Jupiter wrote:Just want to put something out here. Have we actually ever HEARD a physician say this baby has a CHD. All I remember is Phil sitting down in the conference room and then Alex coming in to have her dramatic go to pieces. Then we have more drama from Alex and a "This Little Light of Mine" moment from Phil. Alex holds up 2 drawings describing a heart defect and hospitalization predictions for baby girl.
Think I'm a curmudgeonly old bitty if you want, but these two have told some real whoppers before to get views. On top of all this...wouldn't it be a devine miracle from God above if baby girl pops out and SHAZAM...she's absolutely perfect. No heart problems, 10 fingers and toes, round little noggin, and doesn't poop, puke or pee unless asked. Sleeps all nite from day 1. Alex's boobs will be flowing with milk and honey. It's like the second coming, only way better. The Congelliere's have an RV!
Well, just thought I'd run that up the flag pole and see who salutes it. Stay well friends!
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I follow a lot of youtubers...and I am an expert to undestand at least most of the times when they fake or not
Those tears in the hospital and then in the RV next to the girls , for me at least, were real tears!!!
I dont think they would say such a lie especially when Alex wanted a baby so much!
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