Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by emmmmmm »

Maddie you don't need to do makeup everyday holy shit. Brush your hair and throw on mascara. You're a mom and you don't go anywhere. Also, stop with the extensions and leave your hair alone. It looks like straw.

Since you obviously read here- prove us wrong... or a video hating on us Karens again. Sorry we care about Everly's wellbeing. Read my old posts. You need help.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by emmmmmm »

Morticia Mars wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:40 pm
Essiac4 wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:02 pm
itsmeKaren wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:40 pm

The first letter in the username is the letter l (as in light) not an i!
And isn't it funny tho how Maddie seems to think she is going to be teen mum Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. I swear that's what she aspires to be..
Maddie really thinks she can get into some big law school but she dropped out of high school and doesn’t seem to be focusing on her education at all. The most recent thing she has said about focusing on her education is that she plans on getting her GED when she turns 17 and tbh I think even that’s debatable.

lmao like everyone else I can’t wait for the video that says:
“I got rejected from Stanford because I was a teen mom”
Law school is HARD. I'm at an Ivy for it so it obviously was hard to get in but even at smaller less prestigous schools it's hard. I cannot imagine her preparing for the LSAT. I root for her to change but I don't believe she will.

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by arbriwuriuwbriu »

I love how Maddie says she doesn't promote teen pregnancy but she is constantly saying that she would have another baby right now at 16 if she could and that Everly made her life so much better and that she would do it again if she could go back in time. If that isn't promoting teen pregnancy then I don't know what is. It could definitely make a lot of her young viewers think that their life would become better if they had children like Maddie claims hers did, and if a teen mom is saying how much she wants another baby that's just showing everyone that being a teen mom is so great that she'd so desperately want to do it again.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by alym0326 »

I don’t watch many of Maddies videos and don’t read here often so I’m sorry if this has already been mentioned/explained. But what the fuck is wrong with everlys neck?!? It looks like someone tried to choke her with something, what the hell?![IMG]// ... 602ec5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]// ... bd4dce.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by alym0326 »

Nvm, got to the part where she mentioned the marker. Sorry

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by lizaprincess »

Justheretogossip wrote:Dude I know I’m late on this whole topic (Lurker but just now posting) but watching some of these chicks vlogs from New Years... did they really all keep there kids up till midnight on purpose? I was so surprised to not see any of these kids put to bed lol I couldn’t get my 10 month old to stay awake past 9 I think.
Anyway you can really tell a difference in the other teen moms compared to Maddie. Katie and Ben seem to be the most level headed And good parents, Kaylie seems out of place and I’m sorry but that child is very sad looking and so small for her age, creepy.
also what the hell is up with Maddie.... she really looks like a bum and her daughter resembles that to a T.
This chick needs to get off YouTube and get help form a professional. She obviously needs it and neglecting her mental health with catch up to her.
I'm super SUPER late to this but I actually think Josh and Sophie put their twins to bed way early on New Year's Eve, like before 7 pm! I was pretty impressed. They said that yes, the boys wake up early in the morning, but it's worth it to have them on a good schedule.

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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Essiac4 »

"Teen mum and toddler GRWM"
Realistic morning routine? Imagine waking up at 1pm, leaving your daughter with your mum, driving to get coffee, leaving your kid again to do your hair and makeup that probably took over an hour? Saying you need 5 minutes to chill alone before you go and get her.. and she's literally in the video for about 2-5 minutes.

Also the fact that she obviously reads here, posting on her insta story pictures of her and Everly brushing their teeth.
It's not enough to pose with a toothbrush Maddie... Everly is too young to even clean her teeth properly. She can barely speak.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by jayann »

GRWM review (whew might take me a while cause I can't take 32 min of Maddie at once.)

