorities are in the wrong place, she is too young to raise Everly. She isn't thinking of the importance of teaching her how to speak, or teaching her about stranger danger, hygiene and being a kind loving person, all she does is buy Everly ugly clothes, tones of dolls and toys and feeds her the diet of a fucking magical leprechaun ice cream and chocolate and lollipops. Maddie is raising Everly to be materialistic, extremely greedy, not knowing when enough is enough and basically telling her that whatever she wants in this world she can have. Everly is going to have such a hard time at school and in life in general if Maddie doesn't stop hiding behind her make belief issues. Do this for your daughter Maddie if not for yourself.
I don't think you get it. No one is saying Maddie grew up rough or that she had a troubled past. We all know Maddie grew up with both parents, in a good house, with no "family problems". But depression or any mental illness doesnt care about your family life, it will fuck you up anyway. Its very clear to me that Maddie has some sort of illness because a child doesnt get on medication that early for no reason, or acts the way she has. And we don't know if Maddie could have been traumatised outside of the family.

Also, if a 7-8 year old gets taken advantage of by an older boy who makes her make out with him, she is not in the wrong. She is not a slutty kid, he is a child molester and the parents are in the wrong for not doing anything. The child is shaped by their environment.
Thank you so much for saying this! Mental illness can attack whether you’re poor or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s “white people first world problems”, life can still be harsh either way.

Just look at Robin Williams and Chester Bennington. They were two rich white men who ended up killing themselves from mental illness. Now of course in our world there is white privilege, but that doesn’t make life automatically easier for them.
Exactly. Ones family life, or race or gender doesn't have anything to do with mental issues.
I get it. I've never had a stable life, never with my family or anything really, I've had a tough past and when someone who seems to have everything complains, I can think "what the fuck do you have to complain about?".
But it doesn't work like that. We don't know.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by LexiRae »

emmmmmm wrote:
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:26 am
Frootloops3 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:26 pm It is very concerning that she was put on Prozac at 8 years old. What’s going on in a child’s life that makes them need to take medication like that? I get that things happen, but even the amount of medication she’s on now, is concerning for a 16 year old.

I feel bad because the adults in her life obviously haven’t done her any favors.

Everyone is speculating that something terrible happened to her in her childhood, I think Maddie wants people to assume that and worry about her and wonder what happened, thats why she has given us very little information about it and also dropped that huge bomb about her taking prozac at age 8. Everything we've seen regarding Maddies childhood has raised no alarm bells, its weird to think that a family in that much torment takes that many family photoshoots. She is still on good terms with her biological father and has always been, Melissa seems fine with him too and Sam seems pretty normal. I wouldn't be surprised if Maddie got herself in a weird situation and overreacted like she always does.For gods sake she has rushed to the ER that many times for the most basic shit... a broken nail, a toddler with a fever...come on. I call bullshit on Maddies claims that she has has a harsh upbringing, what she is complaining about are white people first world problems. She was probably a slutty kid and made out with some older guy and he took advantage of her, I am not making fun of that or undermining the severity of such a thing, but we've seen pics of her at age 7 or 8 wearing make up and having coloured hair and wearing inappropriate clothes ffs. 10 year old refugee children drowning trying to cross the border is a problem, child brides in the middle east being raped by old men is a problem, growing up in a highly abusive environment is a problem. Picking your own eyelashes off and getting teased is not a problem, overreacting and blaming other people is not a problem. Maddie is just that kind of person who will never fully mature. Her priorities are in the wrong place, she is too young to raise Everly. She isn't thinking of the importance of teaching her how to speak, or teaching her about stranger danger, hygiene and being a kind loving person, all she does is buy Everly ugly clothes, tones of dolls and toys and feeds her the diet of a fucking magical leprechaun ice cream and chocolate and lollipops. Maddie is raising Everly to be materialistic, extremely greedy, not knowing when enough is enough and basically telling her that whatever she wants in this world she can have. Everly is going to have such a hard time at school and in life in general if Maddie doesn't stop hiding behind her make belief issues. Do this for your daughter Maddie if not for yourself.
This is a disgusting stance to take given you know nothing that could or couldn't have happened. Childhood is what shapes you, it's obvious Melissa was a terrible parent. Sure, she gave love but she seems to have given no guidance and spoke about adult topics to children. No child is out there at 7 or 8 being slutty. That's very concerning that you think that. What happened to her might not have been in the immediate family. I think many signs point to abuse or molestation based on what I learned as a psych major. This narrative you're portraying is disgusting- why are you sexualizing a 7 year old and calling her a slut? I agree, there are other children in the world is worse conditions and those are huge issues. You CANNOT compare one trauma to another. The human brain doesn't care about what's happening to others, it cares about your own experiences and how bad those were COMPARED to other rhings you experienced. I'm no fan of Maddie either, my posts show that; but I feel for the girl.
I’ve always gotten the feeling that Maddie was molested or sexually abused as well. 13 is awfully young to be having “casual sex” and she may have been desensitized to it due to the molestation :(

