T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by CrankyPants »

CoffeeGurl wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:50 am I don’t watch her videos anymore and removed her on Instagram but on occasion I check her stories...did she ever explain why she is dairy free now????
The last thing I saw was her saying she was cutting out diary because of Ella's eczema. She thought dairy was affecting her breastmilk.

<< cue eyerolls >>

She's not a real nurse. I'm convinced she bought that diploma on the black market. Surely no one this uneducated could get the RN license honestly.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by CoffeeGurl »

CrankyPants wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:10 am
CoffeeGurl wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:50 am I don’t watch her videos anymore and removed her on Instagram but on occasion I check her stories...did she ever explain why she is dairy free now????
The last thing I saw was her saying she was cutting out diary because of Ella's eczema. She thought dairy was affecting her breastmilk.

<< cue eyerolls >>

She's not a real nurse. I'm convinced she bought that diploma on the black market. Surely no one this uneducated could get the RN license honestly.

She’s an idiot! I loved her last year when I first discovered her but I just can’t watch anymore...not relatable. I’m shocked she is gaining followers everyday tbh
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by NotAnotherUserName »

Surprise, surprise, “nurse” t.idiot doesn’t understand how the pregnancy and ovulation tests work. 🙄 She’s also looking really sickly and thinner than ever. I don’t know how her body could sustain a pregnancy in this state.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by ALittleStitious »

Omg how fucking annoying was she in her spring cleaning video from the other day? "I cook everything, well almost everything, from scratch", "I cook a lot from scratch", "send me a recipe for gluten free bread, I have all the ingredients, just need a recipe", "I cook at home so much so i need all this useless shit" (okay i may have exaggerated the last one, but still. No once cares that your cook from scratch. So do i, and I, don't have a fraction of the shit you have. Stop using that as an excuse for all the junk you buy. It's amazing how little you actually need to cook fROm ScRaTcH.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Megyevans34 »

lol tiny’s new vlog.... I skim thru just to laugh quick but anyone hear her in the car saying she filmed 5 hours of footage and it’s so hard to get up 3 videos a week. LMAO STFU!!! 5 hours isn’t even a full work day!!!!!!! You don’t work this is your “job” and you suck at it. She can’t handle even doing 2 nicely edited videos a week. What an embarrassment of a person for real. All u ever hear from her is complaining and whining. T.misery 🤮
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Onchao16 »

ALittleStitious wrote:Omg how fucking annoying was she in her spring cleaning video from the other day? "I cook everything, well almost everything, from scratch", "I cook a lot from scratch", "send me a recipe for gluten free bread, I have all the ingredients, just need a recipe", "I cook at home so much so i need all this useless shit" (okay i may have exaggerated the last one, but still. No once cares that your cook from scratch. So do i, and I, don't have a fraction of the shit you have. Stop using that as an excuse for all the junk you buy. It's amazing how little you actually need to cook fROm ScRaTcH.
And did you hear her say that the Gluten Free products were sent to her by someone?!?!

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Bluecoconut »

hehe I skimmed through shrimpy’s video and wow he has such a sad life. Skeletor runs to get her nasty weave fixed and he’s home with the kids. I know he’s their dad but damn he does everything!!! All while having no other life, no friends, and being t.whacko’s personal assistant. I wonder what his mom and dad think? Wow our son went to college to be a stay at home mom..... 🙄
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by ALittleStitious »

Onchao16 wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:51 am
ALittleStitious wrote:Omg how fucking annoying was she in her spring cleaning video from the other day? "I cook everything, well almost everything, from scratch", "I cook a lot from scratch", "send me a recipe for gluten free bread, I have all the ingredients, just need a recipe", "I cook at home so much so i need all this useless shit" (okay i may have exaggerated the last one, but still. No once cares that your cook from scratch. So do i, and I, don't have a fraction of the shit you have. Stop using that as an excuse for all the junk you buy. It's amazing how little you actually need to cook fROm ScRaTcH.
And did you hear her say that the Gluten Free products were sent to her by someone?!?!