1. Nice hair
2. Nice nails
3. Nice wake up time
4. Gotta make sure we go spend money that $6 daily on that caffeine fix.
5. I would be legit shocked if your daughter actually said waffle in a way that any other human besides your family could understand. With that said, even if she did, it is like one of a handful of words she can even say let alone use in the proper context (dinna is yes and no one corrects her?). Please get your daughter some help. If for no other reason, think of the content and views you could spin from it. I don't care what motivates you to do it as long as you do it.
6. Oh look! It's one of the 5+ princess dresses.
7. Everly did not say "this is for the doggy" Melissa. We all know better. I love how you guys spin what she supposedly says. If anything, she probably said something that sounds like dog and that is what you make of it.
8. Getting a dog would not be great for your channel because I promise people will be talking shit about your ability to care for a dog considering Everly and all.
9. EXPOSED!! Melissa told Everly to "say no Maddie". VERY telling! Also "you don't even clean your room". You are not even embarrassed by these facts considering you left those parts in the edit.
10. Does Slate have any impulse control?
11. Whoa! Are you aware that the weight gain is causing the beginnings of a double chin (see 6:56)?
12. Yes you are indeed having an eyebrow crisis. Knowing is half the battle.
13. What in gods name makes you think the spray tan makes you look skinnier? It does not.
14. I can also promise that there is no correlation between your views going down and you being orange. That is NOT the issue.
15. You didn't "forget " to brush your teeth, you just normally don't.
16. Glad to see you waste money on expensive makeup as well!
17. I know, i know. English is hard when you drop out in 8th grade.
18. You could probably find shades of makeup that would work for you if you stopped focusing on trying to get trendy name brands.
19. WOW you are OK with using a cheap highlighter?!? SHOCKING
20. What the hell is this makeup look that you are going for? Future porn star look (see 24:52)?
21. That crop top/ mom jean look with the weight gain. LOL
22. That's not naturally wavy Maddie. That is the result of not brushing or washing it for 3 days.
23. Wow! Holy shit! You are brushing your hair! Please notice that after running a brush through it, aside from it being dead, it looks nice, not "more frizzy" as you claim. The frizz comes from your lack of self care and obsession with trying to be blonde.
24. ROFL "People come after me for saying I have naturally curly hair". Literally the only place anyone says that is on here. Your minions would never allow someone to comment such a negative thing on your social medias. Keep it coming with the continued affirmations (ask mommy what that means) that you are obsessed with what the "Karens" have to say.
25. What do you know! Look at that! Your hair is capable of not looking like an un-bathed homeless when you actually care.
26. For the love of god, please stop trying to make her perform for the camera. She IS very clearly telling you no. Just as she has in past videos. We all know the reason you do it is to try and prove the Karens wrong about Everlys delay. You are actually doing the opposite.
27. Ahhh there it is. "Everyone is saying Everly is developmentally slow. Do you see the statement above how I called that before ever even seeing the next clip of you ACTUALLY addressing this. Regardless if she actually did count to 13 which I highly doubt, she is still very much delayed in her speech. She should be saying FAR more than the few words we ever hear and just so you are aware, to the naked ear, the words also sound as if there is a speech problem.
28. AGAIIN... she is telling you no she doesn't want to perform for you. I know she is your cash cow but can't you at least respect when she tells you no she doesn't want to do something? You seem to be ok with respecting her other choices such as proncess dresses (since its all she wants to wear and wont let you take it off). You respect that NP! This is immediately followed by "dinna" her version of yes and guess what? No one corrects her!
29. "This is how we get ready in the mornings". No Maddie, you don't get ready in the morning let alone even wake up. Also, stop pretending that you even "get ready" 5 out of the 7 days a week.
30. Back to point 27...
Maddie: "say bye guys.
Everly: "bye dyes"
Maddie: "can you say like this video?"
Everly: "be bo"
Maddie again slowly "like... this... video"
Everly: "not dis be vo"
Maddie: "and"
Everly: "end"
Maddie: "subscribe"
Everly: "dibe"
Maddie: "to"
Everly: "beece".
*insert Everly making her whining noise cause she wants something*
Maddie: "oh the bath bomb?"
Everly: "dinna" (again uncorrected).
Just review that a couple times and maybe reconsider that Everly does indeed have a problem.