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by ilovemaddielambert »

Frootloops3 wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:46 am Yay a new thread! I know that this has been brought up before, but why is Maddie sick all the time? I live in the north east, and don’t get sick that much.

Edit: to add on, wtf with the dream she had. That’s not a reliable source like someone said. This girl will use anything against Isaac.
Honesly i think it is more common to be sick more often in the south. I live in Oklahoma and like Texas it is very windy (easier for bacteria to spread & pollen and other allergens), so I also get sick often.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by ilovemaddielambert »

Rorygz194 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:27 pm
emmmmmm wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:03 pm
Rorygz194 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 2:48 pm
Thank you for writing this. I really hope Maddie reads this and takes it to heart.
Some of us on here, pretty much all of us can let feelings get to us and it comes out harsh, and I think we need to show concern sometimes.
Maddie didnt turn out this way by herself, its something that happened. And it's sad. But like you said, you can't just give up when youre tired of being a mom and use the excuse that "Im a single mom" or "I've been a mom for 2 years". It sucks, but this is the life you chose. otherwise you could have taken the way out, one way or another.
I feel like Maddie is going through a crisis right now because she has basically been a mother since she was 14, which is very young. This is the time where you find yourself and she's been a mother. I don't think she knows that she is her own person still.
No one would blame her if Everly does have something. We blame her if she doesnt get Everly checked out and doesnt get her the help she needs because she doesnt want to admit to having a delayed child (at this point its not even something she needs to admit to, its a fact).
If Maddie sat down and told us or even just by herself admitted that she needs help, I would respect her so much. The first step is admitting you need help, otherwise no one can help you.

Maddie your next step isn't finding a man, getting pregnant. Your next step is helping yourself, focusing on yourself and everly, and get stable for her. Finish your education or get your GED, go to college and fulfil your dream, get your own place. Your clock isn't ticking.
I actually feel terrible for Maddie, the life she had even before Everly sounds sad. I have never heard of a child that young going on meds that severe and most kids who act out the way she did in middle school are obviously conditioned to that and pick it up somewhere. Why was a middle schooler accusing an adult of sexualizing her? I don't think I ever had that thought. I agree, she needs help and I PRAY that she gets it. I went through trauma myself in the way I got pregnant and had to go through years of therapy and medications. I stay on both even now because while I don't feel as anxious anymore, I believe everyone benefits from therapy and I assume the meds help the anxiety. Talking to someone who isn't close (your mom or dad) sometimes is so much easier because you can explain whats going on without fear that your parents think you're blaming them. I hope she gets that, I think she continues to be traumatized from whatever happened to her and I would assume reading what people think about her (good and bad) hurts her even more because now so many people are watching her. It's not great for people who AREN'T suffering like she is. I truly think she should get off youtube for a bit and get help for her and Ev to see how that will help her.
I think once she gets out of that household, she will be better off. I think the problem is Melissa.
I do think she needs to talk to someone, she clearly has some mental issues. No one feels the need to get boys approval at 12-13 without a deeper meaning behind it. Something has clearly happened to Maddie.
Even if the therapist maybe can't help her, I think she needs to talk. Just talk everything out.
I'm not going to lie, I live in the South (Oklahoma to be exact) and I don't know if it was just me but in 7th-8th grade the kids were pretty wild. I am now a sophomore and most of the kids had lost their virginity in 8th-9th grade.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by udontneedtoknow »