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Yes! How totally random. Who sends a youtuber ingredients to make gluten free bread? So strange.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

They have babies for youtube!!!!! They're both SICK in the head! They cant handle 3 kids but want 2 more?? SELFISH parents caring more about fame and money rather than being good parents and enjoying the 3 they BARELY pay attention to.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by RealityBites »

I hate even giving these idiots views anymore but there is nothing on tv at the moment so I'm watching Shrimp Cocktail Weenies vlog and these two are so pathetic.

Bitching about Tanner throwing up and saying he doesn't eat so he's puking bile. Probably because Trashys cooking is garbage and no one wants to eat it, including her anorexic self. Also, wtf have they not gotten Tanner tested for allergies?????? Do you hear this you two idiots???? Get your son tested for allergies for f*cks sake!!!!

Also, why are you out running around getting Starbucks, going to the chiropractor, getting that fugly, skanky weave "fixed" when your son is sick???? Who the hell is watching Tanner and Ewwa? You pathetic idiots get a sitter when your son is sick just so you can run around. Disgusting.

In the Starbucks video Trashys got her big horse jaw sticking out in Shrimps face. She's so skinny and emaciated looking now. She looks disgusting. Not attractive at all. The sick thing is she thinks she looks hot. She is starving herself so that she doesn't gain as much weight during pregnancy.

Trashy talking......."like my tailbone" Like. Like. Like. She sounds like such a ditz. She looks like such a dumbass when she talks with that confused ugly face. Grow the hell up! I'm surprised the chiropractor didn't snap her in half.

Her sister has the same annoying voice. Her baby is much cuter though. Why is Tanner around Scarlett if he's been sick and throwing up?

Ewwas doodling in notebooks like her mother and Shrimp with that girly voice. "Thats so sweet honeeeeey" He's officially a woman now. His content is showing his skank wife's ovulation and pregnancy tests. 👍

So. The kids had waffles in the morning and Shrimp is making waffles for dinner again???
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by RealityBites »

You guys. I don't think I can even hate watch these two anymore. They are gross and disgust me so much.

Talking about having a 5th when they can't even take care of the 3 they have. Neglectful of Tanner so much. CPS should start investigating.

Shrimp talking about how he wanted all girls. Creep.

The narcissism. Selfish biatch worried about Starbucks, weaves, shopping. Her fugly looks. Not a care in the world about her boys.

The stupidity. Ditz talking like a valley girl and singing makes me cringe so much. 😬

In Shrimps vlog what kind of parenting did Trashy do all day? Half ass tucked them in while she picked her ass on camera? That's all I saw. Shrimp took care of the kids besides their sitter and preschool. She did nothing and has the nerve to act like she's so exhausted.

Their only income is YouTube and she can't even handle that when 2 of her kids are in preschool, they seem to have a daily sitter, Shrimps the stay at home mom doing basically everything for the kids. How is it that hard to film 2 shitty videos of yourself chopping crap, filling jars with labels, mopping, making crockpot slop. How hard??? My husband works his butt off almost 70 hours of the week at a REAL job and I have 2 kids and don't get a lot of sleep because I'm taking care of the kids and I don't bitch like they do. Pathetic.

Sorry to say but I hope it takes her a long time to get pregnant. I would never wish problems with a pregnancy or a baby ever, but I do hope that she finds out that getting pregnant isn't as easy as shes making it seem. Putting up a blank photo frame is pretty narcissistic of her to assume it's going to be that easy when her body doesn't look nourished enough to even sustain a pregnancy.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by CrankyPants »

My prediction is...she'll get pregnant fast and miscarry because her body just doesn't have the nutrients to sustain a pregnancy. Then there will be endless clickbait and sympathy views as people slow down to see the crash on the highway.

The embryo has to live off the nutrients in the uterine lining until the placenta/cord forms, and let's be honest, even if she was taking IV vitamins, she doesn't have the nutrients in her body to make a super nutrious uterine lining. Besides, she's had like 3 periods in the last 4 weeks.

