BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by cuddlycanadian »

I can just picture these morons following the latest YouTube mom trend of waiting until the birth to learn the sex of the baby, because clearly the possibility of their child having a sex-linked terminal illness is not a concern to them.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Evian »

DoodleBop2 wrote:
Evian wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:15 am Just came across this mom talking about how they originally wanted to have 4 kids. Then her first son got diagnosed with autism at 2 years old. So they have two kids and won't have anymore.

THIS is the normal, non-crazy, unselfish way to respond. And this is autism not a terminal illness. She said it wouldn't be fair to her daughter, because she wants to be able to have time for them both.

Britney could learn a lot from mothers like this. But she has her fucking head so far up her own ass she is doomed.
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We also chose to stop having children and have permanent birth control after a disability diagnosis in one of our children. Then the following year another one of our kids received the same DX. Even though it hasn't been proven to be genetic I'm glad we already made that choice.

What burns me is she has the money to put a fuck ton of money away for his disability. Savings plans that can't be touched. Most parents of disabled kids can't do this while also paying for therapy and meds in the here and now and what another white boring inaccessible house and a car for Frenk.

It's different for them because they do the bare minimum for those kids.
Wow I'm sorry you have had to go through that.

I think that even parents with kids without a terminal diagnosis and just any kind of health issues would want to be able to focus on that child and any remaining siblings as much as possible, not to mention save money and resources for them.

Can you imagine buying a 50,000 sports car and a new fancy ring all at the same time doing absolutely nothing for your son with a terminal illness? It truly is unfathomable. It is astounding to me that people like her.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by LilSeb1010 »

What kills me too is that Britney acts like her girls won’t have any issues. There is a 50/50 chance each of the girls is a carrier. Not only can carriers have health issues, but what about when they want to have kids??? They will have to do IVF or risk having sons with DMD themselves. It’s so incredibly selfish. She puts zero thought into what her children’s lives will be like as they get older.

She and Frank are not planning for a future where her income declines, and it is going to blow up in their faces. Buying that sports car before Frank’s Fusion is paid off (let alone the Suburban) was a laughably bad financial decision. Her income is inconsistent and could decrease significantly with little warning. The last thing they should be doing is taking on more debt. And don’t even get me started on them possibly buying or building a new house.

Imagine being Aria and your mom tells you she has no money to help you with your college tuition, and you go back watch these videos where she drops 50k on a car for your stepdad without thinking twice. I’d have a stroke.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Buckeyebaby »

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I grew up and went to school with twin boys who have DMD (the same kind that Nolan has). I just found out this morning that one of them passed away. Him and his brother were incredibly close, I cannot imagine what the other is going through, especially survivors guilt.
They are 25.
Wake the fuck up brit. Do something for your son, ANYTHING. There isn’t going to magically be a cure overnight.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

Evian wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:41 am
DoodleBop2 wrote:
Evian wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:15 am Just came across this mom talking about how they originally wanted to have 4 kids. Then her first son got diagnosed with autism at 2 years old. So they have two kids and won't have anymore.

THIS is the normal, non-crazy, unselfish way to respond. And this is autism not a terminal illness. She said it wouldn't be fair to her daughter, because she wants to be able to have time for them both.

Britney could learn a lot from mothers like this. But she has her fucking head so far up her own ass she is doomed.
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We also chose to stop having children and have permanent birth control after a disability diagnosis in one of our children. Then the following year another one of our kids received the same DX. Even though it hasn't been proven to be genetic I'm glad we already made that choice.

What burns me is she has the money to put a fuck ton of money away for his disability. Savings plans that can't be touched. Most parents of disabled kids can't do this while also paying for therapy and meds in the here and now and what another white boring inaccessible house and a car for Frenk.

It's different for them because they do the bare minimum for those kids.
Wow I'm sorry you have had to go through that.

I think that even parents with kids without a terminal diagnosis and just any kind of health issues would want to be able to focus on that child and any remaining siblings as much as possible, not to mention save money and resources for them.

Can you imagine buying a 50,000 sports car and a new fancy ring all at the same time doing absolutely nothing for your son with a terminal illness? It truly is unfathomable. It is astounding to me that people like her.

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I don't get it. Every day I try and make memories with my kids because IDK what life will bring us. If we had the money we'd be checking out Disney and national parks. Have to keep it more low key here but we celebrate every holiday National Pizza Day, Chocolate ice cream day. Make those memories. I wish I thought she was simply too stupid to be afraid of her kid dying but she just seems so unaffected.

One crying video. Then it's let's have another baby. Uh what. Legit made a video lying to the RD about his diet.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Bambi_ »

Those poor kids. They’re only there for aesthetics because as so many of you have mentioned they do nothing with them. We know it’s true because if she did she’d be milking it for views. I hope they at least get better treatment at Ean’s.

