BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by miss_manda01 »

5 kids.... that will turn into 5 teenagers about the time that YouTube money depletes I predict. Yikes! Zero thoughts past the immediate future with her (them). What about her goals for 2020? She literally just pulls shot from her ass and has no intention of actually following thru (self admitted even I. Therapy video). She needs to learn to respect herself.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Lily_ »

I. Can’t. Believe. This. Bitch.

She has a terminally ill son, a one year old that has severe allergies and needs extra precautions, a little girl in therapy most likely due to her mother’s dumb ass choices and a little one that is constantly shadowed and ignored, instead is labeled as a “crazy” child.

Waiting 5 years for another child, my ass. Children are not to be used to keep a man or a relationship. This is 100% Frank’s idea, not hers. She does NOT want to be pregnant at all, and everyone knows that.

The only think that is tearing me apart are the kids. They are going to get the backlash of all of this.

Britney, you failed. You have failed many times before, but damn, this is your biggest one.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Crazymess1215 »

Just yikes. Fucking yikes. And here I thought Jesssfam was the one addicted to pregnancy. This is just absolutely insane. How the fuck is she gonna handle 5 kids. When it was just Aria and nolan she could hardly handle them. She constantly complained how crazy and wild they were. Wtf. So Scarlett is just gonna be around 18 months when this new baby is born? Jeez I dont understand. Poor scarlett is gonna have to grow up real fast, her mom has a new baby on the way and she wont be certain of attention anymore. Why cant she just enjoy the kids she has now? They're both complete idoits.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by sryjbc0918 »

Even though she is predictable as fuck, I still can't believe this bullshit! Wonder if this baby is a "band aid baby" like harlow. She has SERIOUS issues. If anything goes wrong in her life she just pops out another kid. What a healthy coping mechanism...smh.
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Re: Brittany and 5 babies!

Unread post by webby »

since 2011 she's been pregnant every year except 2015

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by damneaFrance »

sadie wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 3:12 pm Frank's mom posting before either of them lmao
Can you screenshot ? I'm curious to see Franck's mom spoiling the news... Maybe this is why they had to announce so early (last pregnancy they waited way longer !)
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Romeoxsavexme »

Wow. She stopped nursing so she could get pregnant easier. Her whole bullshit she told us was a fucking coverup.

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Re: Brittany and 5 babies!

Unread post by MyNameIsHope34 »

Hey,'s an idea:close your damn legs.Your mentality is fucked up and you need professional help.🙄🤦
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by MyNameIsHope34 »

Hey,'s an idea:close your damn legs.Your mentality is fucked up.🙄🤦🤔
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Hilly »

I can’t believe this ! This b**** is crazy
You guys were right once again! I really wished you werent
I feel so bad for her kids

Im not a jesss fam by ANy mean (all her kids need therapy for the mess their mom created in their life +having all their life on the internet) BUT jess enjoy her kids
Their day is packed with activities they have hobbies
And she truly enjoy being with her kids and being a mother

While brit was so so overhelmed since she had nolan
She never leaves the house her kids childhood suck
She has the means to do better but she cant bother
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by stnalp »

I don’t think she wanted to get pregnant at all and I don’t think for a second that she feels happy about this. I think Frank wanted her to have another of his babies and was bugging her non-stop like with his car. In so many of their videos he is all about it and she kept trying to say things like maybe one more, maybe in 5 years. Each time, though, she seemed to give in more and more to him going on about it. I think she was trying to hang on to breastfeeding as long as she could and that was why, for the first time ever, she made such a fuss about breastfeeding Scarlet despite all the allergies and overwhelming advice to stop (since she wouldn’t/couldn’t get her shit together for her allergies). I don’t know why she would have more kids that she doesn’t genuinely want just to keep a huge man child like Frank, other than fear of being totally on her own without anyone. Given she has no actual friends. I think even her sister, her only "friend" left is really starting to realize just how fucking crazy Bratknee is.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by stnalp »

And also, doing the depression/Therapy video right before really didn’t help soften anything for anyone with sense if you ask me. It just makes her choice of getting knocked up again that much worse. For her to go on about how many issues she is struggling with (like a volcano about to erupt she said!) and how she knows she should have dealt with these things even before she had any kids and then right after to do a pregnancy announcement? Anyone who knows Britney's behaviour can probably guess that she wont keep up with therapy since she already tried to use her children as an excuse as to why she hadn’t already been in therapy!
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Tekaspn »

She is pregnant AGAIN? No no no oh god i hope its NOT A boy.

Is nolan in any therapy? A child with special needs is expensive, can you imagine two SN kids??

She doesnt no how expensive it is because she doesnt spend a coin on nolans health

Poor kids

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BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by smom12 »

Remember when I said she posted that therapy video to soften the “haterz”and put the minions on attack for when she announces her pregnancy? Remember when I said she’s keeping Frank off social media because he had a big fucking mouth? About that.....

Also, it would be a cold day In hell when my husband would bug me about another baby and MAKE me have one. Seriously. She’s weak and he’s a man child with antiquated thinking.

This is all because he has a horse dick and Britney lost her goddamn mind and is now stuck. She doesn’t want to be pregnant. It’s all over her face. That is NOT a beaming mom to be.

