T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Onchao16 »

Okay, last thing. She really is looking malnourished. The teeth/mouth area is too prominent for her face and fullness. That’s a telltale sign for me if that makes sense. And the shoulders. She really needs to quit this ‘cleanse’

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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This is the look of starvation
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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i’ve wondered the same thing about tanner but when they mentioned the potty thing i figured he isn’t. there is also that change mat in the boys room which made me think he’s still in diapers.

my little boy didn’t toilet train til he was 3 years and
4 months old. we kept trying and offering and he’d do it for a day or two then it was just accident after accident. i don’t know what skeletor and shrimpdick are doing but it could just be a case that he’s not ready. when my little guy finally got there, it literally happened in a day. it was actually better, it’s like it just clicked for him and he suddenly got it. basically no accidents. i’d advocate waiting a bit longer and the child being actually ready than pushing it too soon and having weeks/months of accidents.

i bet trashi will address tanners toileting status now and quote me verbatim. hi trashi! you’re welcome bitch!

the ella ear infection thing is terrible. if the child needs antibiotics and trashi didn’t give them then she’s just negligent and cruel. you wouldn’t let an animal suffer in pain, why would you let your own child suffer in pain? if ellas eardrum bursts she will have a whole lot more problems on her hands. has she gone that screwballs in the head that she now shuns even the most basic medical intervention? i’m actually worried about her, she seems to rule the roost with an iron clutch....chris is the co-parent there, did she get his input? i wonder if he argues with her but she shouts him down? it’s like tiffani is making all the decisions around the food, diet, medical stuff in that house? it’s actually scary. she’s a walking skeleton, rants and raves like an unhinged lunatic and is supposedly in charge of the safety and well-being of small humans? she can barely care for herself at this point, i would be very very worried if i was chris. who knows, maybe he is. i noticed he looked sad and distant when he sat at that little table with his celery juice too. like what has my life become and how did it become such a circus. their lives are a joke. somewhere along the way, they’ve fallen off the tracks and the wheels came off. chris needs to step up and be a man, now more than ever, and get things back on track. tiff is not well, if she wants to slowly kill herself well that’s her choice. but chris needs to step in and be a dad for his kids. tiffani is dangerous and she seems to be the only one driving the train wreck. i would seriously love t sit down with chris for a one on one and get his honest and unfiltered thoughts.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by luxe0780 »

Not_Sponsored wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:01 am Stop trying make Ella happen, Tiffani, it’s not going to happen. She acts like Ella is the most perfect looking baby in the world. She’s not special. She’s Gollum.
i don’t get it, she’s practically bald? my kid at 18 months had a full head of lustrous locks (asian hair thanks to his dad). ella has pubic hair stuck to her skull. she resembles gollum increasingly with each passing day. the only way ella will “happen” is when lord of the rings puts out a call for a human gollum and ella can audition and get the part. a little dancing monkey gollum. trashi just needs ella to learn to say “preciousssssss” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by luxe0780 »

i know bri cops a lot of shit for dumping her kids at GG’s a bit, but i’ve been thinking....if she was working an office job, she would be doing the same. or even if she was doing an office job from home. she’d need some form of childcare (she could use daycare a bit and maybe she does, who knows, but that’s not my point), as she’s actually working hard. i think she cops flak because she calls herself a “stay at home mom” but she’s not really, she’s a work at home mom. people see stay at home mom and think well where are your kids. but she does work and she works hard and she does a good job, so i think the fact the kids are at GG’s is fine. i wouldn’t expect to work at home/from home or go to the office and have my
kids with me, why should she?

trashi on the other hand, is a stay at home lazy pig and still can’t get it right. she does no work, what little she does
churn out with chris’ help is crazy garbage and she can’t even take care of her kids. it’s like a zoo at their place.

and who knows, maybe bri has her kids out of the way a bit more to protect their privacy. she doesn’t pawn them to the camera like dancing monkeys the way trashi does, so maybe that’s why. kids don’t get a say in this YT gig and once shit is online, it’s online forever. maybe bri realizes this and so she makes sure the kids aren’t there too much when she’s filming. makes sense.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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in her stories, can’t remember if it was her oils page or her ig, she had a link to some other quack lady, who had a shopping list of oils she used during pregnancy. first trimester, she recommended and used lavender. lavender is consistently contraindicated during the first trimester as it can be a miscarriage risk. this is old news. why is she promoting such dangerous stuff?? it worries me some poor gullible person will take her word as gospel and not be judicious enough to do their own research and end up losing their baby or causing irreversible harm to their baby and/or themselves.

her posts really should come with a warning, what she’s doing is promoting very dangerous ideas that could cause people serious harm. and it’s especially heinous coming from someone who is supposedly a medical person with a current nursing license and is college educated in the field! her license should be revoked immediately. if she wants to follow this nonsense then that’s her choice, but as a medical person she has a duty of care to her followers to not promote dangerous ideas. if she wasn’t trained medically then i think it wouldn’t be as bad, but it worries me people will take her more seriously and follow her ideas because of the fact she is/was a nurse and therefore they think what she says is somehow medically sound. she needs to publicly step down from the RN label and announce that her views are merely her own and not medically proven and that people can use her ideas at their own risk. imagine if someone died or serious harm came to them, how would you ever live with that on your conscience??

my thoughts are, she clings to the RN status because it’s the last shred of credibility she has. she picks and chooses what suits her; want credibility? play up the RN angle. but then she wants to be all natural and claims her oils cure everything. pick a side t.idiot!!
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by luxe0780 »

Onchao16 wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:54 am Oh, and her IG story saying to follow him. Well he’d have more followers if he didn’t block people for having legitimate questions and concerns regarding car seats etc

