T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by AryaStark »

CrankyPants wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:18 am
Gossipgurl wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:08 am I know a lot of people on here say shrimp needs to do something cuz his wife is clearly unstable, but honestly I dont think he has all his marbles either. He sees his wife frequently unhinged and manic on social media (and in real life I'm sure) and he feeds into it. Maybe he thinks that's normal, maybe he believes her lies, maybe he is scared of her, idk... but he definitely isn't all there himself.
It's no secret...I'm old. I've seen some crazy shit over the last 60+ years and I'm going to say something that many people will not want to believe.

Some men only care if a woman is skinny and gives good head.

There, I said it.

I've watched so many weird marriages over the years, where the woman was totally bat-shit-crazy and then heard the guy say something like "yeah, but she's great in the sack".

I've seen an equal number of marriages where the guy is crazy but guess what....the woman usually take their kids and leave.

That is just a generalization and does not apply to every marriage I've watch dissolve.

But on some level I think Chris views Tiffani as some sort of trophy wife that he can flaunt. He might be madly and deeply in love with her and he might only being staying to protect the kids. Who knows? But whatever is going on there is a co-dependent relationship going on there and it's not healthy.
Okay I really laughed and appreciated your insight and honesty.
PS you’re not old.😎
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by AryaStark »

Gossipgurl wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 11:54 am The amount of fast food they eat is disgusting. You're telling me that 2 adults that 'work from home' cant make dinner every night? Is she detoxing from chik fil a?
When she cooks she gets sick then she must “detoxify.”(her food is so bad)Then they eat out and the rest get sick because their stomachs aren’t used to actual cooked correctly food. It’s a never ending cycle of sick.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by nl_s »

I have officially unfollowed and unsubscribed from everything. I can’t even hate follow anymore. She’s lost it.

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by AryaStark »

Who takes care of El la everyday while they go out to eat and admire themselves in the camera? What a waste of money that is. All she rants is how much they like to do things as a family but they sure know how to dump them off at daycare(school🙄) and a babysitter. If they can’t or won’t have El la with them then why have more?!
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Salamisammich »

CrankyPants wrote:
Salamisammich wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:50 pm And suddenly I see the light! This bitch is trying to go the natural route because she doesn’t have health insurance... a $550 dollar copay doesn’t sound right to me Image that synthroid must be mighty expensive

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You can't have a co-pay without insurance. A co-pay is the part you pay before insurance kicks in. If you don't have insurance...you just have a bill.
Ah gotcha... still I thought my insurance sucked, my ER copay is $150... they must have some shit insurance

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T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by scojacar »

thisisgold21 wrote:
NeonJellyShark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:23 pm I don’t think I’ll ever understand this “detox” crap. She’s a nurse, the body detoxes itself and doesn’t need all this hippie dippy BS to keep it healthy.

I keep seeing this medical medium around everywhere and he’s personally a fraud, imho.

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I agree with the fraud accusation but honestly haven't done much research. He doesn't have a medical degree and is by trade a medium. What exactly is his education on plant biology and human biology?
The “Spirit of Compassion” granted him all his knowledge when he was 4 years old.

No, seriously.

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by AryaStark »

It sounds to me that anorexics have found a new word to hide behind when questioned about why they are so thin. They say they are “detoxing.” It’s odd because I just saw an article about something similar in the summer. Signs to watch out for and detox was in the top of the list.

People are less likely to be suspicious of them being anorexic thinking they are trying “to be healthy,” when actuality it is just plain anorexia. It’s quite sad. She stated with glee her chest was sunken in and she’s never been so skinny. Sounds to me like she definitely is anorexic or almost there, and this is all planned. Like she’s happy she’s gaining these results.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

Here's my thoughts on Chris,

I think Tiffani gaslights him, I think he is convinced he is the crazy one because the way the says things to him. At some point it became a self fulfilling prophecy or a case of "if you can't beat them, join them".

I do not know if he has tried to get her help or not, but he very well may have or tried to have gotten her help. If she doesn't want help though, there is not much he can do.