I’m convinced Britch has a mental disorder, no one in their right minds makes the kind of decisions she’s been making. I just cannot wrap my head around her choices.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by MyNameIsHope34 »

honeybear wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:11 am They're talking about getting a new house too.

Idk man. I know some sponsorships do pay a good chunk of coin but there is no way she isnt in debt up to her eyeballs. They just bought a new sports car too wtf.

She is a complete train wreck, and not even the fun to watch kind because she has the personality of a potato. She just a train wreck period. No redeeming qualities. She has no hobbies, shes not a good mom, she doesn't have any meaningful relationships in her life.... what a sad existence. She fucked herself over so bad. If she thinks she is overwhelmed now, just give it a few years..

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I feel like they constantly buy shit (rugs,mugs,throw pillows,sport cars,clothes (especially for their grumpy baby) and games) to fill a void they have.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Commonlove »

Oh god, I totally forgot about the living room wedding. How ridiculous. She was ashamed of marrying him and now she's ashamed of being pregnant (for the second time). I just can't... I mean, I had my daughter when I was 20, insecure and in a crappy relationship which hadn't lasted very long. I was somehow ashamed because I already knew that I should have known better. Later we broke up and luckily didn't have more kids. But this lady is having her fifth baby with her second baby daddy. Will she ever learn? She's doing bad decisions after bad decisions. She should have definitely stopped after Scarlett and see how her marriage goes and how is Nolan doing. Then in maybe 10 years they could have thought having another baby if they really have to. Not that they will be married in 10 years, but anyway.

I feel very sorry for A&N. Wonder how many changes they will face in the future. New house again, new sibling(s)...
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Lalalilylove »

My sister just asked to bring her new boyfriend to my baby’s birthday party and she said “when you know you know” after I asked if they just started dating. I almost vomited into my mouth when Britney and franks gross faces flashed into my mind.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by neblinamist »

I honestly don't think that Aria and Brit are in therapy. She says they are for the ass kissing minions and she likes the validity of "oh, you are so strong"
The only thing "strong" about her is opening up her legs to baldy and spewing out more illegitimate children.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Bellathorne »

The last video suggestion under her video when I watched it 😂 probably eans face when he finds out she's pregnant again
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Resting_Bitch_Face »

I’m just gonna leave this here....have at it ladies.....Image
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by hellodolly_ »

Resting_Bitch_Face wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:06 am I’m just gonna leave this here....have at it ladies.....Image
Wise words, we should all strive to be more like Britney!!!
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by smom12 »

Gtfoh Britney. You wanna preach about taking care of your mental health after letting a stranger nut in you WHILE YOU KNEW YOU WERE OVULATING and have a man FORCE you to be pregnant with a baby you wanted to wait for.

Fuck you britney. Come talk to us about mental health after you stop shopping at Target to deal with your fucked mentality about babies and raw dogging a fucking stranger.


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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Evian »

Yeah we know Britney, nothing and no one is more important than YOU.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by stnalp »

People who go to the gym usually go like 3 times a week, sometimes more... how often is she going to therapy I wonder to be having days, already, where she doesn’t feel like going? lmao If nothing is more important than your mental health... why did she put it off till she had made even more issues?
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by wonderwall99 »

I was thinking the exact same thing, to refer to an above poster.
Just because her daughter's donf visibly show signs of this illness, when the time comes that they will want to have children they will have some incredibly hard decisions to make. I couldn't imagine knowing my mom conceived me after x amount of kids having the knowledge that I could either have a severe deadly illness or carry said illness to my own children.

That is some next level amount of selfish attitude that no mother should have.

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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by vonniebeth »

I mainly lurk on this thread, but oh my gosh! I go on vacation for a few days and this happens to the Boring Britney thread. I'm feeling sorry for all of Britney's kids. Aria, Harlow, and especially Nolan will be pushed away more than they already are, and who knows? Maybe Scarlett will stop being the golden child because Mommy and Daddy have a new sex trophy.

I'm behind still, so I don't know everything you might already know. All I know is I saw the pregnancy announcement shortly after opening this thread. Can't say I'm surprised Brit's pregnant though. Franky Boy needs to get his (bald) heir to his legacy.
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by fossilfinger »

Too bad Brit didn't get therapy earlier. She may have realized that creating a baby isn't a great way to cope with her issues. She has a hardship in life and gives herself a baby as a consolation prize. That's pretty scary. Most sane people put a LOT of thought into having a baby and she puts as much thought into it as splurging on an extra shot of espresso in a latte. Had a bad day? Oh, well, I'm ovulating. A baby might make it better. Might as well treat yo'self!
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Re: BritneyAndBoring: Living Our Best (Sponsored) Life! (Part 71)

Unread post by Daffodil82 »

Even if she goes to therapy 3x week....if all she does is spew lies to the therapist....what good is it doing her? Does anyone really think Britch is being open and honest about all her troubles....very doubtful.

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