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just buy followers? they do that anyway so why is getting to 30k any different?
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by AryaStark »

Not_Sponsored wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:01 am Stop trying make Ella happen, Tiffani, it’s not going to happen. She acts like Ella is the most perfect looking baby in the world. She’s not special. She’s Gollum.
Haha of course she thinks that hair is normal it’s more than she has without the weave. Time to invest in some baby wig-weaves so they both can match.
She already plops her horse hair on top of the kid’s head to see what she looks like, also probably to see if it would cover the half eye.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by luxe0780 »

Onchao16 wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:46 am They both slept in for this vlog. So who had the kids?!?! She’s at Target with a friend, he’s doing errands. Yet neither has Ella?!?! WTF do these two need a sitter?!?! If you want to show REAL LIFE then actual take your fucking kids on errands with you. *mindblown*

Minimalist yet new water bottles?!?! Okay Trashi. I swear she has purchased something every day this year.

And the dairy wouldn’t be out of her system that quick to make the eczema clear up that fast.

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i actually think all this ella eczema nonsense is just a distraction from her eating disorder. it’s a way to justify surviving on celery juice and half a blueberry. i don’t think she’s even still nursing anymore. her body looks like it can barely sustain itself, never mind produce milk for a child.

i believe all this eczema nonsense and ella “reacting” to things is a way to legitimize her anorexia. tiff, you have anorexia, stop pretending you don’t. stop using ella to justify starving yourself. you look deathly; get help.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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Gossipgurl wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:41 pm This is the look of starvation
And a grandmother. yikes. I thought it was a cute sixty plus year old holding her grandkids.
Anorexia is a hell of a illness.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by CrankyPants »

She is text book Orthorexia.

I can't watch her, honestly, it's too reminiscent to when my niece was in the throes of anorexia/bulimia and would throw up 20x a day. She looked like that, sunken, hallow, dehydrated, gaunt. I just can't watch her. I try, I peek in for a post on IG and end up scrolling on past everything.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

Salamisammich wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:26 am After 4 or 5 days of cutting out dairy Ellas eczema disappeared... But he said she had a belly ache and her diaper proved that this morning Image also why can’t this bitch turn around and say hi or something during his vlogging!? What a bitch she is in the beginning of his video! Back completely turned with her stringy witch hair. He shows her mixing up supplements and she still can’t turn around... I’ve noticed this in so many of his vlogs.

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Got to milk (no pun intended) it for likes and prayers and mentions right? Even though anyone stopping to think about it would have the exact same thought process of you, that this could just have been over.

She shows her true colors in his channel. She doesn't try to maintain this fake image she has for herself. I wonder if she ever watches the vlogs, I think she doesn't or she would pop on that fake voice more.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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luxe0780 wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:30 pm
Onchao16 wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:54 am Oh, and her IG story saying to follow him. Well he’d have more followers if he didn’t block people for having legitimate questions and concerns regarding car seats etc

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just buy followers? they do that anyway so why is getting to 30k any different?
They probably realized it was not cost effective. I think they are losing money and racking up debt fast and buying subs means less money for Tiffani's leopard print fetish.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

luxe0780 wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:57 pm i’ve wondered the same thing about tanner but when they mentioned the potty thing i figured he isn’t. there is also that change mat in the boys room which made me think he’s still in diapers.

my little boy didn’t toilet train til he was 3 years and
4 months old. we kept trying and offering and he’d do it for a day or two then it was just accident after accident. i don’t know what skeletor and shrimpdick are doing but it could just be a case that he’s not ready. when my little guy finally got there, it literally happened in a day. it was actually better, it’s like it just clicked for him and he suddenly got it. basically no accidents. i’d advocate waiting a bit longer and the child being actually ready than pushing it too soon and having weeks/months of accidents.
I think it's the way Chris shamed him for it that caused people to wonder. If he's not ready, he's not ready. But by 3 they definitely should have TRIED, they may have, but I doubt they have. He is their forgotten child.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

Not_Sponsored wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:01 am Stop trying make Ella happen, Tiffani, it’s not going to happen.
"Cady, all I've been eating are these celery sticks. They suck"
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by charliema16 »

Wow. In that last BFV video, where she is wearing the love heart pyjamas, she actually does look unwell. Like, really too thin.

I never thought I’d say this but I feel sorry for her. Anorexia is a life threatening illness. ☹️
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by AryaStark »

She put their names in cursive on the water bottles.? That is of course a dumb idea. They need examples of how to write and recognize their names in print. Of course Carter can’t print his name, he has no examples around in his realia to work off of. All the cursive right now is doing is confusing the kid.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by YT13 »

Gossipgurl wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:41 pm This is the look of starvation
I couldn't get over how awful her feet look in those slippers in the first pic. The slippers look 4 sizes too big for her bony ass feet.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by sunshine616 »

I scrolled through BFV...

1. Ella is going to be a brat someday
2. They have no control over their kids
3. Why was Chris filming Tiff and the dogs butt...awkward
4. Tiffani...I know you read here...you look awful...eat normal food...this has got to stop...you used to be so healthy and full of life...you really need to get help. Remember Karen Carpenter...you are doing your body so much damage. I am really actually worried for you!
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Onchao16 »

CrankyPants wrote:She is text book Orthorexia.

I can't watch her, honestly, it's too reminiscent to when my niece was in the throes of anorexia/bulimia and would throw up 20x a day. She looked like that, sunken, hallow, dehydrated, gaunt. I just can't watch her. I try, I peek in for a post on IG and end up scrolling on past everything.
Is that where the persons eats but has a bunch of food restrictions and special diets? Fake restrictions that is. Just a way to have the control, say you’re “eating” but I’m fact barely eating. If so, totally het. Gets rid of one food group at a time. And now this “cleanse”.

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