I think he is trapped. And I agree with the sex theory. And i actually don't think their sex would be anything amazing. She probably gave him a lot, tricked him into "loving" her, now just offers sex a lot when they are TTC. Also the way they talk about their marriage, the innuendo, the dry humping tik toks- it all comes across as everything else does, completely phony. They are overcompendating so everyone keeps saying how cute and amazing they are.

Though if she was truly "suicidal" like she claimed a while ago, a quick call to emergency services would have probably shut that down by forcing her into a psych evaluation.

She is literally the Mad Hatter at this point. Maybe she can serve up some celery juice at her unbirthday party. We all know she cares more about her unbirthdays than Tanner's actual birthday.

I wouldn't be surprised if she sits around laughing at how gullible people who lap up her every word are. What she is yet to realize though, is she may be lying about ailments but she is still a deeply sick, disturbed lady.

Maybe she should turn that office she never uses into what looks like a hospital bed so she can save money and just fake being in the ER more often for that sympathy.

Now she is hoping to be noticed by this medical medium. She is so desperate for shout outs. So when she doesn't get them she switches target. Then she will hate this guy and replace it with something else. She can never keep up the act long.

Everytime she has that trucker hat on I know her hair is so nasty underneath.

To those of you that are still actually watching, has she started using that room they never use so she can keep her office? Remember how she tried to start using it again so she can act like she still needs her office?

Who has she been collaborating with lately? That woman the other day, I didn't recognize and I wonder if she is new to Tiff. I think people just look at their subscribers and don't actually check if whom they choose to collab with is bat shit crazy.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by CrankyPants »

It's called Orthorexia (clean eating disorder) …. it describes her to a T
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

Look at how many comments she got on that hospital picture. That's EXACTLY what she wanted. Shes just praying one of her kids has an "accident" so they can be admitted to the ER.

She is just a sick and twisted piece of shit.

All those positive comments and she still cant focus on anything but the negative ones on here 😁 Eating her alive because she tries to fool everyone on her own pages.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

AryaStark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:40 pm It sounds to me that anorexics have found a new word to hide behind when questioned about why they are so thin. They say they are “detoxing.” It’s odd because I just saw an article about something similar in the summer. Signs to watch out for and detox was in the top of the list.

People are less likely to be suspicious of them being anorexic thinking they are trying “to be healthy,” when actuality it is just plain anorexia. It’s quite sad. She stated with glee her chest was sunken in and she’s never been so skinny. Sounds to me like she definitely is anorexic or almost there, and this is all planned. Like she’s happy she’s gaining these results.
I'm glad you posted, I wanted to talk about something you said the other day (I am pretty sure it was you, hope I'm not wrong again). Ok so we talked about why is it called beauty and the beastons. Your theory about it sounding like something a child would type on accident stuck with me and made me think it will be even harder for them to prove they aren't making videos for children. (Btw I think a lot of these YouTubers think they are getting away with it. It will probably just take time for Coppa to be in full swing.)

The detox label is sad. And yeah, I've wondered if it was anorexia. If I'm not mistaken it IS possible to have several EDs at once. I have seen signs of binge eating disorder. She talked about not trusting herself with that almond butter and wanting to eat it all. And some bingers end up excessively exercising. (Hello, kickass bootcamp) They think eating is "bad" and then they starve themselves or eat gum or drink lots of coffee. (I guess it is celery for Tiff) They are then triggered by food, bread is a common trigger (I'm not saying bread is a bad food) and then they think "well I've ruined my diet now" and go on to eat lots and lots and lots, then back to starving.

Whatever it is is extremely unhealthy and the way she acts like, I'm a nurse is total bogus. Ok so even if I think she WAS a legit nurse at some point and not someone who snaked their way into it illicitly somehow, medicine changes! Science changes! She is not currently practising so it means squat! And just because some of us aren't nurses it doesn't mean we lack basic sense. There are people that aren't in the industry working on people but they still have some medical knowledge, like pharmacists and psychiatrists need to know about drugs, physiotherapists know about sport injuries etc. And the bigger she gets her audience the further she is digging herself into a pit by pretending she knows all. Because she has been caught out several times, the more people she has with a differing opinion (or even actual facts) to her the harder it will be to keep up the compulsive lying. And the way she had that little tantrum urging people to unfollow and leave her alone isn't going to cut it. It doesn't work that way.

