Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by 13Sam13 »

Frootloops3 wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:59 pm I don't understand why Maddie had to include that tidbit about Everly saying the word “bitch” in her 2nd birthday vlog. I don’t think Everly will be comfortable with that as she gets older.

I also don’t believe that Maddie doesn’t curse in front of Everly. I remember seeing one of Melissa’s Instagram posts where Slate kept saying something about a juul, and her (Melissa) saying thanks to Maddie and Avie. I can’t recall anything else right now, but I feel like there’s a video/vlog where Maddie said something to Slate that he’s too young to understand.

In my opinion she said "boots" not "bitch" because her new Anna boots where right in front of her. It just sounded like "bitch" because she can't speak well.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

13Sam13 wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:57 pm
Frootloops3 wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:59 pm I don't understand why Maddie had to include that tidbit about Everly saying the word “bitch” in her 2nd birthday vlog. I don’t think Everly will be comfortable with that as she gets older.

I also don’t believe that Maddie doesn’t curse in front of Everly. I remember seeing one of Melissa’s Instagram posts where Slate kept saying something about a juul, and her (Melissa) saying thanks to Maddie and Avie. I can’t recall anything else right now, but I feel like there’s a video/vlog where Maddie said something to Slate that he’s too young to understand.

In my opinion she said "boots" not "bitch" because her new Anna boots where right in front of her. It just sounded like "bitch" because she can't speak well.
I listened to it a few times and I don’t really think she said bitch either. I thought it was unnecessary for Maddie to bring it up.

It would be kinda funny if she did say bitch because Maddie can’t seem to teach her daughter any actual English, but then somehow Everly can say curse words...
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by singlepostallady »

Did you see she is asking for "juicy questions" for her next vlog?
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by itsmeKaren »

singlepostallady wrote:Did you see she is asking for "juicy questions" for her next vlog?
She asks for “juicy questions” approx once a month and then just picks and chooses what she wants to answer. Then she just ends up answering: how many kids you want, kids names, when do you wanna have another kid, etc every. single. time.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by HereForTheGossip »

The cliche “long time lurker, first time poster” yadda yadda.
Anyways, I’m watching the birthday vlog and I just wanna know if your daughter has a stomach bug why would you wake her up to doughnuts? Even if she wasn’t sick, why would a 2 year old need doughnuts first thing in the morning?

Next thing, I get Slate is 4 but the kid is annoying as hell and he goes out his way to take over everything while no one stops him. That’s why he’s out of control now.

Maddie says she’s feeling sick but she’s about to set up Everly’s cake and she doesn’t want to get ppl sick so what does she do? Grab a bottle of sanitizer while standing IN THE KITCHEN. How about WASH YOUR HANDS. Sanitizer is not meant to substitute hand washing, that really should only be used when you don’t have soap and water nearby.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Scooby-dooby-doo »

Am I the only person who flipped out at them not only giving a sick 2 year old three donuts upon waking BUT also having a lit candle on the bed? House fires are one of my biggest fears and if started they get out of control in seconds. These people have no sense at all.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by FlowerH97 »

Any one see Katie’s story? Both Avrey and Ella are throwing up/super sick. I can’t believe Maddie went on that trip knowing Everly was sick. Its so much more dangerous for new borns to catch these things! How selfish and stupid can she be.

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by KarenRulerOfAll »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:26 am
Frootloops3 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:26 pm
emmmmmm wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:03 pm

I actually feel terrible for Maddie, the life she had even before Everly sounds sad. I have never heard of a child that young going on meds that severe and most kids who act out the way she did in middle school are obviously conditioned to that and pick it up somewhere. Why was a middle schooler accusing an adult of sexualizing her? I don't think I ever had that thought. I agree, she needs help and I PRAY that she gets it. I went through trauma myself in the way I got pregnant and had to go through years of therapy and medications. I stay on both even now because while I don't feel as anxious anymore, I believe everyone benefits from therapy and I assume the meds help the anxiety. Talking to someone who isn't close (your mom or dad) sometimes is so much easier because you can explain whats going on without fear that your parents think you're blaming them. I hope she gets that, I think she continues to be traumatized from whatever happened to her and I would assume reading what people think about her (good and bad) hurts her even more because now so many people are watching her. It's not great for people who AREN'T suffering like she is. I truly think she should get off youtube for a bit and get help for her and Ev to see how that will help her.
It is very concerning that she was put on Prozac at 8 years old. What’s going on in a child’s life that makes them need to take medication like that? I get that things happen, but even the amount of medication she’s on now, is concerning for a 16 year old.