*update* I posted before actually getting caught up on here but I see many sharing my very sentiments Maddie. Just think about that.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by singlepostallady »

Firstly as far as Everly is concerned I do think she is behind in speech development. Unfortunately her environment is not conducive to properly fixing the issue. Otherwise I don't think she is terribly behind. All children potty train at different times. If she can't clear express her bathroom needs it's likely she isn't ready. As far as being a brat well look at how Maddie treats her mom! Or how Slate behaves. That behavior is ingrained. She needs an outside playgroup. If she got that I honestly think she would start to pick up a little more. Still family members should be her first teacher.
Secondly, Dear God. Maddie lay off the makeup. You are going to need a chisel to get that stuff off your face! Not to mention the amount of chemicals you are putting on your skin. I'm not a natural earthy person, but she is a teenager with fluctuating hormones that is the worst thing she can be doing to her pores.
Okay, lastly I have very loose naturally curly hair if I put a brush through it dry I would look like I put my fingers in a light socket. Maddie your hair is matting not curly.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

emmmmmm wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:06 pm Maddie you don't need to do makeup everyday holy shit. Brush your hair and throw on mascara. You're a mom and you don't go anywhere. Also, stop with the extensions and leave your hair alone. It looks like straw.

Since you obviously read here- prove us wrong... or a video hating on us Karens again. Sorry we care about Everly's wellbeing. Read my old posts. You need help.
I think she definitely took our advice to the max about how she always looks unkempt.

That’s what I was saying earlier, we’re the Karen’s, but you follow our advice...okay.🤔
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by singlepostallady »

I would normally not condone giving into a child's bad behavior. But if Everly was indeed asking for a waffle why was that so hard to accommodate? She is growing Breastmilk is not going to satiate her the way food will now. Not to mention she's probably getting her appetite back from that bad stomach bug. If Maddie had gotten up fed her and put her back to bed she probably would have gone back to sleep. Although that would mean Maddie would have to get up and do something.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Liz3kki_ »

Rorygz194 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:22 pm
Liz3kki_ wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:37 am ^^^ Oh fuck of why don't you, stop crying about something I said on a website that you frequent to bash a teen mom. Why are you taking this all so personally?? My opinion which I am allowed to have, was formed by the image that Maddie portrays on the internet every single time she posts, she is putting herself out there for the public to see, she should expect the consequences. I don't give a fuck about Maddie, I guess I haven't stalked her like you have I don't really invest that much time in her like you do, so I don't know her life story or what her mom posts on instagram etc. As for calling her a slutty kid, jesus get the fuck over it, in some of her childhood pictures she looks slutty and she happened to be a kid, put two and two together. I never said she had white privilege, I just took a dig at her about having first world problems. You are a total fucking idiot you know that, how can you call me a shitty human being? you don't know me, and quite frankly I don't care if you don't respect my opinion because you are clearly mentally retarded and your point of view makes no sense. I never denied that she didn't experience trauma just that she was being overdramatic about it, everyone experiences trauma, just like I am experiencing this now talking to your stupid ass. Fuck off idiot.

Lizeki x
A child still can't be slutty. And how is she slutty in them? This person wasn't wrong for saying against you

So you are saying that an 11 or 12 year old can't purposefully dress in revealing clothing, wear makeup and act in a way that suggests she's older? all while trying to desperately get the attention of boys and going as far as to make out with them in the movie theatre? this is exactly what Maddie did. I just used the term "slutty" which where I'm from is not a crime to say, you could call it seeking sexual attention but MILLIONS of children can and have displayed this behaviour due to being influenced by the media, role models like Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande etc and I think it is disgusting and wrong. You are basically attacking me for using that word...Why are you all defending Maddie now like she is your best friend when you have said some horrible unspeakable things about her, her daughter and family. Stop being so judgemental, this is just my opinion. If you don't like it then don't reply, or at least come back with an intelligent argument.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

