T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by AryaStark »

IcedCoffee wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:27 pm Oh she's definitely triggering more than one or two people.

Not just her body and food issues, but children that grew up like Tanner is, unloved and unwanted and gaslit and shoved to the side until their parents decided to show them off or to pretend to care. Or people that are legitimately suicidal and she says she told Chris and was cured, whereas others struggle for YEARS with suicidal idealization and self harm and feelings of worthlessness and actual therapy not helping trying different meds and she is over there like oh you just tell your husband and Presto! Or people with trouble conceiving here she is talking about her struggles. And when Brittani's baby dies and she is talking about donating milk and how Britt should handle it, that's gotta be triggering to people going through that. How she claims to have OCD, she wears these ailments/illnesses/issues/whatever like they are badges of honor because she is that desperate for attention. Her actual struggles she won't address. She makes shit up. Isn't it so ironic that she is DYING FOR ATTENTION but literally won't give attention to her own children? She is failing them! It's so hypocritical and twisted.

Also how many of us have said we had a friend like Tiffani or a mother like Tiffani etc? So many people are finding her personality as relatable in the sense that we have seen signs or lived with a narcissist etc, that's not the kind of relatable that anyone should want to be or strive to be.

Like I said a while ago but it got buried, Chris posted a pic of one of the boys shopping, no sign of him or Tiffani in the post, I said it was nice of the babysitter to run errands and text that pic to them. There is no way they were on that trip. If they were there they would be in the photo. Can you even Imagine asking your husband to constantly be taking photos of you? I think I would feel embarrassed for that! My husband takes candid photos of me or we might pose if we are some place nice but if I was having to ASK for his validation I would feel pretty damn low!

They can't let anything be about the kids, it always has an agenda. They can't take a family trip without posting it everywhere. They can't eat a meal without it being filmed. It's just sick
Her this is real life is a lie because like you said she won’t deal with the issues she knows she has. It’s too bad people fall for it. Air out your dirty laundry but don’t expect me to.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

Her "real life" bit is just to throw hate at people that achieve more than her because it's unattainable. I would be curious as to what the older people here (and in general) think of this "trend" where you show a messy home? For me, I think no home is perfect all the time but why start bragging about the mess? It literally comes off as gloating, not humbling if that's what she was going for. It's like she thinks this trend is inspiring women but really I think it's just lowering our bar of what is acceptable. I think it's just becoming normal to be a slob. She isn't helping that. My home gets messy but why post about it? The time it takes to get a photo and try and get shouted out by T.Cel I could have picked up a broom or whatever and got into it.

I never get why some of these YouTubers talk about how "real" it is yet they don't show themselves in real scenarios? Kids being in hospital but mom has perfect make up? Not real. It's like everything is backwards, it's so perplexing to me.

Yeah she seems like the type who would lap up others dirty laundry, relish in the fact and then use it against them.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

I just had a thought, I wonder if Tiffani doesn't want to get actual help for her mental issues because she is worried about weight gain. Don't a lot of those anti depressants and anti anxiety meds have weight gain as a potential side effect? Though it could be that she doesn't want to admit to her #thisisreallife
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by sunshine616 »

IcedCoffee wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 2:30 am I just had a thought, I wonder if Tiffani doesn't want to get actual help for her mental issues because she is worried about weight gain. Don't a lot of those anti depressants and anti anxiety meds have weight gain as a potential side effect? Though it could be that she doesn't want to admit to her #thisisreallife
You hit thr nail on the head I was on a medication for nerve pain but it is also a class of antidepressant and I gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time and it didn't even help with the pain so I went off.

I would never tag my messy house for this is real life. Yeah we have parts of our house that get messy but at the end of the day my kids help me clean it up and once a week when my husband is home we divide and conquer and clean the whole house top to bottom...even the kids help dusting and even vacuuming because we are trying to teach them responsibility.

Tiffani has serious issues...I won't watch anymore of her YT until she gets help. I definitely won't watch if she gets pregnant. I have no respect for this family anymore. It was more relatable when Chris had a job and Tiff stayed home. Now it is just a pathetic mess. As someone said what she is projecting on her kids is not healthy.

Juicing is healthy when you incorporate it with a well balanced diet...if she wants to eat clean she can do so eating avocado for fat...nuts...healthy oils...fish...chicken etc...but what she is doing is bad...how long will it last until she winds up in cardiac arrest because she is so nutrient deprived.

Chris needs to grow a pair and say enough is enough.
Even if it means taking the kids and going to his parents or whatever she needs to go to a clinic.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

Her husband is the most spineless man I've ever seen. I don't know how she, or any of her pathetic fans, would want a man like that. Not only is he extremely feminine, hes also a YES man, to the point of annoyance.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by sunshine616 »

Gossipgurl wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:40 am Her husband is the most spineless man I've ever seen. I don't know how she, or any of her pathetic fans, would want a man like that. Not only is he extremely feminine, hes also a YES man, to the point of annoyance.
Yes like a flipping jellyfish
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Deceased »

I have a lot to say about orthorexia/anorexia. My mother has had it my whole life and it has inexplicably damaged our relationship. She is 61 and it gets worse every year. She has health problems because of it most recently severe kidney stones (from eating nothing but greens) and muscle wasting and brain fog..... I could go on. My father has enabled her so much that he too is frail and anorexic.
This family is on a fast track to disaster.
I believe that she is manipulating her thyroid disorder to make herself sick. She wants the TTC journey or to be terminally ill just for the attention. It goes along with her orthorexia and personality disorder.
Her children and potential next baby will be damaged physically because of what she is doing to herself and them. She will have that on her conscience. I don’t understand how anyone can look up to her. This is what’s wrong in our society when sick individuals prop themselves up on a pedestal and followers eat it up.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by BlondeQueen96 »

I hate when she says in her videos "JuSt AlL oF iT" like how about actually using intellegent words my gosh

I also have strong suspicions Chris's parents dislike Tiffani
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Momma2three »

I’m currently suffering thru her latest get it all done blah blah, I’m at the point she’s throwing laundry in. Girl you are scary skinny. Not healthy, cute or just naturally thin skinny.....it’s skin and bones scary skinny.