I feel bad because the adults in her life obviously haven’t done her any favors.

Everyone is speculating that something terrible happened to her in her childhood, I think Maddie wants people to assume that and worry about her and wonder what happened, thats why she has given us very little information about it and also dropped that huge bomb about her taking prozac at age 8. Everything we've seen regarding Maddies childhood has raised no alarm bells, its weird to think that a family in that much torment takes that many family photoshoots. She is still on good terms with her biological father and has always been, Melissa seems fine with him too and Sam seems pretty normal. I wouldn't be surprised if Maddie got herself in a weird situation and overreacted like she always does.For gods sake she has rushed to the ER that many times for the most basic shit... a broken nail, a toddler with a fever...come on. I call bullshit on Maddies claims that she has has a harsh upbringing, what she is complaining about are white people first world problems. She was probably a slutty kid and made out with some older guy and he took advantage of her, I am not making fun of that or undermining the severity of such a thing, but we've seen pics of her at age 7 or 8 wearing make up and having coloured hair and wearing inappropriate clothes ffs. 10 year old refugee children drowning trying to cross the border is a problem, child brides in the middle east being raped by old men is a problem, growing up in a highly abusive environment is a problem. Picking your own eyelashes off and getting teased is not a problem, overreacting and blaming other people is not a problem. Maddie is just that kind of person who will never fully mature. Her priorities are in the wrong place, she is too young to raise Everly. She isn't thinking of the importance of teaching her how to speak, or teaching her about stranger danger, hygiene and being a kind loving person, all she does is buy Everly ugly clothes, tones of dolls and toys and feeds her the diet of a fucking magical leprechaun ice cream and chocolate and lollipops. Maddie is raising Everly to be materialistic, extremely greedy, not knowing when enough is enough and basically telling her that whatever she wants in this world she can have. Everly is going to have such a hard time at school and in life in general if Maddie doesn't stop hiding behind her make belief issues. Do this for your daughter Maddie if not for yourself.

Liz, you are one of the few people whose opinions I will never respect and also, a shitty human being. I know you don't care and probably feel the same way towards me, but I just had to get it out of my system.

There is plenty of evidence showing that Maddie did experience some sort of trauma in her childhood. From Melissa's old Instagram posts and photos of Maddie in midde school, to, uhhh... Everly existing.

None of those are normal. Kids that age can't be slutty. You can't compare other people's problems, everyone has "something".

There's seriously no such thing as white privilege. Growing up as an Eastern European immigrant sucked ass and me being white changed nothing. If someone discriminates you because of your skin color, then that's racism. Plain and simple. It works all ways.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Liz3kki_ »

^^^ Oh fuck of why don't you, stop crying about something I said on a website that you frequent to bash a teen mom. Why are you taking this all so personally?? My opinion which I am allowed to have, was formed by the image that Maddie portrays on the internet every single time she posts, she is putting herself out there for the public to see, she should expect the consequences. I don't give a fuck about Maddie, I guess I haven't stalked her like you have I don't really invest that much time in her like you do, so I don't know her life story or what her mom posts on instagram etc. As for calling her a slutty kid, jesus get the fuck over it, in some of her childhood pictures she looks slutty and she happened to be a kid, put two and two together. I never said she had white privilege, I just took a dig at her about having first world problems. You are a total fucking idiot you know that, how can you call me a shitty human being? you don't know me, and quite frankly I don't care if you don't respect my opinion because you are clearly mentally retarded and your point of view makes no sense. I never denied that she didn't experience trauma just that she was being overdramatic about it, everyone experiences trauma, just like I am experiencing this now talking to your stupid ass. Fuck off idiot.