EDs are so dangerous and she should be ashamed of herself encouraging them.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by AryaStark »

Gossipgurl wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:50 pm Look at how many comments she got on that hospital picture. That's EXACTLY what she wanted. Shes just praying one of her kids has an "accident" so they can be admitted to the ER.

She is just a sick and twisted piece of shit.

All those positive comments and she still cant focus on anything but the negative ones on here 😁 Eating her alive because she tries to fool everyone on her own pages.
Isn’t it alarming that her subs can watch this recent vlog and not be concerned? She spends every day in bed because her body is so weak from not eating. She says her back hurts-yeah because you are in bed half the day! You’re absolutely right this is all sick and twisted.
I’m calling it right now. She will be admitted into the hospital because this will all go left. Exactly what she wants. Attention, GFM’s, and venmo’s and more likes and subs.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

scojacar wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:34 pm
thisisgold21 wrote:
NeonJellyShark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:23 pm I don’t think I’ll ever understand this “detox” crap. She’s a nurse, the body detoxes itself and doesn’t need all this hippie dippy BS to keep it healthy.

I keep seeing this medical medium around everywhere and he’s personally a fraud, imho.

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I agree with the fraud accusation but honestly haven't done much research. He doesn't have a medical degree and is by trade a medium. What exactly is his education on plant biology and human biology?
The “Spirit of Compassion” granted him all his knowledge when he was 4 years old.

No, seriously.

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Oh good, now they have a fake career path they can force Carter into. He is 4, time for the beastons to tell us about all Carter's knowledge.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by AryaStark »

IcedCoffee wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:00 pm
AryaStark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:40 pm It sounds to me that anorexics have found a new word to hide behind when questioned about why they are so thin. They say they are “detoxing.” It’s odd because I just saw an article about something similar in the summer. Signs to watch out for and detox was in the top of the list.

People are less likely to be suspicious of them being anorexic thinking they are trying “to be healthy,” when actuality it is just plain anorexia. It’s quite sad. She stated with glee her chest was sunken in and she’s never been so skinny. Sounds to me like she definitely is anorexic or almost there, and this is all planned. Like she’s happy she’s gaining these results.
I'm glad you posted, I wanted to talk about something you said the other day (I am pretty sure it was you, hope I'm not wrong again). Ok so we talked about why is it called beauty and the beastons. Your theory about it sounding like something a child would type on accident stuck with me and made me think it will be even harder for them to prove they aren't making videos for children. (Btw I think a lot of these YouTubers think they are getting away with it. It will probably just take time for Coppa to be in full swing.)

The detox label is sad. And yeah, I've wondered if it was anorexia. If I'm not mistaken it IS possible to have several EDs at once. I have seen signs of binge eating disorder. She talked about not trusting herself with that almond butter and wanting to eat it all. And some bingers end up excessively exercising. (Hello, kickass bootcamp) They think eating is "bad" and then they starve themselves or eat gum or drink lots of coffee. (I guess it is celery for Tiff) They are then triggered by food, bread is a common trigger (I'm not saying bread is a bad food) and then they think "well I've ruined my diet now" and go on to eat lots and lots and lots, then back to starving.

Whatever it is is extremely unhealthy and the way she acts like, I'm a nurse is total bogus. Ok so even if I think she WAS a legit nurse at some point and not someone who snaked their way into it illicitly somehow, medicine changes! Science changes! She is not currently practising so it means squat! And just because some of us aren't nurses it doesn't mean we lack basic sense. There are people that aren't in the industry working on people but they still have some medical knowledge, like pharmacists and psychiatrists need to know about drugs, physiotherapists know about sport injuries etc. And the bigger she gets her audience the further she is digging herself into a pit by pretending she knows all. Because she has been caught out several times, the more people she has with a differing opinion (or even actual facts) to her the harder it will be to keep up the compulsive lying. And the way she had that little tantrum urging people to unfollow and leave her alone isn't going to cut it. It doesn't work that way.