I love how these teen moms always have the "realistic" teen mom morning routine but it's so unrealistic it's hilarious. Especially maddies. She wakes up at noon because she doesn't have a job or school, she leaves Everly with Melissa while she goes and gets coffee, and hangs out with friends or shops, and when her child is sick, she goes home to her mom so she can deal with it. She can also take a nap whenever she wants.
Imagine being that privileged, does Maddie even know how lucky she is?
There are teen mothers who work 2-3 jobs to get food on the table for their kids, while trying to get an education and doing everything for their kids without their parents help. Those are the teen mothers that should be respected.
Maddie will never have to worry about where the next meal is coming from. Maddie shouldn't even be considered a single mom because her family does everything for her. Maddie is so spoiled and privileged it's unreal.
Maddie, you haven't lived the struggle. You have never struggled. Your deal was that Isaac didn't wanna be there at first, tough.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:04 am
Rorygz194 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:22 pm
Liz3kki_ wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:37 am ^^^ Oh fuck of why don't you, stop crying about something I said on a website that you frequent to bash a teen mom. Why are you taking this all so personally?? My opinion which I am allowed to have, was formed by the image that Maddie portrays on the internet every single time she posts, she is putting herself out there for the public to see, she should expect the consequences. I don't give a fuck about Maddie, I guess I haven't stalked her like you have I don't really invest that much time in her like you do, so I don't know her life story or what her mom posts on instagram etc. As for calling her a slutty kid, jesus get the fuck over it, in some of her childhood pictures she looks slutty and she happened to be a kid, put two and two together. I never said she had white privilege, I just took a dig at her about having first world problems. You are a total fucking idiot you know that, how can you call me a shitty human being? you don't know me, and quite frankly I don't care if you don't respect my opinion because you are clearly mentally retarded and your point of view makes no sense. I never denied that she didn't experience trauma just that she was being overdramatic about it, everyone experiences trauma, just like I am experiencing this now talking to your stupid ass. Fuck off idiot.

Lizeki x
A child still can't be slutty. And how is she slutty in them? This person wasn't wrong for saying against you

So you are saying that an 11 or 12 year old can't purposefully dress in revealing clothing, wear makeup and act in a way that suggests she's older? all while trying to desperately get the attention of boys and going as far as to make out with them in the movie theatre? this is exactly what Maddie did. I just used the term "slutty" which where I'm from is not a crime to say, you could call it seeking sexual attention but MILLIONS of children can and have displayed this behaviour due to being influenced by the media, role models like Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande etc and I think it is disgusting and wrong. You are basically attacking me for using that word...Why are you all defending Maddie now like she is your best friend when you have said some horrible unspeakable things about her, her daughter and family. Stop being so judgemental, this is just my opinion. If you don't like it then don't reply, or at least come back with an intelligent argument.
We are not defending Maddie or her personality, but you have to understand that there is a difference between her behavior when she was a kid and her shitty parenting. Also, we are defending young girls who seek sexual attention at such a young age. Because it's not normal, and it's not something they do for fun or for no reason.
It's an obvious cry for help.
No matter their childhood, it's a cry for help because they are desperate. Because maybe they didn't get much attention as kids, or they were exposed to sex from an early age and is traumatized. I've been there unfortunately.
And it's not a crime to use the word slutty but use it right. A child acting out and seeking attention, and doing it for men maybe is the only way she knows, she isn't slutty. And your wording was "she was probably some slutty kid who got used by some older guy" and that's in no way fair. If an older guy takes advantage of a younger girl who is desperate for attention, he is the creep and in the wrong, not her.
You wouldn't get this offended if you didn't know you were wrong. Just admit to it and we can all move on.
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Liz3kki_ »

Rorygz194 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:15 am
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:04 am
Rorygz194 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:22 pm

A child still can't be slutty. And how is she slutty in them? This person wasn't wrong for saying against you

