BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by js2013 »

Anyone think her going way overboard buying all of these dairy substitutes is one way she is trying to control what is wrong with S because she cant control Nolans diagnosis? She could be doing more for him of course, but she cant really control it. It's just so different from how she reacted to finding out about Nolan...

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Jking7 »

DoodleBop2 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:50 pm Going vegan with fake cheese is the hardest because vegan cheese in the worst even seasoned vegans struggle with the vegan cheese. It's easier to do things that are already vegan but I cannot imagine her making the kids a stir fry or hummus with veggies to dip. Fruit salad etc.

That being said these kids have never been told I made dinner eat...if they don't eat they get fast food or those damned mini muffins. Most kids by their ages have been told this is what's for dinner and had to deal with it. They know mom has no follow through.
Omg thank you! She caters to those children. She basically goes It’s not fair they don’t get eat the junk they always do, and if I switched everything they would be like “what!?!??? “ Lol what you buy Brit is what they would have to eat or they wouldn’t eat at all, that would be me. There are so many healthier snack options and she chooses others. My five year old eats what I put on the table. We do a treat after supper if he eats what’s on his plate and he knows that. If he doesn’t then he doesn’t get a treat. I would never force my child to eat something he doesn’t like however I do have a child who will eat just about everything and anything. I also started healthy eating habits from the start and a wide range of food choices. Brit gives the same crap over and over to her kids. Brit isn’t consistent nor does she set boundaries for her children. She’s a push over and chooses the easiest route, why? because she’s lazy. Same reason she rather put a screen in front of her children’s faces over doing an interactive educational activity with them.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

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She created the monster though by not cooking and serving real food from the get go.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by guineapeegz »

DoodleBop2 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:50 pm Going vegan with fake cheese is the hardest because vegan cheese in the worst even seasoned vegans struggle with the vegan cheese. It's easier to do things that are already vegan but I cannot imagine her making the kids a stir fry or hummus with veggies to dip. Fruit salad etc.

That being said these kids have never been told I made dinner eat...if they don't eat they get fast food or those damned mini muffins. Most kids by their ages have been told this is what's for dinner and had to deal with it. They know mom has no follow through.
I’ve been vegan for 1 year and 2 months now. I love me some vegan cheese. Maybe I’m the strange vegan who enjoys it. Violife, Follow Your Heart, and Chao are so good. I eat it out of the bag lol. Being vegan is honestly easier for me than making food with meat and dairy products/eggs.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by AriaRoseee »

Resting_Bitch_Face wrote:I love how Britney “tried” to go vegan back in 2017 only because it was trendy and she flopped big time. Now she’s being forced to go vegan and she still can’t do it properly.

It’s so easy to cross contaminate when you’re making dairy filled food for everyone else then dairy free for only Scarlett. Kids love eating each other’s food/snacks, so what’s gonna stop Scarlett from taking one of the kids dairy filled pantry snacks or a bite of the
other kids food when Britney’s not watching?!

I know it must be hard to switch the kids foods completely when they don’t have a dairy allergy but all she’s doing is confusing the shit out of them. She’s pushing dairy free shit on them one day the next day she’s letting them have dairy filled food like does she not see what she’s wrong?? In her recent videos she’s showing her groceries asking for tips saying LeMmE kNoW iN tHe cOmMeNtS bitch do your own research.

What she needs to do is hire a freaking vegan chef that can help her come up with a grocery list, recipes, give her tips/tricks etc. The one time she can put her money to good use she would prefer to ask her clueless subscribers smfh.
She said she was getting negative reactions to the possibility of switching A, N and H’s diets just because of Scarlett’s allergy. I don’t know about her claim but I’m sorry that’s just how it has to be. You can change a diet and include every one or you can out cast one person. I’m severely allergic to cherries guess what my kids don’t get cherries. The three month old in breastfeeding can’t have dairy due to reflux. I changed my whole diet immediately and he’s now thriving. Is difficult on all sides I know but at some point you have to so caring about everyone else and put your family first.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by AriaRoseee »

guineapeegz wrote:
DoodleBop2 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:50 pm Going vegan with fake cheese is the hardest because vegan cheese in the worst even seasoned vegans struggle with the vegan cheese. It's easier to do things that are already vegan but I cannot imagine her making the kids a stir fry or hummus with veggies to dip. Fruit salad etc.