EDs are so dangerous and she should be ashamed of herself encouraging them.
Yeah I wondered if maybe she’d change the title of her
channel in case she’d be scrutinized more. But they’re business
as usual and don’t seem to care about what content they can
and can’t show.
She doesn’t even speak like nurses. Her medical speak is full of descriptions as “stuff” and “things.” I know some nurses and none speak as unintelligent as she does. It blows my mind how she time and again just does not sound like a once medical professional.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by 4littlemonkeys »

Salamisammich wrote:
CrankyPants wrote:
Salamisammich wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:50 pm And suddenly I see the light! This bitch is trying to go the natural route because she doesn’t have health insurance... a $550 dollar copay doesn’t sound right to me Image that synthroid must be mighty expensive

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You can't have a co-pay without insurance. A co-pay is the part you pay before insurance kicks in. If you don't have insurance...you just have a bill.
Ah gotcha... still I thought my insurance sucked, my ER copay is $150... they must have some shit insurance

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They have to pay full price for insurance instead of having an employer cover a part of the premium. To make it affordable, they likely chose a HDHP with shitty coverage. That's why the ER copay is so much.

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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

Gossipgurl wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 11:54 am The amount of fast food they eat is disgusting. You're telling me that 2 adults that 'work from home' cant make dinner every night? Is she detoxing from chik fil a?
They are just waiting til the kids are old enough to cook probably. Her food looks disgusting.

I've been curious before, is her kitchen baby proofed? I know I saw uncovered electrical outlets when she was blowing up balloons for the baby shark party
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

AryaStark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:11 pm
IcedCoffee wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:00 pm
AryaStark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:40 pm It sounds to me that anorexics have found a new word to hide behind when questioned about why they are so thin. They say they are “detoxing.” It’s odd because I just saw an article about something similar in the summer. Signs to watch out for and detox was in the top of the list.

People are less likely to be suspicious of them being anorexic thinking they are trying “to be healthy,” when actuality it is just plain anorexia. It’s quite sad. She stated with glee her chest was sunken in and she’s never been so skinny. Sounds to me like she definitely is anorexic or almost there, and this is all planned. Like she’s happy she’s gaining these results.
I'm glad you posted, I wanted to talk about something you said the other day (I am pretty sure it was you, hope I'm not wrong again). Ok so we talked about why is it called beauty and the beastons. Your theory about it sounding like something a child would type on accident stuck with me and made me think it will be even harder for them to prove they aren't making videos for children. (Btw I think a lot of these YouTubers think they are getting away with it. It will probably just take time for Coppa to be in full swing.)

The detox label is sad. And yeah, I've wondered if it was anorexia. If I'm not mistaken it IS possible to have several EDs at once. I have seen signs of binge eating disorder. She talked about not trusting herself with that almond butter and wanting to eat it all. And some bingers end up excessively exercising. (Hello, kickass bootcamp) They think eating is "bad" and then they starve themselves or eat gum or drink lots of coffee. (I guess it is celery for Tiff) They are then triggered by food, bread is a common trigger (I'm not saying bread is a bad food) and then they think "well I've ruined my diet now" and go on to eat lots and lots and lots, then back to starving.

Whatever it is is extremely unhealthy and the way she acts like, I'm a nurse is total bogus. Ok so even if I think she WAS a legit nurse at some point and not someone who snaked their way into it illicitly somehow, medicine changes! Science changes! She is not currently practising so it means squat! And just because some of us aren't nurses it doesn't mean we lack basic sense. There are people that aren't in the industry working on people but they still have some medical knowledge, like pharmacists and psychiatrists need to know about drugs, physiotherapists know about sport injuries etc. And the bigger she gets her audience the further she is digging herself into a pit by pretending she knows all. Because she has been caught out several times, the more people she has with a differing opinion (or even actual facts) to her the harder it will be to keep up the compulsive lying. And the way she had that little tantrum urging people to unfollow and leave her alone isn't going to cut it. It doesn't work that way.