So you are saying that an 11 or 12 year old can't purposefully dress in revealing clothing, wear makeup and act in a way that suggests she's older? all while trying to desperately get the attention of boys and going as far as to make out with them in the movie theatre? this is exactly what Maddie did. I just used the term "slutty" which where I'm from is not a crime to say, you could call it seeking sexual attention but MILLIONS of children can and have displayed this behaviour due to being influenced by the media, role models like Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande etc and I think it is disgusting and wrong. You are basically attacking me for using that word...Why are you all defending Maddie now like she is your best friend when you have said some horrible unspeakable things about her, her daughter and family. Stop being so judgemental, this is just my opinion. If you don't like it then don't reply, or at least come back with an intelligent argument.
We are not defending Maddie or her personality, but you have to understand that there is a difference between her behavior when she was a kid and her shitty parenting. Also, we are defending young girls who seek sexual attention at such a young age. Because it's not normal, and it's not something they do for fun or for no reason.
It's an obvious cry for help.
No matter their childhood, it's a cry for help because they are desperate. Because maybe they didn't get much attention as kids, or they were exposed to sex from an early age and is traumatized. I've been there unfortunately.
And it's not a crime to use the word slutty but use it right. A child acting out and seeking attention, and doing it for men maybe is the only way she knows, she isn't slutty. And your wording was "she was probably some slutty kid who got used by some older guy" and that's in no way fair. If an older guy takes advantage of a younger girl who is desperate for attention, he is the creep and in the wrong, not her.
You wouldn't get this offended if you didn't know you were wrong. Just admit to it and we can all move on.
I agree with everything you said, I never denied that those actions were not a cry for help. I regret using the word slutty, I should have said, " she was probably just a kid just seeking negative attention who got used by some boy" You took it so seriously and made me seem like a fucking monster, Jesus Christ. You are very very good at putting people down and harassing them. Your 300+ posts make sense now. I think you should apologise to me but I know you won't because you think that you are better than everyone. I'm done with this stupid site, it's actually sad what is going on here, I actually feel embarrassed for being a part of this. Is this something that you would openly share with an employer? lecturer? even friend or family member? "Oh yeah I have posted 357 hateful posts on this website that attacks a 13 year old mom, I spend hours and hours and hours criticising her every move" you are so full of hate, this says a lot about you. Anyone who posts horrible things on here are not happy with their own lives, so much so, that you invest a lot of personal time into bashing Maddie.


Fuck all of you.
Good riddance.

Lizeki x
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:02 am
Rorygz194 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:15 am
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:04 am

So you are saying that an 11 or 12 year old can't purposefully dress in revealing clothing, wear makeup and act in a way that suggests she's older? all while trying to desperately get the attention of boys and going as far as to make out with them in the movie theatre? this is exactly what Maddie did. I just used the term "slutty" which where I'm from is not a crime to say, you could call it seeking sexual attention but MILLIONS of children can and have displayed this behaviour due to being influenced by the media, role models like Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande etc and I think it is disgusting and wrong. You are basically attacking me for using that word...Why are you all defending Maddie now like she is your best friend when you have said some horrible unspeakable things about her, her daughter and family. Stop being so judgemental, this is just my opinion. If you don't like it then don't reply, or at least come back with an intelligent argument.
We are not defending Maddie or her personality, but you have to understand that there is a difference between her behavior when she was a kid and her shitty parenting. Also, we are defending young girls who seek sexual attention at such a young age. Because it's not normal, and it's not something they do for fun or for no reason.
It's an obvious cry for help.
No matter their childhood, it's a cry for help because they are desperate. Because maybe they didn't get much attention as kids, or they were exposed to sex from an early age and is traumatized. I've been there unfortunately.
And it's not a crime to use the word slutty but use it right. A child acting out and seeking attention, and doing it for men maybe is the only way she knows, she isn't slutty. And your wording was "she was probably some slutty kid who got used by some older guy" and that's in no way fair. If an older guy takes advantage of a younger girl who is desperate for attention, he is the creep and in the wrong, not her.
You wouldn't get this offended if you didn't know you were wrong. Just admit to it and we can all move on.
I agree with everything you said, I never denied that those actions were not a cry for help. I regret using the word slutty, I should have said, " she was probably just a kid just seeking negative attention who got used by some boy" You took it so seriously and made me seem like a fucking monster, Jesus Christ. You are very very good at putting people down and harassing them. Your 300+ posts make sense now. I think you should apologise to me but I know you won't because you think that you are better than everyone. I'm done with this stupid site, it's actually sad what is going on here, I actually feel embarrassed for being a part of this. Is this something that you would openly share with an employer? lecturer? even friend or family member? "Oh yeah I have posted 357 hateful posts on this website that attacks a 13 year old mom, I spend hours and hours and hours criticising her every move" you are so full of hate, this says a lot about you. Anyone who posts horrible things on here are not happy with their own lives, so much so, that you invest a lot of personal time into bashing Maddie.