That being said these kids have never been told I made dinner eat...if they don't eat they get fast food or those damned mini muffins. Most kids by their ages have been told this is what's for dinner and had to deal with it. They know mom has no follow through.
I’ve been vegan for 1 year and 2 months now. I love me some vegan cheese. Maybe I’m the strange vegan who enjoys it. Violife, Follow Your Heart, and Chao are so good. I eat it out of the bag lol. Being vegan is honestly easier for me than making food with meat and dairy products/eggs.

I bought some daiya cheeses because my son needs dairy free breast milk they seem so paisty when melted. Bought the follow got heart brand today I’m hoping it’s not line daiya

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by MysteriousMaiden »

I think Britney is a little extreme and confusing with the dietary changes.
I’m not against her letting the kids try vegan substitutions... but her claim is that vegan is healthier/better for them... when it’s not necessarily the case. Just like people claim that organic automatically means it’s healthy... but organic junk food is still junk food.

Compare the nutrition and ingredients on vegan cheese vs dairy cheese. One is milk, enzymes and salt- where the other is glycerine, oil, sometimes even xylitol (which is TOXIC to dogs). It’s not necessarily healthier. Obviously Scarlett cannot have the dairy options so she needs the substitutions- however A, N & H don’t need it. The dairy has ingredients in it which benefit them.

Britney needs to explain to the kids- Harlow especially, that she can’t share food with Scarlett without permission. Britney needs to have the kids sit at the table and watch them while they eat, not roaming the house. Britney needs to clean up after each meal so that when she’s ignoring Scarlett, she’s not crawling around and finding scrap cheese or yogurt on the floor and eating that. It’s not that hard to minimize cross contamination and cater to a specific diet, while continuing with your other children’s regular diets.

Also.. the amount of milk she has is ridiculous... if she’s trying to eliminate Scarlett’s allergens, why is she getting almond milk? Wasn’t she told no nuts- and isn’t almonds in the nut family? Might as well keep dairy at that point.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by webby »

I saw this on Instagram last night

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by ASB »

Can we just go back to the ugly ass ring for a minute...

I don’t know about y’all but don’t this instagram influencers want an engagement ring / wedding band that is timeless? I can only imagine in 5-10 years looking back and going ‘what the hell was I thinking?!’

Personal story alert - admittedly I received a beautiful family heirloom, but even before I knew of its existence my preference was something that was not going to age poorly or go out of style because I knew I was going to have to wear it for a long ass time!

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

It’s so hilarious watching Britney flush hundreds of dollars down the drain buying all these different alternatives for cheeses, milk and yogurt saying “if the kids don’t like it they don’t have to eat it”. I wouldn’t force my kid to eat something they didn’t really like but she’s not gonna get anywhere saying it’s ok to just throw food in the trash they don’t like. She’s such a pansy with those kids and they have absolutely no taste palate.

She’s reading the back of the labels saying “this has 5% protein” as if she knows what amount of protein is needed or anything lol.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

guineapeegz wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:41 pm
DoodleBop2 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:50 pm Going vegan with fake cheese is the hardest because vegan cheese in the worst even seasoned vegans struggle with the vegan cheese. It's easier to do things that are already vegan but I cannot imagine her making the kids a stir fry or hummus with veggies to dip. Fruit salad etc.

That being said these kids have never been told I made dinner eat...if they don't eat they get fast food or those damned mini muffins. Most kids by their ages have been told this is what's for dinner and had to deal with it. They know mom has no follow through.
I’ve been vegan for 1 year and 2 months now. I love me some vegan cheese. Maybe I’m the strange vegan who enjoys it. Violife, Follow Your Heart, and Chao are so good. I eat it out of the bag lol. Being vegan is honestly easier for me than making food with meat and dairy products/eggs.
LOL maybe. Most vegans I know who used to love cheese have not been able to find many vegan cheeses who compare and with the kids having dairy cheese at Ean's etc I wonder how that goes.

I haven't bought eggs in over 9 years and then I went grocery shopping for my a relative and it was weird.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by TChristine »

I'm guessing at least part of the poor weight gain is from Brit chugging dairy filled coffees. She either had a completely unintelligent doctor or straight up lied when she said her having dairy didn't effect Scarlet.
When kids have an allergy their bodies don't absorb nutrients the same way if they contain that allergen.