I live in Texas not too far from where Maddie lives and Texans do tend to get sick a lot, but with sinus troubles because the weather changes so fast. That’s normal. What’s not normal is how often Everly is sick by vomiting and constantly going to the ER. I have my suspicions her stomach is getting torn up by all the junk.
ilovemaddielambert wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 4:47 pm
Frootloops3 wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:46 am Yay a new thread! I know that this has been brought up before, but why is Maddie sick all the time? I live in the north east, and don’t get sick that much.

Edit: to add on, wtf with the dream she had. That’s not a reliable source like someone said. This girl will use anything against Isaac.
Honesly i think it is more common to be sick more often in the south. I live in Oklahoma and like Texas it is very windy (easier for bacteria to spread & pollen and other allergens), so I also get sick often.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

^I can see how that makes sense. My concern now is how often Everly gets sick.

I’m glad Maddie posted a better picture of Everly on her Instagram, and not just the one of them eating cake on her bed looking messy.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Momjeans »

I just came from Cam’s live on ig and she was talking about how she had to go to the ER a few days into the trip because she felt so sick. I bet everyone who was there is going to be sick later this week all because of Maddie and Ev. On another note, Maddie was so hard to watch in her vlog— it was so apparent she was jealous of Katie, Cam, and Sophie because their baby daddy’s are still in their lives/with them. And when she talked about how Everly was gonna be her New Years kiss because she’s single she made it seem like it was the worst thing ever.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Liz3kki_ »

In Maddies most recent insta post we can see Everly sitting infronty of a giant sugar filled cake, her big grin shows the horrendous state of her teeth. Toddlers should not have teeth like this!!!!!! they are rotting, like Slates teeth!
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Also, who goes to the ER every time your kid throws up? Is that an american thing?
And hearing Maddie go on and on about how she is single, how she's single because she has a CHILDZ, and how she has been single for 3 long hard years, is getting so fucking annoying. Shut up.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by emmy1618 »

Rorygz194 wrote:Also, who goes to the ER every time your kid throws up? Is that an american thing?
And hearing Maddie go on and on about how she is single, how she's single because she has a CHILDZ, and how she has been single for 3 long hard years, is getting so fucking annoying. Shut up.
This is what annoys me! The ER and urgent care are not meant to be used for what she takes everly in for. It’s for emergencies, hence the name. And then she gets annoyed when she doesn’t receive a full scope of care, when they’re only meant to treat the most urgent symptoms. No one goes to the ER this often.

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:44 pm In Maddies most recent insta post we can see Everly sitting infronty of a giant sugar filled cake, her big grin shows the horrendous state of her teeth. Toddlers should not have teeth like this!!!!!! they are rotting, like Slates teeth!
If Maddie can’t even bathe Everly regularly, I doubt she brushes her teeth either.

It’s even worse in this case because Everly eats a lot of junk food.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Frootloops3 wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:20 am
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:44 pm In Maddies most recent insta post we can see Everly sitting infronty of a giant sugar filled cake, her big grin shows the horrendous state of her teeth. Toddlers should not have teeth like this!!!!!! they are rotting, like Slates teeth!
If Maddie can’t even bathe Everly regularly, I doubt she brushes her teeth either.

It’s even worse in this case because Everly eats a lot of junk food.
Maddie probably doesnt brush Everly's teeth because "she won't let me"
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

Rorygz194 wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:43 am
Frootloops3 wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:20 am
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:44 pm In Maddies most recent insta post we can see Everly sitting infronty of a giant sugar filled cake, her big grin shows the horrendous state of her teeth. Toddlers should not have teeth like this!!!!!! they are rotting, like Slates teeth!
If Maddie can’t even bathe Everly regularly, I doubt she brushes her teeth either.

It’s even worse in this case because Everly eats a lot of junk food.
Maddie probably doesnt brush Everly's teeth because "she won't let me"
Oh of course, it’s the Madeleine Lambert excuse for everything.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P

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