I also see she’s wearing blush tone leggings(Bri wears these all👏🏻The👏🏻Timeeee👏🏻) girl once again you are copying your former friend, now nemesis, Bri K. Taking digs at Bri by using #thisisreallife or “you don’t have to be perfect and have everything together” DONT DENY IT girl. You, deep down inside are jelly of Bri. Now, Bri annoys me, but I’d rather watch her over this conTskelly.

I truly feel for the young mothers that think Tiff is goals. She is setting a terrible example what is healthy and normal. And more importantly a disastrous situation for her children. Just awful.

I’m pausing this wonderful, enlightening, how would I ever function without Tiffys wisdom🙄, video for aLittle. I have actual housework to do, along with taking care of my family. Something Tiff does when only the camera is on, and even that is stretching🤮
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by BlondeQueen96 »

I couldnt even watch it, I started too but the clothing haul right at the start bored me to death, (she made sure to note shes an XS size) Then skipped forward to her cleaning out her fridge and even that was boring, Why cant she just be entertaining!!?!? DANG
OH if she was actually buying ORGANIC produce then she shouldnt have to soak it in soap water like that. I dont think she understands what organic means. a simple rinse in water is more than enough SHE ENDED UP DOING THAT ANYWAY. Again being extra for no reason.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by brittsmom111 »

Def not going to bother to watch it. She does the most boring videos... with very little work or time put into them..
It will consist of
10 min of chopping an onion
10 min of cleaning fruit
10 min of boiling water
15 min of putting oil drops into a diffuser..drop by drop in slow motion :?
10 min of trying on tacky ugly clothes
The End
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

Lol slightly moving objects to face a certain way ... *extreme clean*
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by brittsmom111 »

Gossipgurl wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:16 am Lol slightly moving objects to face a certain way ... *extreme clean*
LOL Yes and don't forget her" Decorate with me" = hanging 2 banners she bought from the dollar tree across each mirror placing a small ugly black clock that cost 2.00 on the mantel....the end :?
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Salamisammich »

Talks about thred up and clothes waste with her affiliate link but guys here’s the new clothes I got for my kids for St. Patrick’s Day at target with a swipe up link

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by IcedCoffee »

Her last few videos have been really long, YouTube pays by how long people watch right? I'm only watching stories and she makes a point to say it's 45 minutes long.

Who here dresses their kids for St Patrick's Day? I don't know anyone who does. I don't understand why she is doing this, is it just for content or does she always do this? Where I live mostly people just use it as an excuse to get drunk.

I never understand why she brags about staying up late to meal prep, so do many many people or catch up on chores. Plus she mostly lazes around in bed deleting comments all day, gets up for her celery juice and to film her videos everything else is all Chris.

Lol at HER trying to give lessons on carbon footprint. I don't buy take out coffees, I don't even REMEMBER the last time I bought clothes for myself, I often buy work socks for my husband because they don't last forever. And I turn our old stuff into rags.

Her trying on the outfits is so gross. She legitimately looks like a school girl but with the face of a 45 year old.
Please get help Tiffani.

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Onchao16 »

brittsmom111 wrote:Def not going to bother to watch it. She does the most boring videos... with very little work or time put into them..
It will consist of
10 min of chopping an onion
10 min of cleaning fruit
10 min of boiling water
15 min of putting oil drops into a diffuser..drop by drop in slow motion :?
10 min of trying on tacky ugly clothes
The End
Couldn’t have been more spot on! But, then again, all her videos are the same waste.

I did more today before 9:30am than she did in her entire day of “getting it all done”

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Onchao16 »

Salamisammich wrote:Talks about thred up and clothes waste with her affiliate link but guys here’s the new clothes I got for my kids for St. Patrick’s Day at target with a swipe up link

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Oh of course they need a BRAND NEW shirt they are going to wear once, instead of just simple green shirts. But, let’s all use her link to buy ourselves used clothes. It’s good for the environment. (Note, I totally buy almost all of our clothing at the thrift store, so I totally see that point. But I’m not following up with hypocritical one time use shirts lol)

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by disney8 »

lol oh she got a Hollister shirt? showing once again how she’s a child. Her outfits are things my teenage sister wears. 🙄 anddddd those nasty extensions oh my gosh! yellow and gross.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Woahhh »

Wtf is that white top she’s trying on. No... just no.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by AryaStark »

IcedCoffee wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 2:30 am I just had a thought, I wonder if Tiffani doesn't want to get actual help for her mental issues because she is worried about weight gain. Don't a lot of those anti depressants and anti anxiety meds have weight gain as a potential side effect? Though it could be that she doesn't want to admit to her #thisisreallife
I’ll tell you what my doctor told me. They do not cause weight gain. But..you feel so much better from getting the chemicals into your system that your brain is unable to produce, that some begin to eat more.

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