My child had a milk protein intolerance and didn't gain weight until starting a super expensive hypoallergenic formula. It sucked for multiple reasons but I did it because it was best for my child.

I am guessing she was reluctant to stop breastfeeding because she is NOT ready to get pregnant again and that was her out. So sad it was at Scarlett's expense. This isn't her first rodeo. Scar is her 4th kid... she knows better and should have made changes back in November.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by smom12 »

It would be a cold day in hell when my husband would FORCE me to have a baby if I didn’t want anymore. To hell with that.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by WheresMyCoffee »

smom12 wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:15 am It would be a cold day in hell when my husband would FORCE me to have a baby if I didn’t want anymore. To hell with that.

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Britney doesnt seem like to the type who could sit down and have a reasonable conversation though, like say... I am a carrier for DMD, w have FOUR kids, we need to think about the future in regards to Nolan, now Scarletts allergies, college, debt etc etc.... but I think she would do anything to keep Frank and her image.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Mel1011 »

olemama wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:42 pm
lazydazey wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 6:40 am How do these doctors not get her on negligence? Between Nolans DMD, Arias obvious malnutrition and now this with scarface! It baffles me. I guess if you have some sort of money people really don't care. Twit disgusts me anymore. I used to love her.
All four children see doctors regularly and the older three attend school daily. As far as we know, she has not been reported for negligence. I assume that is because the children are not neglected. I doubt it has anything to do with money as probably the doctors and teachers do not know Britney's income.

We might disagree with Britney's parenting but it does not rise to the level of negligence.
She knew her milk supply was depleting and her baby was hungry and failing to gain weight MONTHS ago, and she didn’t do anything about it. Sorry but that’s neglect.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Evian »

I'll never be surprised by Britney neglecting the needs/health of her children after the way she has treated Nolan. Just because they wear nice new clothes, and have a roof over their head doesn't mean shit imo. Britney is a selfish wasteful little girl who never grew the fuck up. All she cares about the way things look.

Also I liked how there were alot of people in the comments in her Elsa party video calling her out for being so wasteful with all her plastic decorations. When is she going to wake up and stop throwing massive amounts of stuff out with no thought for impact on the environment.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Mel1011 »

If I recall correctly, she was told by Nolan’s doctor that he needed to start wearing his AFOs during the day as well as night. That was ages ago and it never happened.
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BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

smom12 wrote:It would be a cold day in hell when my husband would FORCE me to have a baby if I didn’t want anymore. To hell with that.

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Exactly! My man wants more kids, I don’t and he Image understands. It’s not like Britney cares either way because being pregnant will bring her sponsorships, attention and excuses to not do things. In her recent vlog where she was blathering on about leaving Scarlett behind when they went to Atlanta, she was already complaining about having to deal with her had they brought her.

She’s like “Scarlett’s at the age where she wants to play now and it’s soOooO hArD” like wtf is so hard about you sitting your cow ass in the backseat with ONE child. She could easily sit in the back & entertain her but she doesn’t know how to talk or deal with toddlers/kids. Those poor kids can’t even reap the benefits of her pathetic “youtube career” because it’s tOo mUch for Mrs. Morrow. She likes babies because they just sit there and do nothing like that she can do nothing.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

She doesn't have a backbone. I wonder if the livingroom shotgun wedding involved a prenup or if it matters and she will be paying him support if he leaves her.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by stephdee »

WheresMyCoffee wrote:
smom12 wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:15 am It would be a cold day in hell when my husband would FORCE me to have a baby if I didn’t want anymore. To hell with that.

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Britney doesnt seem like to the type who could sit down and have a reasonable conversation though, like say... I am a carrier for DMD, w have FOUR kids, we need to think about the future in regards to Nolan, now Scarletts allergies, college, debt etc etc.... but I think she would do anything to keep Frank and her image.
You think Frank doesn’t know that already he seems like the type of guy that doesn’t care like some have said before he’s the “my way or the highway” type of guy. He’s very selfish he knew from the beginning he wanted to have several bio children. Not only did he marry a woman with 3 kids already but she’s also a carrier for a genetic desease.

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