Fuck all of you.
Good riddance.

Lizeki x
Okay, I wasn’t going to say anything, but you really pissed me off. Why are you acting like you’re better than everyone else on here when you have posted some wild shit. An example of this is calling Everly ugly and retarded. There’s probably even worse things that I can’t remember right now. Your the one who puts Maddie and Everly down the worst in my opinion

You also say that we have shit lives when you were joining in on this too. Sit down with that “I’m better than everyone else act” when you’re clearly not. You only feel embarrassed because someone called you out on your shit. Also, you don’t deserve an apology.

It’s also very funny that you’re trying to act like a victim now, that has been brought so much stress from this gossip site, that you chose to be a part of.
I can smell bullshit from a mile away. :P
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Morticia Mars »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:04 am
Rorygz194 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:22 pm
Liz3kki_ wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:37 am ^^^ Oh fuck of why don't you, stop crying about something I said on a website that you frequent to bash a teen mom. Why are you taking this all so personally?? My opinion which I am allowed to have, was formed by the image that Maddie portrays on the internet every single time she posts, she is putting herself out there for the public to see, she should expect the consequences. I don't give a fuck about Maddie, I guess I haven't stalked her like you have I don't really invest that much time in her like you do, so I don't know her life story or what her mom posts on instagram etc. As for calling her a slutty kid, jesus get the fuck over it, in some of her childhood pictures she looks slutty and she happened to be a kid, put two and two together. I never said she had white privilege, I just took a dig at her about having first world problems. You are a total fucking idiot you know that, how can you call me a shitty human being? you don't know me, and quite frankly I don't care if you don't respect my opinion because you are clearly mentally retarded and your point of view makes no sense. I never denied that she didn't experience trauma just that she was being overdramatic about it, everyone experiences trauma, just like I am experiencing this now talking to your stupid ass. Fuck off idiot.

Lizeki x
A child still can't be slutty. And how is she slutty in them? This person wasn't wrong for saying against you

So you are saying that an 11 or 12 year old can't purposefully dress in revealing clothing, wear makeup and act in a way that suggests she's older? all while trying to desperately get the attention of boys and going as far as to make out with them in the movie theatre? this is exactly what Maddie did. I just used the term "slutty" which where I'm from is not a crime to say, you could call it seeking sexual attention but MILLIONS of children can and have displayed this behaviour due to being influenced by the media, role models like Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande etc and I think it is disgusting and wrong. You are basically attacking me for using that word...Why are you all defending Maddie now like she is your best friend when you have said some horrible unspeakable things about her, her daughter and family. Stop being so judgemental, this is just my opinion. If you don't like it then don't reply, or at least come back with an intelligent argument.
Lis3kki, shut up, you are one of the most despicable people I have ever seen on this site. It is absolutely horrible that you called a 7-8 year old a slut. No child can ever be a slut just because they wear makeup and dress proactively. Yes it is bad but it is inexcusable to slut-shame a literal CHILD. Also maybe I’m the odd one out but I don’t think people like Miley Cyrus or Ariana Grande aren’t the worst role models ever, at least they don’t dress like their strippers and encourage young girls to do the same. I’m not defending Maddie, I don’t like her at but it is so wrong to call a child a slut. You wanted an intelligent argument but your’s isn’t any more intellectual.
I may be an asshole but I do have standards
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by itsmeKaren »

Imagine calling Everly ugly and retarded and making MULTIPLE wholeass VIDEOS about how ugly and fat etc Everly is and then trying to play victim when someone FINALLY calls you out lol.... Also explain the logic of saying someone with 300 posts has no life when you are the one who downloads Maddie’s videos and edits clips together lmao...... Couldn’t ever be me
True Gossiper
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