Lizeki x
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

FlowerH97 wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:20 pm Any one see Katie’s story? Both Avrey and Ella are throwing up/super sick. I can’t believe Maddie went on that trip knowing Everly was sick. Its so much more dangerous for new borns to catch these things! How selfish and stupid can she be.

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The people in her Instagram comments will probably say, “she’s a young mom, give her a break” or “she’s still learning” The last time I checked, it’s f-ing common sense not to bring a sick person around a newborn.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Frootloops3 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:16 am
FlowerH97 wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:20 pm Any one see Katie’s story? Both Avrey and Ella are throwing up/super sick. I can’t believe Maddie went on that trip knowing Everly was sick. Its so much more dangerous for new borns to catch these things! How selfish and stupid can she be.

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The people in her Instagram comments will probably say, “she’s a young mom, give her a break” or “she’s still learning” The last time I checked, it’s f-ing common sense not to bring a sick person around a newborn.
Everyone who comes to Maddie's defense always has the excuse "she's 16, could you do a better job?" (yes i could, a 10 year old could), or "mind your own business BOOMER"
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Essiac4 »

Okay so I just started watching KBandBaby's video about why they left the trip early (sick because of Maddie and Everly I'm sure).

But in the first minute. I am already so impressed. Katie asks Ella if she can have a kiss and Ella says no. So she says oh okay and doesn't force it. Can you imagine that?? Not yelling in your child's face to give you a kiss or screaming I love you and forcing it.

Maddie could never.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:37 am ^^^ Oh fuck of why don't you, stop crying about something I said on a website that you frequent to bash a teen mom. Why are you taking this all so personally?? My opinion which I am allowed to have, was formed by the image that Maddie portrays on the internet every single time she posts, she is putting herself out there for the public to see, she should expect the consequences. I don't give a fuck about Maddie, I guess I haven't stalked her like you have I don't really invest that much time in her like you do, so I don't know her life story or what her mom posts on instagram etc. As for calling her a slutty kid, jesus get the fuck over it, in some of her childhood pictures she looks slutty and she happened to be a kid, put two and two together. I never said she had white privilege, I just took a dig at her about having first world problems. You are a total fucking idiot you know that, how can you call me a shitty human being? you don't know me, and quite frankly I don't care if you don't respect my opinion because you are clearly mentally retarded and your point of view makes no sense. I never denied that she didn't experience trauma just that she was being overdramatic about it, everyone experiences trauma, just like I am experiencing this now talking to your stupid ass. Fuck off idiot.

Lizeki x
A child still can't be slutty. And how is she slutty in them? This person wasn't wrong for saying against you
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

In Maddies tiktok she starts yelling at Avie for calling her pants ugly, which they were, and they start "fighting" and slate jumps in and pulls maddies hair and you can see Melissa in the background standing, watching and doing nothing lmao good parenting, I can see where Maddie gets it from
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by jayann »

Essiac4 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:15 pm Okay so I just started watching KBandBaby's video about why they left the trip early (sick because of Maddie and Everly I'm sure).

But in the first minute. I am already so impressed. Katie asks Ella if she can have a kiss and Ella says no. So she says oh okay and doesn't force it. Can you imagine that?? Not yelling in your child's face to give you a kiss or screaming I love you and forcing it.

Maddie could never.
Glad I am not the only one annoyed by Maddie when she does this. I just can't wait for her kid to start yelling back lol!
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by 13Sam13 »

Everlys Dad said on his Instagram live that her name get changed to "Everly Joy Frausto" (his last name).
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by 13Sam13 »

Maddie bought again some fish....
Cant wait to see how long these will stay alive, probably a month when she tries to care of them. I really dont think that they will life longer...
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

13Sam13 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:19 pm Everlys Dad said on his Instagram live that her name get changed to "Everly Joy Frausto" (his last name).
Maddie is going to regret that decision. For herself at least. Especially when there’s baby daddy drama. Is this her way of trying to get back with Isaac, or what?
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Autumn6or »

Sophie just posted that she is sick as well.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by itsmeKaren »

13Sam13 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:19 pm Everlys Dad said on his Instagram live that her name get changed to "Everly Joy Frausto" (his last name).
omg no way... How did he get Maddie to agree to that

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