T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by sunshine616 »

yeah besides the weight loss she is not sick...I was sick for 2 weeks without a fever but didn't have energy to go on social media as much and my priorities were my kids.

I said it before and I will again...vitamix, ninja bullet...celery juice won't cut it tiff if you eat like crap the rest of the day...cold stone...chik fila...why don't you blend a combo of celery spinach and pineapple and banana? You could make healthy fruit smoothies for your kids. What you are doing is not healthy.

I have a feeling her family may have tried to have a sit down but she thinks she is so perfect she doesn't need to change. And probably shuts down any ideas that don't jive with her crazy theories. I had a friend who would ask me for advice but shut me down if I didn't agree with the slightest thing.

She screams crazy...It's unlike anything I have ever seen. She is getting worse by the day.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

luxe0780 wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:30 am not defending her one bit as i agree with all the other sentiments in here, however i don’t believe you need to blast your home with harsh chemicals in order to keep your family well. i refuse to use harsh chemicals in my house and we are rarely ill. that said, i don’t know how bad their personal hygiene is; maybe she doesn’t make the boys wash their hands after daycare. i also think their poor diets and general lack of rest have a lot to answer for. i also believe the general mindset of a home has a lot to answer for; theirs seems really chaotic and disjointed, inefficient and like they expend a lot of energy yet achieve very little. her and shrimp aren’t focused, they’re distracted and their energy is scattered, i believe their health suffers as a consequence. she also needs to eat a fucking t.bone steak and some fries. she’s completely depleted.

i’ve said it before but i think living in that house would be hell. she’s not goals, she’s bloody dangerous to herself and those around her.
There is some evidence about people over cleaning, like hand sanitizer destroys good bacteria or something, right? I'm not exactly sure of that. I don't think harsh chemicals are necessary for everything, but I think she needs more than oil.

The dogs look pretty dirty. Do they ever carry fleas or anything? I don't see her talk about them much but others have said they just poo on the floor, that's an instance I would use chemicals. You know if I had an untrained dog.

Lack of rest, that's interesting. I always think she is staying in bed but you have gotten me thinking she IS lazing around but she is not having that quality time where people wind down at night, she is in front of a screen so much so she's not getting proper rest. Personally I read before I go to sleep and I get a very good night's rest.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

I finally got around to watching that video calling her a scam. I looked in the comments and apparently every one is jealous. Just exactly how many accounts does she have?

I tried watching the Valentine's video, nope I can't. That fake voice, she thinks she sounds sexy but she sounds bad.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by RealityBites »

Yeah I definitely think she's nuts for sure. I'm just trying to wrap my head around her craziness and none of it makes any sense. I know Shrimp is a balless bitch to her and kisses her ass (probably out of cheating guilt) but the jabs he's said about her celery juice, new hippy identity with the oils, cough drops etc makes me think he thinks she's nuts as well, yet he enables her by not having a come to Jesus moment with her and telling her to snap out of it and get some help for the sake of their kids.

The constant talk about baby #4 pisses me off and disgusts me because shes obviously not mentally or physically well so it's incredibly selfish to even think of trying to have a baby when she's self sabotaging her body like that. Shrimp shouldn't even be entertaining that idea with her at all. How is he going to be the main caretaker of 4 kids and wait on Trashy as well since he's her slave?

Runnnnnnn Shrimp Runnnn!!!
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

sunshine616 wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 3:13 am yeah besides the weight loss she is not sick...I was sick for 2 weeks without a fever but didn't have energy to go on social media as much and my priorities were my kids.

I said it before and I will again...vitamix, ninja bullet...celery juice won't cut it tiff if you eat like crap the rest of the day...cold stone...chik fila...why don't you blend a combo of celery spinach and pineapple and banana? You could make healthy fruit smoothies for your kids. What you are doing is not healthy.

I have a feeling her family may have tried to have a sit down but she thinks she is so perfect she doesn't need to change. And probably shuts down any ideas that don't jive with her crazy theories. I had a friend who would ask me for advice but shut me down if I didn't agree with the slightest thing.

She screams crazy...It's unlike anything I have ever seen. She is getting worse by the day.
She wants to be enabled. She doesn't love hearing the truth, facing consequences, being called out. She wants everyone to lie to her about how great she is.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

Lol she was proud that she could even fold laundry ... does celery juice cause fractured arms also??? 😂😂😂
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by scojacar »

I used to really like her, but recently I’ve been keeping up purely for the drama. I don’t even feel comfortable snark watching anymore, though. I’ve unfollowed her on IG and won’t be watching on YouTube any longer (I haven’t been
subscribed ion a while lol). I’ll be keeping up on here, but I don’t want to support this train wreck in any way.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by katie_A1 »

What a complete and utter psychopath. I’m SOOOO glad I cut her out of my life years ago. I feel embarrassed and sorry for her. Wow. She needs checked into a mental health facility. It’s a shame her husband and family can’t see it.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Bluecoconut »

I’m confused she posted a mirror photo yesterday then was “sick” in bed 🤣 the lies are wild w/this chick. She said in her stories she was so skinny. No gurl.. u look like a 8 year old little girl with that body. It’s not cute and not healthy. It’s grotesque. GET MENTAL HELP.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Lolaharper »

Chevy0427 wrote:
nl_s wrote:
Lolaharper wrote:Also hashimotos isn’t a thyroid disease it’s a autoimmune disease and there’s not much you can do about your immune system attacking a part of your body.

I’m saying that as someone who has the same fucking disease. You aren’t going to heal your thyroid. Only synthroid will help and I’m gonna keep taking mine.

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I have it too. It’s a chronic lifelong disorder. Nothing will heal it. It can get better for a bit but it’s always going to be there. She just doesn’t get it.