EDs are so dangerous and she should be ashamed of herself encouraging them.
Yeah I wondered if maybe she’d change the title of her
channel in case she’d be scrutinized more. But they’re business
as usual and don’t seem to care about what content they can
and can’t show.
She doesn’t even speak like nurses. Her medical speak is full of descriptions as “stuff” and “things.” I know some nurses and none speak as unintelligent as she does. It blows my mind how she time and again just does not sound like a once medical professional.
Yep, I think even if she was a nurse she didn't get to be a nurse honestly. She must have used deceit to get there.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by ApothicDrunk »

IcedCoffee wrote:
AryaStark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:40 pm It sounds to me that anorexics have found a new word to hide behind when questioned about why they are so thin. They say they are “detoxing.” It’s odd because I just saw an article about something similar in the summer. Signs to watch out for and detox was in the top of the list.

People are less likely to be suspicious of them being anorexic thinking they are trying “to be healthy,” when actuality it is just plain anorexia. It’s quite sad. She stated with glee her chest was sunken in and she’s never been so skinny. Sounds to me like she definitely is anorexic or almost there, and this is all planned. Like she’s happy she’s gaining these results.
I'm glad you posted, I wanted to talk about something you said the other day (I am pretty sure it was you, hope I'm not wrong again). Ok so we talked about why is it called beauty and the beastons. Your theory about it sounding like something a child would type on accident stuck with me and made me think it will be even harder for them to prove they aren't making videos for children. (Btw I think a lot of these YouTubers think they are getting away with it. It will probably just take time for Coppa to be in full swing.)

The detox label is sad. And yeah, I've wondered if it was anorexia. If I'm not mistaken it IS possible to have several EDs at once. I have seen signs of binge eating disorder. She talked about not trusting herself with that almond butter and wanting to eat it all. And some bingers end up excessively exercising. (Hello, kickass bootcamp) They think eating is "bad" and then they starve themselves or eat gum or drink lots of coffee. (I guess it is celery for Tiff) They are then triggered by food, bread is a common trigger (I'm not saying bread is a bad food) and then they think "well I've ruined my diet now" and go on to eat lots and lots and lots, then back to starving.

Whatever it is is extremely unhealthy and the way she acts like, I'm a nurse is total bogus. Ok so even if I think she WAS a legit nurse at some point and not someone who snaked their way into it illicitly somehow, medicine changes! Science changes! She is not currently practising so it means squat! And just because some of us aren't nurses it doesn't mean we lack basic sense. There are people that aren't in the industry working on people but they still have some medical knowledge, like pharmacists and psychiatrists need to know about drugs, physiotherapists know about sport injuries etc. And the bigger she gets her audience the further she is digging herself into a pit by pretending she knows all. Because she has been caught out several times, the more people she has with a differing opinion (or even actual facts) to her the harder it will be to keep up the compulsive lying. And the way she had that little tantrum urging people to unfollow and leave her alone isn't going to cut it. It doesn't work that way.

EDs are so dangerous and she should be ashamed of herself encouraging them.
Her sister is the one that started with the crazy relationship with food. They constantly talk about what they are eating and can’t eat and don’t “trust themselves”. They act ravenous for chocolate. She stopped eating before her wedding. Couldn’t tell the camera fast enough in this new vlog she’s so skinny and has a sunken in stomach. They both have crazy eating disorders.
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by luxe0780 »

currently watching bfv. her insane rambling whilst sitting in the car - wtf. she keeps taking over chris and cutting him off. she goes off on tangents and he’s got this bored, faraway look in his eyes. i think he knows she’s gone bananas. she looks like an emaciated skeleton sitting there. that hat is bigger than her head.