And they can both fuck off.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by storeynyx »

stnalp wrote:
olemama wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:54 am
stnalp wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:16 am Brit records her and snaps photos but never captures her actually doing anything with her that would inspire learning. Even in the clips she posts, she might say one thing to her and that is all beyond laughing. Kids need to be spoken to and have actions spoken and read to etc and i dont se her doing that. My daughter was already really into books (being read to her and looking at) by 1.
I think Harlow, Aria and Scarlett fall into the normal range for physical and cognitive development for their age. (Nolan is another matter) But they are at a real disadvantage compared to children whose parents interact with them by reading, playing games, having conversations. Britney (as well as other youtubers) feels that being an influencer is wonderful because she is home with the children. But so what! Filming, staring at your phone, pecking away at your stupid computer does nothing for their development.
I dont agree that Scarlet seems normal for a child her age and i am pretty sure harlows speech is well behind at least as well. I know not all children are starting to talk or walk super well yet but that child is never shown babbling or saying anything. She is basically just now saying only mama according to britney and that is 100% not normal for a child her age. As far as her other skills, no one here can say since we dont watch her do anything besides bob her head around and stare 90% of the time, but based on that, i lean towards thinking she is probably more than likely behind in those areas as well.
I know I’m late to the party here, but in regards to Scarlett, the poor kid has been sick most of her very short life. I’m sure she’s at least uncomfortable, if by in pain most days, and with the amount of ear infections she’s had, it wouldn’t surprise me if her hearing was compromised as well.
Personal: a family member of mine had what was perceived to be a severe speech delay, up to about age 5. When he went to school, they figured out it was his ears and once he got tubes in, his speech came leaps and bounds. These things have an impact.

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Re: Brittany and 5 babies!

Unread post by here4the_drama »

At some point her cooch is going to fall out, then what will she do when her kids turn 1? Those poor kids.
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BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

This is definitely going to be her undoing & I am here for it.

I can’t wait to see her struggling like what she’s gonna do this summer when she’s in her 3rd trimester with a house is full of kids every second of the day. No seriously....what’s she gonna do when she gives birth in September & she has to get 3 ready for school on no sleep then a newborn and toddler to take care of all day?

What’s she gonna do spend thousands of dollars on a housekeeper to clean/do laundry, live on take out, have a nanny etc?? She’s such a joke...she has no idea the whole that she’s digging herself idea. She can smile all she wants for their pathetic announcement but deep down Britney is miserable as hell. Aria is in therapy, Nolan has a terminal illness,
Harlow has some kind of a delay, Scarlett has severe allergies and she chooses to have another kid...what a sick bitch....she deserves every bit of misery coming her way. I wonder what problem this new baby will have because her genes are all fucked up.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by stnalp »

The next few months, or even videos, will be really telling. She hasn’t seemed to have any desire, even as so so happy as she is lmao, to update or share or post anything. I don’t imagine seeing much happiness coming out of her any time soon. I have no clue what she will even end up posting. For some reason I really sense the end of her channel soon because she simply cant think of anything to share any more except what people want, which is clearly not what she wants since she never does those videos and because she cant handle any judgement in regards to anything and now 2 of her kids have big issues she is dealing with poorly and another on on the way who is likely to also have at least some kind of issues.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by smom12 »

Resting_Bitch_Face wrote:This is definitely going to be her undoing & I am here for it.

I can’t wait to see her struggling like what she’s gonna do this summer when she’s in her 3rd trimester with a house is full of kids every second of the day. No seriously....what’s she gonna do when she gives birth in September & she has to get 3 ready for school on no sleep then a newborn and toddler to take care of all day?

What’s she gonna do spend thousands of dollars on a housekeeper to clean/do laundry, live on take out, have a nanny etc?? She’s such a joke...she has no idea the whole that she’s digging herself idea. She can smile all she wants for their pathetic announcement but deep down Britney is miserable as hell. Aria is in therapy, Nolan has a terminal illness,
Harlow has some kind of a delay, Scarlett has severe allergies and she chooses to have another kid...what a sick bitch....she deserves every bit of misery coming her way. I wonder what problem this new baby will have because her genes are all fucked up.
Well, see this is where the bitch displays her incredible good luck, because she’ll have frank on paternity leave and he’ll be doing all that for the first 6 weeks.

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BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

stnalp wrote:The next few months, or even videos, will be really telling. She hasn’t seemed to have any desire, even as so so happy as she is lmao, to update or share or post anything. I don’t imagine seeing much happiness coming out of her any time soon. I have no clue what she will even end up posting. For some reason I really sense the end of her channel soon because she simply cant think of anything to share any more except what people want, which is clearly not what she wants since she never does those videos and because she cant handle any judgement in regards to anything and now 2 of her kids have big issues she is dealing with poorly and another on on the way who is likely to also have at least some kind of issues.
She can’t quit her channel...what will she live on?! If she stops youtube the sponsorships will also dwindle down because they’re connected to her channel & that’s where she gets all her money....sponsorships. Not only that she LIVES on the validation she gets from her subscribers but for sure you can tell she doesn’t really wanna do YT but she has no choice but to stick w/ it and upload her pathetic sad life. The only reason she doesn’t do youtube is because it’s getting harder to pretend her life is’s easy to lie when your kids can’t talk. You can tell those kids walk all over and she has absolutely no control over any of them.

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