I personally take the santity of human life so much more serious than she does. I wouldn't have ever purposfully tried to get pregnant until I had a few months of optimal health behind me. That little Zygote needs the best start in life possible.

She just feeds some weird fetish with her pregnancies and breastfeeding.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Amandashnnon »

“Here’s my $800 table, but you can save $10!”

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by kristieanne87 »

Seriously, I dont regularlywatch their vlogs but I do regularly follow UG and here...and Jesus...all I fuc*ing hear about is Tanner throwing up! Little children should NzoT be throwing up that much.
Get the child checked out by ever doctor and specialist possible for fuc*s sake!!!
What horrible, horrible parenting.

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Salamisammich »

Why did she use the hashtag babyledweaning? Ella is going on two, she has teeth, she eats regular food and should get 16 ounces of milk a day with her meals... this woman is a freaking baby psycho

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by BlondeQueen96 »

I hope they do have girls, 1. When they are teenagers I hope they throw that attitude right back at them and make them miserable and realize they were sh*t parents who didnt teach them sh*t. 2. If it was a boy they will neglect him and have a 5th for a girl. god they are so sick. Chris creeps me out I think theres some wrongideas going on in his head I hope he divorces her.
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Henno »

He takes the breakfast waffles up into the bedroom and they eat them in the bed with no plates. Gross!

They finally showed the basement. It's the dumping ground we expected. They specifically focus on the 572 Easter baskets that they already have then show the ones they bought for this year. That's minimalism right there! 🤪

It's been said before but holy hell, that basement would be perfect for a playroom. She could even make a space for her fake office. Then the boys wouldn't need to share a room. But what would I know? 🤷‍♀️

She actually replied to someone who asked if they've looked into testing tanner for intolerances or allergies. Her response: "Yes we have, Ella went first for her skin since tanner is so sporadic. He is next"

The poster didn't even ask about Ella but there she is first and foremost in the reply! She's fucking crazy. 😜
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Onchao16 »

His vlogs really show just how not “real life” get staged videos are. At the beginning he is talking about how she was up making her kitchen video. That kind of stuff should be done regularly, but just because you’re filming. So, no, she doesn’t actually “get it all done”. It’s all a script.

And I gathered that Tanner went to school in the vlog. If so, they are a special kind of low sending him to school after he was throwing up.

And the justification over the recalled cups. If she had so much “anxiety” about stuff, she would sure not let them use them and take the risk. But they are “phasing them out”. What’s there to phase out?!?! It’s a fucking water bottle. Get rid of it. Get a new one. SIMPLE. Oh, and Carter only uses it supposedly, yet in her stories today, there are two on the counter. Keep lying Beastfucks

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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Henno »

Onchao16 wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:08 pm His vlogs really show just how not “real life” get staged videos are. At the beginning he is talking about how she was up making her kitchen video. That kind of stuff should be done regularly, but just because you’re filming. So, no, she doesn’t actually “get it all done”. It’s all a script.

And I gathered that Tanner went to school in the vlog. If so, they are a special kind of low sending him to school after he was throwing up.

And the justification over the recalled cups. If she had so much “anxiety” about stuff, she would sure not let them use them and take the risk. But they are “phasing them out”. What’s there to phase out?!?! It’s a fucking water bottle. Get rid of it. Get a new one. SIMPLE. Oh, and Carter only uses it supposedly, yet in her stories today, there are two on the counter. Keep lying Beastfucks

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Yeah, that was weird. It's not like they don't have time to go to the shops and buy new water bottles. I mean, at a pinch you could use a plastic cup for a day or two. Even though there'd be some mess it's only water...oh wait... Lol
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Re: T.Lazy: Sick In Bed Or Sick In Her Fake Haired Head? | Part 12

Unread post by Gossipgurl »

That basement was shocking. Filled with all the shit she buys and is "obsessed" with for 1 month. Guess she couldn't reuse those easter baskets because they weren't picture perfect for Instagram?

Poor needle d*ck .. living with a psycho

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