so the boys are at school. where’s ella?? so they get the morning off parenting, then collect the boys from “school” (daycare) then “home for lunch and naptime”. so it’s more time without the kids. carter won’t nap so he’s numbed into silence with a tablet. ellas being an annoying asshole so chris takes her to run errands. chris is enjoying being out on the road with smella and out of the house away from t.dictator, but he looks scared, terrified to be roaming freely out of her clutches. so he reluctantly returns home, citing he needs “family time”. he looks like he needs a fucking vacation from his wife. he’s literally going home because he’s scared if he stays out, she will go off at him. she’s “too sick” to be left home alone with two of her kids. plus tanner is cranky. golly gosh, however will she cope!? 😱😱

this is a joke. it’s called beaston family vibes, yet over half the vlog shows them avoiding their own kids. yet they say they want more?? chris looks like he needs a trip to the er after caring for 3 kids alone and they’re talking about adding a fourth?? why?? so he can actually die of exhaustion while she lays in bed like a disgusting grot doing sweet fuck all?
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Re: T.Beast: Skims Charity Money Like a Thief, Sponging Off Others Grief | Beauty & The Beastons | Part 11

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

ApothicDrunk wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:18 pm
IcedCoffee wrote:
AryaStark wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:40 pm It sounds to me that anorexics have found a new word to hide behind when questioned about why they are so thin. They say they are “detoxing.” It’s odd because I just saw an article about something similar in the summer. Signs to watch out for and detox was in the top of the list.

People are less likely to be suspicious of them being anorexic thinking they are trying “to be healthy,” when actuality it is just plain anorexia. It’s quite sad. She stated with glee her chest was sunken in and she’s never been so skinny. Sounds to me like she definitely is anorexic or almost there, and this is all planned. Like she’s happy she’s gaining these results.
I'm glad you posted, I wanted to talk about something you said the other day (I am pretty sure it was you, hope I'm not wrong again). Ok so we talked about why is it called beauty and the beastons. Your theory about it sounding like something a child would type on accident stuck with me and made me think it will be even harder for them to prove they aren't making videos for children. (Btw I think a lot of these YouTubers think they are getting away with it. It will probably just take time for Coppa to be in full swing.)

The detox label is sad. And yeah, I've wondered if it was anorexia. If I'm not mistaken it IS possible to have several EDs at once. I have seen signs of binge eating disorder. She talked about not trusting herself with that almond butter and wanting to eat it all. And some bingers end up excessively exercising. (Hello, kickass bootcamp) They think eating is "bad" and then they starve themselves or eat gum or drink lots of coffee. (I guess it is celery for Tiff) They are then triggered by food, bread is a common trigger (I'm not saying bread is a bad food) and then they think "well I've ruined my diet now" and go on to eat lots and lots and lots, then back to starving.

Whatever it is is extremely unhealthy and the way she acts like, I'm a nurse is total bogus. Ok so even if I think she WAS a legit nurse at some point and not someone who snaked their way into it illicitly somehow, medicine changes! Science changes! She is not currently practising so it means squat! And just because some of us aren't nurses it doesn't mean we lack basic sense. There are people that aren't in the industry working on people but they still have some medical knowledge, like pharmacists and psychiatrists need to know about drugs, physiotherapists know about sport injuries etc. And the bigger she gets her audience the further she is digging herself into a pit by pretending she knows all. Because she has been caught out several times, the more people she has with a differing opinion (or even actual facts) to her the harder it will be to keep up the compulsive lying. And the way she had that little tantrum urging people to unfollow and leave her alone isn't going to cut it. It doesn't work that way.

EDs are so dangerous and she should be ashamed of herself encouraging them.
Her sister is the one that started with the crazy relationship with food. They constantly talk about what they are eating and can’t eat and don’t “trust themselves”. They act ravenous for chocolate. She stopped eating before her wedding. Couldn’t tell the camera fast enough in this new vlog she’s so skinny and has a sunken in stomach. They both have crazy eating disorders.
It's often picked up from parents. The fact they both have these issues makes me think that's how they were raised and that's why I have said a lot that the kids will have eating issues.

They have learnt to measure their worth by their weight. No wonder Tiffani said she felt the best she has ever felt. It's got nothing to do with her fake flu or stomach or whatever she was on about. It's got everything to do with being thin. She feels the best she ever felt because she is so skinny and that is how she holds her esteem.

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