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I have multiple severe auto immune diseases and have to be on chemo for them. I think this is another reason I get SO pissed when she plays up being sick. Yes- Hashimotos sucks and I’m sorry for everyone that has it. But come on T.beastly....get over yourself.

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Hashimotos is definitely not the worst disease out there. It sucks for sure but the way she acts you’d think she had cancer. She should thank her lucky stars she’s not dealing with worse. I have friends who have lupus and Crohn’s and have had major flares that have resulted in weeks in the hospital and infusions and more.

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by shemythomas »

Does anyone else think their living room tv is too high?

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

I saw a story she posted the other day and they were watching their own yt videos on their tv.... lol they are OBSESSED with themselves
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Onchao16 »

Bluecoconut wrote:I’m confused she posted a mirror photo yesterday then was “sick” in bed Image the lies are wild w/this chick. She said in her stories she was so skinny. No gurl.. u look like a 8 year old little girl with that body. It’s not cute and not healthy. It’s grotesque. GET MENTAL HELP.
It’s like she was bragging about being skinny. Like looking that way is a good thing and people should be jealous. So sad

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Onchao16 »

What pisses me off most about her is that you can’t ask legitimate questions without being blocked. Like I’d really love to know how exactly she knows strep and mono “resurfaced”. Because a medical medium spoke to the ghosts of the past illness?!?! We all know an actual DOCTOR, who went to medical school, didn’t tell her that.

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by LittleOne912 »

This is just getting weird. I found Tiffani about 9 months ago because my daughter is a few months younger than Ella and as a new mom I wanted crockpot meals. I’ve tried a few that I like and keep in rotation but her meal videos have declined. If you notice she’s become more and more picky, selective and adding weird foods and combos to her dinners. Her relatability officially went out the window around fall time...can’t say I watch anymore. Moms needs affordable and quick for dinner. And sorry but I don’t understand meal prep...cutting up carrots for a snack doesn’t take long...

Anyways...is she doing all this to sell oils? Is she doing this to get more views? I’m so confused...she seemed super relatable, chill and normal in the beginning l. What the hell is going around on?

I also noticed she’s starting to adapt the Liza Adele and Chelsea houska look with the beanie and other fashion things .It’s weird..
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by BlondeQueen96 »

When she 1st started her youtube she was relatable and chill. Then when she got pregnant with Ella that's when She started to lose me, I found this site and was so relieved I wasnt alone. Shes not inspirational at all. And the food prep is not relatable to any mom. I at least post relatable easy recipes on my channel.

Also your suppose to feed a cold starve a fever. Not starve yourself forever T.Celery (whoever came up with that name thank you I love it) I cant even hate watch her anymore I get so turned off.havnt watched her or shrimp for a long time.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by CrankyPants »

It's called orthorexia. One of my dearest friends in the world has this...and she is 57 years old and as thin as Tiffany and her body is literally shutting down. Her doctors have told her family she won't live to see age 60 if this continues.

But T.Celery (whoever posted this first...thanks!) is again, too mentally ill to see herself clearly and Chris to too much of a Yes Man to stand up to her. That's not love, that's fear.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Salamisammich »

CrankyPants wrote:It's called orthorexia. One of my dearest friends in the world has this...and she is 57 years old and as thin as Tiffany and her body is literally shutting down. Her doctors have told her family she won't live to see age 60 if this continues.

But T.Celery (whoever posted this first...thanks!) is again, too mentally ill to see herself clearly and Chris to too much of a Yes Man to stand up to her. That's not love, that's fear.
I agree I think she has this also because if she’s not on a special diet (gluten free, vegan, no dairy, etc.) then she’s not happy. She moves from one special diet to the next but the gluten free diet is her constant

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by CrankyPants »

Salamisammich wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:54 am
CrankyPants wrote:It's called orthorexia. One of my dearest friends in the world has this...and she is 57 years old and as thin as Tiffany and her body is literally shutting down. Her doctors have told her family she won't live to see age 60 if this continues.

But T.Celery (whoever posted this first...thanks!) is again, too mentally ill to see herself clearly and Chris to too much of a Yes Man to stand up to her. That's not love, that's fear.
I agree I think she has this also because if she’s not on a special diet (gluten free, vegan, no dairy, etc.) then she’s not happy. She moves from one special diet to the next but the gluten free diet is her constant

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Going gluten free is what started my friend down this path. First she cut out gluten, then soy, then red meat, then sugar, then dairy, then fat. Then she was doing to a completely plant based diet, but very limited in what she would eat - claiming all fruit had too much sugar, and things like avocados had too much fat --- and no grains. This woman that used to compete in Ironwoman triathlons 3 times a year is a walking skeleton. It's breaking my heart.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by CrankyPants »

LittleOne912 wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:32 am This is just getting weird. I found Tiffani about 9 months ago because my daughter is a few months younger than Ella and as a new mom I wanted crockpot meals. I’ve tried a few that I like and keep in rotation but her meal videos have declined. If you notice she’s become more and more picky, selective and adding weird foods and combos to her dinners. Her relatability officially went out the window around fall time...can’t say I watch anymore. Moms needs affordable and quick for dinner. And sorry but I don’t understand meal prep...cutting up carrots for a snack doesn’t take long...

Anyways...is she doing all this to sell oils? Is she doing this to get more views? I’m so confused...she seemed super relatable, chill and normal in the beginning l. What the hell is going around on?

I also noticed she’s starting to adapt the Liza Adele and Chelsea houska look with the beanie and other fashion things .It’s weird..
They wear beanies to cover up their either greasy dirty hair, or (In T.Celery's case) to cover up their poor quality extensions.

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