Liz3kki_ wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:02 am
Rorygz194 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:15 am
Liz3kki_ wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:04 am

So you are saying that an 11 or 12 year old can't purposefully dress in revealing clothing, wear makeup and act in a way that suggests she's older? all while trying to desperately get the attention of boys and going as far as to make out with them in the movie theatre? this is exactly what Maddie did. I just used the term "slutty" which where I'm from is not a crime to say, you could call it seeking sexual attention but MILLIONS of children can and have displayed this behaviour due to being influenced by the media, role models like Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande etc and I think it is disgusting and wrong. You are basically attacking me for using that word...Why are you all defending Maddie now like she is your best friend when you have said some horrible unspeakable things about her, her daughter and family. Stop being so judgemental, this is just my opinion. If you don't like it then don't reply, or at least come back with an intelligent argument.
We are not defending Maddie or her personality, but you have to understand that there is a difference between her behavior when she was a kid and her shitty parenting. Also, we are defending young girls who seek sexual attention at such a young age. Because it's not normal, and it's not something they do for fun or for no reason.
It's an obvious cry for help.
No matter their childhood, it's a cry for help because they are desperate. Because maybe they didn't get much attention as kids, or they were exposed to sex from an early age and is traumatized. I've been there unfortunately.
And it's not a crime to use the word slutty but use it right. A child acting out and seeking attention, and doing it for men maybe is the only way she knows, she isn't slutty. And your wording was "she was probably some slutty kid who got used by some older guy" and that's in no way fair. If an older guy takes advantage of a younger girl who is desperate for attention, he is the creep and in the wrong, not her.
You wouldn't get this offended if you didn't know you were wrong. Just admit to it and we can all move on.
I agree with everything you said, I never denied that those actions were not a cry for help. I regret using the word slutty, I should have said, " she was probably just a kid just seeking negative attention who got used by some boy" You took it so seriously and made me seem like a fucking monster, Jesus Christ. You are very very good at putting people down and harassing them. Your 300+ posts make sense now. I think you should apologise to me but I know you won't because you think that you are better than everyone. I'm done with this stupid site, it's actually sad what is going on here, I actually feel embarrassed for being a part of this. Is this something that you would openly share with an employer? lecturer? even friend or family member? "Oh yeah I have posted 357 hateful posts on this website that attacks a 13 year old mom, I spend hours and hours and hours criticising her every move" you are so full of hate, this says a lot about you. Anyone who posts horrible things on here are not happy with their own lives, so much so, that you invest a lot of personal time into bashing Maddie.


Fuck all of you.
Good riddance.

Lizeki x
Just realize you were in the wrong lmao. And how are you better than any of us when you post here too, and hate on Maddie and her baby, and have called her a retard and ugly. None of those words have ever come from us. You are not better than anyone of us, you joined this website too. Also, Maddie is almost 17, not 13 lol.
Weren't you the one who posted pictures of babies with Down's syndrome and called them ugly? Who is the hater here?
There is a difference between being a gossiper and a bully, and you are only the second one.
I don't think I'm better than anyone. Maybe it is immature to gossip, big deal, everyone does it. Online or not. No one, at least not us, wants to see a baby being neglected or mistreated, every child, including Everly deserves the best.
You wanted to have a real argument. You got one, and now you're throwing a tantrum because you're immature.
We won't miss you.
i'm not the pretty lie, i'm the ugly truth
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Re: Maddie Lambert- Shopping Daily and Dying for More Babies | Part 3

Unread post by Rorygz194 »

itsmeKaren wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:49 am Imagine calling Everly ugly and retarded and making MULTIPLE wholeass VIDEOS about how ugly and fat etc Everly is and then trying to play victim when someone FINALLY calls you out lol.... Also explain the logic of saying someone with 300 posts has no life when you are the one who downloads Maddie’s videos and edits clips together lmao...... Couldn’t ever be me
Exactly, she has spent more time on Maddie than any of us every had lmao.
I can gossip, but calling a baby fat or a retard is my limit. Children are never responsible for their parents actions
i'm not the pretty lie, i'm the ugly truth

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